Free Speech Regulated on Social Media pros and cons


Answer 1
Pros- anyone can have a public voice, some people don’t make friends easily so they can have people to talk to and not feel so isolated and alone,

Cons- cyber bullying, death threats, children seeing things they shouldn’t,

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Nicole ________________ television a lot when she ________________ sick last year.


Nicole watched television alot when she was sick last year.

A smart TV is susceptible to crashes and malfunctions, just like any computer. As previously stated, poor visual quality and maybe choppy streaming will result from unreliable connections. Additionally, if your internet is sluggish, your TV may occasionally follow suit.

What are the disadvantage of watching television?

They could be distracted from activities that promote brain development if they watch TV. Parents may find it difficult to encourage their children to play in different ways, since screen time can become addictive.

Long-term screen use can cause various health problems, such as trouble falling asleep and disrupted sleep patterns.

Too much television viewing is bad for your health. There is a link between viewing television and obesity, according to studies.

More than three hours of TV each day can also affect a person's ability to sleep, behave appropriately, perform academically, and have other health concerns.

Therefore, When Nicole was ill last year, she watched a lot of television.

Learn more about television here:


1. Where are you going, Tom?
type -



adverb of place


it is asking destination

How do you Johnny’s games in general mischievous contribute to the humor of the story? Consider how his attitude reflects and/or affects his kidnappers those plans in the your answer.


It’s johnnnys kid Napier’s

Write on the debate child trafficking is worst than stealing.



Child trafficking is worse


Stealing is not as bad as child trafficking. Child trafficking is awful and happens everywhere, along with stealing. With stealing, you can always give the stuff back that you stole. Child trafficking, not so much. Child trafficking is where children are sold in slavery and they send them to far away country's to do slave work. It happens everywhere. Stealing doesn't give you as much jail time. If you get caught child trafficking, you go to jail for 10+ years. Child trafficking is worse

Child trafficking is worse than stealing. This is because child trafficking involves a life. A child being trafficked can result in things like trauma or even a fatality. Stealing is a crime. However, stealing does not involve the buying and selling of an adolescent. If you steal, you’ll most likely get jail time. Consequently, if you are using children for trafficking purposes, the jail time for this is much greater than the jail time of stealing.

I hope this is right. Sorry if it isn’t!

Super Idol的笑容都没你的甜八月正午的阳光都没你耀眼热爱105 °C的你滴滴清纯的蒸馏水.​



oh it's my fav and song ❤❤❤❤❤❤


here is your answer hope you will enjoy and mark me as brain list

thank you

I can't even forget

help me solve english


Help me to solve English because I don’t understand it.
How me of how to start a letter.

Choose the word in the sentence below that functions as the subject.

Janey wanted a new porcelain doll for Christmas.

1) Janey
2) porcelain
3) doll
4) Christmas


1 is the answer janey
1. Janey

Janey is the subject because she is the person/animal being discussed or described in the sentence.

if you answer this randomly then your gei no questions asked.​
lol gei





thanks for the points

Which type of advertising appeal is used in the above advertisement?
loaded words
glittering generalities
celebrity endorsement

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




C. Glittering generalities


It is an advertisement appeal in which they tell is that if we use their product, it will bring a change in our life.

Here, being at the head of the class by using Neat-O binders is the change in life that they are suggesting we will have if we use their product.

So, here glittering generalities advertising appeal is used

Select the correct answer.
What is the most important way to use textual evidence gathered from a novel?

to quote the book

to provide support for an argument

to memorize the plot

to familiarize yourself with the characters


A and B because when you quote the book that is taken out of the book, so you need to “quote” it like i did there. also b because when you have an argument about any book taking text evidence out of the book can help you win the argument because of what the book says.

hope this helped:)
I think it would be B

What were the outcomes of the New York School Boycott In 1964



The Civil Rights Act of 1964, enacted five months after the New York City school boycott, included a loophole that allowed school segregation to continue in major northern cities including New York City, Boston, Chicago and Detroit.


The Civil Rights Act of 1964, enacted five months after the New York City school boycott, included a loophole that allowed school segregation to continue in major northern cities including New York City, Boston, Chicago and Detroit. As of 2018, New York City continues to have the most segregated schools in the country.

No links plis i need help



10. Evaporation of ocean water and formation of sea ice both increase the salinity of the ocean. However these "salinity raising" factors are continually counterbalanced by processes that decrease salinity such as the continuous input of fresh water from rivers, precipitation of rain and snow, and melting of ice.


11. Features of the ocean floor include the continental shelf and slope, abyssal plain, trenches, seamounts, and the mid-ocean ridge. The ocean floor is rich in resources. Living things on the ocean floor are used for food or medicines. Nonliving resources include oil, gas, and minerals.


please help with this​




Wherever that dog goes, I will go too.

After a long, hot, summer I appreciate the cold weather.

While giving birth to me, my mom was in a lot of pain.

Since we were all hungry, we went to get pizza.


Oliver came to visit, so we made him a special meal.

