Find the slope of the line that contains (-1, 9) and (9, 9).


Answer 1

Step-by-step explanation:

using the slope formula, we can see that the slope is 0

Related Questions

How long would it take the car to travel a distance of 2 meters at this average speed?



1 hour

Step-by-step explanation:

2 ÷2=1 speed divide by distance

plssssss help me answer this quickly



Step-by-step explanation:

how many solutions does the equation below have? 3x-8=-2x+9/3




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 3x-8=-2x+\dfrac{9}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 3x-8=-2x+3[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 3x+2x=3+8[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 5x=11[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=\dfrac{11}{5}[/tex]

In the picture below, which lines are lines of symmetry for the figure?

A. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 4
C. 1, 2, and 3
D. none




Step-by-step explanation:

No lines can be folded over to match up with the opposite side

a4 - 3a2b2 + b4​



The term a⁴-3a²b²+b⁴ can't be factorised

PLEASE HELP PLEASE!!!! AB←→||CD←→ . Find the measure of ∠BFG.



BFG = 135

Step-by-step explanation:

The angles are alternate interior angles and alternate interior angles are equal when the lines are parallel

3x+15 = 5x-5

Subtract 3x from each side

3x+15-3x = 5x-5-3x

15 = 2x-5

Add 5 to each side

15+5 = 2x-5+5

20 = 2x

Divide by 2

20/2 = 2x/2

10 =x

We know that AFG + BFG = 180 since it forms a straight line

AFG + BFG = 180

3x+15 + BFG = 180

3(10) + 15  + BFG = 180

30+15 + BFG = 180

45 + BFG = 180

BFG = 180-45

BFG = 135


<BFG = 135

Step-by-step explanation:

They are the same angle, so they will be equal to eachother.

3x + 15 = 5x - 5

-3x          -3x


     15   = 2x - 5

     +5           +5


     20 = 2x

     -----   ----

       2      2

      10 = x

3(10) + 15

30 + 15


180-45 = 135

The answer is 135.

how many square metres of floor are there in a room of 6 metres

ig something like that



36² metres

Step-by-step explanation:

I'm assuming you mean 6 metre wide/long floor. Area is L*W so 6*6

x3 + (y +z) factorize​


I think you wrote the question wrong this question is not factorable

4/10 : 1/25 as a unit rate.

A: 10:1
B: 25:4
C: 2:125
D: 100:1



4/10 : 1/25

4/10 / 1/25 = 4/10 x 25/1 = 100/10 = 10.

10 can also be written as 10:1, so A is correct.

Hope this helps!

Geometry, please answer question ASAP



Triangle ACB =~ triangle DFE, by adding 6 units to each side of both triangles their relationship will not change. They are still similar.

Step-by-step explanation:

The answer isn't great in all honesty but it's been a long time since I took geometry and I don't 100% remember the proper way of stating it. Though I am 100% sure they stay similar.

Sorry couldn't be of more help but figured something was better then nothing

Use what you know about sine, cosine, and tangent to calculate the height of the buildings in the diagram below.



x = 32 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

By applying tangent rule in ΔACD,

tan(40°) = [tex]\frac{\text{Opposite side}}{\text{Adjacent side}}[/tex]

             = [tex]\frac{AB+AC}{CD}[/tex]

             = [tex]\frac{x+BC}{87}[/tex]

x + BC = 73 -----(1)

By applying tangent rule in ΔBCD,

tan(25°) = [tex]\frac{BC}{CD}[/tex]

             = [tex]\frac{BC}{87}[/tex]

BC = 40.57

By substituting the value of BC in equation (1),

x + 40.57 = 73

x = 32.43

x ≈ 32 feet

Write a verbal expression for (c-2)d



the sum of c minus 2 multiplied by d ------> (c-2)d

The area under the standard normal curve to the right of z = -0.51 is 0.6950. What is the area to the left of z = 0.51?




