geometry!!!!!! helppp select the ones that are true!


Answer 1


Through any three collinear points, there is exactly one plane.False [ i.e. non collinear points]

A segment is part of a line between two points on the line called the endpoints.False[I.e. mid point]

If there is a line and a point not on the line, then there exists exactly one line through the point

that is parallel to the given line.True

The midpoint of a segment is equidistant from the endpoints.True

If two angles are supplementary to the same angle, then the angles must be obtuse.True

If two angles form a linear pair, then the angles are complementary.False [I.e. supplementary]

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Can someone help me on any of the problems that are circled


15. Is $52.50 I think

Find the volume of this square
based pyramid.
10 cm
8 cm
8 cm
V = [?] cm3




Step-by-step explanation:

The volume of a pyramid is 1/3 base times height.

Using this formula, our square base is 8*8, or 64 square units.

Multiplying that by the height, 10. We get 64*10, 640.

Finally dividing by 3, we have 213.3333333333...

Rounding that to the nearest tenth, 213.3.

The volume of the given square pyramid is 480 cubic centimeter.

What is the volume?

Volume is the measure of the capacity that an object holds.

Formula to find the volume of the object is Volume = Area of a base × Height.

Given that, Slant height of pyramid is 10 cm and base is 8 cm.

The volume of square based pyramid =a²h/3.

Now, volume = (8²×10)/3

= 213.33 cubic centimeter

Therefore, the volume of a square pyramid is 213.33 cubic centimeter.

To learn more about the volume visit:


PLEASE HELP ME!!! It’s due before 7pm


Step-by-step explanation:

Solution:Total length of the board=95 cm

:One piece must longer 13 cm than other piece




:X=41 cm-Length of the smaller piece

:X=41cm +13cm=54cm-Length of the larger piece

Therefore the length of the smaller piece is 41cm and the length of the larger piece is 54cm.

Find the image of the given point
under the given translation.
P(-7,1) T(x,y) = (x + 9, y-3)
P' = ([?], []).



P' = (2, -2)

Step-by-step explanation:

You have the x-value and the y-value of the pre-image, so all you have to do is plug that into the translation statement (x + 9 , y - 3).

Since x = -7 and y = 1 that would be (-7 + 9, 1 - 3), or (2, -2).

what is the total cost



Step-by-step explanation:

We need to first find the perimeter of this oddly-shaped rink. We have a rectangle for which we are enclosing 3 of its sides, and the fourth "side" is a half-circle. Let's find the perimeter (or circumference) of the circle, divide it in half because we have half a circle, then add in the remaining 3 sides from the rectangle, shall we?

C = πd. The diameter of the circle is the same as the shorter length in the rectangle, 26. Therefore,

C = (3.14)(26) so

C = 81.64 m for a whole circle, and for half of that circle, the circumference is

C = 40.82 m

Now we can find the perimeter of the rink:

40.82 + 61 + 26 + 61 = p so

p = 188.82 m

If the fencing costs $6.20 per meter and we have 188.82 m, then the total cost is

[tex]cost=\frac{6.20dollars}{meter}*188.82meters[/tex]. The label "meter" cancels out, leaving us with

cost = $1170.82

Three dressers are placed side by side. One dresser is 5 feet 5 inches wide, another is 5 feet 10 inches wide, and the third is 3 feet 11 inches wide. How wide are they combined?



15 feets 2 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the widths :

1st dresser = 5 feets 5 inches

2nd dresser = 5 feets 10 inches

3rd dresser = 3 feets 11 inches

Their combined width is :

5ft + 5ft + 3 ft + 5in + 10in + 11in

13 feets 26 inches

Recall :

1 foot = 12 inches

26 inches = 26/12 feets = 2 feets 2 inches


13 feets + 2feets 2 inches

Combined width = 15 feets 2 inches

16 - 2r = 3r + 6r + 1

what is r?


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 16-2r=3r+6r+1[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 16-2r=9r+1[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 16-1=9r+2r[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 11r=15[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto r=\dfrac{15}{11}[/tex]

Answer: r = 15/11

Step-by-step explanation:


16 - 2r = 3r + 6r + 1

Combine like terms

16 - 2r = 9r + 1

Add 2r on both sides

16 - 2r + 2r = 9r + 1 + 2r

16 = 11r + 1

Subtract 1 on both sides

16 - 1 = 11r + 1 - 1

15 = 11r

Divide 11 on both sides

15 / 11 = 11r / 11

[tex]\boxed{r=\frac{15}{11} }[/tex]

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

Can someone please help me on these 4 questions PLEASE HELP ME!!


