Find the perimeter of the triangle in the picture attached.


Answer 1


5 2/3 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the perimeter, add up the sides

1 5/6 + 1 1/6 + 2 2/3

2 6/6 + 2 2/3

3 + 2 2/3

5 2/3 inches

Answer 2


5 2/3 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the perimeter, add up the sides

1 5/6 + 1 1/6 + 2 2/3

2 6/6 + 2 2/3

3 + 2 2/3

5 2/3 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

Meg plotted the graph below to show the relationship between the temperature of her city and the number of people at a swimming pool:

Part A: In your own words, describe the relationship between the temperature of the city and the number of people at the swimming pool. (5 points)

Part B: Describe how you can make the line of best fit. Write the approximate slope and y-intercept of the line of best fit. Show your work, including the points that you use to calculate slope and y-intercept. (5 points)



Generally, the higher the temperature, the larger the population.

Step-by-step explanation:

The line goes from left to right, and from down to up, so we can see that the temperature affects the population at the pool.

the higher temperature the higher the population would be

Solve for x: −7 < x − 1 < 8

A. 6 < x < 9
B. −6 > x > 9
C. 6 > x > −9
D. −6 < x < 9


The answer is D have a good day
The answer to this question is D

So sorry I really need help



(2 x 2 x 2) x (0.03125)

Step-by-step explanation:

The answer to it is 1 over 4

If In a = 2, In b = 3, and Inc = 5, evaluate the following:
(a) In
(b) In V63c4a-2


here you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Step-by-step explanation:

What is the coefficient of the j term in the polynomial negative 8j^ 2 + 7j - 6?



7 is the coefficient

A coefficient is a number before a variable.

For example, in 7j, 7 is the coefficient:)

Step-by-step explanation:

7 is the coefficient of the j term

Use the drawing tool(s) to form the correct answer on the provided graph.
Graph the solution to the following linear inequality in the coordinate plane.



Here's one way to do it

Step-by-step explanation:

1. Solve the inequality for y

5x - y > -3

-y > -5x - 3

y < 5x + 3

2. Plot a few points for the "y =" line

I chose

\begin{gathered}\begin{array}{rr}\mathbf{x} & \mathbf{y} \\-2 & -7 \\-1 & -2 \\0 & 3 \\1 & 8 \\2 & 13 \\\end{array}\end{gathered}













You should get a graph like Fig 1.

3. Draw a straight line through the points

Make it a dashed line because the inequality is "<", to show that points on the line do not satisfy the inequality.

See Fig. 2.

4. Test a point to see if it satisfies the inequality

I like to use the origin,(0,0), for easy calculating.

y < 5x + 3

0 < 0 + 3

0 < 3. TRUE.

The condition is TRUE.

Shade the side of the line that contains the point (the bottom side).

And you're done (See Fig. 3).

The graph the inequality of linear inequality in the coordinate plane [tex]5x-y > -3[/tex] is shown below .

What is graph of inequality?

The graph of an inequality in two variables is the set of points that represents all solutions to the inequality. A linear inequality divides the coordinate plane into two halves by a boundary line where one half represents the solutions of the inequality. The boundary line is dashed for > and < and solid for ≤ and ≥.If the symbol ≥ or > is used, shade above the line. If the symbol ≤ or < is used shade below the line.

According to the question

linear inequality in the coordinate plane.

[tex]5x-y > -3[/tex]

which can be written as

-y > -3 -5x  

y < 3 + 5x ( standard way to express inequality )

Now , to get the points for  graph the inequality

We will treat inequality as equation

y = 3 + 5x

x                 y

0                 3

1                  8      

-1                 -2

-0.6             0


As per rule of graph the inequality

The boundary line is dashed for > and <  

and  If the symbol ≤ or < is used shade below the line.  

Therefore , graph the inequality is plotted accordingly .

Hence, the graph the inequality of linear inequality in the coordinate plane [tex]5x-y > -3[/tex] is shown below .

