Five friends each spent the same amount of money, x, on school supplies. They expected to spend a total of $130, but the actual
amount spent differed from the expected amount by $15.
Which equation represents the situation? What are the possible amounts that each friend spent?
13 - 130 = 15
The amount that each friend spent is $115 or $145.
151 - 130 = 15
The amount that each friend spent is $23 or $29.
151 + 15 = 130
The amount that each friend spent is $31 or $38.
(15.3 – 1300 = 5
The amount that each friend spent is $8 or $9.


Answer 1


its the second option

Step-by-step explanation:

hope this helps

Answer 2

Answer: 5x-130=15

Step-by-step explanation:


Related Questions

Two mechanics worked on a car. The first mechanic worked for 10 hours, and the second mechanic worked for 5 hours. Together they charged a total of
$750. What was the rate charged per hour by each mechanic if the sum of the two rates was $105 per hour?


Step-by-step explanation:

let's convert the statement into equation..

let the charge of 1st mechanic be x and second be y..

by the question..



from eqn(ii)..


or, x=105-y...(iii)

substituting the value of x in eqn (i)..


or, 10(105-y)+5y=750

or, 1050-10y+5y=750

or, 1050-750=5y

or, y=300/5

•°• y=60

substituting the value of y in eqn(iii).


or, x=105-60

•°• x= 45..

the rate charged by two mechanics per hour was 60$ and 45$

At a large Midwestern university, a simple random sample of 100 entering freshmen in 1993 found that 20 of the sampled freshmen finished in the bottom third of their high school class. Admission standards at the university were tightened in 1995. In 1997, a simple random sample of 100 entering freshmen found that only 10 finished in the bottom third of their high school class. Let p 1 and p 2 be the proportions of all entering freshmen in 1993 and 1997, respectively, who graduated in the bottom third of their high school class. What is a 90% plus four confidence interval for p 1 – p 2?



The 90% confidence interval for the difference of proportions is (0.01775,0.18225).

Step-by-step explanation:

Before building the confidence interval, we need to understand the central limit theorem and subtraction of normal variables.

Central Limit Theorem

The Central Limit Theorem establishes that, for a normally distributed random variable X, with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]\sigma[/tex], the sampling distribution of the sample means with size n can be approximated to a normal distribution with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]s = \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex].

For a skewed variable, the Central Limit Theorem can also be applied, as long as n is at least 30.

For a proportion p in a sample of size n, the sampling distribution of the sample proportion will be approximately normal with mean [tex]\mu = p[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]s = \sqrt{\frac{p(1-p)}{n}}[/tex]

Subtraction between normal variables:

When two normal variables are subtracted, the mean is the difference of the means, while the standard deviation is the square root of the sum of the variances.

p1 -> 1993

20 out of 100, so:

[tex]p_1 = \frac{20}{100} = 0.2[/tex]

[tex]s_1 = \sqrt{\frac{0.2*0.8}{100}} = 0.04[/tex]

p2 -> 1997

10 out of 100, so:

[tex]p_2 = \frac{10}{100} = 0.1[/tex]

[tex]s_2 = \sqrt{\frac{0.1*0.9}{100}} = 0.03[/tex]

Distribution of p1 – p2:

[tex]p = p_1 - p_2 = 0.2 - 0.1 = 0.1[/tex]

[tex]s = \sqrt{s_1^2+s_2^2} = \sqrt{0.04^2 + 0.03^2} = 0.05[/tex]

Confidence interval:

[tex]p \pm zs[/tex]

In which

z is the z-score that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{\alpha}{2}[/tex].

90% confidence level

So [tex]\alpha = 0.1[/tex], z is the value of Z that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{0.1}{2} = 0.95[/tex], so [tex]Z = 1.645[/tex].  

The lower bound of the interval is:

[tex]p - zs = 0.1 - 1.645*0.05 = 0.01775 [/tex]

The upper bound of the interval is:

[tex]p + zs = 0.1 + 1.645*0.05 = 0.18225 [/tex]

The 90% confidence interval for the difference of proportions is (0.01775,0.18225).

Can someone help me simplify this?



See attached

Step-by-step explanation:



If one foot is
equivalent to 12
inches, how many
inches are in 3 feet?

