Four major eras from most recent to most ancient


Answer 1

The four main eras are, from oldest to youngest: Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic.

mark me brainliestt :))

Answer 2
The Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic Eras

Extra information

The Geologic Time Scale is the history of the Earth broken down into four spans of time marked by various events, such as the emergence of certain species, their evolution, and their extinction, that help distinguish one era from another.

Related Questions

Write an essay about environmental pollution



In the modern world Environmental pollution has become a global threat. On the other hand, an essay on pollution or essay on Environmental pollution is now a common topic in each and every board exams. Students are very frequently asked to write an essay on pollution not only in school or college levels but also pollution essay has become a common essay in different competitive examinations. Thus, GuideToExam brings to you a different essay on pollution. You can pick up an essay on pollution as per your need.

We can classify pollution in many categories such as soil pollution, air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution etc. Though pollution has become a threat to our environment, people are still not trying to control it. In the 21st century technological development in every field is given priority, but on the other hand, people are ruining the environment at the same time to fulfill their personal needs. Deforestation, urbanization and blind race in industrial development are some major causes of environmental pollution. People need to be conscious to save or protect our environment for future generation.The change in nature of the environment that gets harmful to living organisms is known as environmental pollution. On the basis of their nature pollution can be classified in different forms. They are soil pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, thermal pollution, visual pollution etc.

On the other hand, many of us don’t know that there are three types of pollution that occur by industries. Now a day’s industries are adding more pollution to our environment. Industries are also responsible for soil, water, and air pollution. Wastes from the industries are generally thrown in soil or water bodies and that cause soil and water pollution. Industries also emit dangerous chemicals in the form of gas. Our ecosystem is in real trouble due to this environmental pollution. We should consider it as an important task to stop environmental pollution to leave the globe safe for our successors.

On the other hand water pollution is another type of environmental pollution. In our country in most of the areas river water is the only source of drinking water. But almost every river in India is in the grip of pollution due to the negligence of people. Poisonous waste materials from industries are thrown in the rivers and as a result of that, the river water gets polluted. People also pollute river water in the name of traditional beliefs. For example, people still believe that the ashes (Asthi) after burial ceremonies should be thrown in the river, the hair needs to be thrown in the river after Mundan, etc. Water pollution gives birth to different water-borne diseases.

Environmental pollution needs to be stopped to secure the earth for our successors. We should keep our planet healthy to keep ourselves fit and healthy.

please what is the history and development of the Egyptian map​



Explanation:Egypt, country located in the northeastern corner of Africa. Egypt’s heartland, the Nile River valley and delta, was the home of one of the principal civilizations of the ancient Middle East and, like Mesopotamia farther east, was the site of one of the world’s earliest urban and literate societies. Pharaonic Egypt thrived for some 3,000 years through a series of native dynasties that were interspersed with brief periods of foreign rule. After Alexander the Great conquered the region in 323 BCE, urban Egypt became an integral part of the Hellenistic world. Under the Greek Ptolemaic dynasty, an advanced literate society thrived in the city of Alexandria, but what is now Egypt was conquered by the Romans in 30 BCE. It remained part of the Roman Republic and Empire and then part of Rome’s successor state, the Byzantine Empire, until its conquest by Arab Muslim armies in 639–642 CE.

como o Brasil se revela em seu aspecto econômico​



O Brasil é um dos gigantes mundiais da mineração, agricultura e manufatura, e possui um setor de serviços forte e em rápido crescimento. Do século 16 a meados do século 20, o país foi fortemente dependente de um ou dois produtos agrícolas importantes, cujos preços flutuam amplamente nos mercados internacionais.

Which of the following is not a basis for
opposition to nuclear power?
Select one:
a. Generation of greenhouse gasses
b. Security risks
c. Efficiency
d. The risk of serious accident​





There are security risks

Zoom out to an eye altitude of 3000 km. Look for the deep-sea trench that marks a subduction zone east of Mt. Fuji. Move along the subduction zone to the northeast until you encounter Matua Island in the Kurile Islands chain which belongs to Russia. This island is dominated by Sarychev Peak, one of the most active volcanoes of the Kurile Islands. Measure the height of the volcano and observe its features. Which of the following statements best describes your observations?

a. Sarychev Peak is an island arc volcano, smaller but currently more active than Mt. Fuji.
b. Sarychev Peak is located in a continental volcanic mountain belt; it is smaller and currently less active than Mt. Fuji.
c. Sarychev Peak is a mid-ocean ridge volcano, larger and currently more active than Mt. Fuji.
d. Sarychev Peak is a hot spot shield volcano, smaller but currently more active than Mt. Fuji.



a. Sarychev Peak is an island arc volcano, smaller but currently more active than Mt. Fuji.


