Find the values of p and q for which the system of the linear equation has
infinite number of solutions
2x -3y = 7
(p +q) x -(p+ q- 3) y =4p+q

unwanted ans will be reported


Answer 1

If it has infinite solutions

[tex]\boxed{\sf \dfrac{a_1}{a_2}=\dfrac{b_1}{b_2}=\dfrac{c_1}{c_2}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{2}{p+q}=\dfrac{3}{p+q-3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2(p+q-3)=3(p+q)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2p+2q-6=3p+3q[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2p-3p+2q-3q=6[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -p-q=6[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto p+q=-6[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto p=-6-q[/tex]

Take p as 1


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Can someone please just help me fill in those three boxes I’ve been struggling


7+ square root of 143 = 18.96 and 7- square root of 143 = -4.96

I also believe that 18.96 also makes sense for the last blank because the question makes it seem like it has to be a positive number.

Express 0.00506 in standard form​



[tex]5.06 x 10^{-3}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Move decimal 3 place to right.

Because the decimal was moved to right, the exponent is negative.

Divisibility rules with algebra




Step-by-step explanation:

normal division rules

33 goes into 47 1 time

then it leaves 17D

if we divide 170 by 33, we get 5 and if we divide 179 by 33, we still get 5. So we have 17D-165. That leaves us with something that you multiply 33 with to have a 2 in the ones place so that you get a remainder of 2. (In order to get 2 in the remainder, we need a 2 in the ones place because 4-2=2. In order to get that we need to see which number multiplied with 33 would get us a number smaller than 179 but also has a 2 in the ones place. Theres only one number and thats 4. 33*4=132. So in order to get only 2 in the remainder, we need the rest to be subtracted. This means that 17D-165=134. This way we can see that D=8

How do I simplify this? With steps please :)



[tex]{ \tt{ = \frac{ {p}^{2} + 8p + 16 }{ {p}^{2} - 16 } }} \\ \\ = { \tt{ \frac{ {(x + 4)}^{2} }{(x - 4)(x + 4)} }} \\ \\ = { \tt{ \frac{(x + 4)}{(x - 4)} }}[/tex]

△ABCis reflected to form​​ ​△A′B′C′​. The vertices of △ABC are A(3, 1), B(1, 5), and C(6, 9). The vertices of △A′B′C′ are A′(−1, −3), B′(−5, −1), and C′(−9, −6). Which reflection results in the transformation of ​△ABC​​ to ​△A′B′C′​​? Reflection across the x-axis reflection across the y-axis reflection across y = x reflection across y=−x I NEED HELP PLS The answer choies are: A. Reflection across the x-axis B. Reflection across the y-axis C. Reflection across y = x D. Reflection across y=−x


Answer:  D) reflection across y = -x


When we reflect over y = x, we basically swap x and y. So for instance, the point (3,1) becomes (1,3).

When reflecting over y = -x, we will do the same thing but we'll make each coordinate swap in sign from positive to negative (or vice versa). The rule for reflecting over y = -x is [tex](x,y) \to (-y,-x)[/tex]

So if we apply that rule to point A(3,1) then it becomes A ' (-1, -3).

Similarly, B(1,5) moves to B ' (-5, -1)

Finally, C(6,9) becomes C ' (-9, -6)

If the discriminant of an equation is zero, which of the following is true of the equation?​


[tex]\sf Your \: question \: is \: incomplete. \: [/tex]


[tex]\sf \: I \: believe \: this \: is \: the \: answer \: you \: wanted[/tex] ⟹

[tex]\sf If \: the \: discriminant \: of \: an \: equation \: is \: zero, \: then \\ \sf \: the \: equation \: will \: have \:\underline{ 1 \: real \: solution \: with \: real \: and \: equal \: roots}.[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{ \sf{Explanation}} [/tex]

[tex]\sf If \: discriminant \: of \: quadratic \: equation \: ax^{2} + bx + c \: \\ \sf is \: b^{2} - 4ac = 0 \: then \: it \: will \: have \\ \sf↦\underline{1 \: real \: solution \: with \: real \: and \: equal \: roots.} [/tex]


see explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

If b² - 4ac = 0

Then the roots are real and equal

Let f(x) = 3x − 2 and g(x) = x + 1. Find (g ∘ f)(2).
Help plsssssssssssssssss



(g ∘ f)(2) =5

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = 3x − 2

g(x) = x + 1

(g ∘ f)(2).

