The program written in C++ is as follows; (See Explanation Section for explanation)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void revstring(string word)
string stringreverse = "";
for(int i = word.length() - 1; i>=0; i--)
int main()
string user_input;
cout << "Enter a string: ";
getline (std::cin, user_input);
return 0;
The method starts here
void getstring(string word)
This line initializes a string variable to an empty string
string stringreverse = "";
This iteration iterates through the character of the user input from the last to the first
for(int i = word.length() - 1; i>=0; i--) {
This line prints the reversed string
The main method starts here
int main()
This line declares a string variable for user input
string user_input;
This line prompts the user for input
cout << "Enter a string: ";
This line gets user input
getline (std::cin, user_input);
This line passes the input string to the method
return 0;
Question 16
Which of the following may not be used when securing a wireless connection? (select multiple answers where appropriate)
VPN tunnelling
Open Access Point
Nahan nah
wpa2 wep
wpa2 wep multiple choices
2- (8 point) Write a program using the instructions below. Assume that integers are stored in 4 bytes. a) Define an array of type int called apples with five elements, and initialize the elements to the even integers from 2 to 10. b) Define a pointer aPtr that points to a variable of type int. c) Print the elements of array values using a for statement. d) Write two separate statements that assign the starting address of the array to pointer variable aPtr. e) What physical address is aPtr pointing to? f) Print the elements of array values using pointer/offset notation. g) What address is referenced by aPtr + 3? What value is stored at that location? h) Assuming aPtr points to apples[4], what address is referenced by aPtr -= 4? What value is stored at that location?
int apples [5] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10};
int *aPtr //this is the pointer to int
Another way to attach a pointer to a an int variable that already exists:
int * aPtr;
int var;
aPtr = &var;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){
cout << values[i] << endl; }
aPtr = values;
aPtr = &values[0];
both the statements are equivalent
If its referring to the part d) then the address is:
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
cout<<*(vPtr + i)<<endl; }
cout << (aPtr + 3) << endl; // address referenced by aPtr + 3
cout << *(aPtr + 3) << endl; // value stored at that location
This value stored at location is 8
aPtr = &apples[4];
aPtr -= 4;
int apples [5] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10};
In this statement the array names is apples, the size of the array is specified in square brackets. so the size is 5. The type of array apples is int this means it can store integer elements. The values or elements of the array apples are even integers from 2 to 10. So the elements of array are:
apples[0] = 2
apples[1] = 4
apples[2] = 6
apples[3] = 8
apples[4] = 10
In this statement int *aPtr
The int* here is used to make the pointer aPtr points to integer object. Data type the pointer is pointing to is int. The asterisk symbol used with in makes this variable aPtr a pointer.
If there already exists an int type variable i.e. var and we want the pointer to point to that variable then declare an int type pointer aPtr and aPtr = &var; assigns the address of variable var to aPtr.
int * aPtr;
int var;
aPtr = &var;
The complete program is:
int size= 5;
int values[size] = {2,4,6,8,10};
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){
cout << values[i] << endl; }
The size of array is 5. The name of array is values. The elements of array are 2,4,6,8,10.
To print each element of the values array using array subscript notation, the variable i is initialized to 0, because array index starts at 0. The cout statement inside body of loop prints the element at 0-th index i.e. the first element of values array at first iteration. Then i is incremented by 1 each time the loop iterates, and this loop continues to execute until the value of i get greater of equal to the size i.e. 5 of values array.
The output is:
aPtr = values;
This statement assigns the first element in values array to pointer aPtr. Here values is the address of the first element of the array.
aPtr = &values[0];
In this statement &values[0] is the starting address of the array values to which is assigned to aPtr. Note that the values[0] is the first element of the array values.
Since &values[0] is the starting address of the array values to which is assigned to aPtr. So this address is the physical address of the starting of the array. If referring to the part d) then use this statement to print physical address is aPtr pointing to
This is basically the starting address of the array values to which is assigned to aPtr.
