Following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, many organizations in the United States began arranging Middle Eastern art exhibits or events in an attempt to increase cross-cultural understanding to counter anti-Muslim rhetoric. Identify whether or not these are types of Middle Eastern art that U.S. art events and exhibits usually displayed.


Answer 1

Example of Middle Eastern Art Usually Displayed in U.S. art created by Middle Eastern women art of history focusing on Islam's past glories. Not an Example, but political cartoons that criticise Israel or the U.S.

The majority of Middle Eastern nations are Arab nations. Saudi Arabia is the biggest Middle Eastern country in terms of area, with Egypt, Turkey, and Iran having the highest populations in the region. The Middle East's history extends back to antiquity, and the region's strategic significance has long been understood. In general, the Middle East has hot, dry weather, particularly in the Saudi and Egyptian areas. In a few places, such as the Delta Region in Egypt, the Euphrates and the Tigris basins of Assyria, and the Jordan River basin that covers much of the Levant, significant rivers supply irrigation to sustain agriculture.

Learn more about Middle Eastern here:


Related Questions

What is one major criticism of globalization?

A. It can lead to job losses in some industries.
B. It can force governments to lower tax rates.
C. It can isolate countries from one another.
D. It can lead to major conflicts and wars.


A. It can lead to job losses in some industries.

One major criticism of globalization is that it can lead to economic inequality, as the benefits of globalization are often disproportionately enjoyed by large corporations and wealthy individuals, while low-skilled workers and small businesses may be hurt by increased competition and outsourcing.

Globalization can also lead to cultural homogenization, as local cultures and traditions may be replaced by more dominant global cultures. In addition, globalization can lead to environmental degradation, as the pursuit of economic growth often takes precedence over environmental concerns.

Finally, globalization can lead to a loss of political and economic sovereignty for some countries, as they become more dependent on international trade and investment.

Around 1400 BCE Linear B tablets suddenly supplant Linear A tablets in the archaeological record at Minoan palaces suggesting that...


Around 1400 BCE Linear B tablets suddenly supplant Linear A tablets in the archaeological record at Minoan palaces suggesting that: the Mycenaeans from the mainland of Greece conquered the Minoans and reoccupied their settlements.

What were Linear A and Linear B tablets?

Linear A was the primary script used in palace and religious writings of the Minoan civilization. It was succeeded by Linear B, which was used by the Mycenaeans to write an early form of Greek. It was found by archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans. No texts in Linear A have yet been deciphered.

Linear B is an adapted form of Linear A, that was borrowed from the Minoans by the Mycenaean Greeks, probably about 1600 BC. Its language is the Mycenaean Greek dialect. Linear B script is attested on clay tablets and on some vases, both dating from about 1400 BC to roughly 1200 BC.

Learn more about Mycenaean at:


The long-term consequence of the Mongol invasions on Japan was

an alliance with Korea and China against Mongol rule
a rejection of Chinese influence and a return to isolation
the downgrading of the Japanese emperor to a figurehead
the spread of the Chinese writing system in Japan



The long-term consequence of the Mongol invasions on Japan was an alliance with Korea and China against Mongol rule. The Option A is correct.

What is the timeline of Mongol invasions on Japan?

Huge military efforts are taken by Kublai Khan of the Yuan dynasty in 1274 and 1281 to conquer Japanese archipelago after the submission of the Korean kingdom of Goryeo to vassaldom.

As a failure, the invasion attempts are of historical importance because they set a limit on Mongol expansion and rank as defining events in the history of Japan. The invasions was seen as works of fiction and are the earliest events for which the word kamikaze is widely used, originating in reference to the two typhoons faced by the Yuan fleets.

The invasions involved earliest cases of gunpowder warfare outside of China. One of most notable technological innovations during the war was the use of explosive and hand-thrown bombs

Read more about Mongol invasions


Answer: Choice A is correct i took the test


Write a comprehensive note on Songhai empire.​


The Songhai Empire was a West African state that flourished in the 15th and 16th centuries. It was located in what is now modern-day Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso, and it controlled a vast territory that extended from the Atlantic coast to the Niger River. The Songhai Empire was founded by the Sonni dynasty, which came to power in the 14th century and established its capital at Gao, a city located on the Niger River.

