g Steel plates (AISI 1010) of 4 cm thickness initially at a uniform temperature of 500 deg C are cooled by air at 50 deg C with a convection coefficient of 30 W-m2-K-1. Estimate the time it will take for their midplane temperature to reach 100 deg C.


Answer 1

Solution :

Characteristic length  = thickness / 2


                                    = 0.02 m

Thermal conductivity for steel is 42.5 W/m.K

[tex]$\text{Biot number} = \frac{\text{convective heat transfer coefficient} \times \text{characteristic length}}{\text{thermal conductivity}}$[/tex]

                  [tex]$=\frac{30 \times 0.02}{42.5}$[/tex]

                  = 0.014

Since the Biot number is less than 0.01, the lumped system analysis is applicable.

[tex]$\frac{T-T_{\infty}}{T_0-T_{\infty}} = e^{-b\times t}$[/tex]


T = temperature after t time

[tex]$T_{\infty}$[/tex] = surrounding temperature

[tex]$T_0$[/tex] = initial temperature

[tex]$b=\frac{\text{heat transfer coefficient}}{\text{density} \times {\text{specific heat } \times \text{characteristic length }}}$[/tex]

t = time

We calculate B:

[tex]$b=\frac{30}{7833 \times 460 \times 0.02}$[/tex]

  = 0.000416

Thus, [tex]$\frac{100-50}{500-50}=e^{-0.00416 \times t}$[/tex]

t = 5281.78 second

  = 88.02 minutes

Thus the time taken for reaching 100 degree Celsius is 88.02 minutes.

Related Questions

In an international film festival, a penal of 11 judges is formed to judge the best film. At
last two films FA and FB were considered to be the best where the opinion of judges got
divided. Six judges where in favor of FA whereas five in favor of FB. A random sample
of five judges was drawn from the panel. Find the probability that out of five judges,
three are in favor of film FA.Enunciate demerits of classical probability.



International Film Festival

Judging the best best film:

a. The probability that out of five judges (random sample),  three are in favor of film FA is:

= 33%.

b. The demerits of classical probability are:

1. Classical probability can only be used with events that have definite numbers of possible outcomes.  

2. Classical probability can only handle events where each outcome is equally likely.

3. Classical probability is based on the assumption of linear relationship (which is not always true in real life) between the latent variable and observed scores.


a) Number of judges = 11

Number of judges in favor of FA film = 6

Number of judges in favor of FB film = 5

Probability of judges in favor of FA film = 6/11

Probability of judges in favor of FB film = 5/11

Random sample of judges = 5

Probability that out of five judges, three are in favor of film FA = 3/5 * 6/11

= 18/55

= 33%

b) Classical probability is the simple probability showing that each event has equal chance of happening.  It can be contrasted with empirical probability that is obtained from experiments.

A work-mode-choice model is developed from data acquired in the field in order to determine the probabilities of individual travelers selecting various modes. The mode choices include automobile drive-alone (DL), automobile shared-ride (SR), and bus (B). The utility functions are estimated as follows:
UDL = 2.6 - 0.3 (costDL) - 0.02 (travel timeDL)
USR = 0.7 - 0.3 (costSR) - 0.04 (travel timeSR)
UB = -0.3 (costB) - 0.01 (travel timeB)
where cost is in dollars and time is in minutes. The cost of driving an automobile is exist5.50 with a travel time of 21 minutes, while the bus fare is exist1.25 with a travel time of 27 minutes. How many people will use the shared-ride mode from a community of 4500 workers, assuming the shared-ride option always consists of three individuals sharing costs equally?
a. 314
b. 828
c. 866
d. 2805



b. 828


UDL = 2.6 - 0.3 [5.5] - 0.02 [ 21 ] = 0.53

USR = 0.7 - 0.3 [5.5 / 2 ] - 0.04 [ 21 ] = -0.69

UB = -0.3 [ 1.25 ] - 0.01 = -0.645

Psr = [tex]\frac{e^{-0.53} }{e^{-0.53} + e^{-0.69} + e^{-0.645} }[/tex]

Solving the equation we get 0.184.

