g is considering eliminating the fruit product line. If this line is eliminated, Orange Company will be able to eliminate $74,000 of total fixed costs. By how much would this business decision increase operating income


Answer 1

The business decision increase the operating income by $16,000

Calculation of impact of net operating income:

The following formula should be used:

= Contribution margin lost + fixed cost savings

= -$58,000 + $74,000

= $16,000

Since fruit product contributed $58,000 so here we eliminated it due to this it has a loss of $58,000 for the orange company

Therefore we can conclude that that the business decision increase the operating income by $16,000

Learn more about the: operating income here: brainly.com/question/13872434

Related Questions

If the average annual rate of return for common stocks is 11.7 percent, and 4.0 percent for U.S. Treasury bills, what is the average market risk premium?





Risk premium is the return an investor would want for holding a risky bond. It is the excess return earned over holding a risk free bond

Risk premium = return on risky asset - return on U.S. Treasury bills

The U.S. Treasury bills is considered to be risk free because the US government cannot default

On the other hands, stocks are risky because companies can default on payment of dividends due to various reasons e.g. insolvency

11.7 - 4 = 7.7%

which of the following quotes is the best way to tell your boss that you can't accept a new assignment right now?

a. I would like to work on this. but if I take this on I won't be able to meet my current deadline.

b. you know I already have this other deadline

c. I just don't know if I can get this all done

d. I don't have time sorry​





it would be fine hopefully

The correct quotes are the best way to tell your boss that you can't accept a new assignment right now is "I would like to work on this. But if I take this on, I won't be able to meet my current deadline". Thus, option (a) is correct.

What is assignment?

An assignment is a judicial word used in the context of contract and property law. Assignment is the process through which one person, the assignor, passes rights or advantages to another, the assignee.

Assignment is providing someone to a specific job or piece of labor, or assigning someone to a specific location to complete a job.

The simplest approach to inform your supervisor that you can't take on a new job right now is to say, "I'd want to work on this, but if I take it on, I won't be able to fulfill my present deadline." Therefore, it can be concluded that option (A) is correct.

Learn more about assignment here:



blank is a crucial factor to small business success A. Location B. Financing C. Advertising D. legal advice​






Which of the following is true of good salespeople?

A. They know how to oversell their product so the customer can't say no.

B. They have tenacity but know when to walk away and move on to the next sales prospect.

C. They make promises they may not be able to keep in order to secure a sale.

D. They don't leave voice mail messages.



Correct answer is A, They know how to oversell their product so the customer can't say no. Explanation: Good salespeople are those who sell more and more of their company's product.

List three (3) distinctions between limited liability partnership and conventional partnership using statute and decided cases.


If you're operating as a limited partnership, the general partner has unlimited liability for company losses and debts, while a limited partner has limited liability protection against company debts and losses. ... In an LLP, all partners have limited liability protection against company obligations and debts.

Beck Inc. and Bryant Inc. have the following operating data: Beck Inc. Bryant Inc. Sales $336,700 $1,092,000 Variable costs 135,100 655,200 Contribution margin $201,600 $436,800 Fixed costs 138,600 268,800 Income from operations $63,000 $168,000 a. Compute the operating leverage for Beck Inc. and Bryant Inc. If required, round to one decimal place.



Beck Inc Operating leverage 3.2

Bryant Inc Operating leverage 2.6


Computation for the operating leverage for Beck Inc. and Bryant Inc

Using this formula

Operating leverage = Contribution margin/Income from operation

Let plug in the formula

Beck Inc Operating leverage = $201,600/ $63,000

Beck Inc Operating leverage= 3.2

Bryant Inc Operating leverage= $436,800/$168,000

Bryant Inc Operating leverage= 2.6

Therefore the operating leverage for Beck Inc. and Bryant Inc are:

Beck Inc Operating leverage 3.2

Bryant Inc Operating leverage 2.6

Choose the correct statements about the ROC curve.
A. By plotting the true-positive rate against the false-positive rate for different threshold values, the ROC curve can be used to select the optimal model.
B. ROC stands for Receiver Operating Characteristic curve, which was originally developed to detect enemy aircrafts on radar.
C. The ROC curve is a useful diagnostic tool for determining the optimal classification model.
D. The ROC curve was originally developed to optimize healthcare and detect congestive heart failure readmission rate.





