find the missing side lengths​


Answer 1
For this triangle in particular, we can use the special rules of a 30-60-90 triangle

This says:
The opposite side of 30° is: x
The opposite side of 60° is: x * sqrt(3)
The opposite side of the 90° is: 2x

We have our side length for 90° so we just have to work backwards
To find our 30° side length we must divide by 2
8/2 = 4
Which means your y = 4

Now that we have our 30° side length we can just multiple it by sqrt(3)

That means your x = 4 sqrt(3)
Answer 2


x= 4 square root 3 y=4

Step-by-step explanation:

Its 30 60 90 triangle

Hope this helps <3

Related Questions

How would I answer this: How many minutes are in a 30-day month.... use vertical multiplication to get the right answer



There are 43200 minutes in a 30-day month.

Step-by-step explanation:

We know that:

60 minutes = 1 hour

24 hours = 1 day

Thus to determine the minutes in a 30-day month, let us first determine the number of hours in the month.


x  24





 720 hours

The 30-day month has a total of 720 hours.

So that the number of minutes that make up 720 hours can be determined by;


 x   60






Therefore, there are 43200 minutes in a 30-day month.

the frost burg truth bus travels on a straight road from Frostburg mall to sojourner truth park. The mall is 3 miles west and 4 miles south of the city center. The park is 3 miles east and 5 miles north of the center. How far is it from the mall to the park to the nearest 10th of a mile?


9514 1404 393


  10.8 miles

Step-by-step explanation:

The distance between (-3, -4) and (3, 5) can be found using the distance formula.

  d = √((x2 -x1)^2 +(y2 -y1)^2)

  d = √((3 -(-3))^2 +(5 -(-4))^2) = √(6^2 +9^2) = √117

  d ≈ 10.8

It is about 10.8 miles from the mall to the park.

Strat with k add 2 multiply by 6 then subtract 8



6(k+2) -8

Step-by-step explanation:

Start with k


Add 2


Multiply by 6


Then subtract 8

6(k+2) -8

6(k+2)-8 is a required answer.


Solution given:

Start with k.


add 2


multiply by six


subtract by 8


Niko wants to put soil in his garden shown below. If soil comes in bags that fill 6 square yards each, how many bags of soil should Niko buy? Hint: you may have some leftover soil.



444 pot soils

Step-by-step explanation:

enlarge shape a by 1/3 with the centre enlargement (3,-3)
(-9,9) (-9,6) (-3,6)




Step-by-step explanation:

.033 of a whole number so its .033

can anyone help me by explaining this? i would really appreciate it




Step-by-step explanation:

Suppose that a1, a2, a3, . . . is an arithmetic sequence, in which a3 = 19 and a14 = 96. Find a1.


Uhhh I think you have to add 19 and 14 which shall give you the answer to a1 so it should be 33 but then I think you divide 33 and 96 or you will multiply 33 and 96

2. A cylindrical candle has a volume of 785 cm. Determine the minimum amount of plastic which is needed to cover
the outside of the candle for packaging and find the dimensions of the candle which produce this surface area
3. A company which produces pizza ovens has had complaints about their ovens losing too much heat to be
efficient. They have decided to redesign their ovens. The ovens must have a volume of 0.512 m. Find the
optimal design for the oven so that the surface is as small as possible to minimize heat loss Calculate that
surface area.​



2. Candle dimensions: x = 6.3 cm                   h  = 6.29 cm

A (min) = 373.49 cm²

3. Cylindrical oven dimensions:  x  = 0.54 m   h = 0.55 m

A (min)= 1.4747 m²

Step-by-step explanation:

2.A   The volume V of the cylindrical candle is 785 cm³

V = π*x²*h                x is the radius of the base and h the heigh of the cylinder

The surface area A is area of the base   π*x² . plus lateral area 2*π*r*h

then .   A  = π*x²  + 2*π*x*h .             h = V/π*x²

A as a function of x . is

A(x)  = π*x²  + 2*π*x*785/π*x²

A(x) =  π*x²  + 1570/x

Taking derivatives on both sides of the equation we get:

A' (x) = 2*π*x - 1570/x²

A'(x) = 0 .   2*π*x - 1570/x² = 0 .       2*π*x³  =  1570

x³ = 250

x = 6.3 cm .              and .            h  = 785/π*x² .  h = 785/124.63

h  = 6.29 cm

Then dimensions of the cylindrical candle:

x = 6.3 cm                   h  = 6.29 cm

A (min) =  3.14 * (6.3)²  + 6.28*6.3*6.29

A (min) = 124.63  + 248.86

A (min) = 373.49 cm²

3. For a cylindrical oven    V = 0.512    h =  0.512/ π*x²

Following the same procedure

A(x)  = π*x²  + 2*π*x*0.512/π*x² .A(x)  = π*x²  + 1024/x

A'(x) = 2* π*x - 1.024/x²

A'(x) =0 .                2* π*x - 1.024/x² =0 .       2* π*x³ . = 1.024

x³ = 0.512/π .            x³ = 0.163

x  = 0.54 m     h  = 0.512/π*x² .            h = 0.55 m

A(min) = 3.14*(0.54)²  +  1024/x

A(min)= 0.9156 + 0.5591

A (min)= 1.4747 m²

In Australia, road distance is measured in kilometres.
In the USA, road distance is measured in miles.
5 miles is about the same distance as 8 kilometres.
About how many miles is 120 kilometres?




Step-by-step explanation:

5 miles-8km

x miles-120 km


x=75 (miles)



Step-by-step explanation:

since 5 miles is the same as 8 kilometers,how many miles is 120 kilometers..use ratio and proportion


x. :120kilometers



I hope this helps

solve: 5y +12 - 3y + 12 = 18




2y = 18 - 24

y = -6/2

y = -3

[tex]\huge\textsf{Hey there!}[/tex]

[tex]\large\textsf{5y + 12 - 3y + 12 = 18}\\\\\large\text{COMBINE the LIKE TERMS}\\\\\large\textsf{(5y - 3y) + (12 + 12) = 18}\\\\\large\text{NEW EQUATION: \textsf{2y + 24 = 18}}\\\\\large\text{SUBTRACT 24 to BOTH SIDES}\\\\\large\textsf{2y + 24 - 24 = 18 + 24}\\\\\large\text{Cancel out: \textsf{24 - 24} because it gives you 0}\\\\\large\text{Keep: \textsf{18 - 24} because it helps solve it helps solve for y}\\\\\large\textsf{18 - 24 = \bf -6}[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{NEW EQUATION: \textsf{2y = -6}}\\\\\large\text{DIVIDE 2 to BOTH SIDES}\\\\\mathsf{\dfrac{2y}{2y}=\dfrac{-6}{2}}\\\\\large\text{Cancel out: }\mathsf{\dfrac{2}{2}}\large\text{ because it gives you 1}\\\\\large\text{KEEP: }\mathsf{\dfrac{-6}{2}}\large\text{ because it gives you the y-value}\\\\\large\textsf{y = }\mathsf{\dfrac{-6}{2}}\\\\\mathsf{\dfrac{-6}{2}= \bf -3}\\\\\\\\\\\boxed{\boxed{\huge\textsf{Answer: y = \bf -3}}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\huge\textsf{Good luck on your assignment \& enjoy your day!}\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\frak{Amphitrite1040:)}[/tex]

Q5. Evaluate this expression when a=6
Q6. Which option shows this expression simplified correctly?
Q7. Which option shows this expression simplified correctly?
Q8. Find the following:
Q9. Which option shows this expression expanded correctly?


Question 5: 54/a. 54/6 is 9. The answer is 9.
Question 6: 2w + 3x. There are 2 w’s, and 3 x’s.
Question 7: 2x + 4y. There are 2 x’s, and 4 y’s.
Question 8. 11 + 16 is 27.
Question 9: 3(8y - 5). 3*8y is 24y. 3*-5 is -15. The answer is 24y - 15.

Find the measure of arc BC?




Step-by-step explanation:



AD = 3x + 24

BC = 4x - 11

3x + 24 = 4x - 11

4x - 11 = 3x + 24

4x - 3x = 24 + 11

x = 35

BC = 4x - 11

= 4 ( 35 ) - 11

= 140 - 11

BC = 129






[tex]BC=4\times 35-1[/tex]




Hope it helps..

Have a great day!!

Help fast please in a test and don’t know the answer I have tried Googling and everything please help



Surface Area = 3,543.7 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

Surface area of the cylinder = 2πr(h + r)


radius (r) = 12 cm

height (h) = 35 cm

Plug in the values into the surface area formula

S.A = 2*π*12(35 + 12)

S.A = 24π(47)

S.A = 3,543.71651 cm²

≈ 3,543.7 cm² (approximated to the nearest tenth)

Jernel has to figure out the area of her square garage. She knows that one side of the garage is equal to the length of her rabbit pen. The dimensions of the rectangular rabbit pen are 13 by 10.



Step-by-step explanation:13 x 13 = 169

You would take the larger side of the pen (13) or else it wouldn’t fit if you chose 10.

What happens when f(x) becomes -f(x-4)


f(x) -> - f(x): Relflection across x-axis

-f(x) -> -f(x-4): Vertical Translation right 4 units

15) The ratio of girls to boys is 1:2 and that there are 22 boys, what is the number of girls?