The output:
i variable represents offset and corresponds directly to the array index.
name of the pointer i.e. vPtr references the array
So the statement (vPtr + i) means pointer vPtr that references to array values plus the offset i array index that is to be referenced. This statement gives the address of i-th element of values array. In order to get the value of the i-th element of values array, dereference operator * is used. It returns an ith value equivalent to the address the vPtr + i is pointing to. So the output is:
values[0] is stored at 1002500
aPtr + 3 refers to values[3],
An integer is 4 bytes long,
So the address that is referenced by aPtr + 3 is
1002500 + 3 * 4 = 1002512
values[3] is basically the element of values array at 3rd index which is the 4th element of the array so the value stored at that referred location is 8.
Given that aPtr points to apples[4], so the address stored in aPtr is
1002500 + 4 * 4 = 1002516
aPtr -= 4 is equivalent to aPtr = aPtr - 4
The above statement decrements aPtr by 4 elements of apples array, so the new value is:
1002516 - 4 * 4 = 1002500
This is the address of first element of apples array i.e 2.
cout<<aPtr<<endl; statement prints the address referenced by aPtr -= 4 which is 1002500
cout<<*aPtr<<endl; statement prints the value is stored at that location which is 2.
Most keyboards today are arranged in a(n) _______ layout.
The QWERTY keyboard arrangement was invented back when typewriters were used, and they needed a keyboard layout that wouldn't jam the letters.
Today, QWERTY is the most commonly used keyboard layout.
Hope this helped!
Why operating system is pivotal in teaching and learning
Without it learning and teaching cannot take place.
It is worthy to note that an operating system enables a computer install and run (lunch) computer programs. In a teaching environment that involves the use of computers, sending lessons to students; would mean that they have software programs that can successfully open this lessons.
In summary, an operating system is indeed pivotal in teaching and learning.
Given an array of integers check if it is possible to partition the array into some number of subsequences of length k each, such that:
Each element in the array occurs in exactly one subsequence
For each subsequence, all numbers are distinct
Elements in the array having the same value must be in different subsequences
If it is possible to partition the array into subsequences while satisfying the above conditions, return "Yes", else return "No". A subsequence is formed by removing 0 or more elements from the array without changing the order of the elements that remain. For example, the subsequences of [1, 2, 3] are D. [1], [2], [3]. [1, 2], [2, 3], [1, 3], [1, 2, 3]
k = 2.
numbers [1, 2, 3, 4]
The array can be partitioned with elements (1, 2) as the first subsequence, and elements [3, 4] as the next subsequence. Therefore return "Yes"
Example 2 k 3
numbers [1, 2, 2, 3]
There is no way to partition the array into subsequences such that all subsequences are of length 3 and each element in the array occurs in exactly one subsequence. Therefore return "No".
Function Description
Complete the function partitionArray in the editor below. The function has to return one string denoting the answer.
partitionArray has the following parameters:
int k an integer
int numbers[n]: an array of integers
1 sns 105
1 s ks n
1 s numbers[] 105
class Result
*Complete the 'partitionArray' function below.
The function is expected to return a STRING
The function accepts following parameters:
2. INTEGER ARRAY numbers
public static String partitionArray (int k, List
public class Solution
Using Python as our programming language
def partitionArray(A,k):
if not A and k == 1:
return "Yes"
if k > len(A) or len(A)%len(A):
return "No"
cnt = {i:A.count(i) for i in A}
if len(A)//k < max(cnt.values()):
return "No"
return "Yes"
k=int(input("k= "))
n=int(input("n= "))
print("A= ")
Code Screenshot:-
What will be assigned to the variable s_string after the following code executes? special = '1357 Country Ln.' s_string = special[ :4] Group of answer choices
s_string = 1357
character: index
1: 0
3: 1
5: 2
7: 3
: 4
C: 5
o: 6
u: 7
n: 8
t: 9
r: 10
y: 11
: 12
L: 13
n: 14
. : 15
s_tring = special[:4]
s_tring = special[0] + special[1] + special[2] + special[3]
s_string = 1357
A direct-mapped cache holds 64KB of useful data (not including tag or control bits). Assuming that the block size is 32-byte and the address is 32-bit, find the number of bits needed for tag, index, and byte select fields of the address.
A) Number of bits for byte = 6 bits
B) number of bits for index = 17 bits
C) number of bits for tag = 15 bits
Given data :
cache size = 64 kB
block size = 32 -byte
block address = 32 -bit
number of blocks in cache memory
cache size / block size = 64 kb / 32 b = 2^11 hence the number of blocks in cache memory = 11 bits = block offset
A) Number of bits for byte
[tex]log _{2} (6)^2[/tex] = 6 bits
B) number of bits for index
block offset + byte number
= 11 + 6 = 17 bits
c ) number of bits for tag
= 32 - number of bits for index
= 32 - 17 = 15 bits
What is resource Management in Wireless Communication ? Explain its Advantages?