Number of people who will take shared ride is:

0.184 * 4500 = 828 approximately.

The propeller shaft of the submarine experiences both torsional and axial loads. Draw Mohr's Circle for a stress element on the outside surface of the solid shaft. Determine the principal stresses, the maximum in-plane shear stress and average normal stress using Mohr's Circle.


Answer: Attached below is the missing detail and Mohr's circle.

i) б1 =  9.6 Ksi

б2 = -10.7 ksi

ii) 10.2 Ksi

iii)  -0.51Ksi


First step :

direct compressive stress on shaft

бd = P / π/4 * d^2

      = -20 / 0.785 * 5^2  = -1.09 Ksi

shear stress at the outer surface due to torsion

ζ = 16*T / πd^3

  = (16 * 250 ) / π * 5^3  = 010.19 Ksi

Calculate the Principal stress, maximum in-plane shear stress and average normal stress

Using Mohr's circle ( attached below )

i) principal stresses:

б1 = 4.8 cm * 2 = 9.6 Ksi

б2 = -5.35 cm * 2 = -10.7 ksi

ii) maximum in-plane shear stress

ζ  = radius of Mohr's circle

   = 5.1 cm = 10.2 Ksi   ( Given that ; 1 cm = 2Ksi )

iii) average normal stress

 = 9.6 + ( - 10.7 ) / 2

  = -0.51Ksi

Activity 1. Fill the blank with the correct answer. Write your answer on the blank. 1. ___________________ is a regular pattern of dots displayed on the screen which acts as a visual aid and also used to define the extent of your drawing. 2. Ortho is short for ___________________, which means either vertical or horizontal. 3. Tangent is a point where two _______________________ meet at just a single point. 4. If you want to create a new drawing, simply press ___________________ for the short cut key. 5. There are _______________Osnap that can help you performs your task easier.



1. Drawing grid.

2. Orthogonal.

3. Geometries.

4. CTRL+N.

5. Thirteen (13).


CAD is an acronym for computer aided design and it is typically used for designing the graphical representation of a building plan. An example of a computer aided design (CAD) software is AutoCAD.

Some of the features of an AutoCAD software are;

1. Drawing grid: is a regular pattern of dots displayed on the screen of an AutoCAD software, which acts as a visual aid and it's also used to define the extent of a drawing.

2. Ortho is short or an abbreviation for orthogonal, which means either vertical or horizontal.

3. Tangent is a point where two geometries meet at just a single point.

4. If you want to create a new drawing, simply press CTRL+N for the short cut key.

5. There are thirteen object snaps (Osnap) that can help you perform your task on AutoCAD easily. The 13 object snaps (Osnap) are; Endpoint, Midpoint, Apparent intersect, Intersection, Quadrant, Extension, Tangent, Center, Insert, Perpendicular, Node, Parallel, and Nearest.

The following measurements are taken on particular junction diodes for which V is the terminal voltage and I is the diode current. For each diode, estimate values of Is and the terminal voltage at 10% of the measured current.
(a) V = 0.700 V at I = 1.00 A.
(b) V = 0.650 V at I = 1.00 mA.
(c) V = 0.650 V at I = 10 mu A.
(d) V = 0.700V at I = 100 mA.


Poop Neal sbskqlgnwnf

The values of Is and V are as: (a) [tex]Is = 2.34 \times 10^{-11} A[/tex] and V = 0.581 V. (b) [tex]Is = 4.56 \times 10^{-15} A[/tex] and V = 0.516 V. (c) [tex]Is = 1.18 \times 10^{-16} A\\[/tex] and V = 0.459 V. (d) [tex]Is = 2.34 \times 10^{-11} A[/tex] and V = 0.581 V.

