find the length of the arc . round your answers to the nearest tenth PLEASE HURRY


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

Length of arc=(2*pi*r)*(theta/360)

Length of arc=(2*pi*3)*(195/360)=10.2

Related Questions

What is the conjugate of
square root 8 - square root 9




Step-by-step explanation:

By definition, the conjugate of a binomial is when you switch the operator (either + or -) in between the terms. For example, the conjugate of [tex]a+b\sqrt{c}=a-b\sqrt{c}[/tex] as we are just changing the addition symbol (+) to a subtraction symbol (-).

Therefore, the conjugate of [tex]\sqrt{8}-\sqrt{9}[/tex] occurs when we change the subtraction symbol to an additional symbol, hence the answer is [tex]\boxed{\sqrt{8}+\sqrt{9}}[/tex]

Mark bought seeds, 5 packets of carrot seeds, 2 packets of
bean seeds, and 3 packets of pea seeds. If he randomly
selects 4 packets to plant, what is the probability that he
selects 2 packets of carrots, 1 packet of beans, and 1 packet
of peas?



4/10=2/5 therefore the answer to 2/5

With one alarm clock, we have a 0.875 probability of being awakened. What is the probability of being awakened if we are using two alarm clocks?(


It will be the same bc two alarms will ring at the same time.

The probability will be the same for both clocks.

What is probability?

Probability is defined as the ratio of the number of favourable outcomes to the total number of outcomes in other words the probability is the number that shows the happening of the event.

With one alarm clock, we have a 0.875 probability of being awakened.

The probability for the two clocks will be the same because both the clocks will ring at the same time.

To know more about probability follow


What type of counting problem is this?

Johnny is a very picky eater, so he likes to use a lot of condiments. He has ketchup, salt, pepper, and shredded cheese at his disposal. His mother tells him he may only make two additions to his meal (i.e., he can add condiments only twice, regardless of whether or not he already used them). How many different ways can Johnny improve his meal?
A.Combination with repetition
B.Combination without repetition
C.Permutation with repetition
D.Permutation without repetition



option A

Step-by-step explanation:

Permutation is An arrangement of objects in an ORDER

but combination is the opposite.

In this question, There is a combination! I hope this helped! have a great day!

Social media is popular around the world. Statista provides estimate of the number of social media users in various countries in as well as the projections for . Assume that the results for surveys in the United Kingdom, China, Russia, and the United States are as follows.

Use Social Media United Kingdom China Russia United States
Yes 480 215 343 640
No 320 285 357 360

a. Conduct a hypothesis test to determine whether the proportion of adults using social media is equal for all four countries. What is the p-value? Using a .05 level of significance, what is your conclusion?
b. What are the sample proportions for each of the four countries? Which country has the largest proportion of adults using social media?
c. Using a 0.05 level of significance, conduct multiple pairwise comparison tests among the four countries. What is your conclusion?



Kindly check explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

The data table :

Use of SM _UK _China _ Russia _US _ col total

Yes ______480 __215 ___343 __640 _ 1678

No _______320 _ 285 ___357__ 360 _ 1322

Row Total__ 800 _500 __ 700_ 1000_ 3000

H0 : p1 = p2 = p3 = p4

H1 : p1 ≠ p2 ≠ p3 ≠ p4

Test statistic :

χ² = Σ(observed - Expected)² / Expected

Expected value of each cell = (Row total * column total) / N

N = grand total

Expected Values:

447.467 _279.667 _ 391.533 _ 559.333

352.533 _ 220.333 _ 308.467 _ 440.667

χ²=(2.36536+14.9527+6.01605+11.6337+3.00232 18.9793+7.63611+14.7665) = 79.352

Degree of freedom, df = (row-1)*(column-1) = (2 - 1) * (4 - 1) = 1 * 3 = 3

Using the Pvalue from Chisquare calculator :

Pvalue(79.352, 3) = 0.00000000001

Decision region :

Reject H0 ; If Pvalue < α

α = 0.05

Since 0.000000001 < 0.05 ; Reject H0 and conclude that not all population proportion are equal.