Sarychev Peak is an island arc volcano that is smaller than Mt. Fuji but currently more active than Mt. Fuji. Active volcanoes of the Kurile island arc-Sarychev Peak on Matua Island in the Central Kuriles that was erupted violently on June 11, 2009 whose eruption lasted about 9 days which stands among the largest of recent historical eruptions in the Kurile Island chain.

Why does the Moon shine?



The Moon gets its light from the Sun. In the same way that the Sun illuminates Earth, the Moon reflects the Sun's light, making it appear bright in our sky.


The suns light hits the moon and is reflected back on us

The suns light hits the moon and is reflected back on us

The suns light hits the moon and is reflected back on us

The suns light hits the moon and is reflected back on us

The suns light hits the moon and is reflected back on us

The suns light hits the moon and is reflected back on us

The suns light hits the moon and is reflected back on us

The suns light hits the moon and is reflected back on us

The suns light hits the moon and is reflected back on us

The suns light hits the moon and is reflected back on us

The suns light hits the moon and is reflected back on us

The suns light hits the moon and is reflected back on us

The suns light hits the moon and is reflected back on us

Identify the geographic region that each state belongs to.
-New York
- Mississippi
- Maine
- Nevada
- New Mexico


Correct answer on edmentum

Answer: Hello

Explanation: Answer on Edmentum

Why is South Africa's cuisine and dress so diverse?​



South Africa, called by some people the 'Rainbow Nation', a title that captures its diversity and 11 official languages. South Africa is a country where creative expression flourishes and its cultural diversity are embodied in its arts and culture

Which of the following situations is an example of how culture affects supply, demand, and consumption?





The factors most often prohibits food from getting to those who need it in many underdeveloped countries is war and political corruption.

Most of the atmosphere's mass lies:





most of the atmospheres mass lies in troposphere

Is the population density near a river high or low and give reasons why with explanation





This is because this is not near a city. Also, people urbinise into the city for jobs and money. living near a river doesnt have much work there. As a result its lower.

An example of quaternary economic activity is______.


deciding how many cans of vegetables to store at a warehouse.


The quaternary economic activities do not involve physical involvement into the production, trade, or storage of the products, but instead, this type of economic activity is performed strictly by using ones brain, thus making decisions and plans that are going to be performed by the workers in the primary and secondary (occasionally in the tertiary) economic layers.

how to raise awareness of water pollution around your school?? this is due date in 14h so today


A few ideas:

Do a speech about the dangerous health effects of unclean water. Make a video about the topic, but be sure to make it engaging and entertaining, while still factual of course. The goal is to keep the audience awake and remembering the message. Post fliers around the school campus that has both text and images about polluted waterGo up to several people with a water bottle filled with polluted water, asking people "would you drink this?". The answer they likely would say is "no" and that might help them remember rater than a flier that they might overlook.Go on the local news to talk about this issue. An alternative is to buy ad time on tv. To be fair, a lot of people are getting their news online so buying internet advertisement might be more effective. If you don't have much of a budget to buy ad time, then you can post about it on social media and spread the word with your friends.

There are probably other better ideas out there but those are ones that came to mind.

who coined the term geography write the definition given by Richard Hartshorne​


Mark Brainliest please

Answer :


The term geography was first coined by Eratosthenese, a Greek scholar (276-194 BC.). The word has been derived from two roots from Greek language geo (earth) and graphos (description).

Geography is concerned to provide accurate, orderly, and rational description and interpretation of the variable character of the earth's surface.” In his work, Perspectives on the Nature of Geography, he further clarified his position by stating that the goal of geography is comprehension of the earth's surface,

The number of children in a family in Zambia has largely been determined by?



The number of children in a family in Zambia has been largely determined by the father.

Astronomers think that the Earth probably formed at the same time as all of the other rock materials in our solar system, including the oldest meteorites.

a. True
b. False


true ( sorry if its wrong!!)

how to raise awareness of water pollution around your school?this due date todayy


Talk about how plastic is found is the sea,and there are big islands of plastic on the oceans. Tell people to recycle what can be recycled and to not waste water.

Anh (chị) hãy chứng minh nhận định “Du lịch là hoạt động xuất khẩu có hiệu quả cao”?