Mary is allergic to peanuts, so she has to sit at a special lunch table.

That pie is homemade, so it tastes better than the store pies.

Goldfinches love sunflower seeds, so my family throws them out for them to eat.  


because i said so

which of the following is a fact? 1 Our current system is outdated. 2 This is a very weak argument. 3 16 and 17 year olds do not have the political maturity to vote. 4 Young people are able to join the armed forces and drive from the age of 16.​



4 )Young people are able to join the armed forces and drive from the age of 16.​



Number 4


This is the only objective fact, meaning it is fact not opinion. The rest of the options are something you could debate on, and people could disagree on.

Facts are clear, set in stone statements, similar to number 4.

the editor rising nepal about the environmental pollution in your town



As I walk back to my apartment at the end of each workday, I look up at the blue sky and inhale the scent of the flowers. On some weekends, I go for a walk along the shore of Lake Michigan, feeling the breeze through the water. A pleasant natural setting, such as green plants, blue sky, and a lake, is always a nice stress reliever, in my opinion.However, whenever I am appreciating nature's gifts, one question nags at me: What has happened to the atmosphere in my own country?

When I was a child, the sky was the same blue and the ground was the same green. There is a river not far from my grandparents' house that was once filled with cold, clean water. The river was known as a vital source of water by those who lived nearby. Water could be drained directly from the river and used to irrigate the gardens and wash clothes.

During hot summer evenings, people would swim in the river and enjoy this crisp, refreshing gift from nature. The river was also home to a diverse range of marine animals. When you swim in the river on a lucky day, you could see fish, crabs, or even small turtles. I used to fantasize about catching a turtle from that river and holding it as a pet. Things, on the other hand, were steadily deteriorating. People had become increasingly dependent on widespread economic growth at the turn of the millennium. To some extent, the world is sacrificed. More and more industrial plants were constructed along the river, which provided a convenient source of fresh water as well as a means of disposing of waste water. Some factories have discharged their waste water into the river without adequate care over the years. Few people now swim in the canal. We need help pls.

Explanation: Hope that helps  :)

Please help me I will give brainliest if correct

The storming of the Bastille Prison takes place how long since the beginning of the novel?

Select one:
a. A few weeks.
b. Quite a few years.
c. A couple years.​



B i think.


I haven't read it in a while but im pretty sure its B, sorry if im wrong.

Why do you think it was important for Lincoln to appeal to both ethos and pathos in his address?

Must be 2 paragraphs of 4-6 sentences each

Must include 2 text specific examples



It was important for Lincoln to appeal to both ethos and pathos in his address because


Ethos is the character/credibility of one's self, if Lincoln couldn't sell his ethos as the President of the United States at the time, he would be kicked from his position immediately. Gaining ethos gives the audience a reason to believe them because you know- he's the president.

Pathos is to use emotions/passion to persuade and sell your point. In his speech, Lincoln uses pathos when addressing the soldiers and people who were lost. He reallys pulls you in- emotional soundtrack and all- when he reminded everyone on what beliefs this country was founded on and all that jazz.


Ethos shows characters, but pathos shows emotions.

it is important for a president like Abraham Lincoln to show he has good character and credibility, so people trust him. it is also good to show emotions so that people know he cares about the world.

Research the meaning of each word/s.


Research the Meaning Of each word/s.

[tex] \large\color{pink}{ \tt{1. \: Environmental \: Scanning}}[/tex]

is the process of gathering information about events and their relationships within an organization's internal and external environments.

[tex] \large\color{pink}{ \tt{2. \: Demography}}[/tex]

is the scientific study of human populations primarily with respect to their size, their structure and their development; it takes into account the quantitative aspects of their general characteristics.

[tex] \large\color{pink}{ \tt{3. \: Technology}}[/tex]

refers to the state of science and technology in the country and related aspects such as rate of technological progress, institutional arrangements for development and application of new technology, etc.

[tex] \large\color{pink}{ \tt{4. \: Resources}}[/tex]

refers to all the materials available in our environment which help us to satisfy our needs and wants.

[tex] \large\color{pink}{ \tt{5. \: Trend}}[/tex]

is a general direction into which something is changing, developing, or veering toward.

Hope It's Help

Hi, can someone whip up a school appropriate grade 8 Haiku please? I would really appreciate it if possible. Thank you!


The leaves are falling

Crunching under my soft steps

Breathing in cool air



The ocean breeze blows

While the tide falls and rises

The peace of the sea

create an image of a thanksgiving feast in a paragraph. using these things •turkey
•pumpkin pie
•brussel sprouts
•green beans



I dashed downstairs and into the dining room, following the sweet smell of pumpkin pie. When I laid my eyes on the glorious spread before me, I was astounded by all the delicious foods! First, I saw the huge golden turkey that was laying in the center of the table, on a large silver platter surrounded my dressing. Next, I saw a glass bowl of cranberries, followed by a dish of yams covered in roasted marshmallows. I also saw a small plate of brussel sprouts, which was lying next to a large dish of green bean casserole.  I grabbed a couple of the freshly baked, buttery rolls, and immediately dug into my hot plate of delicious food with the golden forks my mom brought out.


