Find the minimum and maximum value of the function on the given interval by comparing values at the critical points and endpoints.

y= √1+x^2 −2x, [0, 1]


Answer 1


maximum: y = 1

minimum: y = 0.

Step-by-step explanation:

Here we have the function:

y = f(x) =  √(1 + x^2 - 2x)

we want to find the minimum and maximum in the segment [0, 1]

First, we evaluate in the endpoints, which are 0 and 1.

f(0)  =√(1 + 0^2 - 2*0) = 1

f(1) = √(1 + 1^2 - 2*1) = 0

Now let's look at the critical points (the zeros of the first derivate)

To derivate our function, we can use the chain rule:

f(x) = h(g(x))


f'(x) = h'(g(x))*g(x)

Here we can define:

h(x) = √x

g(x) = 1 + x^2 - 2x


f(x) = h(g(x))

f'(x)  =  1/2*( 1 + x^2 - 2x)*(2x - 2)

f'(x) = (1 + x^2 - 2x)*(x - 1)

f'(x) = x^3 - 3x^2 + x - 1

this function does not have any zero in the segment [0, 1] (you can look it in the image below)

Thus, the function does not have critical points in the segment.

Then the maximum and minimum are given by the endpoints.

The maximum is 1 (when x = 0)

the minimum is 0 (when x = 1)

Related Questions

Levi decides to examine the effect of fertilizer on the growth of tomato plants. He chooses four plants for his experiment and applies varying amounts of fertilizer to three of them. He does not apply fertilizer to one plant.

Over a 15-day period, the plants receive fertilizer on Days 1, 4, 7, 10, and 13. Levi measures the height of all of his plants with a meterstick on Days 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. He also makes sure to hold all experimental factors constant except for the fertilizer.

What is the independent variable in Levi's experiment on tomato plants?

the days plant height was measured

the days fertilizer was applied

the amount of fertilizer given to the plants

the measurements of plant height



Step-by-step explanation:

The measurement of the height is the dependent variable. The independent variable is the amount of fertilizer applied.




Hello the answer is A <!!



Step-by-step explanation:

pi/ 3 * (180/pi)= 180/3

pi/3 = 60 degrees

Find the x-and y-intercepts of the graph of 4x + y = 28. State your answers as
whole numbers or as improper fractions in simplest form.



at x-intercept, y = 0

4x = 28

x = 7

x intercept = (7,0)

at y-intercept, x = 0

y = 28

y intercept = (0,28)

Suppose a jar contains 7 red marbles and 28 blue marbles. If you reach in the jar and pull out 2 marbles at random at the same time, find the probability that both are red.​




Step-by-step explanation:

that's the answer above

The length of a rectangle garden plot is 3 metres greater than its
width.The area of the plot is 154 square metres.What is the width of the garden?​


Answer: width = 11 m


Here, we need to understand how to find the area of a rectangle.

In geometry, the area can be defined as the space occupied by a flat shape or the surface of an object.

A = w · l

w = width

l = length

If you are still confused, please refer to the attachment below for a graphical explanation.


w = w

l = w + 3

A = 154 m²

Given formula

A = w · l

Substitute values into the formula

154 = w · (w + 3)

Expand Parentheses (Distributive property)

154 = w² + 3w

Subtract 154 on both sides

154 - 154 = w² + 3w - 154

0 = w² + 3w - 154

Solve for the quadratic equation

(w - 11) (w + 14) = 0

w = 11 or w = -14 (Neglected because length cannot be negative)

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

2) 70 = -7a

Please help me !


70 = -7a
a = x
70 = -7x
70 = -7 X x
70 = -7 X -10
x = -10
x = a
a = -10


Positive Multiplied Or Divided By A Negative Will Always Be A Negative.

Positive Multiplied Or Divided By A Positive Will Always Be A Positive.

Negative Multiplied Or Divided By A Negative Will Always Be A Positive.

Negative Multiplied Or Divided By A Positive Will Always Be A Negative.

