g A high-energy photon turns into and electron and a positron. (A positron has exactly the same mass as the electron, but opposite charge.) What is the longest wavelength that the photon can have for this process to occur


Answer 1


2 m = E / c^2      where m is mass of electron

E = h v     where v is the frequency ( nu) of the incident photon

E = h c / y      where y is the incident wavelength (lambda)

2 m = h / (c y)

y = h / (2 m c)      wavelength required

y = 6.62 * 10E-34 / (2 * 9.1 * 10E-31 * 3 * 10E8)  m

y = 3.31 / 27.3 E-11 m

y = 1.21 E -12 m   = .0121 Angstrom units

Related Questions

Question 4 A car of mass 820 kg has a maximum power of 30 kW and moves against a constant resistance of motion to 910 N. Calculate the maximum speed of the car in the following situation; b)Up an incline (hill) of 8.75° to the horizontal?​



P = W / t = m g s / t = m g v       where work by auto = m g s

30 kw = 30000 watts = 30000 J / s

Work wasted = F v       as shown above relating work and power

Work done against incline = m g s sin 8.75  and power against incline

= m g v sin 8.75 = 1222 v Joules / sec

power in moving auto = power available - power lost to friction

power in moving auto = 30000 - resistance = 30000 - 910 v

1222 v = 30000 - 910 v

v = 30000 / 2132 = 14 m/s

Note: constant resistance to motion must mean P = W / t = F s / t = F v

Maximum speed will be v = 14.07 m/s

What is power ?

Power is defined time rate of doing work or delivering energy.

Work done = Force * displacement

Power = work done / time

           = (Force * displacement ) / time

since , displacement / time = velocity

Power  = force * (displacement / time ) = force  * velocity

Power = mass * acceleration * velocity (  as force = mass * acceleration)

since , car is travelling up in an incline of 8.75° to the horizontal

hence , it will have two components of velocity

vertical component = v sin (theta ) = v sin(8.75°)

horizontal component = v cos (theta)= v cos (8.75°)

Power = m* a * v sin (theta )

          = 820 * 9.8  * v *sin (8.75°)                        ( a = g = 9.8 m[tex]/s^{2}[/tex])

         = 1221.472 v

Power lost due to resistance in motion  = 910 * velocity = 910 v

Power = Total power - power lost due to resistance in motion

           = 30 * [tex]10^{3}[/tex]  - 910 v


30 * [tex]10^{3}[/tex]  - 910 v = 1221.472 v  

v = 14.07 m/s

Maximum speed will be v = 14.07 m/s

learn more about Power



John took 0.75 hours to bicycle to his grandmother's house, a distance of 4 km. What is his velocity?

What are you solving for?
What’s the equation?
Show work!
Help pleaseee!








John traveled at a speed of 5.3 km/h to get to his grandmother's house.

How is the rate of position change in relation to time measured?

While velocity is the rate of change of an object's position with respect to time in a specific direction, speed is the rate of change of an object's position with respect to time overall. The speed of an item moving in a certain direction is referred to as its velocity. When there is a change in speed, direction, or both, the velocity also changes.


Time taken to travel, t = 0.75 h

Total distance travelled = 4 km

Let's imagine that John traveled to his grandmother's house in a single direction at a constant pace.

Velocity = Distance travelled in a given direction/Time

So, Velocity = 4 km/0.75 h = 5.3 ≈ 5km/h

John's speed in getting to his grandmother's residence was thus 5 km/h.

Learn more about the Velocity with the help of the given link:



Why is evolution called a scientific theory?




Evolution is both a fact and a theory. Evolution is widely observable in laboratory and natural populations as they change over time. The fact that we need annual flu vaccines is one example of observable evolution. At the same time, evolutionary theory explains more than observations, as the succession on the fossil record. Hence, evolution is also the scientific theory that embodies biology, including all organisms and their characteristics. In this paper, we emphasize why evolution is the most important theory in biology. Evolution explains every biological detail, similar to how history explains many aspects of a current political situation. Only evolution explains the patterns observed in the fossil record. Examples include the succession in the fossil record; we cannot find the easily fossilized mammals before 300 million years ago; after the extinction of the dinosaurs, the fossil record indicates that mammals and birds radiated throughout the planet. Additionally, the fact that we are able to construct fairly consistent phylogenetic trees using distinct genetic markers in the genome is only explained by evolutionary theory. Finally, we show that the processes that drive evolution, both on short and long time scales, are observable facts.