During the 15th and 16th centuries, the Songhai Empire reached its peak of power and prosperity under the leadership of three great rulers: Sonni Ali, Askia Muhammad, and Askia Dawud. Sonni Ali, who ruled from 1464 to 1492, was a brilliant military strategist who expanded the empire's territory through a series of successful wars. He also made Gao a center of trade and learning, attracting scholars from across West Africa.

Askia Muhammad, who ruled from 1493 to 1528, was known for his religious tolerance and his efforts to centralize the government. He also promoted the spread of Islam throughout the empire, establishing schools and mosques throughout the region.

Askia Dawud, who ruled from 1549 to 1582, was a patron of the arts and sciences and made Gao a center of scholarship and learning. He also established a system of government that was based on Islamic law, which ensured that justice was administered fairly and evenly throughout the empire.

The Songhai Empire was a major economic power in West Africa, and it played a key role in the trans-Saharan trade that linked West Africa to North Africa and the Mediterranean. The empire's wealth was based on trade in gold, salt, and other valuable commodities, and it was also known for its sophisticated system of government and its cultural achievements.

However, the Songhai Empire eventually declined and collapsed in the late 16th century due to internal conflict and external pressure from European powers. Despite its decline, the Songhai Empire left a lasting legacy in West Africa and continues to be remembered as one of the greatest empires in African history.

Learn more from here:

What strategies did slaves employ to resist, revolt, and sustain their own independent communities and cultures? How did slaves use white southerners’ own philosophies—paternalism and Christianity, for example—to their advantage in these efforts?


Here are the strategies slaves used to resist, rebel, and maintain their own communities and cultures is nurture mutual friendships and family ties.

The slaves used white Southerners' own philosophies, such as paternalism and Christianity, to their advantage in this effort by: Mixing Christian Songs and African Songs  .From the questions given, it can be seen that African slaves did their best to preserve their culture and make it unforgettable in the midst of another culture.

As a result, these African slaves were able to forge friendships and family ties, preserving their culture and traditions by mixing the Christian songs they were taught with African songs.

What steps did slaves take to oppose slavery?

Many people opposed slavery in a variety of ways, with varying degrees of intensity and methodology. Less visible methods of resistance included behaviors such as pretending to be sick, working slowly, shoddy work, and misplacing or damaging tools and equipment.

How did slaves use guardians to their advantage?

Slaves often used the concept of paternalism to their advantage and found opportunities within this system to engage in resistance and gain some degree of freedom and autonomy. For example, some slaves complicit in their master's racism by hiding their intelligence and feigning childishness and ignorance.

Learn more about African slaves :


Why do you think it is important to notice if the content of an article (including headings, word
choice, etc.) provides you with information or opinions?


Whether you must reference secondary sources of data in a paper depends on its topic and goal. Choose the sources that you believe are also most likely to

Definition of secondary sources

The definition of secondary sources Secondary sources, unlike firsthand reports, are assessments, analyses, or representations of events or subjects based on firsthand experiences. Primary sources, on the other hand, were made by those who were directly involved; secondary ones were not.

What do primary sources and secondary sources mean?

You get immediate access to your study's subject thanks to a primary source. Secondary sources give information that is secondhand and perspectives from other researchers. Examples include journal articles, scholarly publications, and review pieces. An analysis, synthesis, or description of primary sources can be found in secondary sources.

To know more about secondary sources visit:


true or false. the major cause of the division of the indian subcontinent in 1947 was sectarian or communal differences.


The major cause of the division of the indian subcontinent in 1947 was sectarian or communal differences is a true statement .  

It maintained that religious distinctions between Muslims and Hindus resulted in cultural and social inequalities. The two-nation theory was a founding principle of the Pakistan Movement (Pakistan's ideology as a Muslim nation-state in South Asia) and India's partition in 1947.

When the British withdrew, they partitioned India, resulting in the creation of the separate countries of India and Pakistan to accommodate religious divisions between Pakistan, which has a majority Muslim population, and India, which is predominantly Hindu.