Resource management is the system level transmission cellular networks and wireless communication.
Wireless communication is the process to continue to the address for faster response time,to the resource management.
Transmission is the provided by that more utilization and wireless resources available,and to discovered data.
Wireless communication system to demand the larger bandwidth and transmission using development to the system.
Wireless communication resources management the larger bandwidth and reliable transmission consumed all the system layer.
Resource management techniques tool are used in a preliminary concepts or mathematical tools,and average limited power battery.
Resource management are they necessary mathematical and fundamental tools are used in wireless communication.
Wireless communication in the provide that wireless industry in a wireless communication.
The readline method reads text until an end of line symbol is encountered, how is an end of line character represented
readline() method is used to read one line from a file. It returns that line from the file.
This line from the file is returned as a string. This string contains a \n at the end which is called a new line character.
So the readline method reads text until an end of line symbol is encountered, and this end of line character is represented by \n.
For example if the file "abc.txt" contains the lines:
Welcome to abc file.
This file is for demonstrating how read line works.
Consider the following code:
f = open("abc.txt", "r") #opens the file in read mode
print(f.readline()) # read one line from file and displays it
The output is:
Welcome to abc file.
The readline() method reads one line and the print method displays that line.
Select the Stats Worksheet. Enter simple formulas in B3 and B4 to pull through the calculated Total Expenditure and Total Net from the Data worksheet (cells X2 and Y2). If you have done it correctly the pie chart should now show how income is proportioned between expenditure and net. QUESTION: According to the pie chart, what percentage of Income is made up by Expenditure?
Given the following code: public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("123", "John Smith"); map.put("111", "George Smith"); map.put("123", "Steve Yao"); map.put("222", "Steve Yao"); } } Which statement is correct?
There are no statements in the question, so I explained the whole code.
A map consists of key - value pairs. The put method allows you to insert values in the map. The first parameter in the put method is the key, and the second one is the value. Also, the keys must be unique.
For example, map.put("123", "John Smith"); -> key = 123, value = John Smith
Even though the key 123 is set to John Smith at the beginning, it will have the updated value Steve Yao at the end. That is because the keys are unique.
Note that the key 222 also has Steve Yao for the value, that is totally acceptable.
How can technology efforts be reconciled to improve hazard/disaster preparedness, response, and mitigation to insure systems sustainability, data integrity, and supply chain protection?
With regard to preparedness for hazard/disaster, technology such as AI are being explored to see how they can help to predict natural disaster.
If there is a breakthrough in this space, it will drastically reduce the negative impact of natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes as people will become ready to respond to them and mitigate their effects where possible.
In agriculture, there are factors which come together to bring about flooding. Flooding is one of the major disasters which cripples entire value chains. With a potential threat anticipated or predicted by AI, businesses can invest in technologies that can help protect the farms, farmland and other resources critical to such a supply chain.
AI-powered technologies that provide prediction services often combine this advanced computing prowess with the ability to process big data.
Technology can reach places that are unreachable by humans
AI-powered robots will soon become the norm.
Presently there are self-learning and self instructing robots powered by Artificial Intelligence that have applications in warfare, manufacturing, deepsea diving and intelligence gathering, and transportation. It is not out of place to predict that in the next decade, scientists would have perfected rescue robots that can go into very unstable terrain that have been damaged by flood or earthquake and attempt a rescue of lives and property at a scale that has never been possible before.
Connectivity helps people access to aid, resources that are critical for survival, transmission and receipt of life--saving information etc. CISCO has successfully used its technology called TacOps (short for Tactical Operations) successfully 45 times on over 5 continents.
A text file has been transferred from a Windows system to a Unix system, leaving it with the wrong line termination. This mistake can be corrected by
Text to ASCII Transfer
Show using a cross-product construction that the class of regular languages is closed under set difference. You do not need an inductive proof, but you should convincingly explain why your construction works.