To know more about graph the inequality here:


graph a line with the slope of -5 and the y intercept of 4

PLEZZ HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Slope m = -5

y intercept = 4

so the equation of the line is,

y = -5x+4

Plot two points, (0,4) and (1,-1)

then connect them, I've attached a graph, your graph should look like that

Answered by GAUTHMATH



Step-by-step explanation:


the slope is m

the y intercept is b

-5/1= one right and down 5

4 is the starting point on the y-axis (the vertical one)

A sector of a circle of radius 6cm subtends an angle in of 105 at the centre of the circle.Calculate
I)the length of the minor
Ii)Perimeter of the sector
Iii)the area of the sector[take pi =22/7




Step-by-step explanation:

the perimeter of the sector


Sorry dont know :(

Step-by-step explanation:

Complete the following sentences based on the graph of the function.



1) Decreases

2) not constant

3) non-linear

4) >

5) 8

6) 5


• As x increases, y decreases
• The rate of change for y as a function of x is not constant, therefore the function is not linear
• For all values of x, the function value y > 0
• The y intercept of the graph is the function y=8
•When x=1 the function value of y=5

50 POINTS if u answer every question no explaining needed


Answer: 2nd one.

Step-by-step explanation:

Basically is more turkey for cheaper price...

The best buy is the second turkey.

1. 1 5/7

2. 1 mile per hour

3. 13. Well, 13.5 but since you can't cut half a board, it's rounded down to 13.

4. a. 3 batches of cookies

   b. 180 cookies

5. a. 1/8 of a pound of candy every day

   b. It will take him 8 days to eat 1 pound of candy

Let me know if any of these are wrong, I will correct them.

Please help me I need it ASAP! Thank you!


If the number of cups of cereal is 30, then the number of cups of rasins will be 10

This is because there was a repeating pattern of Times three
For how many raisins there are there will be three times as much cereal
Therefore on the graph when the cereal (axis x) is at 30, The raisin (y axis) should be 10
The first option is most reasonable



Enter your answer in the box as a mixed number in simplest form.



2 1/12

Step-by-step explanation:


Get a common denominator of 12

5/6 *2/2   + 1/2 *6/6  + 3/4 *3/3

10/12 + 6/12 + 9/12


24/12 + 1/12

2 +1/12

2 1/12

[tex]\bf \Large \hookrightarrow \: \frac{5}{6} \: + \: \frac{1}{2} \: + \: \frac{3}{4} \\ [/tex]

First , we take LCM of denominators

LCM of denominators is 12

[tex]\bf \Large \hookrightarrow \: \frac{10 \: + \: 6 \: + \: 9}{12} \\ [/tex]

[tex]\bf \Large \hookrightarrow \: \: \frac{25}{12} \\ [/tex]

Decimal Form = 2.0833

Mixed fraction form 2 × 1/2

Which expression is equivalent to 4. 8 + 2. 2w - 1. 4w + 2. 4 ?


Hope this photo helps

I hope this helps

what is 2x + 5 = 2x - 10



2x+5 = 2x-10

2x = 2x-15

0 = -15???

This equation has NO SOLUTION.

Let me know if this helps!

2x + 5 = 2x-10
-2x. = -2x
+ 5 = -10
- 5 = -5
0 = -15

This has no answer

Express each of the following fractions as percentages
3/5 (fraction)
solution for class 7


To convert from fraction to decimal, you have to divide the fraction and then multiply your answer by 100:
Divide 3 by 5 ( 3 / 5 ) = 0.6,
and then multiply by 100, so the percentage is:

According to the 2000 census, the population of a city was 935,426. According to the 2010 census, the population of the same city was 934,578. Taylor says the 2000 population was greater than the 2010 population.

1. - Construct an argument that supports Taylor's conjecture.
2. - In 1870, the population was seventy-two thousand, five hundred six. Lupita wrote 72,560. Construct a math argument that explains whether Lupita wrote the number correctly.