Learn more about to sectarian visit here;


of the following options best summarizes why American colonists separated from Great
A. The colonists were unhappy with life in Great Britain because there were few jobs and
low wages.
B. The colonists struggled to communicate with Great Britain because of the distance
between the two countries.
C. The colonists wanted to expand their territory further into North America, but Great
Britain forbade them from doing so.
D. The colonists were unhappy under British rule because they had little power and
representation in Great Britain's government.


Americans wanted to make sure that they would never again be taxed without representation since they were exceedingly unhappy living under British rule.

Why did America secede from Britain?

They fought the British because of their excessive taxation. They clashed because they lacked self-government. They were a part of Britain when the American colonies were founded. For colonies, Britain raised levies on daily essentials like tea that they bought and consumed.

Why did some American colonists demand independence?

The colonists no longer desired to follow English traditions. The colonial government's backing from Britain was terminated. Without their permission, taxes were being levied against the colonists. Unfair trade regulations had been enforced by Britain.

To know more about British visit:



B. The colonists struggled to communicate with Great Britain because of the distance

between the two countries


Read the passage below. Then answer the question that follows using information and evidence from the text.

May 28, 1830

An Act to provide for an exchange of lands with the Indians residing in any of the states or territories, and for their removal west of the river Mississippi.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That it shall and may be lawful for the President of the United States to cause so much of any territory belonging to the United States, west of the river Mississippi, not included in any state or organized territory, and to which the Indian title has been extinguished, as he may judge necessary, to be divided into a suitable number of districts, for the reception of such tribes or nations of Indians as may choose to exchange the lands where they now reside, and remove there; and to cause each of said districts to be so described by natural or artificial marks, as to be easily distinguished from every other ...

What does the phrase Indian title has been extinguished describe in the context of the document? (5 points)

a)Land the Native Americans had been granted
b)Land that was taken away from Native Americans
c)Land that was not valuable to the Native Americans
d)Land that had been organized by the government


The  phrase Indian title has been extinguished describes Land that was taken away from Native Americans. Option B

Why did the Americans take away the lands on the Indian Americans?

The major objectives of Indian reservations were to subjugate Native Americans to U.S. government authority, reduce hostility between Indians and settlers, and prod Native Americans to adopt white man's customs.

With the support of the colonial authority and later the newly formed United States, European settlers began driving Indigenous people from their land in the 17th century.

White settlers petitioned the federal government to get rid of the Indian tribes residing there because they seemed to be the greatest barrier to westward growth.

The settlers put pressure on the federal government to take over Indian territory because they were eager for land to grow cotton. Tennessee native Andrew Jackson was a fervent supporter of Indian deportation.

Read more on the Indian removal act here:


Many viewed emergence of fusion negatively because they saw the music as the ______ of Jazz.


Many viewed emergence of fusion negatively because they saw the music as the Non representation(unsure) of Jazz.

Fusion became highly controversial among the Jazz world, with some declaring "Fusion and electric Jazz were not true Jazz". Jazz has always mirrored current society, but when it became Fusion,

it sparked a firestorm that alienated many listeners who preferred classic or acoustic forms of the music.

Jazz-rock, often known as fusion, is a popular musical form in which current jazz improvisation is backed by rock music's bass lines, drumming techniques, and instrumentation, with a significant focus on electronic instruments and dance rhythms.

Learn more about to Jazz visit here;


1815. Napoleon met his final defeat ; Island of Elba. Napoleon died on this island ; Charles X · The July revolution forced this king to flee to England ; Consulate.


Napolean met his final defeat in 1815 and he was died on Island of Elba. Charles X ensured to the July revolution that was forced to the king to flee to England.

Napolean was a French military Commander and also good political leader. He played major role in the French Revolution in 1789-99 and served as a first consul and also the first empror of France.

Napolean was so genius because he controlled every detail of the battlefield with an attack based formula playing against the enemy's weakness. Naploean was Defeated by the Duke of Wellington and also the end of Napolean era from European history.

Learn more about Napolean click the link here:


The Vietnam War was a military, political, and social disaster, and the only war the United States has ever lost. True/False


The statement given is true because the Vietnam War was a political,  military, and social disaster, and the only war the US has ever lost.

The Vietnam War was a costly, long, and divisive conflict that excavated the communist government of North Vietnam against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States. The conflict was intensified by the ongoing Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States. Despite the decade to resolve this conflict, the United States failed to achieve its objectives. One factor that contributed to the failure of the United States in Vietnam was the lack of public support.