Find f(2) = 3(2) -2 = 6-2 = 4

Then find g(4) = 4+1 = 5

Find square root of 0.0324




Step-by-step explanation:

What is the name for the marked angel ?




Step-by-step explanation:


The answer is <ead

please mark me brainliest

Please help out with this question..



Step-by-step explanation:

C = 16 * 3 = 48

order the set of irrational numbers from least to greatest



answer is A

hope it helps please mark as brainliest answer and give me thanks

#Dhruv here

Find the missing side or angle.
Round to the nearest tenth.
C= ?




Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!

To find angle C, we can use the cosine law:


Plug in the given information





Therefore, angle C is approximately 125 degrees.

I hope this helps!

evaluate and solve: y + 3 = –y + 9


The value of y is 3.


Solution given;

: y + 3 = –y + 9

add +y on both term


subtract both side by 3



divide both side by 2




y = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

y + 3 = –y + 9

Add y to each side

y+y + 3 = –y +y+ 9

2y +3 = 9

Subtract 3 from each side

2y+3-3 = 9-3

2y = 6

Divide by 2

2y/2 = 6/2

y = 3

Find the solution to the system of equation -x + y = 3 and x - 2y = 5.



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\displaystyle\ \large \boldsymbol{} +\left \{ {{-x+y=3} \atop { \ \ x-2y=5}} \right. => \\\\\\x \!\!\!\!\diagup-x\!\!\!\!\diagup-2y+y=5+3\\\\-y=8\\\\ y=-8\ ; \ x=-11[/tex]

pls help its timed no fake answers i cant afford to fail



It's B, I tried using mathaway and that's the closest to the answer I got. Try it. I always use mathaway for any math problems, use that for now on if you're stuck

Step-by-step explanation:

Match each equation with its solution.



1. x = -2 , 3

2. x = - 1, 5

3. -1, 6/5

4. - 0/3, 1.3

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]ln(x+5)=ln(x-1)+ln(x+1)\\\\x+ 5 = (x-1)(x+1)\\\\x + 5 = x^2 - 1\\\\x^2 - x - 6 = 0 \\\\x^2 - 3 x + 2 x - 6 =0 \\\\x(x-3)+2(x-3)=0\\\\x = -2 and 3[/tex]


[tex]e^{x^{2}}=e^{4x +5}\\\\x^2 - 4x - 5 = 0 \\\\x^2 - 5x + x - 5 = 0 \\\\x (x-5)+1 (x-5)=0\\\\x = -1 and 5[/tex]


[tex]log_{4}(5x^2 +2)=log_{4}(x +8)\\\\5x^2 - x - 6 = 0 \\\\5 x^2 - 6 x + 5x- 6 = 0 \\\\5 x (x + 1)-6(x+1)=0\\\\x = -1 and \frac{6}{5}[/tex]


[tex]log(x-1)+log 5x = 2\\\\5 x (x-1) =2 \\\\5x^2 - 5x -2 = 0 \\\\x = \frac{5\pm\sqrt{25+40}}{10}\\\\x = \frac{5\pm 8}{10}\\\\x = 1.3, - 0.3[/tex]

plsssss helpp in the next 2 min gives 10 points



The answer is 144,5

Step-by-step explanation:

144,5/170×100 =85%


200 students in total

Step-by-step explanation:

Mr.Cruz is the director of an after-school program. He says that 170 students, or 85% of the students in his program, went on to attend college. A parent wants to know the total number of students in the program.

?/T = 85%

Where T = Total

85% = 170 students

Set-up the dimensions like this!

part/whole = part/whole

170/T = 85%/100

Multiply 170 by 100

170 • 100 = 17000

Then divided by 85

17000 divided by 85 = 200

A cab company changes a 3$ flat rate addition to $1.50 per mile what is the y Intercept?


