Give me 3 verbs u love doing and 3 nouns u can’t live without I’ll give brainliest help ASAPP


Answer 1
eating, drinking, sleeping
Answer 2
Shopping, sleeping and, cooking and I can’t live without my water my phone and food

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define tense with 2 example.



Tense is the form of a verb that shows when something happened, is happening or is going to happen.[1] There are three main tenses:

Present tense: things that are true when the words are spoken or written.

Example: She goes to school. In this sentence, goes shows that it is a present tense. It suggests that she regularly goes to school.

Example: She is going to school. This says she is now going to school.

Past tense: things that were true before the words were spoken or written.

Example: She went to school. In this sentence, went shows that it is a past tense.

Future tense: things that will be true after the words are spoken or written.

Example: She will go to school. In this sentence, will shows that it is a future tense.

Tense can be shown by changing the spelling of a verb. For example, be can become am, is, and are in present tense, and was and were in past tense. In English, future tense is shown by adding will before the verb. For example, be becomes will be in future tense.


The word tense defines time. Basically, anything that we do at a particular time is called a tense.

For Eg,

She went to Christopher's party.

I will do my homework this evening.


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Look at this outline of the second speech.

House is priceless piece of history
Town already has places for teen activities
Schools offer programs for students
Community center has other activities
Important to preserve town's history
No substitute for real thing
Can see how people used to live
Which of these best describes how the outline helps the reader understand the speech?
Answer choices for the above question

It reveals that the town has enough malls.

It lists reasons to support keeping the house.

It lists places that teens can go to be together.

It reveals the important history of the old house.


It lists reasons to support keeping the house.


A philosophy that influenced the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson is unalienable rights of life liberty, and pursuit of happiness.





Thomas Jefferson, a spokesman for democracy, was an American Founding Father, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776), and the third President of the United States (1801–1809).

true! i hope this helps

The mall's owner has promised to put up a memorial to the old house, with a historical display and an interactive video. We won't be losing our history or culture—we'll just be losing an expensive eyesore.
How does the paragraph help develop the author's position in the first speech?
Answer choices for the above question

It reveals that the author is hesitant to compromise in any way on this issue.

It shows that the author believes in using technology rather than actually visiting old places.

It shows that the author believes in addressing the real concerns of the other side in the argument.

It reveals that the author is willing to support restoring some of the better parts of the old building.



It shows that the author believes in using technology rather than actually visiting old places.


The author seems to like having tech better than having actual monuments.