The evolutionary theory is a scientific theory because its assumptions are well sustained by scientific data.

Scientific data refers to the body of knowledge obtained by using the scientific method.

A scientific theory is a well-sustained explanation of one or more questions of the natural world, which was repeatedly tested and verified by using the scientific method.

The theory of evolution by natural selection is a theory because it has been repeatedly corroborated through the scientific method.

In conclusion, the evolutionary theory is a scientific theory because its assumptions are well sustained by scientific data.

Learn more in:


What is scintillator



Scintillators are materials that transform high-energy radiation like X-rays or gamma-rays into visible light or near-visible light. They're commonly utilized in medical diagnostics, high-energy physics, and geophysical exploration as detectors.


i hope this helps

Extra Practice In Exercises 1-4, use the diagram. 1. Give two other names for CD.


Answer: I think it’s point cd and line cd


vận tốc là 12km|h tgian 2h hỏi quãng đường


Answer: You know I didn’t really got ya’s question

Calculus-based Physics I, can someone explain this to me?

My apologies for the broadness of my question. I especially don't understand the notation being used here, but I know this is about data collection, specifically standard deviation and standard error. I mostly need help with the data collection of multiple variables, the formulae for standard deviation and standard error make no sense to me.

I could also use some examples.


2: For a sample of data [tex]x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_N[/tex], the mean of this sample denoted by [tex]\overline x[/tex] is the sum of the data divided by the number of data points,

[tex]\overline x = \dfrac{x_1+x_2+\cdots+x_N}N = \displaystyle\frac1N\sum_{i=1}^N x_i[/tex]

As an example, consider [tex]x_1=-1[/tex], [tex]x_2=1[/tex], and [tex]x_3=3[/tex]. Then

[tex]\overline x = \dfrac{-1+1+3}3 = 1[/tex]

3: Standard deviation is a measure of how dispersed a given data sample is relative to the mean. Consult the plot: for a normal distribution, approximately 68% of it lies within 1 standard deviation of the mean, approx. 95% within 2 standard deviations, and approx. 99.7% within 3 standard deviations.

For instance, if the data is pulled from a normally distributed population with mean 0 and standard deviation 1, if you were to randomly select any data from the population, then 68% of the time it will fall in the range (-1, 1); 95% of the time it will fall within (-2, 2); 99.7% of the time it fall within (-3, 3).

To compute the standard deviation for a sample, for each [tex]x_i[/tex] in [tex]x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_N[/tex], you

• take the difference between [tex]x_i[/tex] and the mean [tex]\overline x[/tex]

• square this difference

• sum all the squared differences

• divide the sum by N - 1 (for a sample) or N (for a population)

• take the square root

Here the standard deviation is denoted [tex]\sigma^x_{N-1}[/tex], which I would read as "the sample standard deviation of the data x" - sample because of the N - 1 subscript.

Continuing with the previous example, we'd have

[tex]\sigma^x_{N-1} = \displaystyle \sqrt{\frac{\left(-1-1\right)^2+\left(1-1\right)^2+\left(3-1\right)^2}{3-1}} = \sqrt4 = 2[/tex]

4: Not much more to say here, the standard error is basically a measure of how accurate a given estimate is about the population based on the sample data. It's analogous to uncertainty in measuring length with a ruler, for instance.

In our example,

[tex]\alpha^x = \dfrac2{\sqrt3}[/tex]

5: If x, y, and z are random variables, then I suppose ρ is meant to denote a function of these random variables (so that ρ itself is just another random variable). For instance, you could have ρ = x + 3y - 2z. Then [tex]\overline\rho[/tex] is the sample mean of ρ.

I'm not entirely sure about the notation [tex]x(\overline x,\sigma^x_{N-1},\alpha^x)[/tex], but I suspect it's just referring to sample x with mean [tex]\overline x[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]\sigma^x_{N-1}[/tex] with standard error [tex]\alpha^x[/tex].

ρ is just the differential of ρ, essentially capturing how ρ changes with respect to small changes in x, y, and z. The expression you see here follows from the chain rule for differentiation.

The formula you see for [tex]\sigma^\rho_{N-1}[/tex] is the sample standard deviation of ρ. Think of ∆ρ as a vector with 3 components. Then [tex]\sigma^\rho_{N-1}[/tex] is the magnitude of this vector.