The ROC stands for Reviever Operating Characteristics curve ehic was originally developed to detect enemy aircrafts on reader

The correct statement about the ROC curve is that  ROC stands for the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve, which was originally developed to detect enemy aircraft on radar. Thus, option B is correct.

What is a curve?

A curve can be defined as the relation that can be between the teo element. this is represented by the graph that is formed on the basis of the change in the elements that are surrounding it. If there is a change in one thing then there can also be a change in another and it may have an effect.

The best accuracy and false alarm rate for a classification algorithm at the approaches suggested are calculated and plotted to create the ROC curve.

The Receiver Operating Characteristic curve, abbreviated ROC curve, was created to find hostile aircraft using radar. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about ROC curve, here:



Bill Johnson, sales manager, and Diane Buswell, controller, at Current Designs are beginning to analyze the cost considerations for one of the composite models of the kayak division. They have provided the following production and operational costs necessary to produce one composite kayak.
Kevlar $250 per kayak
Resin and supplies $100 per kayak
Finishing kit (seat, rudder, ropes, etc.) $170 per kayak
Labor $420 per kayak
Selling and administrative expenses—variable $400 per kayak
Selling and administrative expenses—fixed $119,700 per year
Manufacturing overhead—fixed $240,000 per year
Bill and Diane have asked you to provide a cost-volume-profit analysis, to help them finalize the budget projections for the upcoming year. Bill has informed you that the selling price of the composite kayak will be $2,000.
(a) Calculate variable costs per unit.
Variable cost per unit $
Bill Johnson, sales manager, and Diane Buswell, co
(b) Determine the contribution margin per unit.
Contribution margin per unit $
Bill Johnson, sales manager, and Diane Buswell, co
(c) Using the contribution margin per unit, determine the break-even point in units for this product line.
Break-even point
Bill Johnson, sales manager, and Diane Buswell, co
(d) Assume that Current Designs plans to earn $270,600 on this product line. Using the contribution margin per unit, calculate the number of units that need to be sold to achieve this goal.
Number of units
Bill Johnson, sales manager, and Diane Buswell, co
(e) Based on the most recent sales forecast, Current Designs plans to sell 1,000 units of this model. Using your results from part (c), calculate the margin of safety and the margin of safety ratio. (Round margin of safety ratio to 1 decimal place, e.g. 25.5%.)
Margin of safety $
Bill Johnson, sales manager, and Diane Buswell, co
Margin of safety ratio
Bill Johnson, sales manager, and Diane Buswell, co
By accessing this Question Assistance, you will learn while you earn points based on the Point Potential Policy set by your instructor.
(a) Calculate variable costs per unit.
Variable cost per unit $
Bill Johnson, sales manager, and Diane Buswell, co
(b) Determine the contribution margin per unit.
Contribution margin per unit $
Bill Johnson, sales manager, and Diane Buswell, co
(c) Using the contribution margin per unit, determine the break-even point in units for this product line.
Break-even point
Bill Johnson, sales manager, and Diane Buswell, co
(d) Assume that Current Designs plans to earn $270,600 on this product line. Using the contribution margin per unit, calculate the number of units that need to be sold to achieve this goal.
Number of units
Bill Johnson, sales manager, and Diane Buswell, co
(e) Based on the most recent sales forecast, Current Designs plans to sell 1,000 units of this model. Using your results from part (c), calculate the margin of safety and the margin of safety ratio. (Round margin of safety ratio to 1 decimal place, e.g. 25.5%.)
Margin of safety $
Bill Johnson, sales manager, and Diane Buswell, co
Margin of safety ratio
Bill Johnson, sales manager, and Diane Buswell, co



a. Particulars                                                  Amount$

Kevlar per kayak                                            250

Resin and Supplies per kayak                       100

Finishing Kit per kayak                                   170

Labor per Kayak                                             420

Variable selling & admin. exp. per kayak     400

Total variable cost per kayak                       1,340

b. Contribution margin per unit = Selling price per unit – Variable cost per unit