The probability that a patient recovers from a disease is 0.3.
If 6 people are known to have contacted the disease, what is the probability that at least 4 survive? ​




Step-by-step explanation:

at least 4 people survive is

4 people survive and 2 don't +

5 people survive and 1 doesn't +

all 6 people survive

the probability of 4 people to survive is the product of the individual probabilities :

0.3×0.3×0.3×0.3 = 0.3⁴ = 0.0081

times the probability 2 don't survive

0.7×0.7 = 0.49

0.0081×0.49 = 0.003969

now, the chance that 4 out of 6 survive is that probabilty times how many times we can select 4 out of 6.

to select 4 out of 6 is

[tex] \binom{6}{4} [/tex]

= 6! / (4! × (6-4)!) = 6! / (4! × 2!) = 6×5/2 = 30/2 = 15

so, the probability of having 4 survivors is

15×0.003969 = 0.059535

the probability of 5 people surviving is 0.3⁵ times one not

0.3⁵×0.7 = 0.001701

we have 6 over 5 combinations to pick 5 out of 6 = 6.

so, in total for 5 survivors we get

6×0.001701 = 0.010206

and the probabilty of all 6 surviving is

0.3⁶ = 0.000729

so, the probability of at least 4 out of 6 surviving is

0.059535 +

0.010206 +




Use the given degree of confidence and sample data to construct a confidence interval for the population mean μ. Assume that the population has a normal distribution. A laboratory tested twelve chicken eggs and found that the mean amount of cholesterol was 185 milligrams with s = 17.6 milligrams.

Construct a 95% confidence interval for the true mean cholesterol content of all such eggs.



CI ≈ (173.8 < μ < 196.2)

Step-by-step explanation:

We are told that laboratory tested twelve chicken eggs. Thus;

n = 12

Mean; x¯ = 185 mg

S.D; s = 17.6 mg

DF = n - 1 = 12 - 1 = 11

We have a 95% confidence level. Thus; α = 0.05

Since n < 30, we will use t-sample test.

Thus, from t-table attached at 95% Confidence level and DF = 11, we have;

t = 2.201

Thus,formula for Confidence interval is;

CI = (x¯ - t(s/√n)) < μ < (x¯ + t(s/√n))

CI = (185 - 2.201(17.6/√12)) < μ < (185 + 2.201(17.6/√12))

CI = (185 - 11.1825) < μ < (185 + 11.1825)

CI = (173.8175 < μ < 196.1825)

CI ≈ (173.8 < μ < 196.2)

(x+1).(x/2 +2).(x/3+3).(x/4+4).(x/5+5)



Please see the attached picture below to understand the steps I've typed to get to the final solution.

8/9 - Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
5. Which is equivalent to 4x - (y + x) + 2, if x = 5 and y=-3?
O 20
O 15


9514 1404 393


  (a)  20

Step-by-step explanation:

Put the numbers in place of the corresponding letters and do the arithmetic.

  4(5) -((-3) +5) +2 = 20 -2 +2 = 20

What function type does the table of values represent?
A) Linear
B) Exponential
C) Quadratic
D) Can't be determined




answer C

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|}x&y&x^2&3x^2\\---&---&---&---\\1&3&1^2&3*1^2=3\\2&12&2^2&3*2^2=12\\3&27&3^2&3*3^2=27\\4&48&14^2&3*4^2=48\\5&75&5^2&3*5^2=75\\\end{array}\\\\\\\boxed{y=3x^2\ the\ function\ is\ quadratic.}[/tex]

PLease Help! I will give you the brainiest and a lot of points

A survey of 104 college students was taken to determine the musical styles they liked. Of​ those, 22 students listened to​ rock, 23 to​ classical, and 24 to jazz.​ Also, 10 students listened to rock and​ jazz, 8 to rock and​ classical, and 8 to classical and jazz.​ Finally, 6 students listened to all three musical styles. Construct a Venn diagram and determine the cardinality for each region. Use the completed Venn Diagram to answer the following questions.