Answer:4 ans x is -32/10

7 ans b  is 6

10 ans x is 25/7

13 ans x is 9/2

Step-by-step explanation:

8= 10x+4010x= 8-4010x= -32x= -32÷10x= -3.2

2b+3b-10= 205b= 20+105b= 30b= 30÷5b= 6

4(3x-1)= 24+5x12x-4= 24+5x12x-5x= 24+46x= 28x= 28÷6x= 4.66

2x+17-9+x= 5x-12x+x-5x= -1-17+93x-5x= -18+92x= -9x= -9÷2x= -4.5

please mark this answer as brainlist

Solve for x.
3x + 2
2x + 6
x = [?]




Step-by-step explanation:

Im assuming you mean the first and second equation equal each other:



If lines AB and CD are paralell, which of the following statements is true? Check All That Apply​



D and E is the answer..

Step-by-step explanation:

nothing to explain .. D has the symbol of parallel.. and all parallel lines are coplaner

The correct answers are option D and option E that is AB || CD and the lines AB and CD are coplanar.

What are parallel lines?

The lines which do not intersect each other at any point they can only intersect at infinity are called parallel lines. All the parallel lines are coplanar to each other.

From the above explanation, the parallel lines are represented as AB || CD and also coplanar to each other.

Therefore the correct answers are option D and option E that is AB || CD and the lines AB and CD are coplanar.

To know more about parallel lines follow


Convert the 7pi/5 to a degree measure





Step-by-step explanation:

The conversion factor is


7pi/5 * 180/pi = 7 *180/5 = 252 degrees

rationalise the denominator of 2sq3+3sq2/4sq3+sq2​




Step-by-step explanation:

We can rewrite the fraction as


In order to rationalize the denominator of such a complex fraction, we must multiply the fraction by the conjugate of the denominator. In this case, the conjugate of the denominator would be [tex]4\sqrt{3}-\sqrt{2}[/tex]. Multiplying both sides of the fraction by the conjugate of the denominator would result in the fraction:


if (x) and 1(x) are inverse functions of each other and S(x) = 2x+5, what is (8)?
이스 NW




Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = 2x+5

f^(-1) (x) = (x-5)/2

f^(-1) (8) = 3/2

A regular polygon has exterior angles of 60°
What is the sum of the polygon’s interior angles?




Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of the exterior angles of a polygon = 360°

Divide by 60 to find number of sides (n)

n = 360° ÷ 60° = 6

The sum of the interior angles of a polygon is

sum = 180° (n - 2) ← n is the number of sides

Here n = 6 , then

sum = 180° × 4 = 720°

The sum of the exterior angles of a regular polygon is 360º

Each exterior angle of a regular polygon is 60º/n




A polygon with 6 sides is a hexagon.

Use the formula (n-2)×180


another solution...

you have 6 interior angles (hexagon)

if an exterior angle is 60º, the corresponding interior angle is 180-60=120º

you have 6 of these 120º angles


Confirm that f and g are inverses by showing that f(g(x)) = x and g(f(x)) = x.

f(x) = 4/x
g(x) = 4/x




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]f(x)=\dfrac{4}{x} \\\\g(x)=\dfrac{4}{x} \\\\\\(gof)(x)=f(g(x))=f(\dfrac{4}{x} )=\dfrac{4}{\dfrac{4}{x} } =\dfrac{4*x}{4} =x\\\\\\(fog)(x)=g(f(x))=g(\dfrac{4}{x} )=\dfrac{4}{\dfrac{4}{x} } =\dfrac{4*x}{4} =x\\[/tex]

5w = 23 - 3f and 4f = 12 - 2w



f = 1, w = 4

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the 2 equations

5w = 23 - 3f → (1)

4f = 12 - 2w (add 2w to both sides )

2w + 4f = 12 ( subtract 4f from both sides )

2w = 12 - 4f → (2)

Multiplying (1) by 4 and (2) by - 3 and adding the result will eliminate f

20w = 92 - 12f → (3)

- 6w = - 36 + 12f → (4)

Add (3) and (4) term by term to eliminate f

14w = 56 ( divide both sides by 14 )

w = 4

Substitute w = 4 into either of the 2 equations and solve for f

Substituting into (1)

5(4) = 23 - 3f

20 = 23 - 3f ( subtract 23 from both sides )

- 3 = 3f ( divide both sides by - 3 )

1 = f


Step-by-step explanation:

Could someone please help me out?