You can learn more about Vietnam War at:


13. How many of Europe's Jews were killed by Nazi's "Final Solution"?


Answer: It is estimated that six million Jews were killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust as part of the "Final Solution".


what is the purose of NATO​


Answer: Its purpose was to secure peace in Europe, to promote cooperation among its members and to guard their freedom – all of this in the context of countering the threat posed at the time by the Soviet Union. The Alliance's founding treaty was signed in Washington in 1949 by a dozen European and North American countries.

Which of these is not included in the First Amendment?
A. Freedom to vote
B. Freedom of speech
C. Freedom of religion
D. Freedom to assemble


Answer: Freedom to vote

Explanation not included.

Which two of the following reasons most likely contributed to George H.W. Bush’s defeat in the 1992 presidential election?

He favored the coup in the Soviet Union.
He had comprised with Congress on the budget deficit.
He refused to remove Saddam Hussein from power.
He was fooled by Manuel Noriega.


Two of the following reasons which most likely contributed to George H.W. Bush’s defeat in the 1992 presidential election. He had comprised Congress on the budget deficit and He refused to remove Saddam Hussein from power. Hence, option C is appropriate.

Who was George H.W. Bush?

The 41st president of the United States, George Herbert Walker Bush, was an American politician, diplomat, as well as businessman who presided over the country from 1989 to 1993.

George HW. Bush was a Republican who previously held the positions of Director of Central Intelligence, U.S. Ambassador to the UN, U.S. House of Representatives member, and 43rd vice president under President Ronald Reagan from 1981 to 1989.

George HW. Bush was saved by the guard submarine USS Finback while anxiously waiting for four hours in their inflated raft with several fighters circling protectively overhead. Bush assisted in the recovery of other pilots during his month-long stay on Finback.

Hence, option c is correct.

Learn more about George HW. Bush here:



He had comprised with Congress on the budget deficit.

He refused to remove Saddam Hussein from power.


I was there

"My purpose was
to see if the shameful facts, spread out in all their shame, would not burn through our civic
shamelessness and set fire to American pride."

According to Steffens, what was the purpose of muckraking journalism?

• to encourage people to buy fewer newspapers
O to encourage people to become muckraking journalists themselves
• to encourage people to rise up against their government
O to encourage people to take action against widespread corruption



to" (and any subsequent words) was ignored because we limit queries to 32 words.

in 1937, president roosevelt announced that if a nation were to try and purchase military goods from the united states, they should expect to


In 1937, President Roosevelt announced that if a nation were to purchase military goods from the United States, you should pay for the items in cash and hope to find a way to bring them back to your country.

What are Roosevelt's three main goals?

When he became president, he came to the White House with a plan. The New Deal had his three goals: relief, recovery and reform. Relief meant the president wanted to immediately help those in crisis by creating jobs, bread lines, and welfare.

What was Roosevelt's solution to the 1937 recession?

The recession ended after the Federal Reserve lowered its reserve requirements. The Treasury Department ceased sterilizing the money flow and unsterilized all remaining gold that had been sterilized since December 1936, and the Roosevelt administration began pursuing an expansionary fiscal policy.

Learn more about Roosevelt:


when evaluating a dietary supplement, it is best to look for the usp or nsf seal, expiration date, and formula for your age and gender.


When evaluating a dietary supplement, it is best to look for the USP or NSF seal, date expiry, and age and gender formula.

The USP and NSF are third-party organizations that verify the quality and purity of dietary supplements. Their seals on a product indicate that it has been tested and meets their standards for quality, purity, and potency. A dietary supplement's expiration date should also be taken into account because the product's potency and usefulness may diminish with time. To ensure that you are receiving the full benefits of a product, it is typically advised to utilise dietary supplements before the expiration date.

It is also important to consider the formula of a dietary supplement, especially if a person has specific health concerns or is targeting certain health goals. Different formulas are designed for different age groups and genders, and it is important to choose a formula that is appropriate for one's needs. For example, a formula designed for seniors may not be suitable for someone in their 20s, and a formula designed for men may not be appropriate for women.