What IS a thesis statement? Please define it in your own words.



A thesis statement clearly identifies the topic being discussed, includes the points discussed in the paper, and is written for a specific audience. Your thesis statement belongs at the end of your first paragraph, also known as your introduction. Use it to generate interest in your topic and encourage your audience to continue reading.Your readers, especially your instructors, want to read writing that engages them. Consequently, you must write thesis statements that are arguable, not factual. Statements of fact seem easy to write about because, well, they are easy to prove. After all, they’re facts. The problem is that you cannot write engaging papers around statements of fact. Such theses prevent you from demonstrating critical thinking and analytical skills, which you want to show your instructor. If you were to write a paper around the next two statements, your writing would probably be quite dull because you would be restating facts that the general public already knows.In order to make your writing interesting, you should develop a thesis statement that is arguable. Sometimes you will be writing to persuade others to see things your way and other times you will simply be giving your strong opinion and laying out your case for it.



It tells you, or the reader, how you will explain the importance of the topic you are writing about.


What strategy does the author use in his choice of language to convey his message?



They are the principal stars of Cassiopeia. What strategy does the author use in his choice of language to convey his message? Correct Option: The facts and statements strategy author use in his choice of language to convey his message.


Can someone plsss help and explain me with thiss asaapppp (dueee in 15 mins)!!!! I will be giving out brainliest!



Hello.....I hope my explaining will help


For the parts one its like a map you got to look at it very carefully just like parts parts you have to focus on the details. The details are very important because the details can lead to theme(the message) and the setting(where and when).

For The title Interrelationship it gives a big picture on what the story is going to be about.

Well.. to draw a conclusion on visual as a whole you got to read the story or poem very carefully to get a good conclusion. It means when you read the story and your trying to make a conclusion (summarize) on what the story was about.

The map is a very important detail like i said in the parts paragraph this map is showing European exploration and where Christopher Columbus went to on the map. The lines on the map tell you where he has been and they're different color coded because they're probably done it different times I do not know for sure tho....

Quien es Anna en “La Niña alemana”



Anna Rosen is Hannah's great-grandniece. When she receives a mysterious letter from the estranged Hannah, she travels to Havana to meet her and there, listens to Hannah's tale


Anna Rosen es la bisnieta de Hannah. Cuando recibe una misteriosa carta de la distanciada Hannah, viaja a La Habana para encontrarse con ella y allí, escucha el relato de Hannah.

I don't get whatphotosythesis is can someone please explain to me what it means please and thank you


Answer: Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that, through cellular respiration, can later be released to fuel the organism's activities


Photosynthesis is the process plants use to make food. Plants can't get out of the ground and go get Chinese food from a restaurant or cook a burger so, they have to make their own food using photosynthesis.

I will now go over the "ingredients" of the process


1. Sunlight

2. Oxygen (a.k.a O2)

3. Sugar (otherwise known as glucose)

4. Water

5. Carbon Dioxide


Think of it as a little factory that specializing in making food for plants or a "plant food diner" or sorts.


You can find LOTS of diagraphs of it online. Some of them are simple and some are more complex. Whatever works for you is what you should study with. I recommend practicing some examples to get more familiar with the topic.  


If you need more of an explanation, feel free to ask me more. I hope this helps!

*I tried to put a few pictures but it only let me put one.

II. Rewrite the following sentences, using the structure "so ...that" or "such ...that"
1. The downtown area is very crowded. It is difficult for you to get a taxi. - The downtown area is so .......
2. My sister is very young. She can't go to the zoo alone. - My sister is so
3. The road is narrow. It is difficult for two cars to pass each other. - The road is so .............
4. The children didn't want to go to bed early because the TV program was very interesting. - The TV program was so
5. The streets are very crowded. Traffic jams usually happen.



1. the down town area is so crowded that it is difficult to get a taxi sister is so young that she can't go to the zoo alone

3.the road is so narrow that it is difficult for two cars to pass by each other

4.the tv program was so interesting that the children didn't want to go to bed early

5.the streets are so crowded that traffic jams usually happen

By using first person narration, what is an important effect that the writer achieves.


First-person immediately puts the reader inside the narrator's head, which allows for an intimate portrayal of thoughts and emotions. You can effectively communicate how each moment feels—delivering sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch—through the prism of your narrator.

What type of languages you guys are learning? Im learning Japanese and Chinese on Duolingo! :D I started 2 days ago



spanish :)



I'm trying to learn Russian and french :)

help!!!! question 6 i cannot find anywhere!!! brainliest!!!






Do you think there is a relationship between Occu-
pational achievement and social class?



Occupation often corresponds with income and educational attainment, which combined determine a person's social class. However, occupations with high occupational prestige can increase one's social class without a corresponding increase in indicators, such as income.



i think there is.


this is a opinionated question so there isnt really a right or wrong answer. its your opinion. you either think theres a relationship between the two or you dont.

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