*Bonus: What is
another name for that



36 am I wright

because in this case we should always multiply

Elena drank 3 liters of water yesterday. Jada drank 3/4 times as much water as elena. Link drank twice as much as Jada. Did jada drink more or less then elena? Explain how you know



Step-by-step explanation:

3\4 bc on a nuberline it would be 3 3\4


so yeah hope i helped

Solve the formula for the given variable.
-2x - 6 = 4x
Please helppp



s snsnnssjsjjsnsnsjs

es 17 es

State two similarities and one difference between the graphs of f(x)= 3^x and g (x)= (1/3) ^x


Answer: the similarities is that they both intercepted at one point (0,1) and the difference is that f(x) is reaching positive infinity but g(x) is reaching negative infinity.

Find the lengths of AD, EF, and BC in the trapezoid below.


We know that,


which is


Now solve for x,




Since x is 9, the lengths are,




Hope this helps :)

Please help on my hw



Base is 3 centimeter and hight is 12 cent.



f(x) = 2/cos 2x

f(x) = 2/sin1x


{x∣x ≠ π/4+πn/2} , for any integer n

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

What are the coordinates of point K?
A (-2,4)
B (-2,-4)
C (2,-4)
D (2, 4)




Step-by-step explanation:

I guess that is the answer

Find the value of x.
X 9 9 7 x = [?]


Due to the 2 lines being equal length from the center, the two outer lines are the same, the on is shown as 7, and another 7 bc of the lines that say they’re the same. Answer is 14

Tom and Jerry had a race. Tom started at 0200 running at 4.5km per hour. Jerry started
later at 6:30am running at 6.5km per hour. After five hours, who was ahead, and by how
much (answer in kilometres)



Tom, 10.25

Step-by-step explanation:

Distance covered by Tom=4.5*(4 1/2+5)=81/4=42.75km

Distance covered by Jerry=6.5*(5)=32.5km

Tom is ahead from Jerry by 10.25km

write the equation of the graph, y=? SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP



[tex]y=\left(6\right)^{x}\ -3[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the length of the diagonal of a rectangle with the base of 4 and an altitude of 3




Step-by-step explanation:

Use the Pythagorean Theorem

C^2=a^2 + b^2

c^2= 3^2 + 4^2

c^2= 9+16

c^2= 25

The take the square root

c= √25

c = 5

What number x gives maximum value for c(12,x)?



i will say methods try yourself:

How to Determine Maximum Value

How to Determine Maximum ValueIf your equation is in the form ax2 + bx + c, you can find the maximum by using the equation:

How to Determine Maximum ValueIf your equation is in the form ax2 + bx + c, you can find the maximum by using the equation:max = c - (b2 / 4a).

How to Determine Maximum ValueIf your equation is in the form ax2 + bx + c, you can find the maximum by using the equation:max = c - (b2 / 4a).The first step is to determine whether your equation gives a maximum or minimum. ...

How to Determine Maximum ValueIf your equation is in the form ax2 + bx + c, you can find the maximum by using the equation:max = c - (b2 / 4a).The first step is to determine whether your equation gives a maximum or minimum. ...-x2 + 4x - 2.

How to Determine Maximum ValueIf your equation is in the form ax2 + bx + c, you can find the maximum by using the equation:max = c - (b2 / 4a).The first step is to determine whether your equation gives a maximum or minimum. ...-x2 + 4x - 2.Since the term with the x2 is negative, you know there will be a maximum point.





plzz follow and make brainlist

what is the simple definition of realnumbers​



In mathematics, a real number is a value of a continuous quantity that can represent a distance along a line (or alternatively, a quantity that can be represented as an infinite decimal expansion).

In mathematics, a real number is a value of a continuous quantity that can represent a distance along a line (or alternatively, a quantity that can be represented as an infinite decimal expansion).

In 10 words or fewer, what is the square root of -9?
Type answer here...
What is the square root of -9



no solution

Step-by-step explanation:

a negative number cannot be square rooted


"not possible". no such thing as a negative squared number

What is the slope of the line that passes through the points (-7, -4) and
(-11, -2)? Write your answer in simplest form.




Step-by-step explanation:

We can use the slope formula

m = ( y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

   = ( -2 - -4)/( -11 - -7)

   =( -2+4)/( -11+7)

   = 2 / -4

  = -1/2

in triangle JKL, angle JKL is a right angle, line KM is an altitude, JL=20, ML=4. Find KM


9514 1404 393


  KM = 8

Step-by-step explanation:

The ratio of long side to short side is the same for all of the triangles in this geometry:


  KM² = ML·JM = 4(20-4) = 64

  KM = √64 = 8

The length of KM is 8 units.

Which graph represents the function h(x) = |x – 3|?