Sample proportion :

Phat = number of yes, x / total

For UK, Phat = 480/800 = 0.6

For China , Phat = 215/500 = 0.43

For Russia , Phat = 343/700 = 0.49

For US, Phat = 640/1000 = 0.64

11z/(z+3) = 13 - i , z∈C please solve it



First, multiply both sides by [tex]z+3[/tex],



Collect terms and put z on the left,




Division of complex numbers is defined by multiplying both denominator and numerator with complex conjugate of the denominator,


Multiply out,



The result is,


Hope this helps :)

Simplify i to the 31st power




How did you simplify




First by "BODMAS" we will sove multiplication


now first we will solve addition




Step-by-step explanation:

If you like my answer than please mark me brainliest thanks

pls help !
hopefully you can read the whole thing :))



answer is A

Step-by-step explanation:

option A is the answer

What is the shape of the cross section?



Step-by-step explanation:

Triangular cross-section.


it is a triangle cross-section

hope this answer helps you

Plz make me a brainlist

If f(x) = 4x + 5 and fog(x) = 8x + 13 then find g(x).​








4x+5(g(x)):: 8x+13

g(x):: 8x+13/4x+5


g(x) = 2x + 2

Step-by-step explanation:

One is given the following information:

f(x) = 4x + 5f o g (x) = 8x + 13

One is asked to find the following:


Remember, (f o g (x)) is another way of representing a composite function. A more visual way of representing this composite function is the following (f(g(x)). In essence, one substitutes the function (g(x)) into the function (f(x)) in places of the varaible (x). Thus, represent this in the form of an equation:

f(g(x)) = 8x + 13

Substitute the given infromation into the equation:

4(g(x)) + 5 = 8x + 13

Solve for (g(x)) in terms of (x). Remember to treat (g(x)) as a single parameter:

4(g(x)) + 5 = 8x + 13

Inverse operations,

4(g(x)) + 5 = 8x + 13

4(g(x)) = 8x + 8

g(x) = (8x + 8) ÷ 4

g(x) = 2x + 2

I need help asap with this question


In a trapezoid, the midline is the average of the two bases.

PW = (YZ + TM) / 2

29 = (23 + 11x + 2) / 2

58 = 23 + 11x + 2

58 = 25 + 11x

11x = 33

x = 3

Hope this helps!

Solve for x^2=18
Please help



See below

Step-by-step explanation:

x^2 = 18

x = 18 sqrt

x = 4.24 or 4.2 (rounded to the nearest tenth)

From the observation deck of a skyscraper, Isabella measures a 67
angle of depression to a ship in the harbor below. If the observation deck is 824 feet high, what is the horizontal distance from the base of the skyscraper out to the ship? Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a foot if necessary.


The horizontal distance from the base of the skyscraper out to the ship is 349.8feet

Angle of elevation and depression

The angle situated above the hill is known as  the angle of depression

Given the following parameters

Height of the harbor = 824 feet

Angle of depression = 67degrees

According to SOH CAH TOA identity:

tan 67 = opp/adj
tan 67 = 824/d

d = 824/tan67
d = 349.8 feet

Hence the horizontal distance from the base of the skyscraper out to the ship is 349.8feet

Learn more on angle of depression here:

9. If a card is selected from a standard 52 card deck. What is the probability of selecting a face card or an Ace?


Well, you’ve got 26 face cards, one of which is an ace, and an additional ace. 27/52 is 52%, so you’ve got a 52% probability (51.9230)

Find the reflection of the point (x,y) in the line y=mx+c​



[tex]\displaystyle \left(\frac{-(m^{2}-1)\, x + 2\, m\, y - 2\, m \, c}{m^{2} + 1},\, \frac{(m^{2} - 1)\, y + 2\, m \, x + 2\, c}{m^{2} + 1}\right)[/tex].