Similarly, [tex]\alpha^\rho[/tex] is the standard error for ρ, and corresponds to the magnitude of the vector whose components are the standard errors of x, y, and z.

In order for these statistics to make sense, each of x, y, and z must be samples of the same number of data. Say we take x as before [tex](x_1=-1,x_2=1,x_3=3)[/tex], along with [tex]y_1=0,y_2=4,y_3=-2[/tex] and [tex]z_1=-3,z_2=\frac12,z_3=10[/tex]. Suppose ρ = x + 3y - 2z. Then

• the sample means of y and z :

[tex]\overline y = \dfrac{0+4-2}3 = \dfrac23 \\\\ \overline z = \dfrac{-3+\frac12+10}3 = \dfrac52[/tex]

• the standard deviations of y and z :

[tex]\sigma^y_{N-1} = \sqrt{\dfrac{\left(0-\frac23\right)^2+\left(4-\frac23\right)^2+\left(2-\frac23\right)^2}{3-1}} = 2\sqrt{\dfrac73} \approx 3.06\\\\ \sigma^z_{N-1} = \sqrt{\dfrac{\left(-3-\frac52\right)^2+\left(\frac12-\frac52\right)^2+\left(10-\frac52\right)^2}{3-1}} = \dfrac{\sqrt{181}}2 \approx 6.73[/tex]

• the values of ρ :

[tex]\rho_1 = x_1+3y_1-2z_1 = -1+2\times0-2\times(-3) = 5 \\\\ \rho_2 = x_2+3y_2-2z_2 = 1+3\times4-2\times\dfrac12=12 \\\\ \rho_3 = x_3+3y_3-2z_3 = 3+3\times(-2)-2\times10 = -23[/tex]

• the sample mean of ρ :

[tex]\overline\rho = \dfrac{5+12-23}3 = -2[/tex]

• by the chain rule,

[tex]\Delta\rho = \Delta x+3\Delta y-2\Delta z[/tex]

so the standard deviation of ρ :

[tex]\sigma^\rho_{N-1} = \sqrt{\left(\sigma^x_{N-1}\right)^2 + \left(3\sigma^y_{N-1}\right)^2 + \left(-2\sigma^z_{N-1}\right)^2} \\\\\sigma^\rho_{N-1}= \sqrt{2^2 + 9\left(2\sqrt{\dfrac73}\right)^2 + 4\left(\dfrac{\sqrt{181}}2\right)^2} = \dfrac12\sqrt{\dfrac{703}3} \approx 7.65[/tex]

• the standard errors of y and z :

[tex]\alpha^y = \dfrac{2\sqrt{\frac73}}{\sqrt3} = \dfrac23\sqrt7 \approx 1.76 \\\\ \alpha^z = \dfrac{\frac{\sqrt{181}}2}{\sqrt3} = \dfrac12\sqrt{\dfrac{181}3} \approx 3.88[/tex]

• the standard error of ρ :


1. An MR-2 starts from rest and accelerates westward to a speed of 27 m/s in
11.8 seconds.
a) What is its acceleration?
b) What is the displacement it covered?



a) 2.28 m/s²

b) 159.86 m


Part A:

u = 0 m/s

v = 27 m/s

t = 11.8 seconds

a = ?


v = u + at

=> 27 = 0 + a(11.8)

=> 27 = a(11.8)

=> a(11.8) = 27

=> a = 27/11.8

=> a = 2.28 m/s²

Part B:

s = ?


s = (v² - u²)/2a

s = (27² - 0²) /2(2.28)

  = 729/4.56

  = 159.86 m

What is the field outside the capacitor plates in a parallel capacitor?​


Answer is zero

Plz mark me brainlist


Outside two infinite parallel plates with opposite charge the electric field is zero, and that can be proved with Gauss's law using any possible Gaussian surface imaginable

Pls help me 10 points



d is the right answer

it's was helpful to you

The circled one please
Mark brainliest!!





The conversion is that 1 second equals 1,000,000 micro seconds. Since we have 0.00005 seconds, we will multiply that to a million.

0.00005 * 1,000,000 = 50µs

Keep in mind that 50 only has 1 significant figure because any trailing zeroes before the decimal point do NOT count.

Best of Luck!