1. Taylor is correct because in the thousands place there is a a five for 2000 snd 2010 it’s a 4
2. Lupita is wrong it should be seventy-two thousand five hundred sixty.

The Taylor is right and Lupita is wrong.

It is required to Construct a math argument.

What is a statement?

A statement is a declarative sentence that is either true or false but not both. A statement is sometimes called a proposition. The key is that there must be no ambiguity. To be a statement, a sentence must be true or false, and it cannot be both.


In 2000 census, the population of a city was 935,426.

In 2010 census, the population of the same city was 934,578.

1. Taylor is correct because in the thousands place there is a a five for 2000 and 2010 it’s a 4.

2. Lupita is wrong it should be seventy-two thousand five hundred sixty.

Therefore, the Taylor is right and Lupita is wrong.

Learn more about statement  here:


Determine the length of AB¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯. Write your answer in simplest form.

pls help i need the answer soon



[tex]x = 2.4[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1:  Find the length of AB

[tex]\frac{ED}{EA} = \frac{EC}{EB}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{15}{12} = \frac{18}{12+x}[/tex]

Cross Multiply

[tex]15(12+x) = 12(18)[/tex]


[tex](15*12)+(15*x) = 216[/tex]

[tex]180 + 15x = 216[/tex]


[tex]15x / 15 = 36 / 15[/tex]

[tex]x = 2.4[/tex]

Answer:  [tex]x = 2.4[/tex]

X=2.4 yeah because you know

explain how to find the difference between 9^10/9^11 and 9^11/9^10




Step-by-step explanation:


If a 130 mile trip takes 2 hours, what was the speed?

How long does a 35 mile trip at 70 mph take?



Question 1's answer is 75 mph

Question 2's answer is 30 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:


1. 65mph

2. 1/2 hour

Step-by-step explanation:

1. The equation is D=R×T. Since the distance was 130 miles and the time was 2 hours, rewrite the equation as 130=2R. Divide both sides by 2 and you get R=65

2. Using the equation, write 35 miles as distance and 70 mph as rate: 35=70T. Divide both sides by 70: T=0.5, which is equal to 1/2 hour, or 30 minutes.

I really need help with this question please!



y = -2x+7

Step-by-step explanation:

The slope intercept form of an equation is

y = mx+b  where m is the slope and b is the y intercept

y = -2x +b

Substitute the point into the equation and solve for b

5 = -2(1)+b

5 = -2+b

Add 2 to each side

5+2 = -2+b+2


y = -2x+7

The answer is y=2x+3 d cause it helps




b and d

Step-by-step explanation:


A. Make an organized list to represent the sample space of tossing a coin and picking a number between 1 and 5, inclusive. [Hint: Inclusive means that 1 and 5 may be picked.]

B. In your list from A, which are favorable outcomes of the following event: choosing an odd number?



A.  3 (1,2,3,4,5) B 60%

Step-by-step explanation:


a) {1H,2H,3H,4H,5H,1T,2T,3T,4T,5T} b) 1H,3H,5H,1T,3T,5T

Step-by-step explanation:


sample space is basically all possible outcomes in a list so {1H,2H,3H,4H,5H,1T,2T,3T,4T,5T}


favorable outcomes of choosing an odd number are the outcomes with odd numbers so 1H,3H,5H,1T,3T,5T

A monkey is swinging from a tree. On the first swing, she passes through an arc of 10 m. With each swing, she passes through an arc 9/10 the length of the previous swing.

What is the total distance the monkey has traveled when she completes her 25th swing? Round your final answer to the nearest meter.


The total distance the monkey has traveled when she completes her 25th swing is 92.82 m if the monkey is swinging from a tree.

What is a sequence?

It is defined as the systematic way of representing the data that follows a certain rule of arithmetic.

We have:

A monkey is swinging from a tree. On the first swing, she passes through an arc of 10 m. With each swing, she passes through an arc 9/10 the length of the previous swing.