On a coordinate plane, an absolute value graph has a vertex at (0, 3).

On a coordinate plane, an absolute value graph has a vertex at (0, negative 3).

On a coordinate plane, an absolute value graph has a vertex at (3, 0).

On a coordinate plane, an absolute value graph has a vertex at (negative 3, 0).


peso que es $-6 ^= lbx + 3$b


option 3

Step-by-step explanation:

i know because i got it right.

22. The ratio in which (4, 5) divides the join of (2, 3)
and (7, 8) is :
(a) 4 : 3
(c) 3 : 2
(b) 5:2
(d) 2:3


Let the ratio be m:n

(x,y)=(4,5)Points be (x1,y1)=(2,3)(x2,y2)=(7,8)

We know

[tex]\boxed{\sf (x,y)=\left(\dfrac{mx_2+nx_1}{m+n},\dfrac{my_2+ny_1}{m+n}\right)}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto (4,5)=\left(\dfrac{7m+2n}{m+n},\dfrac{8m+3n}{m+n}\right)[/tex]


.[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{7m+2n}{m+n}=4\dots(1)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{8m+3n}{m+n}=5\dots(2)[/tex]

Adding both

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{7m+2n+8m+3n}{m+n}=4+5[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{7m+8m+2n+3n}{m+n}=9[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{15m+5n}{m+n}=9[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 15m+5n=9(m+n)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 15m+5n=9m+9n[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 15m-9m=9n-5n[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 6m=4n[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{m}{n}=\dfrac{6}{4}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{m}{n}=\dfrac{3}{2}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto m:n=3:2[/tex]

Option B is correct

lee is planning an event for 28 people, he wants to make a fruit drink and he thinks that each person will drink 3 glasses each. If he is correct , how many glasses of fruit should he make?




Step-by-step explanation:

Since there will be 28 people, and each of them will drink 3 glasses, you just multiply the number of people times the number of glasses they will drink each, so 28*3. The result is 84.

I hope this helped! :D

Lee should need to make 84 glasses of fruit if is planning an event for 28 people.

What is a linear equation?

It is defined as the relation between two variables, if we plot the graph of the linear equation we will get a straight line.

If in the linear equation, one variable is present, then the equation is known as the linear equation in one variable.

Let Lee needs to make x number of glasses of fruit.

From the question we can frame a linear equation in one variable:

x/3 = 28

As we know, the arithmetic operation can be defined as the operation in which we do the addition of numbers, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It has a basic four operators that is +, -, ×, and ÷.

After cross multiplication:

x = 28×3

x = 84 glasses

Thus, Lee should need to make 84 glasses of fruit if is planning an event for 28 people.

Learn more about the linear equation here:


Find the distance between the points (-4, -2) and (-8, 6)




√[{6-(-2)}²+ (-8-(-4))²]




Points given



[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto \sqrt{(x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)^2}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto \sqrt{(-8+4)^2+(6+2)^2}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto \sqrt{(-4)^2+(8)^2}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto \sqrt{64+16}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto \sqrt{80}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 8.4[/tex]

The king and queen spent $1500 on decorations for the ball +8 dollars per guest for party favors. The king and queen are charging each guest $12 to enter the dance. How many guests must come to the ball for the king and queen to break even? (you must write an equation and then solve)



375 guests

Step-by-step explanation:

costs: 1500 + 8g

income: 12g

They must be equal

1500+8g = 12g

Subtract 8g from each side

1500 +8g-8g =12g-8g

1500= 4g

Divide by 4

1500/4 = 4g/4

375 = g

In a plane, line e is parallel to line f, line f is parallel to line g, and line h is perpendicular to line e. Which of the following cannot be true? e ⊥ h g ∥ h e ∥ g h ⊥ f



g ∥ h

Step-by-step explanation:

since lines e,f,g are parallel to each other,

h is perpendicular to lines e,f,g

In a particular​ year, a total of 46,601 students studied in two of the most popular host countries when traveling abroad. If 8483 more students studied in the most popular host country than in the second most popular host​ country, find how many students studied abroad in each country. There were ____ students who studied abroad in the most popular host country.