Read more about the dietary supplement on:


Locate the following on the drawings. Write the correct number in each blank.
1. Rounded vaults
2. Romanesque building
3. Gothic building
4. Flying buttresses
Write the correct letter in each blank.
A. Gothic
B. Romanesque
5. Thick walls
6. Stained glass windows
7. Dark and cold
8. Thin walls
9. Warm and bright
10. Based on the Roman style
11. Light and airy


Rounded vaults are curved vaulted ceilings that are used to add height and space to a room. It is often used in churches and cathedrals, but can also be used in residential homes and other architectural spaces.

What does Cathedrals mean?

Cathedrals are large and impressive church buildings that are typically built in the Gothic style of the Middle Ages. They are frequently the most visible and significant structures in a town or city, and are frequently associated with significant religious events or ceremonies.

Locate the following on the drawings. Write the correct number in each blank.

__A___1. Rounded vaults

__B___2. Romanesque building

__A___3. Gothic building

__A___4. Flying buttresses

Write the correct letter in each blank.

A. Gothic          B. Romanesque

___B_____5. Thick walls

___A_____6. Stained glass windows

___B_____7. Dark and cold

___A_____8. Thin walls

___A_____9. Warm and bright

___B_____10. Based on the Roman style

___A_____11. Light and airy

To know more about Cathedrals,


the auto workers who participated in the 1936-37 strike at general motors were concerned about their safety but continued to protest the company's refusal to


The auto workers who participated in the 1936-37 strike at general motors were concerned about their safety but continued to protest the company's refusal to leave the factory.

The 1936–1937 Flint sit-down strike, also known as the General Motors sit-down strike, the great GM sit-down strike, and so on, was a sitdown strike at the General Motors plant in Flint, Michigan, United States. It changed the United Automobile Workers (UAW) from a collection of isolated local unions on the fringes of the industry into a major labor union, and led to the unionization of the domestic automobile industry.

The Flint sit-down strikers set up their own civil system within the strike. A mayor and other civic officials were elected by the workers to maintain order within the plant. Departments included Organized Recreation, Information, Postal Service, and Sanitation.

All rules were enforced by what was called a "Kangaroo Court" by the workers. Any person who broke the rules was given a trial, and punishments ranged from washing dishes to expulsion from the plant.

To know more about General motors visit:


ANSWER PLEASEWhich of the following countries entered World War I the last?

A. Great Britain
B. Russia
C. Italy
D. United States


Which of the following countries entered the World War I the last?

D. United States


United States



Someone wanting to buy a computer must consider the other things that could be purchased with the funds spent on the computer. Which economic factor has this individual considered before making this purchase?


The economic factor that the individual considered was the opportunity cost.

What is the opportunity cost?It is a decision that must be taken considering two elements that cannot happen simultaneously.It is the expenditure of a resource to carry out a single activity and disregard another.

Opportunity cost is an economic factor used to make decisions where a single resource can be used to perform one activity or another.

Therefore, the opportunity cost allows the individual to assess which of the activity options is more important, necessary, and correct for the resource to be used.

An example of this can be seen in the question above where an individual must choose whether to use the money he has to buy a computer or for other things.

Learn more about opportunity cost:


1 . holistic
began training ethnographers
2 . branislaw malinowski
study every aspect of culture
3 . ethnocentrism
evaluating a culture from the native's point of view
4 . culturally relative
comparing things among various societies
5 . noble savage
believing one's own culture is superior to others
6 . comparative method
seeing a primitive culture as superior to one's own


1 . Holistic - study every aspect of culture.

2 . Branislaw Malinowski - began education ethnographers

three . Ethnocentrism - believing one's personal way of life is advanced to others

4 . Culturally relative - evaluating a subculture from the local's point of view

five . Noble savage - seeing a primitive subculture as advanced to one's own

6 . Comparative method - comparing things among numerous societies

way of life is precise to a people. it's far their manner of existence and is probably shaped by positive environmental and ideological elements.

lifestyle may be visible within the manner people get dressed, the shape of food they eat, how they worship, their morality and values. it is interesting to observe the tradition of others.

while someone gets to a brand new surroundings, they may ought to investigate the cultures of others to adapt.

Conclusively, lifestyle is the humans's way of existence.

Learn more about cultures here:


Which country Colonised the most?