Step-by-step explanation:

first you sum the ratios


[tex] \frac{2}{3} \times x = 22 \\ 2x = 66 \\ x = 33 \\ this \: mean \: that \: we \: have \: 33 \: \\ students[/tex]

since boys are 22 , all we have to do is to subtract 22 from 33 the answer would be 11

therefore we have 11 girls.


its 11

Step-by-step explanation:

What are the coordinates of the image of L for a dilation with center (0, 0) and scale factor ?



The vertices of ABCD:

A ( - 3, 1 )

B ( 4 , - 3 )

C ( 1, 3 )

D ( - 1 , 4 )

∴ ( 4 x,  4 y ):

A ` ( - 12, 4 )

B ` ( 16, - 12 )

C ` ( 4, 12 )

D ` ( - 4 , 16 )

Step-by-step explanation: I hope this helps! ™(*/ω\*)

10. There is a carnival at a local state park. It cost $5 to get in and $1.50 per ride.
Suppose Maya Mapleton has $25 to spend for the day. Which inequality would
model this situation?
5+1.50x 2 25
5x + 1.50 s 25
5 + 1.50x s 25
0 25x +1.50 s 5



C. 5+ 1.50x is less than or equal to 25

Step-by-step explanation:

Maya has 25 dollars to spend, and it cost 5 to get in. Each ride will cost her 1.50, so she has to spend up to or less than 25 on the entry fee and each ride.

Translate into algebra,
the sum of twice the number x and 25 more than 3 times the number y


Answer: The expression would look like 2x+(25+3y).

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the number be x


The algebraic expression will be [tex]2x+(25+3y)[/tex] .

What is expression ?

Expression is a finite combination of symbols that is well-formed according to rules that depend on the context.

We have,

A number [tex]x[/tex]

Number [tex]y[/tex],

The sum of twice the number [tex]x[/tex] and [tex]25[/tex] more than [tex]3[/tex] times the number [tex]y[/tex] ,


According to the question,

sum of twice the number [tex]x[/tex] [tex]=2x[/tex]


ore than [tex]3[/tex] times the number [tex]y[/tex] [tex]=25+3y[/tex]


The whole  algebraic expression,


Hence, we can say that the algebraic expression will be [tex]2x+(25+3y)[/tex] .

To know more about expression click here


help asap no wrong answers----------------------




Step-by-step explanation:

1. Approach

Given information:

The graph intersects the midline at (0, -7)The graph has a minimum point at ([tex]\frac{\pi}{4}[/tex], 9).

What conclusions can be made about this function:

The graph is a sine function, as its y-intercept intersects the midlineThis graph has a negative coefficient, this is because after intersecting the midlines at the y-intercept, the function has a minimum.This graph does not appear to have undergone any horizontal shift, as it intercepts the midlines with its y-intercept

Therefore, one has the following information figured out:


Now one has to find the following information:


2. Midline

The midlines can simply be defined as a line that goes through a sinusoidal function, cutting the function in half. This is represented by the constant (b). One is given that point (0, -7) is where the graph intersects the midline. The (y-coordinate) of this point is the midline. Therefore, the midline is the following:

y = -7

2. Amplitude

The amplitude is represented by the coefficient (n). It can simply be defined by the distance from the midline to point of maximum (the highest part of a sinusoidal function) or point of minimum (lowest point on the function). Since the function reaches a point of minimum after intercepting the (y-axis) at its midlines, the amplitude is a negative coefficient. One can find the absolute value of the amplitude by finding the difference of the (y-coordinate) of the point of minimum (or maximum) and the absolute value of the midline.

point of minimum: [tex](\frac{\pi}{4},9)[/tex]

midline: [tex]y=-7[/tex]

Amplitude: 9 - |-7| = 9 - 7 = 2

3. Period

The period of a sinusoidal function is the amount of time it takes to reach the same point on the wave. In essence, if one were to select any point on the sinusoidal function, and draw a line going to the right, how long would it take for that line to reach a point on the function that is identical to the point at which it started. This can be found by taking the difference of the (x- coordinate) of the intersection point of the midline, and the (x-coordinate) of the point of minimum, and multiplying it by (4).

point of minimum: [tex](\frac{\pi}{4},9)[/tex]

midline intersection: [tex](0, -7)[/tex]

Period: [tex]4(\frac{\pi}{4}-0)=4(\frac{\pi}{4})=\pi[/tex]

However, in order to input this into the function in place of the variable (a), one has to divide this number by ([tex]2\pi[/tex]).