0.00005 seconds = 50 μs

Thank you

Which describes a difference between solar wind and a geomagnetic storm? Select the three correct answers. (2 points)
Solar wind sometimes results in geomagnetic storms, geomagnetic storms do not cause solar wind.
Geomagnetic storms travel at the speed of light, while solar wind takes four days to reach Earth.
Geomagnetic storms occur only occasionally, solar wind is constant.
Geomagnetic storms are associated with CMEs, solar wind is associated with the constant activity in the sun
Geomagnetic storms are constant, solar wind occurs only occasionally.


We have that the three correct answers are

"Solar wind sometimes results in geomagnetic storms, geomagnetic storms do not cause solar wind" is a correct statement from the definition above."Geomagnetic storms occur only occasionally, solar wind is constant."This statement is correct as the sun emission of solar wind particles are constant but Geomagnetic storms are occasional."Geomagnetic storms are associated with CMEs, solar wind is associated with the constant activity in the sun" This statement is correct as CMEs(  Coronal Mass Ejections) are sometimes the main reason for  Geomagnetic storms

We First define the two Phenomenons

Solar Winds

These are Particles such as Plasma and other Harmful particles Dispersed by the sun of the a galaxy that can be harmful to Humans.

Geomagnetic storm

A Geometric storm is a kind of storm that comes about because of the an attack of the solar wind on earths magnetic field above atmosphere.


"Solar wind sometimes results in geomagnetic storms, geomagnetic storms do not cause solar wind" is a correct statement from the definition above.

"Geomagnetic storms travel at the speed of light, while solar wind takes four days to reach Earth." This is false as Geometric storms are the Phenomenons that emanate on earth.

"Geomagnetic storms occur only occasionally, solar wind is constant."This statement is correct as the sun emission of solar wind particles are constant but Geomagnetic storms are occasional.

"Geomagnetic storms are associated with CMEs, solar wind is associated with the constant activity in the sun" This statement is correct as CMEs(  Coronal Mass Ejections) are sometimes the main reason for  Geomagnetic storms

"Geomagnetic storms are constant, solar wind occurs only occasionally."This statement is False as Stated in the definitions above

In conclusion

The three correct answers are

"Solar wind sometimes results in geomagnetic storms, geomagnetic storms do not cause solar wind" is a correct statement from the definition above."Geomagnetic storms occur only occasionally, solar wind is constant."This statement is correct as the sun emission of solar wind particles are constant but Geomagnetic storms are occasional."Geomagnetic storms are associated with CMEs, solar wind is associated with the constant activity in the sun" This statement is correct as CMEs(  Coronal Mass Ejections) are sometimes the main reason for  Geomagnetic storms

For more information on this visit


9. Which arrow or arrows indicate a process that cycles carbon from
living or nonliving organisms? Describe the process or processes
you selected. Arrow |
10. Which arrow or arrows represent reactions that demonstrate a
conservation of mass and energy? Explain your answer.



arrow E represents cycling of carbon from living organisms to non-living organisms. this is because it is showing conversion of a carbon from the dead tree to fossil fuel.


Darkspirit :)

An acetate rods rubs against a cloth. What type of charge will the rod end up with?
A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Not enough info
D. Neutral



I believe it's A



Scientists use models to represent physical situations that are difficult to explore



I believe it is True


A mass of 10kg is suspended from the end of a steel rod of length 2m and radius 1mm. What is the elongation of the rod beyond it's original length (Take E=200*10⁹Nm²)



don't know what class are you which subject is this

Lithium's atomic number is 3. How many electrons does a neutral lithium atom have? explain.​



It has 3 electrons


Neutral atom has an overall charge of zero.

Since atomic number is 3, it has 3 protons [ positive charges ]. So, to be neutral, the atom must have 3 electrons [ negative charges ] to cancel out the positive charge.

Which type of bond and how many bonds would occur as carbon dioxide (CO2) is formed from carbon in Group IVA and oxygen in Group VIA?
A. Three metallic bonds
B. two ionic bonds
C. One covalent bond
D. Four covalent bonds



The answer is D. Four covalent bounds

why is it important for heat sinks to be made of metal and have a large surface area?


The heat sink has a thermal conductor that carries heat away from the CPU into fins that provide a large surface area for the heat to dissipate throughout the rest of the computer, thus cooling both the heat sink and processor…

A block lying on an inclined plane has a weight of 50 N. It just begins to slide down when the inclination of plane with the horizontal is 30°. The value of u is​



μ = tanθ = tan30 = 0.58


μ = force parallel/force perpendicular = mgsinθ/mgcosθ = tanθ

A ball rolls down the street 9 meters in 3.5 seconds, what is it's average speed?