British Empire( United Kingdom) colonized about one quarter of all the land in the world.

The differences in the economic development of the mid-Atlantic (Middle Colonies), New England, and Southern colonies can BEST be attributed to the...
Answer: Geographic Conditions There


The differences in the economic development of the mid-Atlantic (Middle Colonies), New England, and Southern colonies can BEST be attributed to the Geographic Conditions there.

Three significant geographic areas in the British colony of North America stood out throughout the colonial period. These were Southern Colonies, New England and Mid-Atlantic.

The climates in these three areas were diverse. For instance, the climate in the south was more suited for growing major crops like cotton, sugar cane, and other goods.

The main economic activity in the Mid-Atlantic colonies, meantime, was industry and the exploitation of natural resources. This made it possible for cities to expand and for immigrants to come here to work.

Contrarily, as the climate of New England was unsuitable for growing crops, economic activity there were concentrated on handicrafts and woven goods.

Therefore, the differences in the economic development of the mid-Atlantic (Middle Colonies), New England, and Southern colonies can BEST be attributed to the Geographic Conditions there.

Your question is incorrect but most probably your full question was

The differences in the economic development of the mid-Atlantic (Middle Colonies), New England, and Southern colonies can BEST be attributed to the

A. contributions of immigrants

B. geographic conditions

C. level of the education of the colonist

D. differences in their colonial governments

Learn more about development nation in:


explain one similarity between the trade in the Indian ocean networks before the arrival of the Portuguese and the trade after their arrival


A similarity observed before and after the arrival of the Portuguese was that maritime trade was the predominant mode of trade.

Trade in the Indian Ocean:

Managed by Muslims who can sail very wellcarried out extensively via various routesessentially adopted by the Portuguese

What was the Indian Ocean trade network like before the Portuguese invasion?

By the 15th century, the major ports of the vast Indian Ocean trade network were largely under Muslim rule. Muslim traders spread far and wide from Arabia and established trading communities throughout Africa, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Southeast Asia.

How did Indian Ocean trade change after contact with Portugal?

In , the Portuguese forcibly changed and influenced the maritime trading system in the Indian Ocean. They conquered trading cities, destroyed Muslim merchant ships, and collected taxes to make way. The Portuguese now rule the area and are very wealthy.

Learn more about Indian ocean trade:


Arcade tokens and game tickets only have value because they are able to be exchanged for prizes in the arcade. This makes them - Answer F representative money G commodity money H fiat money J currency


Answer: fiat money


Arcade tokens and game tickets only have value because they are able to be exchanged for prizes in the arcade. This makes their fiat money. Thus, option 'C' is the correct option.

What is fiat money?

A sort of currency known as fiat money is one that a government has legalized but does not have any inherent or fixed value and is not backed by any actual object, such as gold or silver. The government that creates fiat currency guarantees its value, and it has the power to regulate the amount of money in circulation in reaction to changes in the economy.

Most major currencies, including the Euro and the United States Dollar (USD), are fiat money. Commodity money, which is backed by a real asset, is the primary substitute for fiat money. For instance, a certain quantity of gold is used to back the USD, and individuals could exchange one for the other.

Learn more about fiat money, here:


The holocaust was the only genocide event in History. After the Geneva Convention, there is no longer a concern for another to occur.
True or false?





False. The Holocaust was not the only genocide event in history. The term "genocide" was coined in 1944 to describe the systematic extermination of the Jewish people by the Nazis during World War II. However, there have been numerous other instances of genocide throughout history, including the Armenian Genocide, the Rwandan Genocide, and the ongoing genocide against the Rohingya people in Myanmar.

Furthermore, the existence of the Geneva Convention, which is an international treaty that seeks to protect the rights of individuals during times of war, does not guarantee that there will never be another genocide. The Convention sets out certain legal obligations and standards for the protection of individuals during times of armed conflict, but it cannot prevent all instances of genocide.

In summary, the statement "The Holocaust was the only genocide event in history" is false, and the statement "After the Geneva Convention, there is no longer a concern for another genocide to occur" is also false.

What did Alexander do to help the economy? explain why?


Alexander Hamilton helped the economy by establishing the national bank. This allowed for the USA to have an official currency and tax their people.
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