The relation between the current and voltage of a diode is given by the Shockley diode equation. It is an exponential function and can be given by the following equation:

[tex]I = Is \times (e^{V/Vt} - 1)[/tex]


I = currentV = voltageVt = thermal voltageIs = reverse saturation current.


Given that:

V = 0.700 V

And I = 1.00 A.

Substituting these values in the equation above to get,

[tex]1.00 A = Is \times (e^{0.700 V / 0.025 V} - 1)\\Is = 2.34 \times 10^{-11} A[/tex]

The terminal voltage at 10% of the measured current can be found by substituting I = 0.1 A in the above equation and solving for V as:

V = 0.581 V.


Given that:

V = 0.650 V

And, I = 1.00 mA.

Substituting these values in the equation above to get,

[tex]1.00 mA = Is \times (e^{0.650 V / 0.025 V} - 1)\\ Is = 4.56 \times 10^{-15} A[/tex]

The terminal voltage at 10% of the measured current can be found by substituting I = 0.1 mA in the above equation and solving for V as:

V = 0.516 V.


Given that:

V = 0.650 V

And, I = 10 μA.

Substituting these values in the equation above to get,

[tex]10 \mu A = Is \times (e^{0.650 V / 0.025 V} - 1)\\Is = 1.18 \times 10^{-16} A[/tex]

The terminal voltage at 10% of the measured current can be found by substituting I = 1 μA in the above equation and solving for V as:

V = 0.459 V.


Given that:

V = 0.700 V

And, I = 100 mA.

Substituting these values in the equation above to get,

[tex]100 \ mA = Is \times (e^{0.700 V / 0.025 V} - 1)\\Is = 2.34 \times 10^{-11} A[/tex]

The terminal voltage at 10% of the measured current can be found by substituting I = 10 mA in the above equation and solving for V as:

V = 0.581 V.

So, the values of Is and V are as: (a) [tex]Is = 2.34 \times 10^{-11} A[/tex] and V = 0.581 V. (b) [tex]Is = 4.56 \times 10^{-15} A[/tex] and V = 0.516 V. (c) [tex]Is = 1.18 \times 10^{-16} A\\[/tex] and V = 0.459 V. (d) [tex]Is = 2.34 \times 10^{-11} A[/tex] and V = 0.581 V.

Learn more about Terminal voltage here:



Find the general solution of the given differential equation. Give the largest interval over which the general solution is defined. Determine whether there are any transient terms in the general solution.
x dx/dy−y=x^2sinx



Interval:  x∈ ( 0, ∞ )

There are no transient terms


x (dy/dx) – y= x^2sinx

Attached below is the detailed solution of the Given problem

There are no transient terms found in the general solution

Interval:  x∈ ( 0, ∞ )

Select the correct statement(s) regarding network physical and logical topologies.
a. While logical topologies can be configured in star, ring, bus, and tree configurations, the physical topology must always be in a full-mesh topology
b. logical topologies always incorporate centralized access, whereas physical topologies are always configured as a distributed access network
c. the physical topology addresses how devices are connected, while a logical topology addresses how devices actually communicate to one another
d. all statements are correct



The physical topology addresses how devices are connected, while a logical topology addresses how devices actually communicate to one another ( C )


Network physical is simply the process/method of connecting the Network using cables while Logical topology is the general architecture of the communication mechanism in the network for all nodes.

Hence The correct statement is the physical topology addresses how devices are connected, while a logical topology addresses how devices actually communicate to one another

bending stress distribution is a.rectangle b.parabolic c.curve d.i section​


B parabolic

Hope this helps :))))))))))

A horizontal water jet impinges against a vertical flat plate at 30 ft/s and splashes off the sides in the verti- cal plane. If a horizontal force of 500 lbf is required to hold the plate against the water stream, determine the volume flow rate of the water.