Contribution margin per unit = $2,000 per unit - $1,340 per unit

Contribution margin per unit = $660 per unit

c. Break-even point in units = Total fixed costs/ Contribution margin per unit

Break-even point in units = ($ 119,700 + $240,000) / $660 per unit

Break-even point in units = 545 units

d. Number of units to be sold = (Total Fixed cost + Target Profit)/ Contribution margin per unit

Number of units to be sold= ($119,700 + $240,000 + $270,600) / $660 per unit

Number of units to be sold = 955 units

So therefore, the company needs to sell 955 units in order to achieve target profit of $270,600.

Petrox Oil Co. is considering a project that will have fixed costs of $12,000,000. The product will be sold for $37.50 per unit and will incur a variable cost of $12.80 per unit.

Given Petrox's cost structure, it will have to sell __________ units to break even on this project (Q_BE).

Petrox Oil Co.'s marketing sales director doesn't think that the market for the firm's goods is big enough to sell enough units to make the company's target operating profit of $15,000,000. In fact, she believes that the firm will be able to sell only about 150,000 units. However, she also thinks the demand for Petrox Oil Co.'s product is relatively inelastic, so the firm can increase the sale price. Assuming that the firm can sell 150,000 units, what price must it set to meet the CFO's EBIT goal of $15,000,000?

a. $192.80
b. $221.72
c. $241.00
d. $202.44



Fixed costs = $12,000,000

Selling price = $37.50

Variable cost = $12.80

hope this helps

At the given cost structure, Petrox have to sell 485,830 units to break-even on this project .The selling price to to be set to meet the profit of $15,000,000 is  $192.80. Thus, the correct answer is option A.

What is break-even ?

The break-even point occurs when total cost and total revenue are equal. Though opportunity costs have been paid and capital has received the risk-adjusted, expected return, there is no net loss or gain. In short, all necessary costs are met, and there is no profit or loss.

The break even units is calculated as,

Break-even units = Fixed Cost  / Contribution Margin

                             = Fixed Cost / Sale Price - Variable Cost

                              = $12,000,000/ $37.50-$12.80

                                = 485,830 units

The price that needed to be set is calculated as,

Target units=Fixed Costs+ Target EBIT/selling price-variable cost

Assume selling price is X

150,000= ($12,000,000+$15,000,000) / X-12.80

150,000=27,000,000 / X-12.80

150,000× (X-12.80)=27,000,000

X - 12.80=27,000,000 / 150,000

X-12.80 = 180

X = 180+12.80

X= $192.80

Therefore, the break-even units is 485,830 and the the price to be set is $192.80 to meet the CFO's EBIT goal of $15,000,000.

To learn more about break-even, click here:



Professional service organizations include __________.



Accenture, Ernst and Young, KPMG, Deloitte.

Rosina purchased one 15-year bond at par value when it was initially issued. This bond has a coupon rate of 7 percent and matures 13 years from now. If the current market rate for this type and quality of bond is 7.5 percent, then Rosina should expect: the bond issuer to increase the amount of all future interest payments. the yield to maturity to remain constant due to the fixed coupon rate. to realize a capital loss if she sold the bond at today's market price. today's market price to exceed the face value of the bond. the current yield today to be less than 7 percent.



to realize a capital loss if she sold the bond at today's market price.


Given that

NPER is 13

RATE is 7.5%

PMT is 7% of $1,000

Future value be $1,000

We need to find out the present value


The current price of the bond is:



Now if she wants to sell the bond now, so the value should be less than the face value due to which there should be the capital loss  

A manufacturing company has the following budgeted overhead costs: Indirect materials: $0.50 per unit; Utilities: $0.25 per unit; Supervisory salaries: $60,000; Building rent: $80,000. If the company expects to produce 200,000 units using 100,000 hours of direct labor, the standard overhead rate will be $



Predetermined manufacturing overhead rate= $1.45 per unit


First, we will calculate the variable overhead per unit:

Unitary variable overhead= Indirect materials + Utilities

Unitary variable overhead= 0.5 + 0.25

Unitary variable overhead= $0.75 per unit

Now, the total fixed overhead, and fixed overhead rate:

Predetermined manufacturing overhead rate= total estimated overhead costs for the period/ total amount of allocation base

Total fixed overhead= Supervisory salaries + Building rent

Total fixed overhead= 60,000 + 80,000

Total fixed overhead= $140,000

Predetermined manufacturing overhead rate= 140,000 / 200,000

Predetermined manufacturing overhead rate= $0.7 per unit

Finally, the total predetermined overhead rate:

Predetermined manufacturing overhead rate= 0.75 + 0.7

Predetermined manufacturing overhead rate= $1.45 per unit

At December 31, Hawke Company reports the following results for its calendar year.

Cash sales $1,432,910
Credit sales $3,376,000

In addition, its unadjusted trial balance includes the following items.

Accounts receivable $1,022,928 debit
Allowance for doubtful accounts $11,560 debit

Prepare the adjusting entry for this company to recognize bad debts


The adjusting entries for acknowledging the bad debts would be:

a). Bad Debts Expense                  $50 640

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts                     $50 640

b). Bad Debts Expense                 $48089.1

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts                     $48089.1

Bad debts:

Bad debts are described as debts that are unable to be recovered from their respective debtors.

The key reasons for this could be:

The debtor is bankrupt and cannot pay the amount.The debtor flees away and thus, can't be compelled to pay.

The given amounts are obtained as follows:

a). Given that,

Bad debts is 1.5% of credit sales.

Credit Sales = $3,376,000

Bad debts = 1.5% of $3,376,000

∵ Bad debts = 1.5/100 * $3,376,000

= $50 640

b). Given that,

Bad debts = 1 % of total sales.

Total Sales = Credit sale + Cash sale

= $3,376,000 + $1,432,910

= $4808910

Bad debts = 1% of 4808910

∵ Bad debts = 1/100 * $4808910

= $48089.1

Learn more about 'Journal entries' here:


Glen Inc. and Armstrong Co. have an exchange with no commercial substance. The asset given up by Glen Inc. has a book value of $72,000 and a fair value of $96,000. The asset given up by Armstrong Co. has a book value of $120,000 and a fair value of $114,000. Boot of $24,000 is received by Armstrong Co.What amount should Armstrong Co. record for the asset received



the amount that should be recorded as the asset is $96,000


The computation of the amount that should be recorded as the asset is given below:

Book value of assets given up = $72,000

Add : cash paid in exchange. $24,000

Amount recorded as an asset should be $96,000

We simply added the book value and the cash paid amount for an exchange

Therefore the amount that should be recorded as the asset is $96,000

ng & Certifications
2022 Ethics and Compliance Test
2022 Ethics and Compliance Test
Janine, currently enrolled in a 3-star plan,
discovers there is 5-star plan available where
she lives. She asks her agent, Josh, to enroll
her in the 5-star plan. Josh can advise Janine
of each of the following except:
Josh should tell Janine that she can only change her current plan to a 5-
star plan during the Annual Election Period.
Josh should tell Janine that she can only use the 5-Star SEP once per
calendar year.
Josh should tell Janine that she can change her current plan to a 5-star



Janine and Josh

Josh can advise Janine  of each of the following except:

Josh should tell Janine that she can only change her current plan to a 5-

star plan during the Annual Election Period.


The Special Election Period (SEP) for the 5-star Medicare Plan lasts one week, that is, between Nov. 30 and Dec. 8.  However, there is an Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) that lasts from October 15th to December 7th.  During the annual enrollment period, any plan holder can change her Medicare plan, depending on its availability in her area.

Happy Trails, a bicycle rental company, is considering purchasing three additional bicycles. Each bicycle would cost them $249.66. At the end of the first year the increase to their revenues would be $140 per bicycle. At the end of the second year the increase to their revenues again would be $140 per bicycle. Thereafter, there are no increases to their revenues. At which of the following interest rates is the sum of the present values of the additional revenues closest to the price of a bicycle?
a. 5 percent.
b. 6 percent.
c. 7 percent.
d. 8 percent.