Step-by-step explanation:

Consider the line that is perpendicular to [tex]y = m\, x + c[/tex] and goes through [tex](x,\, y)[/tex].

Both [tex](x,\, y)[/tex] and the reflection would be on this new line. Besides, the two points would be equidistant from the intersection of this new line and line [tex]y = m\, x + c[/tex].

Hence, if the vector between [tex](x,\, y)[/tex] and that intersection could be found, adding twice that vector to [tex](x,\, y)\![/tex] would yield the coordinates of the reflection.

Since this new line is perpendicular to line [tex]y = m\, x + c[/tex], the slope of this new line would be [tex](-1/m)[/tex].

Hence, [tex]\langle 1,\, -1/m\rangle[/tex] would be a direction vector of this new line.

[tex]\langle m,\, -1\rangle[/tex] (a constant multiple of [tex]\langle 1,\, -1/m\rangle[/tex] would also be a direction vector of this new line.)

Both [tex](x,\, y)[/tex] and the aforementioned intersection are on this new line. Hence, their position vectors would differ only by a constant multiple of a direction vector of this new line.

In other words, for some constant [tex]\lambda[/tex], [tex]\langle x,\, y \rangle + \lambda\, \langle m,\, -1 \rangle = \langle x + \lambda \, m,\, y - \lambda \rangle[/tex] would be the position vector of the reflection of [tex](x,\, y)[/tex] (the position vector of [tex](x,\, y)\![/tex] is [tex]\langle x,\, y \rangle[/tex].)

[tex]( x + \lambda \, m,\, y - \lambda )[/tex] would be the coordinates of the intersection between the new line and [tex]y = m\, x + c[/tex]. [tex]\lambda\, \langle m,\, -1 \rangle[/tex] would be the vector between [tex](x,\, y)[/tex] and that intersection.

Since that intersection is on the line [tex]y = m\, x + c[/tex], its coordinates should satisfy:

[tex]y - \lambda = m\, (x + \lambda \, m) + c[/tex].

Solve for [tex]\lambda[/tex]:

[tex]y - \lambda = m\, x + m^{2}\, \lambda + c[/tex].

[tex]\displaystyle \lambda = \frac{y - m\, x - c}{m^{2} + 1}[/tex].

Hence, the vector between the position of [tex](x,\, y)[/tex] and that of the intersection would be:

[tex]\begin{aligned} & \lambda\, \langle m,\, -1 \rangle \\= \; & \left\langle \frac{m\, (y - m\, x - c)}{m^{2} + 1},\, \frac{(-1)\, (y - m\, x - c)}{m^{2} + 1}\right\rangle \\ =\; &\left\langle \frac{-m^{2}\, x + m\, y - m\, c }{m^{2} + 1},\, \frac{-y + m\, x + c}{m^{2} + 1}\right\rangle \end{aligned}[/tex].

Add twice the amount of this vector to position of [tex](x,\, y)[/tex] to find the position of the reflection, [tex]\langle x,\, y \rangle + 2\, \lambda \,\langle m,\, -1 \rangle[/tex].

[tex]x[/tex]-coordinate of the reflection:

[tex]\begin{aligned} & x + 2\, \lambda\, m \\ = \; & x + \frac{-2\, m^{2}\, x + 2\, m \, y - 2\, m \, c}{m^{2} + 1} \\ =\; & \frac{-(m^{2} - 1) \, x + 2\, m \, y - 2\, m \, c}{m^{2} + 1}\end{aligned}[/tex].