The class definition for Javascript:
var Class = {
arguments of the class object are initialized here;
This class definition for Python:
class "class_name"( object ):
def __init__(self, arguments are passed are and initialized after the closing parenthesis)
Object-oriented programming languages are vital tools in creating data structures that are meant to be changeable, unindexed but directly accessible knowing the key value, and has unique membership.
This clearly is an adoption of the set data structure rule in creating a data structure blueprint that can be instantiated anytime in the code.
Cloud computing gives you the ability to expand and reduce resources according to your specific service requirement.
a. True
b. False
a. True
Cloud computing can be defined as a type of computing that requires shared computing resources such as cloud storage (data storage), servers, computer power, and software over the internet rather than local servers and hard drives.
Generally, cloud computing offers individuals and businesses a fast, effective and efficient way of providing services.
In Computer science, one of the most essential characteristics or advantages of cloud computing is rapid elasticity.
By rapid elasticity, it simply means that cloud computing gives you the ability to expand and reduce resources according to your specific service requirement because resources such as servers can be used to execute a particular task and after completion, these resources can then be released or reduced.
Some of the examples of cloud computing are Google Slides, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive etc.
mplement the function fileSum. fileSum is passed in a name of a file. This function should open the file, sum all of the integers within this file, close the file, and then return the sum.If the file does not exist, this function should output an error message and then call the exit function to exit the program with an error value of 1.Please Use This Code Template To Answer the Question#include #include #include //needed for exit functionusing namespace std;// Place fileSum prototype (declaration) hereint main() {string filename;cout << "Enter the name of the input file: ";cin >> filename;cout << "Sum: " << fileSum(filename) << endl;return 0;}// Place fileSum implementation here
Which sentence best matches the context of the word reticent as it is used in the following example?
We could talk about anything for hours. However, the moment I brought up dating, he was extremely reticent about his personal life.
Which sentence best matches the context of the word reticent as it is used in the following example?
We could talk about anything for hours. However, the moment I brought up dating, he was extremely reticent about his personal life.
What command would you use to place the cursor in row 10 and column 15 on the screen or in a terminal window
tput cup 10 15
tput is a command for command line environments in Linux distributions. tput can be used to manipulate color, text color, move the cursor and generally make the command line environment alot more readable and appealing to humans. The tput cup 10 15 is used to move the cursor 10 rows down and 15 characters right in the terminal
If the processor has 32 address lines in its address bus; i.e. 32-bit address range, what is its address space or range; i.e. what is the smallest and largest address that can be represented
The answer is "0 to 4294967295"
Given bit:
32 bits
Calculating smallest and largest bits:
In any processor, it works only on the 0 and 1 bit and it also stores 0 and 1 values. so, the smallest address in bit value is= 0 and the largest bit value can be defined as follows:
largest address value in bits:
[tex]\Longrightarrow 2^{32}-1\\\\\Longrightarrow 4294967296 -1\\\\\Longrightarrow 4294967295\\\\[/tex]
smallest address= 0
largest address = 4294967295
when an object is passed as a non-reference pointer parametor to a method, modifiying the members of that object from
"this" keyword representing the class object itself.
Object-oriented programming concept emphasizes on using blueprints representing the structure of a data collection type to continuously create an instance of that data structure. The instance of that object is called a class object. It is used in database management systems to populate the database.
Functions defined in the class objects are called methods and are used specifically by the class instance to modify the data content of the class object defined.
When a member of a class is referenced in the class, it can be accessed with the "this" keyword. At an instance of the class object, the variable holding the object should be called to get the class content because of the "this" keyword binding the instance of the object to the method.
When working with the instruction LAHF, the lower eight bits of the EFLAGS register will wind up getting moved into the
GIVING BRANLIEST IFFF CORRECT James uses a database to track his school football team. Which feature in a database allows James to list only the players that didn't play in the last game? Title Filter Search Sort
the filter feature allows him to fetch data that only meets a certain criteria(those who didn't play in the last game)
The FILTER feature in a database allows James to list on the players that did not play in the game.
What is the filter feature in EXCEL?The FILTER feature in Excel is used to clear out a number of statistics primarily based totally on the standards which you specify. The feature belongs to the class of Dynamic Arrays functions.
The end result is an array of values that mechanically spills into a number cells, beginning from the Cells wherein you input a formula.
Thus, The FILTER feature in a database allows James to list on the players that did not play in the game.