We are to determine the IRR of the purchase

The internal rate of return is a capital budgeting method that is used to determine the profitability of a project.

Internal rate of return is the discount rate that equates the after-tax cash flows from an investment to the amount invested

Cash flow in Y0 = -249.66

Cash flow in Y1 = 140

Cash flow in  Y2 = 140

IRR = 8

To determine IRR using a financial calculator:

1. Input the cash flow values by pressing the CF button. After inputting the value, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.

2. After inputting all the cash flows, press the IRR button and then press the compute button

Beagle Corporation has 26,000 shares of $10 par common stock outstanding and 16,000 shares of $100 par, 5.50% cumulative, nonparticipating preferred stock outstanding. Dividends have not been paid for the past two years. This year, a $420,000 dividend will be paid. What are the dividends per share payable to preferred and common, respectively



$16.5 per share; $6 per share


Calculation to determine the dividends per share payable to preferred and common, respectively


First step

Total dividend paid to Preferred Stockholders

= Outstanding preferred stock × Par value of preferred stock × 5.50% × Number of years

Total dividend paid to Preferred Stockholders= 16000 × 100 × 5.50% × 3

Total dividend paid to Preferred Stockholders= $264,000

Second step

Total dividend per share paid to Preferred Stockholders= Total dividend paid to preferred ÷ No. of outstanding shares

Total dividend per share paid to Preferred Stockholders= $264,000 ÷ 16,000 shares

Total dividend per share paid to Preferred Stockholders= $16.5 per share


First step

Total dividend paid to Preferred Stockholders

= Outstanding preferred stock × Par value of preferred stock × 5.50% × Number of years

Total dividend paid to Preferred Stockholders= 16000 × 100 × 5.50% × 3

Total dividend paid to Preferred Stockholders= $264,000

Second step

Total dividend per share paid to common Stockholders= (Dividend paid in the current year - Total dividend paid to preferred) ÷ Common stock outstanding shares

Total dividend per share paid to common Stockholders= ($420,000 - $264,000) ÷ 26,000

Total dividend per share paid to common Stockholders= $156,000 ÷ 26,000 shares

Total dividend per share paid to common Stockholders= 6 per share

Therefore the dividends per share payable to preferred and common, respectively is:

$16.5 per share; $6 per share

Monetary stimulus is only helpful to an economy: __________

a. experiencing significant negative externalities.
b. that's in recession.
c. with few public goods.


That is in recession. B is the correct answer.

9 Given figures showing: Sales £8,200, Opening inventory £1,300, Closing inventory £900, Purchases £6,400, Carriage inwards £200, the cost of goods sold figure is (A) £6,800 (B) £6,200 (C) £7,000 (D) Another figure



the correct answer is


Over the last ten years productivity grew faster in Oceania than in Freedonia and the population and total hours worked remained the same in both countries. It follows that:

a. real GDP per person must be higher in Oceania than in Freedonia.
b. real GDP per person grew faster in Oceania than in Freedonia.
c. the standard of living must be higher in Oceania than in Freedonia.
d. All of the above are correct.



it's d. All are correctamundo

4. Problems and Applications Q4 Many observers believe that the levels of pollution in our society are too high. True or False: If society wishes to reduce overall pollution by a certain amount, it is efficient to have firms with lower costs reduce greater amounts of pollution than those with higher costs.


Answer: True


Firms with lower costs would also incur a lower cost when they try to reduce pollution so they should reduce more pollution because of this reduced cost that they will incur.

Firms with higher costs would then reduce less pollution because this would ensure that they do not spend too much on pollution reduction and incur even more costs.