[tex]y[/tex]-coordinate of the reflection:

[tex]\begin{aligned} & y + (-2\, \lambda)\\ = \; & y + \frac{- 2\, y + 2\, m\, x + 2\, c}{m^{2} + 1} \\ =\; & \frac{(m^{2} - 1) \, y + 2\, m \, x + 2\, m \, c}{m^{2} + 1}\end{aligned}[/tex].

formula of a square minus b square​




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto (a+b)(a-b)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto a(a-b)+b(a-b)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto a^2-ab+ba-b^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto a^2-ab+ab-b^2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto a^2-b^2[/tex]

According to the question

[tex]\large\bf{\orange{ \implies}} \: \tt \: {a}^{2} \: - \: {b}^{2} [/tex]

[tex]\large\bf{\pink{ \implies}} \: \tt \: (a + b) \quad \: (a - b)[/tex]

[tex]\large\bf{\pink{ \implies}} \: \tt \: a \: (a - b) \quad \: b \: (a - b)[/tex]

[tex]\large\bf{\pink{ \implies}} \: \tt \: {a}^{2} \: - \: ab \: + \: ba \: - \: {b}^{2} [/tex]

[tex]\large\bf{\pink{ \implies}} \: \tt \: {a}^{2} \: - \: ab \: + \: ab \: - \: {b}^{2} [/tex]

[tex]\large\bf{\pink{ \implies}} \: \tt \: {a}^{2} \: - \: \cancel{ab} \: + \: \cancel{ab} \: - \: {b}^{2} [/tex]

[tex]\large\bf{\pink{ \implies}} \: \tt \: {a}^{2} \: - \: {b}^{2} [/tex]

Jenna danced for 3 hours on Sunday, 2 hours on Monday and Tuesday, 1 hour on Thursday, 1.5 on Friday, and 2 hours on Saturday. She didn’t dance at all on Wednesday. What is the average number of hours she danced each day? Round your answer to the nearest tenth in an hour.


Sunday: 3 hours
Monday: 2 hours
Tuesday: 2 hours
Wednesday: 0 hours
Thursday: 1 hours
Friday: 1.5 hours
Saturday: 2 hours

3 + 2 + 2 + + 0 + 1 + 1.5 + 2 = 11.5

11.5 ÷ 7 = 1.6 hours on average

Step 3: Write the equation of the line that passes through the point (4,−1)

that is parallel to the line 2−3=9




Step-by-step explanation:


Suppose $12,000 is deposited into an account paying 5.5% interest, compounded continuously.
How much money is in the account after five years if no withdrawals or additional deposits are




Step-by-step explanation:

We will have to use this formula A = Peᵃᵇ

A = Final amount

P = Initial amount (12,000)

e = Mathematical constant: 2.7183

a = Interest rate (5.5% or 0.055)

b = Years

So our equation will look like this

A = 12,000e⁵ ⁰·⁵⁵

A = 12,000(2.7183)·²⁷⁵

A = 12,000(1.316533)

A = 15798.396

a which matrix post multiplies to (1 3 3 4) to get (19 -3 75 13)​



[19 -1 25 3.25]

Step-by-step explanation:

just take the elements from the resultant matrix and divide it by the corresponding elements in the given matrix to find the matrix that's being asked.

Determine if the triangles below are similar. If they are, give the rule that you used to determine similarity.


The triangles are similar due to SAS congruence postulate rule.

What are Similar Triangles?

Similar Triangles are defined as two triangles with the same shape, equal pair of corresponding angles, and the same ratio of the corresponding sides. The triangles that like one another but may not be exactly the same size are said to be similar triangles. When two objects have the same shape but different sizes, they can be said to be similar. This indicates that identical shapes superimpose one another when enlarged. The term "Similarity" refers to this characteristic of like shapes.

Given triangles are similar due to SAS congruence postulate rule.