Learn more about FILTER feature here:
You have a Nano Server named Nano1. Which cmdlet should you use to identify whether the DNS Server role is installed on Nano1
The correct solution will be "Get-Package".
The accreditation property defines a domain as well as client initials with computer authorizations for executing commands. Mostly on the virtual device, the argument ScriptBlock executes the Get-Package cmdlet. This order obtains from some kind of special introductory commercial software downloaded on either the user's computer.3. How many bytes of storage space would be required to store a 400-page novel in which each page contains 3500 characters if ASCII were used? How many bytes would be required if Unicode were used? Represent the answer in MB
A total of 79.3mb will be needed
The fact that the speed of a vehicle is lower than the prescribed limits shall relieve the driver from the duty to decrease speed when approaching and crossing an intersection. True or false
the answer is false ........
The fact that the speed of a vehicle is lower than the prescribed limits shall relieve the driver from the duty to decrease speed when approaching and crossing an intersection is not true.
What is intersection in the traffic rules?An intersection serves as the point where many lanes cross on the road which is a point where driver is required to follow the traffic rules.
However, the above statement is not true because , a driver can decide not decrease speed when approaching and crossing an intersection, even though it is a punishable offense in traffic rules.
Read more on traffic rules here:
What will be displayed after the following code executes? mystr = 'yes' yourstr = 'no' mystr += yourstr * 2 print(mystr)
mystr = 'yes'
yourstr = 'no'
mystr += yourstr * 2
mystr = "yes"yourstr * 2 = "no"+"no"yes + no+noyesnonoStrong emotions can interfere with your ability to
A. make wise decisions.
B. think and reason.
C. judge risks.
D. all of the above
Strong emotions can interfere with your ability to make wise decisions, think and reason, and judge risk. The correct option is (D).
Strong emotions can indeed interfere with a person's ability to make wise decisions, think clearly and reason logically, and accurately judge risks.
Emotions have the potential to cloud judgment, bias perception, and impede rational thinking, which can impact decision-making processes.
Therefore, Strong emotions can interfere with your ability to make wise decisions, think and reason, and judge risk. The correct option is (D).
To know more about the emotions:
Internet radio probably uses UDP because it is a connection-less protocol and streaming media typically does not require an established connection.
a. True
b. False
Please mark me as the brainiest
Write an INSERT statement that adds this row to the Categories table:
CategoryName: Brass
Code the INSERT statement so SQL Server automatically generates the value for the CategoryID column.
INSERT INTO categories (CategoryName)
VALUES ('Brass Code');
The SQL refers to the Structured Query Language in which the data is to be designed and maintained that occurred in the relational database management system i.e it is to be used for maintaining and query the database
Now the INSERT statement should be written as follows
INSERT INTO categories (CategoryName)
VALUES ('Brass Code');
In which type of hacking does the user block access from legitimate users without actually accessing the attacked system?
Complete Question:
In which type of hacking does the user block access from legitimate users without actually accessing the attacked system?
Group of answer choices
a. Denial of service
b. Web attack
c. Session hijacking
d. None of the above
a. Denial of service
Denial of service (DOS) is a type of hacking in which the user (hacker) blocks access from legitimate users without actually accessing the attacked system.
It is a type of cyber attack in which the user (an attacker or hacker) makes a system or network inaccessible to the legitimate end users temporarily or indefinitely by flooding their system with unsolicited traffic and invalid authentication requests.
A denial of service is synonymous to a shop having a single entry point being crowded by a group of people seeking into entry into the shop, thereby preventing the legitimate customers (users) from exercising their franchise.
Under a DOS attack, the system or network gets stuck while trying to locate the invalid return address that sent the authentication requests, thus disrupting and closing the connection. Some examples of a denial of service attack are ping of death, smurf attack, email bomb, ping flood, etc.
While interoperability and unrestricted connectivity is an important trend in networking, the reality is that many diverse systems with different hardware and software exist. Programming that serves to "glue together" or mediate between two separate and usually already existing programs is known as:
In today's technology like networking, software development, web development, etc, there is a need for connectivity. The problem at hand is the variation of the tech brands which results in the difference in operating systems, applications, and connectivity protocols. This problem is solved with the introduction of Middleware.
Middleware is the solution to conflicting software applications, interconnectivity between various tech platforms. It promotes cross-platform interactions.