If an investor has a choice of investing money at 6% compounded daily or 6.025% compounded quarterly which one is best


General Rule: Daily compounding gives a higher yield

Compounding works like this:

6.025% per quarter

Quarter 1: $100 x 6.025% = $6.025

Quarter 2: $106.025 x 6.025% = $6.388

Quarter 3: $112.413 x 6.025% = $6.7729

Quarter 4: $119.186 x 6.025% = $7.4491


6% per day

Day 1: $100 x 6% = $6

Day 2: $106 x 6% = $6.36


Day 365: $193.47 x 6% = $11.96

PlZ Help 70 points

Look at the circular flow diagram. Choose and define an environmental issue. Using the diagram as a guide, explain how the environmental issue you chose affects the relationship between the business and factor market. (4 points)



Family and government are related to each other in terms of financial unit. Family pay charges to government and after that government utilize that cash for the individuals. Family gain the money by working in firms or by running their possess commerce. Natural issues such as discuss contamination can influence the relationship between family and government. Popleuses their possess transport to go to firms and the number of vehicles are expanding day by day which causes discuss contamination. The government can shape arrangements against personal transport and persuade individuals to utilize open transport which can be advantageous for government as government will straightforwardly get cash from family.

please click thanks and mark brainliest if you like :)

Complete the following statements with one of the terms listed here. You may use a term more than once. Some terms may not be used at all. Capital turnover Direct fixed expenses Flexible budget variance Key performance indictors (KPIs) Profit center Sales margin Common fixed expenses Favorable variance Goal congruence Management by exception Return on investment (ROI) Unfavorable variance Cost center Flexible budget Investment center Master budget variance Revenue center Volume variance


Solution :

a). Flexible budget

A flexible budget is a budget that is prepared for the different volume level which was originally anticipated.

b). Flexible budget variance

It is the different between the flexible budget and the actual results.

c). Return on Investment

It is used to evaluate the performance of the investment centers. It is calculated by dividing operating income by the investment.

d). Favorable variance

The company has the favorable variance when the actual values are more than the budgeted values.

The difference between actual overhead costs incurred and the budgeted overhead costs based on a flexible budget is the: Multiple Choice Production variance. Controllable variance. Volume variance. Price variance. Quantity variance.


The difference between actual overhead costs incurred and the budgeted overhead costs based on a flexible budget is the controllable variance.

In accounting, there are two elements of a variance- rate variance and volume variance. While the rate variance refers to the difference in the actual price paid vs. the budgeted price, the volume variance refers to the portion of the variance in sales, unit usage.

The controllable variance is in the "rate" element of the variance.Controllable variance refers to the process by which the efficiency of using variable overhead resources is measured.This means that the controllable variance is the difference between the actual cost and the budgeted overhead cost.The calculation for this variance is: Actual overhear expense - (budgeted overhead cost x standard number of units)= overhead controllable variance.

In short, we can say that the controllable variance is the amount that is not part of the volume variance. Rather, it is the difference in the overhead cost incurred and the budgeted overhead cost.  

Learn more about variance here:


A partial list of Waterways' accounts and their balances for the month of November 2016 follows:
Accounts Receivable $ 275,000
Advertising Expenses 54,000
Cash 260,000
Depreciation-Factory Equipment 16,800
Depreciation-Office Equipment 2,400
Direct Labor 42,000
Factory Supplies Used 16,800
Factory Utilities 10,200
Finished Goods Inventory, November 30 68,800
Finished Goods Inventory, October 31 72,550
Indirect Labor 48,000
Office Supplies Expense 1,600
Other Administrative Expenses 72,000
Prepaid Expenses 41,250
Raw Materials Inventory, November 30 52,700
Raw Materials Inventory, October 31 38,000
Raw Materials Purchases 184,500
Rent Factory Equipment 47,000
Repairs-Factory Equipment 4,500
Salaries 325,000
A list of accounts and their values are given above. From this information, prepare a partial balance sheet for Waterways Corporation for the month of November. (List Current Assets in order of liquidity.)



Total current assets = $697,750


The partial balance sheet is as follows:

Waterways Corporation

Balance Sheet (Partial)

For the month of November 2016

Details                                                                $                         $          

Current Assets

Cash                                                           260,000

Accounts Receivable                                 275,000

Finished Goods Inventory, November       68,800

Raw Materials Inventory, November          52,700

Prepaid Expenses                                        41,250  

Total current assets                                                              697,750


Cash is the most liquid of assets.