8.6 ft³/s


The force due to the water jet F = mv where m = mass flow rate = ρQ where ρ = density of water = 62.4 lbm/ft³ and Q = volume flow rate. v = velocity of water jet = 30 ft/s

So, F = mv

F = ρQv

making Q subject of the formula, we have

Q = F/ρv

Since F = force due to water jet = force needed to hold the plate against the water stream = 500 lbf = 500 × 1 lbf = 500 × 32.2 lbmft/s² = 16100 lbmft/s²


Q = F/ρv

Substituting the values of the variables into the equation for Q, we have

Q = F/ρv

Q = 16100 lbmft/s²/(62.4 lbm/ft³ × 30 ft/s)

Q = 16100 lbmft/s²/1872 lbm/ft²s

Q = 8.6 ft³/s

So, the volume flow rate is 8.6 ft³/s.

A 1m3 tank containing air at 25℃ and 500kPa is connected through a valve to
another tank containing 5kg of air at 35℃ and 200kPa. Now the valve is opened,
and the entire system is allowed to reach thermal equilibrium, which is at 20℃
(Take: Ru = 8.314 kJ / kg.K).



The right answer is "2.2099 m³".




m = 5 kg


T = 35℃


  = 35 + 273


P = 200 kPa

Gas constant,

R = 0.2870 kj/kgK

By using the ideal gas equation,

The volume will be:

⇒ [tex]PV=mRT[/tex]


⇒    [tex]V=\frac{mRT}{P}[/tex]

By substituting the values, we get



          [tex]=2.2099 \ m^3[/tex]

A levee will be constructed to provide some flood protection for a residential area. The residences are willing to accept a one-in-five chance that the levee will be overtopped in the next 15 years. Assuming that the annual peak streamflow follows a lognormal distribution with a log10(Q[ft3/s]) mean and standard deviation of 1.835 and 0.65 respectively, what is the design flow in ft3/s?



1709.07 ft^3/s


Annual peak streamflow = Log10(Q [ft^3/s] )

mean = 1.835

standard deviation = 0.65

Probability of levee been overtopped in the next 15 years = 1/5

Determine the design flow ins ft^3/s

P₁₅ = 1 - ( q )^15 = 1 - ( 1 - 1/T )^15 = 0.2

                         ∴  T = 67.72 years

Q₁₅ = 1 - 0.2 = 0.8

Applying Lognormal distribution : Zt = mean + ( K₂ * std ) --- ( 1 )

K₂ = 2.054 + ( 67.72 - 50 ) / ( 100 - 50 ) * ( 2.326 - 2.054 )

    = 2.1504

back to equation 1

Zt = 1.835 + ( 2.1504 * 0.65 )  = 3.23276


Log₁₀ ( Qt(ft^3/s) ) = Zt  = 3.23276

hence ; Qt = 10^3.23276

                  = 1709.07 ft^3/s

Cite another example of information technology companies pushing the boundaries of privacy issues; apologizing, and then pushing again once scandal dies down. As long as the controversy fades, is there anything unethical about such a strategy?




Tech Social Media giant FB is one of those companies. Not long ago the ceo was brought to court to accusations that his company was selling user data. Turns out this is true and they are selling their users private data to companies all over the word. Once the news turned to something else, people focused on something new but the company still continues to sell it's users data the same as before. This is completely unethical as the information belongs to the user and they are not getting anything while the corporation is profiting.

Given resistance 30ohms Inductance 200mH is connected to a 230v,50hZ supply. Impedance 69.6ohms Calculate current consumed?



the current consumed is 3.3 A



resistance, R = 30 ohms

inductance, L = 200 mH

Voltage supply, V = 230 V

frequency of the coil, f = 50 Hz

impedance, Z = 69.6 Ohms

The current consumed is calculated as;

[tex]I = \frac{V}{Z} \\\\I = \frac{230}{69.6} \\\\I = 3.3 \ A[/tex]

Therefore, the current consumed is 3.3 A

Suppose there is a mobile application that can run in two modes: Lazy or Eager. In Lazy Mode, the execution time is 3.333 seconds. In Eager Mode, the app utilizes a faster timer resolution for its computations, so the execution time in Eager Mode is 2 seconds (i.e., Eager Mode execution time is 60% of Lazy Mode execution time).

