Give the reason for carrying out the following procedures when preparing wet mounts of plant to 1.) Making very thin sections.​


Answer 1


we should not cut .we should crop .we should give water

Related Questions

What is the answer with explaining



actually I'm not even sure but I would say that the wife cheated

Identify two means by which meiosis results in genetically unique gametes, and explain why this is important.



Meiosis is beneficial as it produces gametes that are genetically different to the parent cell, and when the gametes combine the offspring produced is made from combination of genes from both mother and father. The offspring is genetically unique, there is no other organism on the Earth with the exact same DNA sequences on their chromosomes.

What is the closest crop relative of Aloe vera?





aloe perryi

i’m not 100% sure try researching

Part B
Next, our galaxy can be organized into a galaxy group. This galactic group is a collection of about 50 galaxies that are
gravitationally bound to each other. What is the name of the galaxy group in which our galaxy belongs? As you are
researching, list at least three characteristics that you learned about our galaxy group.



The Milky Way galaxy is part of a group of galaxies called the Local Group. Three characteristics that I learned about our galaxy group is The Milky Way is a large barred spiral galaxy, they come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and  it appears as a milky band of light in the sky when you see it in a really dark area.



The Milky Way galaxy is a member of the Local Group of galaxies named Laniakea . The Milky Way is a massive barred spiral galaxy and  can be seen as a milky band of light.

What are the characteristic feature of the Milky Way?

The Milky Way galaxy is a massive, flat, disk-shaped collection of stars, gas, and dust that spans around 100,000 light-years and is several thousand light-years thick.

The Milky Way galaxy contains every star that we can see with our unaided eyes. The Andromeda Galaxy is the only celestial object visible in the night sky with unaided eyes that is not part of the Milky Way.

It is estimated that the Milky Way is 12 billion years old.

Thus, Milky Way is the galaxy we live in amongst others.

Learn more about Milky Way, here:


A new organism is discovered at the bottom of the ocean. A scientist is determining the composition of elements found in the tissues of the organism.
Which elements will most likely be found?



carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen

__________________ moves the respiratory medium over the respiratory surface.

Group of answer choices









Breathing, also known as ventilation, is the process of moving air or water in order to facilitate the gas exchange between the external and internal (body) environment, mostly to eliminate carbon dioxide (CO2) and bring in oxygen (O2). For example, fish are aquatic animals that need to run water over their gills to get the O2 that they need to survive (gills are organs that create a large surface area for ventilation). Moreover, insects ventilate their tracheal system to get O2. Finally, terrestrial vertebrates (i.e., amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals) use organs called lungs to exchange O2 and CO2 between their cells and the external environment.

I want to understand what is a strome !!!???​



Do you mean the Stroke?


If you mean Stroke, it is a spongey transparent substance in a plant cell that helps support its function

Describe how oxygen is transported in blood, and explain how temperature, pH, BPG, and affect oxygen loading and unloading.


Solution :

The flow of oxygen in the blood is been transported by two ways :

1. in plasma 1.5%

2. bound to hemoglobin 98.5%

As the oxygen loads in the body, affinity of the Hb makes the oxygen loading very efficient in the blood. The Hb molecule gets saturated when all the 4 hemes are oxygen binded.

The decreased pH weakens the hemoglobin oxygen binding in the tissues.

Higher temperatures in the oxygen means a lower affinity and thus more oxygen is released and so the oxygen unloads.

Increase in the temperature, the BPG and the modification of the structure in the hemoglobin decreases the affinity for the oxygen and further enhances the unloading of the oxygen in the blood.

Write T next to the statements that are true. Write F next to the statements that are false. Then write
corrected versions of the statements that are false.
a Stems carry food from the roots to the leaves.
b The parts of a plant that make food are usually green.
c Roots are the only organs in a plant that need water.



a= T




the answer is correct

Imagine that there is a mutation in the cyclin gene such that its gene product is nonfunctional. What kind of effect would this mutation have on a skin cell in the area of a cut



The correct answer is - The cell would be unable to produce.


Cyclin is a protein that helps in cell division to complete the various stages. It has an essential function, however, cyclin does not play role in enzymatic reactions bit bind with cyclin-dependent kinase enzyme they form maturation promoting factors which can phosphorylate specific proteins and result in many different stages of the cell cycle.