Yes, Tourism is a highly effective export activity


Tourism is indeed an export sector because international tourists who come to a country buy the nation's "touristic experiences," which is an intangible product. All social, historical, economic, and ecological cultural elements of tourism should really be encouraged in order to ensure sustainable development.

what are the 4 reasons for land surfaces being hotter than sea surfaces​



Because sunlight penetrates to greater depths in land than in water.

Land is dry, but water washes up onto water surfaces making it wet.


a body processing energy can do work​


Answer: muscular energy


what is ozone depletion ​


the thinning of the ozone layer present in the upper atmosphere
A hole in the ozone layer generated by global warming

o que fez Fernando Collor em relação a indústria brasileira​


Answer: He served as president of brazil, but he Promised to promote economic growth and maybe fix combat corruption and inefficiency.

He also had possible involvement in the Petrobras scandal, which centred on a kickback scheme at Brazil’s huge majority-state-owned oil company.

Explanation: read from news article

Match the water cycle element in column 1 with the characteristics in column 2.



Oceans = > 97 percent of Earth's water.

Glaciers = > 70% of Earth's freshwater

River = > Powered by gravity

Groundwater = > 100 times more water than all rivers and lakes

97% of the water on Earth is not drinkable as it is salt-water in oceans.

Of the 3% that is freshwater, Glaciers make up about 70% which means that we don't have access to a significant amount of freshwater either.

Of the available freshwater to us, groundwater comprises 98% which enables it to be 100 times more than all rivers and lakes.

Rivers are powered by gravity in that they flow from areas of higher elevation to areas of lower elevation as gravity pulls it downwards.

Resources are not they become. Critically examine


Answer: Many resources are so produce by the combination of other resources.


Resource can be any entity which can be used to fulfill daily requirement of the mankind. It can be living or non-living. Living resources are plants and their products, animals, birds, microbes, and humans. Non-living resource include minerals, soil, rocks, water, and others. A single resource for human use can be composed of many natural or man-made resources. For example a wooden chair is prepared by wood resource derived from trees, iron nails may be used to combine wooden logs to make up a chair and a gum resource from plant is also applicable so a chair is not a single resource in itself but it is a combination of two or more resources.

Use the diagram to determine a true conditional

Based on the diagram, which is a true statement?

O If a student plays in the band, then he/she is an
honor student

O If a student is an honor student, then he/she plays in the band.

O If a student is not an honor student, then he/she
cannot play in the band.

O If a student is an honor student, then he/she may
also be a band member.



d. If a student is an honor student, then he/she may also be a band member.


The Venn diagram above shows an intersection between two circles that represents students who play in the band and students and those that are honor students, respectively.

This diagram implies the following:

1. A student can play in the band only without being an honor student (the blue region that doesn't overlap with the other circle)

2. A student can be an honor student without playing in the band (the red/orange region that doesn't overlap with the other blue circle)

3. A student can be an honor student and also be a band member (the region where both circles overlap represents this set of students)

Based on this, the following conditional statement can be made:

✔️If a student is an honor student, then he/she may also be a band member.

1. Which type of volcano is characterized by a quiet eruption?
A. lava domes
bieb C. shie
B cinder cone​


Shield Volcano is a type of volcano that is characterized by a quiet eruption.

Shield volcanoes are distinguished by their calm eruptions, which create very quiet eruptions and distinguish them from other volcanoes.



Phân tích đặc điểm chung của địa hình lục địa Á-Âu.
Cho ví dụ minh họa.



lakat sa kusina dn buksan mo yung

Migration and interdependence are aspects of which of the six essential elements of geography?
human-environment interaction
human systems
environment and society


Answer: B. Human systems


Human systems in geography refers to the relationships that humans have between themselves and the environment. They include things like political boundaries, governance, citizen welfare and trade.

Migration and Interdependence refer to how humans move from one place to another and how they depend on each other for survival. This falls under human systems as it describes humans and their movements with each other to settle in other areas and mix with other humans where in coexisting, they will be interdependent on the other.

Answer: B


About the world continent describing the size,origin, population and physical characteristics .



(if any continent) Asia is the worlds largest continent and it formed into the one we know in modern world since 4 billion years ago and contains 60% of the whole worlds population at 4.56 billion in 2018. eg. of Physical characteristics The Himalaya mountains extend for about 1,550  miles, separating the Indian subcontinent from the  rest of Asia. The Himalayas formed about 50 million  to 55 million years ago and are still growing about 2 inches every year, Asia also has one of the most unique and diverse species per square/km.


Business economics is now
termed as​



Business Economics, also called Managerial Economics,


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