How do we find the Average Speed ?

The Average Speed is the distance traveled for the object, divided by the elapsed time taken to travel that distance, so the formula is :

S = D / T

where S = Average Speed, D = Distance, and T =  Times

Here the object is the ball, the distance is 9 meters and the time elapsed for the ball to roll down the street is 3.5 seconds. Applying the formula we get :

S = 9 / 3.5 ≈ 2.6 metres per second

The symbols (which is the wavy equal sign) means we can't write the exact result, because there is an infinite quantity of numbers after the decimal point. So we need to give an approximation, since the result is 2.57142857142857...etc. we choosed to round up the result to 2.6.

which form of the energy is used to generate electrical energy in a tidal power station


Tidal energy is the form of energy used to generate electrical energy.

The form of the energy is used to generate electrical energy in a tidal power station is kinetic energy.

What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy that an object has as a result of its movement. If we intend to accelerate an object, we should indeed apply force to it. Using force requires us to put in effort.

After work is completed, energy is transmitted to the object, and the object moves at a new constant speed.

Tidal energy is generated by the movement of our tides and oceans, where the intensity of the water from tide rise and fall is a type of kinetic energy.

Tidal power is related to gravitational hydropower, which uses water movement to propel a turbine and generate electricity.

Thus, kinetic energy is used to generate electrical energy in a tidal power station.

For more details regarding kinetic energy, visit:



A mass of 20kg which moved vertically produced a momentum of 300kg.m/s, how much power was needed to move the mass?



Power is 3000 W


Momentum = mass × velocity

[tex]300 = 20 \times v \\ velocity = 15 \: {ms}^{ - 1} [/tex]

For power:

[tex]P = \frac{force \times distance}{time} \\ \\ P = force \times ( \frac{distance}{time} )[/tex]

but distance/time is velocity, so:

[tex]P = force \times velocity[/tex]

but force = mass × acceleration:

[tex]P = (mass \times acceleration) \times velocity \\ P = (20 \times 10) \times 15 \\ P = 3000 \: \: watts[/tex]

[ taken acceleration to be 10 m/s² ]

Elastic and inelastic collisions



A perfectly elastic collision is defined as one in which there is no loss of kinetic energy in the collision. An inelastic collision is one in which part of the kinetic energy is changed to some other form of energy in the collision.

who is george washington? what does he do for america?


George Washington was an American political leader, military general, statesman and Founding Father of the United States, who serves as the first president of the United States from 1789 to 1797.

During the American Revolution, the led the colonial forces to victory over the British and became a national hero. In 1787, he was elected president of the convention that wrote the U.D. constitution. Two years later, Washington became the America's first president.

A:10i - 2j -4k and B: i +7j - k. Determine |A-B| ​


A - B = (10i - 2j - 4k) - (i + 7j - k)

A - B = 9i - 9j - 3k

|A - B| = √(9² + (-9)² + (-3)²) = √189 = 3√19

What topic name in physics does this equation belong to? g = Fg/m


this equation is used when talking about GRAVITY.

The speed limit on Highway 85 is 65 mi/h. What is it in m/s?



29 m/s


65 mi/hr (1 hr/3600s)(5280 ft/mi)(12 in/ft)(2.54 cm/in)(1 m/100cm) = 29.0576

The speed  limit on Highway 85 in meters per seconds is 29.07m/s

Given the speed limit on highway 85 as 65mi/hr

Using the conversion rate:

2.23694 mi/hr = 1m/s

We are to convert 65mi/hr to m/s, we can therefore write:

65mi/hr = x

Divide both expressions

[tex]\frac{2.23594}{65} = \frac{1}{x} \\Cross \ mutiply\\ 2.23594x = 65\\x = \frac{65}{2.23594}\\x = 29.070m/s[/tex]

This shows that the speed  limit on Highway 85 in meters per second is 29.07m/s

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/1628517

When astronauts get on a rocket and go outside Earth they float because gravity is affected by this





Gravity is indirectly related to distance. This means if distance increases, gravitational pull decreases.

fill the blank spaces with suitable terms a heat energy from bottom
to the top of atake is​


I’m not sure if you’ve added the full question?
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