Step-by-step explanation:

Half of 46601 = 23300.5

23300.5 + 8483 =31783.5

1. Đường kính của một loại trục máy là một đại lượng ngẫu nhiên có phân phối chuẩn N (μ = 250mm, σ2 = 25mm2). Trục máy được gọi là hợp quy cách nếu đường kính từ 245mm đến 255mm. Cho máy sản xuất 100 trục. Tính xác suất để:
a. Có 50 trục hợp quy cách.
b. Có không quá 80 trục hợp quy cách



please ask in English

Step-by-step explanation:

then I can help

A vehicle purchased for $20700 depreciates at a constant rate of 6%.
Determine the approximate value of the vehicle 14 years after purchase.
Round to the nearest whole number.
Question Help: Viden M Message instructor
n Post to forum




Step-by-step explanation:

To make sky blue Sam uses two drops of blue paint for every eight drops of white paint. He wants to
make a large amount of sky blue paint. If he uses sixteen drops of blue, how many drops of white will he




Step-by-step explanation:

The Ratio of Blue to White drops is 2:8

16*4=64,... 16:64 Have a nice day!

Other Questions
PLEASE I NEED ANSWER WILL GIVE POINTS AND EVERYTHING Read the following paragraph:I had been student council president for a month now, and the meetings covered a wide variety of topics. Today's meeting had run long, and when we opened the floor up to questions, Alan's hand shot up immediately. Nobody else had a question. Great, I thought sarcastically. It will probably be something about how we didn't use Robert's Rules of Order correctly, or something equally boring.What is the most likely motive for the narrator's reaction in the final sentence?A.He is intimidated by Alan's usual questions.B.He believes Alan asks too many questions.C.He is afraid to answer questions publicly.D.He was hoping nobody would ask any questions. when where they divided into 77units? f(x) = - 2xg(x) = 8x^2 - 5x + 7Find (f g)(x). Please help anyone ?!!!! I will give u a brainlyist if u answer this Q correctly Romans called Scotland HIBERNIA because it was _________. i will give you another Brainlyist if u answer this Q correctly Solve for x.5(2x 5) 2 1= -12 2. What is the length of AB? Round youranswer to the nearest hundredth. x320X=degrees. SJSJSJSJS Ja The velocity of an electron that is emitted from a metallic surface by a photon is 3.6E3 km*s^-1. (a) What is the wavelength of the ejected electron? (b) No electrons are emitted from the surface of the metal until the frequency of the radiation reaches 2.50E16 Hz. How much energy is required to remove the electron from the metal surface? (c) What is the wavelength of the radiation that caused photoejection of the electron? (d) What kind of electromagnetic radiation was used? I need help to fine the statement that is true Civil DisobediencePart 1Most people remember Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as reformers who practiced non-violent forms of protest and advocacy. Both effectively changed the popular opinion about emotional issues for their countries and brought in a wave of change that was long overdue. But the practice of non-violent protest, or civil disobedience, started long before either Gandhi or King. It began with a quiet, shy poet who is best known for writing a lot about a pond. Henry David Thoreau lived from 1817 until 1862, mainly in the area of Concord, Massachusetts. The issue that would tear the country apart in the 1860s had already begun dividing the nation. Thoreau was only 14 when Nat Turner led the slave rebellion in Virginia and was later hanged. In his late 20s, Thoreau began speaking against slavery in public, echoing the voices of freedmen like Frederick Douglass and Lewis Hayden.Thoreau believed that a government that supported slavery was corrupt and immoral. He was also deeply suspicious of government. For these and other reasons, Thoreau refused to pay his poll tax for a number of years. The poll tax was a legal tax owed by every person. It was basically a tax on one's body. After not paying for years, he was at last arrested. He spent only one night in jail, however, as a relative paid the tax for him. He was reportedly furious that any tax was paid on his behalf.It was this experience that Thoreau wrote about in an essay called "Civil Disobedience." In this essay, he argued that being moral and just came before allegiance to government. He wrote If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law." He also felt that voting was not enough to ensure that the right thing be done. He wrote that "even voting for the right is doing nothing for it A wise man will not leave the right to the mercy of chance" He felt that one had a moral responsibility to resist unjust laws.What does the author show in the story of Thoreau going to jail? How Thoreau protested How angry Thoreau was That few people protested He was influential Which expression is equivalent to (3 squared) Superscript negative 2? Determine the acceleration of a pendulum bob as it passes through an angle of 15 degrees to the right of the equilibrium point. On a spinner I have a 0.1% chance of getting a 5. How many times do I need to spin to get 5? Solve the quadratic equation by factoring Write the complex number 1 +i/1 -i into polar form Peggy's use of foul language decreased because it was followed by the loss of her $5 weekly allowance. Taking away Peggy's allowance served as ________ for her foul language. Select one: secondary reinforcement positive punishment negative reinforcement negative punishment The two member of the election broad are selected by