Step-by-step explanation:



k = 300/81

or, k = 100/27

as two triangles are similar,

if smaller triangle's corresponding side is x (let), then,







The picture attached



Step-by-step explanation:

m1 = 300

m2= 300(1+.05) = 300(1.05)

m3 = 300(1.05)(1.05)

m4= 300(1.05)(1.05)(1.05)

each subsequent month is the previous month times "1 + .05"

the "one" preserving the running total, and the extra ".05" adding the 5%

the repeating (1.05)(1.05)(1.05) is notational simplified using exponents

(1.05)(1.05)(1.05) = [tex](1.05)^{3}[/tex]

The cost of tickets of a comedy show of 'Gaijatra' is Rs 700 for an adult and Rs 500 for a child. If a family paid Rs 3,100 for 5 tickets, how many tickets were purchased in each category? ​



Step-by-step explanation:

We need to create a system of equations here, one for the NUMBER of tickets sold and one for the COST of the tickets. They are very much NOT the same thing.

We have that the total number of tickets is 5, and that that total is made up of adult tickets and child tickets. The equation for the NUMBER of tickets, then, is:

a + c = 5

Now for the money.

If a child ticket costs Rc 500, the expression that represents that that is in fact the cost of the child ticket is 500c;

likewise for the adult ticket. If the adult ticket costs Rc 700, the expression that represents that is 700a.

And we know that a total of Rs 1300 was spent on the tickets. The equation for the COST is

700a + 500c = 1300

Now go back to the first equation and solve it for either a or c, it doesn't matter which. I solved for a:

a = 5 - c  and we will sub that into the second equation for a:

700(5 - c) + 500c = 1300 and

3500 - 700c + 500c = 1300 and

-200c = -400 so

c = 2 tickets. That means that there were

a = 3 tickets sold for the adults.




P = 1,-10




Simplify the expressions by combining like terms.
30) 4x + 3-x =


Step-by-step explanation:

the answer is -1. I have a picture, take a lot at it

Answer: 3x+3

Step-by-step explanation:


= (4x-x) + 3

= 3x+3

Compare the functions shown below:

Which function has the greatest maximum y-value?


Answer:Hey I'm sorry I didn't get to answer your question it's just that I need the points because I don't have enough to get help with my question. I hope you get the answer that you need for you question. Good Luck :)

Step-by-step explanation:

which algebraic expression represents this word description the quotient of six and the sum of a number and eight



Step by step explanation: Quotient means that you are dividing one term by another, so from this expression you would get that 6 is being divided by x (unknown variable) + 8

work out the area of a semicircle take pi to be 3.142 11cm



if the diameter is 11, them the answer is 47.52275cm

carly walks 30 feet in seven seconds. At this rate, how many minutes will it take for carly to walk a mile if there are 5,280 feet in one mile?



20.53 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:

Speed = Distance/Time = 30/7

Time = Distance / Speed

= 5280/30/7

= 1232 seconds / 60 = 20.53 minutes

Answered by Gauthmath

The number 804 is divisible by what numbers?


Answer: 804 is divisible by 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 ,67 ,134 ,201, 268, 402 ,804


The factors of 804 are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 67, 134, 201, 268, 402,804.

Step-by-step explanation:

arrange0.2,¼,30%,10%in ascending and descending order​



Ascending- 10%, 0.2, 1/4, 30%

Descending- 30%, 1/4, 0.2, 10%

Step-by-step explanation:

0.2 = 2/10 = 4/20

1/4 = 5/20

30% = 30/100 = 6/20

10% = 10/100 = 2/20


-2/20, 4/20, 5/20, 6/20

- 10%, 0.2, 1/4, 30%


- 6/20, 5/20, 4/20, 2/20

- 30%, 1/4, 0.2, 10%

Which is the graph of y = RootIndex 3 StartRoot x EndRoot?



The equation is:


To find:

The graph of the given equation.


We have,


The table of values is:

x                 y

-8              -2

-1                -1

0               0

1                 1

8                8

Plot these points on a coordinate plane and connect them by a free hand curve as shown in the below graph.



Step-by-step explanation:

edge 2020

Solve for a.
-4a – 2a – 7 = 11
a =



a = [-3]

Step-by-step explanation:

-4a - 2a - 7 = 11

Combine like terms

-4a - 2a = -6a

-6a - 7 = 11

Add 7 to both sides

-6a = 18

Solve for a

a = 18/-6
All brainliest and thanks
are appreciated and
would mean a lot to me,

a = -3


or, -4a - 2a -7 = 11

or, -4a -2a =11 +7

or, - 6a = 18

or, a= 18÷ -6

a= -3

The access code for a cars security system consists of 4 digits. The first digit cannot
be 0 and the last digit nust be even. How many different codes are available?




Step-by-step explanation:

The first digit can't be 0. so it will be a number from 1000 to 9999. That's a total of 9000 numbers (9999-1000+1=9000). Since the last digit must be an even number that is one half of the 9000 numbers which is 4500.

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