Step-by-step explanation:

We are told that area under the standard normal curve to the right of z = -0.51 is 0.6950

Thus, to get the area to the left, we just subtract 0.6950 from 1.


area to the left of z = 0.51 is;

P( z < 0.51) = 1 - 0.6950 = 0.305

In figure above, if l1 | | l2 then value of x is:
a) 40°
b) 50°
c) 80°
d) 100°



its letter c so 80

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope this help

solve for x.
solve for x.
solve for x.




Step-by-step explanation:

A secant is a line segment that intersects a circle in two places. One property of a secant is the product of the lengths ratio. This ratio can be described as the following, let ([tex]inside[/tex]) refer to the part of the secant that is inside the circle, and ([tex]outside[/tex]) refer to the part that is outside of it. ([tex]total[/tex]) will refer to the entirety of the secant or ([tex]inside+outside[/tex]). The numbers (1) and (2) will be used as subscripts to indicate that there are two different secants.










Inverse operations,




i need help with this



A) (-8, -16)

B) (0, 48)

C) (-4, 0), (-12, 0)

Step-by-step explanation:

A) the vertex is the minimum y value.

extremes of a function we get by using the first derivation and solving it for y' = 0.

y = x² + 16x + 48

y' = 2x + 16 = 0

2x = -16

x = -8

so, the vertex is at x=-8.

the y value is (-8)² + 16(-8) + 48 = 64 - 128 + 48 = -16

B) is totally simple. it is f(0) or x=0. so, y is 48.

C) is the solution of the equation for y = 0.

the solution for such a quadratic equation is

x = (-b ± sqrt(b² - 4ac)) / (2a)

in our case here




x = (-16 ± sqrt(16² - 4×48)) / 2 = (-16 ± sqrt(256-192)) / 2 =

= (-16 ± sqrt(64)) / 2 = (-16 ± 8) / 2 = (-8 ± 4)

x1 = -8 + 4 = -4

x2 = -8 - 4 = -12

so the x- intercepts are (-4, 0), (-12, 0)

after allowing 20% discount an article is sold for rs.672 levying 12% VAT, find its market price​


The market price is Rs. 750 which was obtained by creating a mathematical relationship from the given parameters.




Let the MARKET PRICE = m


market price * (1 - discount) * (1 + VAT) = price sold

m * (1 - 20%) * (1 + 12%) = 672

m * (1 - 0.2) * (1 + 0.12) = 672

m * 0.8 * 1.12 = 672

0.896m = 672

m = 672 / 0.896

m = Rs. 750

Learn more :

The Market Price of the product is RS. 750.

The Market Price is calculated by dividing the components associated to Discount, which is less than 1, and the Value Added Tax, which more than 1, to the Resulting Price.

[tex]c_{M} = \frac{c_{R}}{\left(1-\frac{r_{D}}{100} \right)\cdot \left(1+\frac{r_{T}}{100} \right)}[/tex] (1)


[tex]c_{M}[/tex] - Market price, in monetary units.

[tex]c_{R}[/tex] - Resulting price, in monetary units.

[tex]r_{D}[/tex] - Discount rate, in percentage.

[tex]r_{T}[/tex] - Tax rate, in percentage.

If we know that [tex]c_{R} = 672[/tex], [tex]r_{D} = 20[/tex] and [tex]r_{T} = 12[/tex], then the market price is:

[tex]c_{M} = \frac{672}{\left(1-\frac{20}{100} \right)\cdot \left(1+\frac{12}{100} \right)}[/tex]

[tex]c_{M} = 750[/tex]

The market price of the product is RS. 750.