After finishing computation, the app sends some data to the cloud, regardless of the mode it’s in. The data size sent to the cloud is 600 MB. The bandwidth of communication is 15 MBps for WiFi and 5 MBps for 4G. Assume that the communication radio is idle during the computation time. Assume that the communication radio for WiFi has a power consumption of 75 mW when active and 15 mW when idle. Similarly, assume that the communication radio for 4G has a power consumption of 190 mW when active and 25 mW when idle. The Idle Power of the CPU is 7 mW, whereas the Active Power of the CPU is 5 mW per unit utilization. Assume that the power consumption of the CPU is a linear function of its utilization. In other words: P = (Idle Power) + (Utilization)*(Power per unit Utilization). A configuration of the mobile app involves choosing a timer resolution (Lazy or Eager) and choosing a type of radio (WiFi or 4G). For example, faster timer resolution (Eager) and 4G network is a configuration, while slower resolution (Lazy) and WiFi is another. There are four possible configurations in all.

What is the average power consumption for Eager WiFi, Lazy WiFi, Eager 4G, and Lazy 4G?


N didn’t do it for you toroeriot everyone wwas wowowowoww

The average power consumption for Eager WiFi, Lazy WiFi, Eager 4G, and Lazy 4G Split is maintained by Screen Mode.

Why reducing leads to increasing wages?

Reducing such a need to move in between multiple tabs, the split-screen has been valuable for increasing wages. In the several instances running a two or more desktop system will allow different programs to run throughout multiple devices. That works with the same process on both PC and laptop monitors.

Just display them side by side, instead of the switching among both the apps that has been used frequently. In this phase, an app that the snap to either left or right occupies a third of the display, and yet another app holds the two-thirds remaining. It refers to Split-Screen Mode.

Similarly, assume that the communication radio for 4G has a power consumption of 190 mW when active and 25 mW when idle. The Idle Power of the CPU is 7 mW, whereas the Active Power of the CPU is 5 mW per unit utilization.

Therefore, The average power consumption for Eager WiFi, Lazy WiFi, Eager 4G, and Lazy 4G Split is maintained by Screen Mode.

Learn more about average power on:



Air is compressed in a well insulated compressor from 95 kPa and 27 C to 600 kPa and 277 C. Use the air tables; assume negligible changes in kinetic and potential energy. Find the isentropic efficiency of the compressor. Find the exit temperature of the air if the compressor was reversible.



a) 1.9%

b) T2s = 505.5 k = 232.5°C


P1 = 95 kPa

T1 = 27°C  = 300 k

P2 = 600 kPa

T1 = 277°c  = 550 k

Table used : Table ( A - 17 ) Ideal gas properties of air

a) determining the isentropic efficiency of the compressor

Л = ( h2s - h1 ) / ( h2a -  h1 ) ---- ( 1 )

where ; h1 = 300.19 kJ/kg , T1 = 300 K , h2a = 554.74 kJ/kg , T2 = 550 k

To get h2s we have to calculate the the value of Pr2 using Pr1(relative pressure)

 Pr2 = P2/P1 * Pr = ( 600 / 95 ) * 1.306  hence; h2s = 500.72 kJ/kg

back to equation1

Л = 0.019 = 1.9%

b) Calculate the exit temperature of the air if compressor is reversible

if compressor is reversible the corresponding exit temperature

T2s = 505.5 k = 232.5°C

given that h2s = 500.72 kJ/kg

Your shifts productivity is Slow because one person is not pulling his share. The rest of the team is Getting upset.



you are right but then you ddnt ask a question

The heat transfer surface area of a fin is equal to the sum of all surfaces of the fin exposed to the surrounding medium, including the surface area of the fin tip. Under what conditions can we neglect heat transfer from the fin tip?



The explanation according to the given query is summarized in the explanation segment below.