4. Assemble the function

One now has the following solutions to the variables:

[tex]n =-16\\a=2\\b=-7\\[/tex]

Substitute these values into the function:


If the outliers are not included what is the mean of the data set 76,79,80,82,50,78,79,81,82



The answer is 80

Step-by-step explanation:

we know that

the outlier is 50, as it is not around the other numbers in the data set.


mean=[76+ 79 + 80 + 82+ 78 + 83 + 79 + 81 + 82]/9





Step-by-step explanation:

mean=[76+ 79 + 80 + 82+ 78 + 83 + 79 + 81 + 82]/9



solve for x−4 + x ≤ 9



x ≤ 6.5

Step-by-step explanation:

x−4 + x ≤ 9

Combine like terms

2x-4≤ 9

Add 4 to each side

2x-4+4≤ 9+4

2x≤ 13

Divide by 2

2x/2 ≤ 13/2

x ≤ 6.5

The zeros of polynomial function g are -5, -1, and 7. Complete the factors to write an equation for function g. Assume that g has only three zeros and three factors.



g(x) = (x + 5)(x + 1)(x - 7)

Step-by-step explanation:

i know for a fact im right

The complete equation of function whose zeros are given;

                               f(x) = (x+5)(x+1)(x-7)

What is Polynomial?

A polynomial is a type of algebraic expression in which the exponents of all variables should be a whole number.

Here, given zeros are;

   -5, -1, 7

then we can write;

x = -5,  x = -1; x = 7

x +5 = 0 ; x + 1 = 0 ; x - 7 = 0

On multiplying all the terms we get;

(x+5)(x+1)(x-7) = 0

Thus, The complete equation of function whose zeros are given;

                               f(x) = (x+5)(x+1)(x-7)

Learn more about Polynomial from:


Find the percentage of the following:



20/60 = 33%

18/60 = 30%

21/60 = 35%

31/60 = 52%

Step-by-step explanation:

Just divide em'

Simple as that.


20/60 = 33%18/60 = 30%21/60 = 35%31/60 = 51.67%

I hope th is helps you I just divided the fractions by the way :)

Evaluate (5.6 x 10^-4 ) - (9.3x10^-6)
Give your answer in standard form to 3SF​



I got 5.51x10^-4

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

5.6 x [tex]10^{-4}[/tex]

9.3 x [tex]10^{-6}[/tex]

 560 x [tex]10^{-6}[/tex]

- 9.3 x [tex]10^{-6}[/tex]

550.7 x [tex]10^{-6}[/tex]


Sohanlal is a gardener He is paid 160 daily find how much money will he get in the month of September


When did sohanlal start his pay what is the start date of the pay

Determine the equation of a vertical line that passes through the point (-5,-2).



Step-by-step explanation:

A vertical line is an "x = " equation. To find out what this equation is, just plug in the value that satisfies the x value in the coordinate:

x = -5

If we were looking for the horizontal line that goes through that same point, we only need remember that a horizontal line is a "y = " line. To find out what this equation is, just plug in the value that satisfies the y value in the coordinate:

y = -2

11 red marbles, 9 blue marbles and 20 green marbles as a ratio in its simplest form



11 red

9 blue

20 green

as a ration is


since 9 and 11 are even numbers and can't be simplified

400th answer

Hope This Helps!!!

The function f(x) = log4x is dilated to become g(x) = f (1/3x).
What is the effect on f(x)?



The functions are:



The function f(x) is dilated to become g(x).

To find:

The effect on f(x).


Transformation is defined as:

[tex]g(x)=f(kx)[/tex]            ...(i)

Where, k is the factor of horizontal stretch and compression.

If 0<k<1, then the graph of f(x) stretched horizontally by factor [tex]\dfrac{1}{k}[/tex].

If k>1, then the graph of f(x) compressed horizontally by factor [tex]\dfrac{1}{k}[/tex].

It is given that

[tex]g(x)=f\left(\dfrac{1}{3}x\right)[/tex]          ...(ii)

On comparing (i) and (ii), we get


Therefore, the graph of f(x) stretched horizontally by factor [tex]3[/tex].

If f(x) =3x^2 +1 and g(x) = 1 -x, what is the value of (f-g) (2)?



(f-g)(2) = 14

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) =3x^2 +1 and g(x) = 1 -x

f(2) = 3(2)^2 +1 = 3(4)+1 = 12+1 = 13

g(2) = 1-2 = -1

f(2) - g(2) = 13 - -1 = 13+1 =14



Step-by-step explanation:

(f-g)(2) means f of x minus g of x when x equals 2.

To solve, first set up the equation


Change the signs in the second part. {because this is subtraction}


Replace x with 2.






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