a. How many listened to only rock​ music?
n​(only ​rock)

b. How many listened to classical and​ jazz, but not​ rock?
n​(classical and​ jazz, not ​rock)

c. How many listened to classical or​ jazz, but not​ rock?
n​(classical or​ jazz, not ​rock)

d. How many listened to music in exactly one of the musical​ styles?
n​(exactly one ​style)

e. How many listened to music in exactly two of the musical​ styles?
n​(exactly two ​styles)

f. How many did not listen to any of the musical​ styles?



A. 22

B. 8

C. 23 + 24

D. 22 + 23 + 24

E. 8 + 8 + 10

F. 104 - (sum of all the given numbers) = 3

What is the
range of the function in the graph?



Step-by-step explanation:

A resposta é a letra a

Kane's Furniture Store advertised a table at ​9% discount. The original selling price was ​$109​, and the sale price was ​$100. Was the sale price consistent with the​ ad? Explain.



No, the sale price wasn't consistent with the ad

Step-by-step explanation:

The original selling price is 109. 9% of 109 is 9.81. So the sale price should be 99.19.

Please help it’s due today



67 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

23 + 90 = 113

180 - 113 = 67

Please Help Polygons


Step-by-step explanation:


Find each question solutions.Please



Dependent variable = Total daily cost

Independent variable = number of items manufactured

2500 ;


Step-by-step explanation:

Given the cost function in. A manufacturing company :

C(x) = 7.25x + 2500 ; Where

C(x) = total daily cost

x = number of items manufactured

The Independent variable is the variable whose value causes a change in the measured variable, this is the number of items manufactured, and the variable which charges as the predictor variable charges is the dependent variable (Total daily cost).


C(0) ;

C(x) = 7.25x + 2500

Put x = 0

C(0) = 7.25(0) + 2500

Cost = 2500

This is the total daily cost even if no items are produced, this is probably the fixed cost of daily production.



C(x) = 7.25x + 2500

Put x = 1000

C(0) = 7.25(1000) + 2500

Cost = 7250 + 2500

Cost = 9750

This is the total cost including variable cost of producing 1000 items.

5 pencils for 15 dollers how much for each pencil


5 pencils = 15 dollors

1 pencil = 15/5 dollors

therefore 1 pencil = 3 dollors...


Each pencil would cost $3.00

Step-by-step explanation:

If 5 costs $15, to find the cost of one you divide 15 by 5

15 ÷ 5 = 3

A sports stadium has a capacity of 42,000. On a
particular night, 35,000 spectators attend an event. At
the end of the event, spectators leave the stadium at a rate
of 320 spectators every minute. If m represents the
number of minutes after spectators begin to leave the
stadium, which of the following inequalities describes
the times when there are still spectators in the stadium?
A) 42,000 - 35,000m < 320
B) 35,000 - 320m > 0
C) 35,000 + 320m < 42,000
D) 320m < 87,000




Step-by-step explanation:

The inequality will be 35000-320m>0

Samuel had 12 red marbles , 15 blue marbles , and 13 green marbles . Which fraction represents the number of red marbles he has



12/40 or simplified it would be 3/10

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the fractal dimension of the object.



maaqqqf aku ngak tau soal jawaban in

Write the point-slope form of an equation of the line through the points (-4, 7) and (5,-3).
A. Y+4= -1; (1 – 7)
B.Y-5 = = 10 (x+3)
OC. y +3 = = 10 (2+5)
D. y - 7= -5° (x+4)



Step-by-step explanation:

There are two possible equations, but neither matches the the choices you listed. The choices seem to have several typographical errors.

Point-slope form of an equation of the line through the points (-4, 7) and (5,-3) is y - 7 =(-10/9)(x + 4).

How to estimate the point-slope form of an equation of the line through the points (-4, 7) and (5,-3)?