If somehow the fin has become too lengthy, this same fin tip temperature approaches the temperature gradient and maybe we'll ignore heat transmission out from end tips.Additionally, effective heat transmission as well from the tip could be ignored unless the end tip surface is relatively tiny throughout comparison to its overall surface.

3-71A 20mm diameter steel bar is to be used as a torsion spring. If the torsional stress in the bar is not to exceed 110 MPa when one end is twisted through an angle of 15 degrees, what must be the length of the bar



The right answer is "1.903 m".


Given that,

[tex]\tau =110 \ MPa[/tex]

[tex]G=80 \ GPa[/tex]

[tex]\Theta=15\times \frac{\pi}{180}[/tex]


[tex]d=20 \ mm[/tex]

As we know,

⇒ [tex]\frac{\tau}{r}=\frac{G \Theta}{L}[/tex]


⇒ [tex]L=\frac{G \theta r}{\tau}[/tex]

       [tex]=\frac{80\times 10^3}{110}\times \frac{\pi}{12}\times 10[/tex]

       [tex]=1903.9 \ mm[/tex]


       [tex]=1.903 \ m[/tex]

Steam at 4 MPa and 350°C is expanded in an adiabatic turbine to 125kPa. What is the isentropic efficiency (percent) of this turbine if the steam is exhausted as a saturated vapor?



[tex]\eta_{turbine} = 0.603 = 60.3\%[/tex]


First, we will find actual properties at given inlet and outlet states by the use of steam tables:


At 4MPa and 350°C, from the superheated table:

h₁ = 3093.3 KJ/kg

s₁ = 6.5843 KJ/kg.K


At P₂ = 125 KPa and steam is saturated in  vapor state:

h₂ = [tex]h_{g\ at\ 125KPa}[/tex] = 2684.9 KJ/kg

Now, for the isentropic enthalpy, we have:

P₂ = 125 KPa and s₂ = s₁ = 6.5843 KJ/kg.K

Since s₂ is less than [tex]s_g[/tex] and greater than [tex]s_f[/tex] at 125 KPa. Therefore, the steam is in a saturated mixture state. So:

[tex]x = \frac{s_2-s_f}{s_{fg}} \\\\x = \frac{6.5843\ KJ/kg.K - 1.3741\ KJ/kg.K}{5.91\ KJ/kg.K}\\\\x = 0.88[/tex]

Now, we will find [tex]h_{2s}[/tex](enthalpy at the outlet for the isentropic process):

[tex]h_{2s} = h_{f\ at\ 125KPa}+xh_{fg\ at\ 125KPa}\\\\h_{2s} = 444.36\ KJ/kg + (0.88)(2240.6\ KJ/kg)\\h_{2s} = 2416.088\ KJ/kg[/tex]

Now, the isentropic efficiency of the turbine can be given as follows:

[tex]\eta_{turbine} = \frac{h_1-h_2}{h_1-h_{2s}}\\\\\eta_{turbine} = \frac{3093.3\ KJ/kg-2684.9\ KJ/kg}{3093.3\ KJ/kg-2416.088\ KJ/kg}\\\\\eta_{turbine} = \frac{408.4\ KJ/kg}{677.212\ KJ/kg}\\\\\eta_{turbine} = 0.603 = 60.3\%[/tex]

A flow inside a centrifuge can be approximated by a combination of a central cylinder and a radial line source flow, giving the following potential function:
Ø= a2/r -cosØ + aßlnr = r
Where a is the radius of the central base of the centrifuge and ß is a constant.
a) Provide expressions for the velocities Vr and vo .
b) Find the expression for the stream function.



a)  Vr = - a^2/r cosθ  + aß / r

    Vθ = 1/r [ -a^2/r * sinθ ]

b) attached below


potential function

Ø= a^2 /r  cosØ + aßlnr ----- ( 1 )

a = radius ,  ß = constant

a) Expressions for Vr and Vθ

Vr =  dØ / dr  ----- ( 2 )

hence expression : Vr = - a^2/r cosθ  + aß / r

Vθ = 1/r dØ / dθ ------ ( 3 )

back to equation 1

dØ / dr = - a^2/r sinθ + 0  --- ( 4 )