In first swing = 10 m

In second swing = (9/10)10 m = 9 m

In the second swing = (9/10)9 =81/10

10, 9, 81/10,..

This is the geometric sequence with the first term being 10 and the common ratio being 9/10.

a = 10

r = 9/10

The sum of geometric sequence up to 25th terms:

S = a(1 - rⁿ)/(1 - r)

S = 10(1 - (9/10)²⁵)/(1 - 9/10)

S = 92.82 m

Thus, the total distance the monkey has traveled when she completes her 25th swing is 92.82 m if the monkey is swinging from a tree. On the first swing, she passes through an arc of 10 m. With each swing, she passes through an arc 9/10 the length of the previous swing.

Learn more about the sequence here:


Simplify each expression to lowest terms.

1. 2a - 4b +3ab -5a +2b

2. 4(2x+1) - 3x

3. 4(p - 5) +3(p +1)

4. 6(p +3q) - (7 +4q)

5. 4rs -2s - 3(rs +1) - 2s


1.) 2a - 4b + 3ab -5a + 2b

= 3ab -3a -2b

2.) 4(2x+1)-3x

= 8x+4 -3x

= 5x + 4

3.) 4(p-5) +3(p+1)

= 4p-20 + 3p+3

= 7p -17

4.) 6(p+3q) - (7 + 4q)

= 6p+18q -7 -4q

= 6p + 14q -7

5.) 4rs -2s -3(rs +1) -2s

= 4rs -4s -3rs -3

= rs -4s - 3

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

You already have it answered and I need points so commenting lol- respect the hustle

5. Rectangle ABCD is graphed in the coordinate plane. The following are vertices of the rectangle: A(-1,-6), B(-1,-7), C(1,7), and D(1,-6). Given these coordinates, what is the length of side AB in this triangle? On the lines below, provide the length of the side as well as your reasoning for how you arrived at your answer.​



The legnth of side AB would be 3 units

Step-by-step explanation:

First, you would determine that both point A and point B would have the same y-coordinate of 1.   Then you would determine the difference between the x values of points A and B.  Since 5 (the x-value for B) minus 2 (the x-value for A) is 3, the legnth of side AB would be 3 units.

I need help with this please!!



8(3j -2)

4(6j -4)

Step-by-step explanation:

24j - 16


8*3*j - 8*2

Factor out the greatest common factor

8(3j -2)

We can also factor out 4

4*6j - 4*4

4(6j -4)


A & C

Step-by-step explanation:

A) 8(3j-2)

= 24j-16

B) 6(4j-2j)

= 24j -12 j (not equal)

C) 4 (6j-4)

24j -16

D) 2(12-8)

24-16 (not equal)

Therefore only A and C are equivalent to 24j-16

Answered by Gauthmath

Which inequality describes this graph?


Your picture is black

umm it’s just a black page lol

William has a 26-liter glass tank. First, he wants to put some marbles in it, all of the same volume. Then, he wants to fill the tank with water until it's completely full. If he uses 85 marbles, he will have to add 20.9 liters of of water.

What is the volume of each marble?
How much water is necessary if William uses 200 marbles?

Answer: 0.06/marble | 14 liters


The volume of the marbles is   26-20.9 = 5.1 l      and there ar e85 marbles

5.1/85 = .06 l/marble


then 200 marbles would requrie    .06 l/marble x 200 marbles = 12 liters

so he would only need  26-12= 14 liters of water to fill the tank !


14 marbles

Step-by-step explanation:

Hey! Can anybody help? I’m stuck on this question


I believe that it is C
it’s (C)………………………………

what is the equation


Answer:   -12 - 3 = -15


We start at -12 which goes in the first box.

Moving to the left 3 units means we subtract off 3, so that's why 3 goes in the second box.

The arrow is pointing at -15 as the final destination, which goes in the final third box.

The equation is -12 -3 = -15
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