[tex]$= \frac{y_{2} -y_{1}}{x_{2} -x_{1}}[/tex]

= (-3 - 7) / (5 - (-4))

= -10/9

The point-slope equation for the line of slope -(10/9) that passes through the point (5, -3).

y + 3 = (-10/9)(x - 5)

Point slope equation for the line of slope -(10/9) that passes through the point (-4, 7)

Point-slope form of an equation of the line through the points (-4, 7) and (5,-3) is y - 7 = (-10/9)(x + 4).

Therefore, the correct answer is y - 7 = (-10/9)(x + 4).

To learn more about the equation of a line refer to:


1. On the set of axes below, graph . State the roots of


Is this question complete?

Express 5 cm in metre and decimals........................ ncert maths class 7 pls
will be marked as brainliest trust me ​



Converting into metre (1m=100cm)= 5/100=0.05m.. Converting into km. (1km=100000cm). so 5 cm=5/100000=0.00005km.


5cm in meters = 0.05 metre

5cm in kilometres = 0.00005km

1106.666667 To the nearest whole number




You are rounding up because the number in the tenths slot is over 5.

Suppose a professional baseball player hit 55 home runs his first season, 58 his second,
and 69 his third. How many home runs would he need to hit in the current season so that
his average for the 4 years is no less than 59?



About 54

Step-by-step explanation:

To work backwards from average, you need to multiply the average by the total number of cases, which is 4, since there are 3 current cases/seasons and you want the 4th.

59 * 4 =  236

You then subtract the total home runs that you know of from 236.

236 - 55 - 58 - 69 = 54

To find average, you are adding to the total and then dividing by the number of groups, which is essentially mean (mean is basically the average).

Functions f and g are defined for all real
numbers. The function f has zeros at -2, 3, and 7:
and the function g has zeros at -3, -1, 4, and 7.
How many distinct zeros does the product
function f g have?


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The number of distinct zeros in the product will be the union of the sets of zeros. Duplicated values are not distinct, so show in the union of sets only once.

  F = {-2, 3, 7}

  G = {-3, -1, 4, 7}

  F∪G = {-3, -2, -1, 3, 4, 7} . . . . . . a 6-element set

The product has 6 distinct zeros.


As you may notice in the graph, the duplicated zero has a multiplicity of 2 in the product.

Solve this inequality:
-9 > 3b + 6



- 5 > b

Step-by-step explanation:

- 9 > 3b + 6

- 9 - 6 > 3b

- 15 > 3b

Divide 3 on both sides,

- 5 > b


-5 >b

Step-by-step explanation:

-9 > 3b + 6

Subtract 6 from each side

-9-6 > 3b + 6-6

-15 > 3b

Divide each side by 3

-15/3 > 3b/3

-5 >b

2. What amount of money must Kurt Blixen invest at 4.75% to have it earn $10,000 in 90 days?


Kurt Blixen must invest $85,2296.94.

Given the following data;

Interest rate = 4.75%Simple interest = $10,000Time = 90 days

To find how much money Kurt Blixen must invest;

Mathematically, simple interest is given by the formula;

[tex]S.I = \frac{PRT}{100}[/tex]


S.I is the simple interest.P is the principal amount.R is the interest rate.T is the time measured in years.

First of all, we would convert the time in days to years.


365 days = 1 year

90 days = x year

Cross-multiplying, we have;

[tex]365 * x = 90\\\\x = \frac{90}{365}[/tex]

x = 0.247 year

Making P the subject of formula;

[tex]P = \frac{S.I(100)}{RT}[/tex]

Substituting the values into the formula, we have;

[tex]P = \frac{10000(100)}{4.75*0.247}\\\\P = \frac{1000000}{1.1733}[/tex]

P = $85,2296.94

Therefore, Kurt Blixen must invest $85,2296.94.

Find more information here;



[tex]Hello[/tex] [tex]There[/tex]

The answer is...




Hi the answer is 5 to this problem
Hope it helps.
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