SAS or Side-Angle-Side Similarity Criterion,

According to the SAS similarity theorem, If any two of the first triangle's sides are exactly proportional to those of the second triangle, and if the angle created by these two sides of each individual triangle is equal, then the two triangles must be similar triangles.

learn more about similar triangle here:


12. Convert 30.283° into a degree-minute-second format.
O A. 18° 16' 98"
B. 18° 28' 30"
C. 30° 16' 58"
D. 30° 28' 30"


D 30°28’30”
Non of the above it’s correct.
The correct answer is 283/60 =4°71’

4°+30°+1°= 35°

Answer 35°01’00”

The angle of 30.283° in a degree-minute-second format will be 30° 16' 58". Then the correct option is C.

What is conversion?

Unit modification is the process of converting the measurement of a given amount between various units, often by multiplicative constants that alter the value of the calculated quantity without altering its impacts.

The inclination is the separation seen between planes or vectors that meet. Degrees are another way to indicate the slope. For a full rotation, the angle is 360°.

The angle is given below.

⇒ 30.283°

Convert 30.283° into a degree-minute-second format. Then we have

⇒ 30° (0.83 x 60')

⇒ 30° 16.98'

⇒ 30° 16' (0.98 x 60'')

⇒ 30° 16' 58"

The angle of 30.283° in a degree-minute-second format will be 30° 16' 58". Then the correct option is C.

More about the conversion link is given below.


Please help with this just tell me A B C or D.



The answer is D.

[tex]3x {}^{2} - 10x - 1 = 0[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]x = \frac{5 + 2 \sqrt{7} }{3} [/tex]

Divide each term of 5+2√7 by 3 to get 5/3 + 2/3√7.

[tex]x = \frac{5}{3} + \frac{2}{3} \sqrt{7} [/tex]

[tex]x = \frac{2 \sqrt{7 + 5} }{3} [/tex]


[tex]x = 3.43[/tex]

plz help brainliest to correct answer



-2 would be right next to -3 because its negative and -1 would be right next to -2, 2 would be two points away from 0 bc its a whole number

Each mark on the line is one unit. 0 is the starting point. For a positive number, move one unit at a time for the number you have. For example, to graph 2, start at 0 and move to the right 2 units. Just make a dot there and write 2 above it. For negative numbers, you go to the left. So start at 0, and go one to the left and that’s -1. Go one more to the left and that’s -2.

A local rental car agency has 200 cars. The rental rate for the winter months is 60%. Find the probability that in a given winter month fewer than 140 cars will be rented. Use the normal distribution to approximate the binomial distribution.




Step-by-step explanation:

Sample size [tex]n=200[/tex]

Rental Rate [tex]R=60\%[/tex]

Probability =(P<140)

Generally the equation for mean of distribution is mathematically given by


Generally the equation for Standard deviation of distribution is mathematically given by





Z-score for x=140 is




From table


Rewrite the polynomial in the form ax+by+c and then identify the values of a, b, and c.

x -- 1 -- 2y



a=1, b=-2,c=-1

Step-by-step explanation:

1*(x)+(-2)*y+(-1)*1. a=1, b=-2,c=-1

Mary is thinking of a mystery number. She reduces it by 15% then subtracts 5. The result is 29. Determine the mystery number




Step-by-step explanation:

Let x represent the mystery number.

Create an equation to represent the situation, then solve for x:

0.85x - 5 = 29

0.85x = 34

x = 40

So, the mystery number is 40.

- 2/3 (2 - 1/5) use distributive property




Step-by-step explanation:

- 2/3 (2 - 1/5)


-2/3 *2 -2/3 *(-1/5)

-4/3 + 2/15

Get a common denominator

-4/3 *5/5 +2/15

-20/15 +2/15




I need help completing this problem ASAP


4/(√x - √(x - 2)) × (√x + √(x - 2))/(√x + √(x - 2))

= 4 (√x + √(x - 2)) / ((√x)² - (√(x - 2))²)

= 4 (√x + √(x - 2)) / (x - (x - 2))

= 4 (√x + √(x - 2)) / (x - x + 2)

= 4 (√x + √(x - 2)) / 2

= 2 (√x + √(x - 2))

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