Mutation in cyclin gene that did not allow to produce cyclin protein will cease the cell cycle and there would be no future daughter cell and the cell would not be able to produce.

Match each enzyme namewith the correct descriptive phrase.

a. Ads through an adenylylated DNA intermediate
b. Catalyzes mitochondrial DNA replication
c. Catalyzes most nucleotide incorporations in bacterial DNA replication
d. Catalyzes formation of a double-strand DNA break
e. Cleaves RNA in a DNA — RNA hybrid molecule
f. Uses a tRNA primer in synthesis of retroviral DNA

1. Topoisomerase Il
2. DNA ligase
3. DNA polymerase γ
4. Reverse transcriptase
5. DNA polymerase I
6. DNA polymerase Ill



The correct answer is -

a. 2

b. 3

c. 6.

d. 1

e. 5

f. 4


Topoisomerase II is the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of double-strand DNA breaks.

DNA ligase is the enzyme that catalyzes through adenylated DNA intermediate

DNA polymerase gamma is n enzyme that acts on the Mitochondrial DNA replication.

The reverse transcriptase uses a tRNA primer during catalytic reaction in the synthesis of retroviral DNA

DNA pol I breaks RNA in a DNA-RNA hybrid molecule in their catalytic reaction.

DNA pol IIIused in catalyzing and acts as major enzyme, the most nucleotide incorporations in bacterial DNA replication

Flows of energy and cycles of nutrients link the biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems into a/an __________ system, ultimately structuring the feeding relationships, or __________ structure of organisms that inhabit them.



The correct answer is - dynamic and trophic.


A/an dynamic system is linked to lows of energy and cycles of nutrients link the biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems that structure the feeding relationships, or trophic structure of organisms that inhabit them. The trophic structure is the position of the organism in the ecosystem and food chain.

The correct answer is - dynamic and trophic.

Which of the following is not a hormone and neurotransmitters except

A) epinephrine
C) serotonin
D) acetylcholine


Question - Which if the following is not a hotline and a neurotransmitter
Answer -
D) Acetylcholine

nucleotides are the basic
unit for which macro molocules


The correct answer to question is Nucleic Acids, (DNA) AND (RNA).  

hope this helps let me know.

i’m sorry i don’t know the answer this

Consider the following research question.
Research Question: Why is yeast used to bake bread?
Which hypothesis is based on this research question?
A. Yeast is a living organism.
B. Some people try to lose weight by cutting bread out of their diet.
C. A comparison of rye bread to wheat bread indicates that rye bread
is more enjoyable to eat.
O D. Yeast added to bread dough produces a gas, and this causes the
dough to rise, making the finished bread look like a sponge.





The kinetics analyses of an enzyme are measured as a function of substrate concentration in the presence and in the absence of 2mM inhibitor

[S] (microM): 3, 5, 10, 30, 90

Velocity (micromol/min) No Inhibitor: 10.4, 14.5, 22.5, 33.8, 40.5
Velocity (micromol/min) With Inhibitor: 4.1, 6.4, 11.3, 22.6, 33.8

What are the values of Vmax and Km in the absence of inhibitor? In its presence?



take the reciprocal of the values as 1/S and 1/V and plot the values on lineweaver-burk plot.

so the re-arranged data is as following

1/S               1/V (no inhibitor)       1/V (with inhibitor)

0.333           0.096                       0.244

0.2              0.068                         0.156

0.1               0.044                         0.088

0.033          0.029                        0.044

0.011            0.024                         0.029

and the plotted lineweaver-burk plot with the equation of straight line would be....

where, first line represents the velocity of reaction with no inhibitor and second line represent the velocity in presence of inhibitor. X-axis has the substrate concentration as 1/S and y-axis has the velocity as 1/V.

as per the plot, equation of line on the lineweaver-burk plot, Y = mx + c, where c = 1/Vmax and m = Km/Vmax.

so solve for the given equations.