Accounts receivable which should be collected within 30 to 60 days are less liquid than cash, but more liquid than inventory.

Finished Goods Inventory which is expected to be sold and converted to cash within one year, and Raw Materials Inventory which is expected to be converted to finished good within one year are more liquid than Prepaid expense.

Therefore, the least liquid among current assets’ item above is the Prepaid Expense as it is cash paid for services not yet received..

Last year, you purchased a stock at a price of $64.00 a share. Over the course of the year, you received $2.20 per share in dividends and inflation averaged 2.7 percent. Today, you sold your shares for $69.00 a share. What is your approximate real rate of return on this investment





Calculation to determine your approximate real rate of return on this investment

First step is to calculate the Nominal return

Nominal return = ($69 - $64+ $2.20)/$64

Nominal return=7.2/$64

Nominal return= 0.1125

Now let calculate the Approximate real return

Approximate real return = 0.1125 - 0.027

Approximate real return= 0.0855*100

Approximate real return=8.55%

Therefore your approximate real rate of return on this investment is 8.55%

(a) A lamp has two bulbs of a type with an average lifetime of 1800 hours. Assuming that we can model the probability of failure of these bulbs by an exponential density function with mean μ = 1800, find the probability that both of the lamp's bulbs fail within 2000 hours.
(b) Another lamp has just one bulb of the same type as in part (a). If one bulb burns out and is replaced by a bulb of the same type, find the probability that the two bulbs fail within a total of 1000 hours.



a) 0.45

b) 0.11


A)  P( both bulbs fail within 2000 hours ) = 0.45

Given data:

Average lifetime of bulbs = 1800 hours

mean μ = 1800

b) P( both bulbs fail within 1000 hours ) =

Attached below is a detailed solution of the given question

Colorado Cleaning has a 5-year maximum acceptable payback period. The firm is considering the purchase of a new washing machine and must choose between two alternative ones. The first machine requires an initial investment of $25,000 and generates annual after-tax cash inflows of $6,500 for each of the next 8 years. The second machine requires an initial investment of $75,000 and provides an annual cash inflow after taxes of $9,500 for 15 years.

a. Determine the payback period for each machine.
b. Comment on the acceptability of the machines, assuming that they are independent projects.
c. Which machine should the firm accept? Why?
d. Do the machines in this problem illustrate any of the weaknesses of using payback? Discuss.



a) Payback period = period up to which cumulative cash flow is negative +

                                    (negative cumulative cash flow /cash flow succeeding    

                                       the above period)

Project A - Up to year 4 ,cash flow recovered = 3000 * 4 = 12,000

Payback period =14,000/3,000 = 4.67 years

Project B= Cash flow recovered up to year 5 = 4000 * 5 = 20000

Payback period = 21,000/4,000 =5.25 years

b) On the basis of the Payback period, Project A should be selected, as it has a lower payback period and is also within the maximum acceptable payback period. back period.(4.67 < 5)

Project B should not be selected as its payback recovery is not within the maximum acceptable payback period (5.25 >5 )

c) Machine A should be selected as it has a lower payback period. than machine B.

d)The payback period ignores the life present value of cash flow and also the life of the machine each project has.

so the decision on the basis of the payback period may not be accurate.

Vincent corporation has 100,00 shares of 100 par common stock outstanding. on june30 ,Vincent corporation declared a 5% stock dividend to be issued on July 30 to stockholders of record july15. the market price of the stock was $132 a share on June 30. journalize the entries required on June 30 and july30


The common stock that is seen here would be $500000

What is the common stock outstanding?

This is the term that would simply be used to refer to all of the shares that the shareholders of a company as well as the people that are the insiders in the company would own.

How to solve for the journal entries

The retained earnings is given as

$132 * 0.05

= $6.6

= 6.6 x 100000

= 660000

The debit is $660000

The credit is 100000 x 5 = 500000

paid in capital in excess of par =  660000 - 500000

= $160000

The stock dividend distributable = $500000

common stock is given as $500000

Read more on the  common stock outstanding



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