Simplify. (x2+2x-4)+(2x-5x-3)​



Step by Step Solution

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Simplify ——


Equation at the end of step









Equation at the end of step




(((2x2 - 5x) - ——) + 2x) - 3





Rewriting the whole as an Equivalent Fraction

3.1 Subtracting a fraction from a whole

Rewrite the whole as a fraction using x2 as the denominator :

2x2 - 5x (2x2 - 5x) • x2

2x2 - 5x = ———————— = ———————————————

1 x2

Equivalent fraction : The fraction thus generated looks different but has the same value as the whole

Common denominator : The equivalent fraction and the other fraction involved in the calculation share the same denominator




Pulling out like terms

4.1 Pull out like factors :

2x2 - 5x = x • (2x - 5)

Adding fractions that have a common denominator :

4.2 Adding up the two equivalent fractions

Add the two equivalent fractions which now have a common denominator

Combine the numerators together, put the sum or difference over the common denominator then reduce to lowest terms if possible:

x • (2x-5) • x2 - (3) 2x4 - 5x3 - 3

————————————————————— = —————————————

x2 x2

Equation at the end of step



(2x4 - 5x3 - 3)

(——————————————— + 2x) - 3





Rewriting the whole as an Equivalent Fraction :

5.1 Adding a whole to a fraction

Rewrite the whole as a fraction using x2 as the denominator :

2x 2x • x2

2x = —— = ———————

1 x2

Polynomial Roots Calculator :

5.2 Find roots (zeroes) of : F(x) = 2x4 - 5x3 - 3

Polynomial Roots Calculator is a set of methods aimed at finding values of x for which F(x)=0

Rational Roots Test is one of the above mentioned tools. It would only find Rational Roots that is numbers x which can be expressed as the quotient of two integers

[tex]3-\sqrt{x} 1-16x^{2}[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

This equation turns out to be a quartic. I'm not sure what should be done with. I can't believe you were asked to find its roots which are unbelievably complex. Here is a graph with the only 2 points that are easily found. If I am not solving what you need, please leave a note.

Triangle XYZ is isosceles. The measure of the vertex angle, Y, is twice the measure of a base angle. What is true about triangle XYZ? Select three options.



A. Angle Y is a right angle.

B. The measure of angle Z is 45°.

E. The perpendicular bisector of creates two smaller isosceles triangles.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x represent the measures of base angles X and Z. 2x is the measure of vertex angle Y.

x + x + 2x = 180°

x = 45°

2x = m∠Y = 90°

The triangle is an isosceles right triangle which has base angles of 45°.

The perpendicular bisector of line XZ creates two smaller isosceles triangles with acute angles of 45°


The answers are A B E

Step-by-step explanation:


Write the following expression in exponential form:

1.6 × 1.6 × 1.6 × 1.6

1.6 × 4
1.6 + 4




Step-by-step explanation:

1.6 is multiplied by itself 4 times. This is represented in exponential form as


The graph of a line is shown below. What is the equation of the line, in slope-intercept form, that is parallel to this line and has a y-intercept of 1?



[tex]y = - \frac{3}{2} x + 1[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Slope -intercept form: y= mx +c, where m is the slope and c is the y-intercept.

Parallel lines have the same slope. Let's find the slope of the given line.

Given points: (-2, 0) and (0, -3)

[tex]\boxed{slope = \frac{y1 - y2}{x1 - x2} }[/tex]

slope of given line

[tex] = \frac{0 - ( - 3)}{ - 2 - 0} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{0 + 3}{ - 2} [/tex]

[tex] = - \frac{3}{2} [/tex]

[tex]y = - \frac{3}{2} x + c[/tex]

Given that the y- intercept is 1, c= 1.

[tex]y = - \frac{3}{2} x + 1[/tex]

what is the answer? I need help!! please and thank you




Step-by-step explanation:

27%=0.27 and sqrt(2)<2.75

If Tan A=5/12 then find cot A, cos A and Sin A


Cot A=1/tan A=12/5

cos A= 12/13

sin A=5/13

Draw a right angled triangle

the hypotenuse is the longest side which is 13 using Pythagoras theorem

the side opposite the angle A is 5

the side closest to the angle A which is called the adjacent is 12

sinA =opp/hyp

cos A= adj/hyp

cotA =1/tanA=cos A/sinA

Note: Pythagoras theorem is



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]tan \ A = \frac{5}{12}=\frac{opposite \ site}{adjacent \ side}[/tex]

hypotenuse² = (opposite side)² + (adjacent side)²

                      =  5² + 12²

                      = 25 + 144

                      = 169

hypotenuse = √169 = √13*13 = 13

[tex]Cot \ A = \frac{adjacent \ side}{opposite \ side}=\frac{12}{5}\\\\Cos \ A = \frac{adjacent \ side}{hypotenuse}=\frac{12}{13}\\\\Sin \ A = \frac{opposite \ side}{hypotenuse}=\frac{5}{13}[/tex]

help! please!!!!!! look at photo :))


Hey there!

We know that Danielle earns $10 per hour, so muliply that by 3 and get 30.

Because Danielle works an extra half an hour, divide 10 by 2 and get 5.

Danielle earns $35 in 3 hours and a half.

Hope this helps! Please mark me as brainliest!

Have a wonderful day :)

Charlene is a salesperson. Let y represent her total pay (in dollars). Let x represent the number of
items she sells. Suppose that x and y are related by the equation y=32x + 1900.
What is Charlene's total pay if she doesn't sell any items?
A. $32
B. $1,900
C. $3,200
D. $19


Multiply 32 by 0, and you get y=1,900

Which functions have a maximum value greater than the maximum of the function g(x) = -(x + 3)2 - 4?



max: -4

Step-by-step explanation:

(x+3)^2 》0 mọi x

<=> -(x+3)^2 《0

<=> -(x+3)^2 -4 《 -4

Convert 75 mg into gram


75 mg into grams is 0.075


[tex]{ \tt{1 \: mg = 1 \times {10}^{ - 3} \: g}} \\ { \tt{75 \: mg = (75 \times 1 \times {10}^{ - 3} ) \: g}} \\ { \bf{ = 75 \times 10 {}^{ - 3} \: grams}} \\ { \bf{ = 0.075 \: grams}}[/tex]

The angle made by the ladder with the ground is degrees, and the length of the ladder is inches.




58.31 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

The solution triangle is attached below :

Since we have a right angled triangle, we can apply trigonometry to obtain the angle ladder makes with the ground;

Let the angle = θ

Tanθ = opposite / Adjacent

Tanθ = 50/30

θ = tan^-1(50/30)

θ = 59.036°

θ = 59.04°

The length of ladder can be obtained using Pythagoras :

Length of ladder is the hypotenus :


Hypotenus = √(adjacent² + opposite²)

Hypotenus = √(50² + 30²)

Hypotenus = √(2500 + 900)

Hypotenus = 58.309

Length of ladder = 58.31 inches



58.3 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

Here is the full question :

A ladder is placed 30 inches from a wall. It touches the wall at a height of 50 inches from the ground. The angle made by the ladder with the ground is degrees, and the length of the ladder is inches.

Please check the attached image for a diagram explaining this question

The angle the ladder makes with the ground is labelled x in the diagram

To find the value of x given the opposite and adjacent lengths, use tan

tan⁻¹ (opposite / adjacent)

tan⁻¹  (50 / 30)

tan⁻¹ 1.667

= 59°

the length of the ladder can be determined using Pythagoras theorem

The Pythagoras theorem : a² + b² = c²

where a = length

b = base

c =  hypotenuse

√(50² + 30²)

√(2500 + 900)


= 58.3 inches

y= -(x+3)^2 -5
What is the leading coefficient?
How do you find the vertex?



To find the leading coefficient, first expand the function:

[tex]y= -(x+3)^{2} -5\\\\y=-(x^{2} +6x+9)-5\\\\y=-x^{2} -6x-9-5\\\\y=-x^{2} -6x-14[/tex]

The leading coefficient is the coefficient of the highest-order term, which, in this case, would be the -1 from -x².

To find the vertex: see image below

Vertex = (-3, -5)

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