First, equation of line in the absence of inhibitor is Y = 0.23x + 0.021

so Vmax = 1/0.021 = 47.6 micromol/min

and Km/Vmax = 0.23, or Km = 0.23 x 47.6

Km = 10.95

Km do not have a unit, so 10.95 x 10-6 or as per your values round it up to 1 decimal point as 1.1 x 10-5

so value of Vmax = 47.6micromol/min and Km = 1.1 x 10-5 in the absence of inhibitor.

similarly, equation of line in the presence of inhibitor is given as Y = 0.67x + 0.021

so Vmax = 1/0.021 = 47.6 micromol/min

and Km/Vmax = 0.67

or Km = 0.67 x Vmax = 0.67 x 47.6 = 31.89

Km do not have a unit, so 31.89 x 10-6 or 3.1 x 10-5

so value of Vmax = 47.6micromol/min and Km = 3.1 x 10-5 in the absence of inhibitor.

"During cytokinesis of an animal cell, a cell plate grows from the center moves outward"





Meiotic recombination produces new genetic information in sister chromatids.This Happens During prophase I. Order the stages of prophase I chronologically: ____ Diplotene.-The synaptonemal complex dissociates; homologous pairs remain attached (chiasmata).



See the answer below


The various stages of propase I of meiosis I in chronological order would be

1. Leptotene

2. Zygotene

3. Pachytene

4. Diplotene

5. Diakinesis

The leptotene stage is characterized by the thickening or condensation of the genetic material in the nucleus such that 'thick thread' structures is formed.

At the zygotene stage, the thickness advances and structures can be seen as chromosomes under the microscope. Homologous chromosomes are seen pairing up (synapsis) through the formation of synaptonemal complex to form tetrads or bivalents.

At pachytene, an exchange of chromosomal segments between synapsed homologous chromosomes occur in a process known as crossing over. The exchange point along the synapsed chromosomes are known as the chiasmata. After the crossing over, homologous chromosomes begin to separate but remains joined at the chiasmata.

At diplotene, the dissolution of the synaptonemal complex occur and homologous chromosomes still held together by the chiasmata begin to repel one another. The chiasmata becomes terminalized.

At Diakinesis, chromosomal condensation is completed and the cell is conditioned to progress to metaphase I of meiosis I.

Which of these actions is likely to prevent the spread of pathogens in the environment?

Washing hands once a week
Coughing out loud
Touching wounds
Washing fruits


Washing fruits because by washing you will decrease the bacteria’s


A or D


Coughing out loud  and Touching wounds will spread it, not prevent it, Its most likely D, because only washing your hands once a week is basically useless and will prevent little- to nothing so washing fruits is your best bet I would go with D

During which days of the menstrual cycle does the level of FSH increase?

Question 1 options:

FSH increases before the menstrual cycle is finished around day 27.

FSH rarely increases during the menstrual cycle, it stays level unless the follicle has been implanted.

FSH increases during the follicular stage of the ovarian cycle (between day six and day fourteen).

FSH increases during the follicular stage of the ovarian cycle (between day one and day six) and then peaks on the 13th day.



option (C) is correct answer

What is the role of DNA polymerase enzymes in replication?

(A) unzipping the double helix by breaking down the hydrogen bonds

(B) adding the free nucleotides to the complementary strand of DNA

(C) splitting the DNA molecule

(D)connecting the fragments on the lagging strand of DNA





the function of DNA polymerase is to unzip the double helix structure of DNA by breaking down the weak hydrogen bond


(B) adding the free nucleotides to the complementary strand of DNA


A DNA polymerase is an enzyme capable of creating new DNA molecules by sequentially adding nucleotides to the three prime (3')-end of a DNA strand. A DNA strand is a polynucleotide chain composed of a linear series of nucleotides, each consisting of a deoxyribose sugar, and phosphate, and a base (i.e., thymine, guanine, cytosine and adenine). Before a cell starts to divide, it needs first to replicate its genetic material by using DNA polymerases that duplicate the cell's DNA during the interphase (S phase). During this process (DNA replication), an enzyme known as helicase unwinds the DNA molecule, which is made up of two antiparallel strands oriented in opposite 3′-5′ directions to each other. Subsequently, each strand is used as a template for its replication through DNA polymerases that can add nucleotides (one at time) to an existing short fragment of RNA, i.e., the primer sequence, which is paired with the template DNA strand.

Which organisms transform nitrogen to a form that is useful to plants?



nitrogen-fixing bacteria is the answer


Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are a type of organisms that transform nitrogen to a form that is useful to plants. 

how does Fibrocartilage receive it's nutrients?



These cells receive nutrients through a double diffusion barrier but rely on anaerobic respiration due to low oxygen concentration.