Resolving equations 3 and 4

Vθ = 1/r [ -a^2/r * sinθ ]

b) expression for stream function

attached below

can some answer this 2 questions please as paragraph i want it nowww it is graded what action should be taken to make it safe ? also the first question


Actions violated:

Long hair isn't tied upThe girl isn't wearing a lab coatThe girl isn't wearing safety gogglesExtra: There doesn't seem to be an emergency fire blanket in the safe

Actions to be taken:

Make sure the girl wears a lab coat or kick her outMake sure the girl wears safety goggles or kick her outMake sure her hair is tied up or kick her out

Edit: Use these to write your paragraph.

Jodi hasn’t tied her hair up. Jodi is not wearing goggles and Kimberley and Jodie are not wearing gloves

In low speed subsonic wind tunnels, the value of test section velocity can be controlled by adjusting the pressure difference between the inlet and test-section for a fixed ratio of inlet-to-test section cross-sectional area.
a. True
b. false



Hence the given statement is false.


For low-speed subsonic wind tunnels, the air density remains nearly constant decreasing the cross-section area cause the flow to extend velocity, and reduce pressure. Similarly increasing the world cause to decrease and therefore the pressure to extend.

The speed within the test section is decided by the planning of the tunnel.  

Thus by adjusting the pressure difference won't change the worth of test section velocity.


The given statement is false .

Imagine a cantilever beam fixed at one end with a mass = m and a length = L. If this beam is subject to an inertial force and a uniformly distributed load = w, what is the moment present at a length of L/4?








Water is pumped steadily through a 0.10-m diameter pipe from one closed pressurized tank to another tank. The pump adds 4.0 kW of energy to the water and the head loss of the flow is 10 m. Determine the velocity of the water leaving the pump and discharging into tank B.


Complete Question

Complete Question is attached below.




From the question we are told that:

Diameter [tex]d=0.10m[/tex]

Power [tex]P=4.0kW[/tex]

Head loss [tex]\mu=10m[/tex]

 [tex]\frac{P_1}{\rho g}+\frac{V_1^2}{2g}+Z_1+H_m=\frac{P_2}{\rho g}+\frac{V_2^2}{2g}+Z_2+\mu[/tex]

 [tex]\frac{300*10^3}{\rho g}+35+Hm=\frac{500*10^3}{\rho g}+15+10[/tex]



Generally the equation for Power is mathematically given by

 [tex]P=\rho gQH_m[/tex]


 [tex]Q=\frac{P}{\rho g H_m}[/tex]






 [tex]A=\pi r^2\\A=3.142 (0.05)^2[/tex]





Steam enters an adiabatic turbine at 6 MPa, 600°C, and 80 m/s and leaves at 50 kPa, 100°C, and 140 m/s. If the power output of the turbine is 5 MW, determine (a) the reversible power output and (b) the second-law efficiency of the turbine. Assume the surroundings to be at 25°C.



(a) the reversible power output of turbine is 5810 kw

(b) The second-law efficiency of he turbine = 86.05%


In state 1: the steam has a pressure of 6 MPa and 600°C. Obtain the enthalpy and entropy at this state.

h1 = 3658 kJ/kg s1=7.167 kJ/kgK

In state 2: the steam has a pressure of 50 kPa and 100°C. Obtain the enthalpy and entropy at this state

h2 = 2682kl/kg S2= 7.694 kJ/kg

Assuming that the energy balance equation given  

Wout=m [h1-h2+(v1²-v2²) /2]


W =5 MW

V1= 80 m/s  V2= 140 m/s

h1 = 3658kJ/kg  h2 = 2682 kJ/kg

∴5 MW x1000 kW/ 1 MW =m [(3658-2682)+ ((80m/s)²-(140m/s)²)/2](1N /1kg m/ s²) *(1KJ/1000 Nm)

m = 5.158kg/s

Consider the energy balance equation given  

Wrev,out =Wout-mT0(s1-s2)

Substitute Wout =5 MW m = 5.158kg/s 7

s1=  7.167 kJ/kg-K            s2= 7.694kJ/kg-K and 25°C .