The y intercept would be the minimum amount charged, which would be the flat rate of $3

Answer: the y-intercept is 3

The y- intercept is (0,1.50)

please answer the question below! first to answer correctly, I will mark as brainliest.


The probability of not winning would be :

1 - probability of winning

This is written as:

1 - n/n+3

Now to simplify as a single fraction rewrite as:

N+3/n+3 - n/n+3

Simplify to get : 3/n+3

what is 11/12 divide 1/3
no simplify
please help i need to pass summer school




Step-by-step explanation:

(11/12) / (1/3) = 2.75


the answer is: 11/4

Using a deck of 52 playing cards, what are the odds in favor of drawing a Jack or 10?​


odds against drawing a Jack are 48:4
odds in favor of drawing a Jack are: 4:48

half past 9:00p.m. what is half past of 9:00p.m.​



The answer is 9:30 pm :D.

How many solutions does it have? Pls help



2 solutions

i hope this will help you

Problem 7:

show that 4^n + 4^n+1 + 4^n+2 + 4^n+3 + 4^n+4 is divisible by 11 for any positive integer


4ⁿ + 4ⁿ⁺¹ + 4ⁿ⁺² + 4ⁿ⁺³ + 4ⁿ⁺⁴

= 4ⁿ (4⁰ + 4¹ + 4² + 4³ + 4⁴)

= 4ⁿ × 341

= 4ⁿ × 11 × 31

please help me out really need help




add the two together.... 5x^3 is the only cube A or B  only x is 6x and only B  has that

Step-by-step explanation:


your answer is B

[tex]f(x)=2x^{2} +6x-4[/tex]

[tex]g(x)=5x^{3} -6x^{2} -3[/tex]

[tex](f+g)x=2x^{2} +6x-4+5x^{3} -6x^{2} -3[/tex]

[tex]=5x^{3} -4x^{2} +6x-7[/tex]


Calculate the answer to the correct number of significant figures: 41.70 + 0.506 + 0.00223 = ______.







The answer to the correct number of significant figures is 42.21

Addition of decimal numbers

When adding decimal numbers, the number of significance of the resulting value will be to the least decimal numbers in the given expression.

Given the sum of decimal shown

41.70 + 0.506 + 0.00223

Using the calculator to take the sum

41.70 + 0.506 + 0.00223 = 42.20823

Since the significance value in the expression is 4, hence we will round the result to 4sf to have 42.21

Learn more on addition of decimal here:


Compara 3/15 y 0.92


De que se trata tu problema es matemáticas

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \frac{3}{15} = \frac{1}{5} = 0.2 \\ 0.92 = \frac{23}{25} \\ 0.92 > 0.2[/tex]

Please Help Me!!!!!!!


Answer: b

Step-by-step explanation: death normally last 9 min and birth 9 sec

En un grado pienzan diseñar targetas de cuidadores del ambiente para repartir en los comercios. cada una tendra una frase para concientizar, el nombre de la escuela y el grado. las targetas seran un cuadrado con 10 cm de lado. aqui tienes un papel de 30 cm de ancho x 30 cm de largo y un cuadrado de 10 cm x 10 cm. ¿Cuantos cuadrados crees que entran en la hoja? ¿cuantas tarjetas puedes hacer con la hoja?



Entran 9 cuadrados en la hoja

Se puden hacer 10 tarejtas por que hay un cuadradro de 10*10 extra.

Step-by-step explanation:

El area de la hoja sera:

[tex]A_{Hoja}=30*30=900 \:cm^{2}[/tex]

Ahora el area de cada tarjeta es:

[tex]A_{tarjeta}=10*10=100\: cm^{2}[/tex]

Para determinar cuantos tarjetas entran en la hoja debemos vidivir las aras encontradas arriba:


Entonces entran 9 cuadrados en la hoja

Se puden hacer 10 tarejtas por que hay un cuadradro de 10*10 extra.

Espero te haya sido de ayuda!

The equation of line u is y = 9/2x+1. Line v is perpendicular to u. What is the slope of line v



Step-by-step explanation:

The slope of line u is 9/2; the line perpendicular to that is the opposite reciprocal...opposite sign and the flip of the fraction. The perpendicular slope is -2/9

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