8. Which repair process leads to an abasic site as part of the repair pathway?
base excision repair
methyl mismatch repair
SOS repair





Products of DNA replication

DNA replication occurs during Interphase. What Image shows the products of replication. If the parent strands are blue and the new strands are red? Click the correct box.



The red one.


The red colour strands are the products of replication in which new DNA molecules are formed. The main purpose of replication is to produce extra set of DNA molecules for the new cell so that each cell receives extra molecules of DNA. Due to DNA replication, the cell has two types of DNA i.e. parent strands and new strands. The parent strands are blue in colour whereas the new strands are red in colour.

Which factor will decrease photosynthesis?
abundant carbon dioxide
balanced pH
increased light intensity
not enough water



Not enough water

Definitely not enough water, we have a whole ocean full of it, boy, we can just take the water and clean the water so we can drink it, don’t click water , if it’s right, your teacher bad, we literally have water in the ocean that we can used to drink after it’s cleaned

Who was Dr. Joseph Bell?



Sherlock Holmes


He was the inspiration. Not the actual Holmes.


Joseph Bell  (2 December 1837 – 4 October 1911) was a Scottish surgeon and lecturer at the medical school of the University of Edinburgh in the 19th century.

g An Hfr strain is produced when Select one: A. an F episome is transferred to a new cell. B. an F episome leaves the E. coli chromosome. C. an F episome leaves the host chromosome and removes some of the host chromosome. D. an F episome integrates into the E. coli chromosom



A. an F episome is transferred to a new cell.


Hfr strains arise from the integration of the plasmid into the bacterial cell in one of several ways such as the recombination of events. Most commonly are formed by the UV-induced integration of E coil F factor. It tries to transfer a copy of the F factors as well the entire chromosome to the recipient bacterium.

A suspension of yeast cells is being grown under anaerobic conditions such that glucose is degraded to ethanol and carbon dioxide. To follow this process by monitoring the release of CO214, at which positions in the glucose molecule would the C14 label need to be incorporated



carbons 3 and 4


Alcoholic fermentation is an anaerobic (non-oxygen-requiring) pathway capable of converting one mole of glucose (C6H12O6) into two moles of ethanol (C2H5OH) and two moles of carbon dioxide (CO2), producing during this process two moles of ATP. The overall chemical reaction is as follow: C6H12O6 (glucose) >> 2 C2H5OH (ethanol) + 2 CO2.  During this process (fermentation), energy is obtained from the glycolysis process by which each glucose molecule is broken down into two pyruvate molecules (2 CH3COCOO−). Pyruvic acid is an organic acid that ionizes to produce a hydrogen ion and a molecule of pyruvate. Subsequently, this pyruvate is then converted into ethanol and CO2, generating NAD+, i.e., the oxidized form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide or NAD, which is required for glycolysis (and therefore to produce ATP). Moreover, dismutation refers to the redox reaction by which one compound with an intermediate oxidation state converts into two compounds. In consequence, the CO2 generated during fermentation arises from the dismutation of pyruvic acid. During this process, the major source of CO2 is carbon 3 (C3) and carbon 4 (C4) of the glucose as a result of the dismutation of pyruvate, and thereby these positions in the glucose molecule would the C14 label need to be incorporated.

Hola, necesito ayuda con este ejercicio. Regalo 70 puntos, 5 estrellas y corazón.


Respuesta corta: Produciendo un sentimiento de satisfacción.


En el texto se hace referencia a una investigación para analizar la relación entre las redes sociales y el cerebro de los adolescentes. Para ello los investigadores utilizaron imágenes magnéticas del cerebros de los 32 adolescentes estudiados. Una vez terminaron el estudio se dan cuenta que "una estructura del cerebro, llamada núcleo accumbens, se activa más cuantos más likes tuviera una imagen". Además, el autor del texto agrega que "Esto es interesante si se tiene en cuenta que este órgano nervioso es el responsable de que experimentemos momentos de placer intensos al ganar un premio, comer helado, etc". De acuerdo a lo anterior se puede interpretar que las redes sociales influyen en el cerebro de los adolescentes debido a que produce en ellos un sentimiento de satisfacción o reconocimiento a recibir "likes" de otras personas. Además, este sentimiento se puede interpretar como aprobación por parte de las demás personas.

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