Wrev,out=(5 MW x 1000 kW /1 MW) -5.158x(273+25) Kx(7.167-7.694)

= 5810 kW

(a) Therefore, the reversible power output of turbine is 5810 kw.

The given values of quantities were substituted and the reversible power output are calculated.

(b) Calculating the second law efficiency of the turbine:  

η=Wout/W rev,out

Let Wout =  5 MW and Wrev,out = 5810 kW  

η=(5 MW x 1000 kW)/(1 MW *5810)  

η= 86.05%

The system is initially moving with the cable taut, the 15-kg block moving down the rough incline with a speed of 0.080 m/s, and the spring stretched 39 mm. By the method of this article, (a) determine the velocity v of the block after it has traveled 99 mm, and (b) calculate the distance d traveled by the block before it comes to rest.


Solution :

The spring is expanded by 2 times of the block when it moves down an inclined by x times.

Here, [tex]$x_1$[/tex] = 39 mm

        [tex]x_2[/tex] = 225 mm

a). From the work energy principal,

   Work forces = kinetic energy

[tex]$(mg \sin 50^\circ)\times \frac{99}{1000}-(\mu_k mg \cos 50^\circ) \times \frac{99}{1000} -\frac{1}{2}k(0.225^2 - 0.039^2)=\frac{1}{2}m(V^2_2-0.08^2)$[/tex]

[tex]$(112.6 \times 0.099)-(14.17 \times 0.099)-4.91= 7.5(V^2_2-0.08^2)$[/tex]

[tex]$9.75= 7.5(V^2_2-0.08^2)$[/tex]

[tex]$1.3= V^2_2-0.08^2$[/tex]

[tex]$V_2=1.14\ m/s$[/tex]

b). calculating the distance travelled by the block before it comes to rest.

Substitute the value of [tex]V_2[/tex] in (1),

[tex]$-(\mu_kmg \cos 50^\circ)x + (mg \sin 50^\circ)x-\frac{1}{2}k\left( ( 2x+0.039)^2 - 0.039^2\right)= -\frac{1}{2}m(0.08)^2$[/tex]

[tex]$-14.17x+112.6x - 100(4x^2+0.156x)=-0.048$[/tex]

[tex]$98.43x - 100(4x^2+0.156x)+0.048=0$[/tex]

[tex]$98.43x - 400x^2-15.6x+0.048=0$[/tex]

[tex]$82.83x - 400x^2+0.048=0$[/tex]

[tex]$ 400x^2- 82.83x-0.048=0$[/tex]

x = 0.20 m

Blocks A and B each have a mass m. Determine the largest horizontal force P which can be applied to B so that A will not move relative to B. All surfaces are smooth.



The answer is "15 N".


Please find the complete question in the attached file.

In frame B:

For just slipping:

[tex]\to \frac{P}{2} \cos \theta =mg \sin \theta\\\\\to P=2 mg \tan \theta \\\\[/tex]

        [tex]=2 \times 1 \times g \times \tan 37^{\circ}\\\\ =2 \times 10 \times \frac{3}{4}\\\\ =15 \ N[/tex]

6. When the engine stalls or the power unit fails, on a car with power
brakes, the service brake pedal will
A. Take about the same amount of pressure
B. Take more pressure to stop
C. Take less pressure to stop
D. Become locked in place and no longer help stop the car




I think

So yea it prob isn’t

what type of slab and beam used in construction of space neddle​



what is the best glide speed for your training airplane


1.5 nautical miles per 1,000 feet

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