Glaston Company manufactures a single product using a JIT inventory system. The production budget indicates that the number of units expected to be produced are 195,000 in October, 203,500 in November, and 200,000 in December. Glaston assigns variable overhead at a rate of $0.70 per unit of production. Fixed overhead equals $152,000 per month. Compute the total budgeted overhead for October.


Answer 1


the  budgeted overhead for October is $288,500


The computation of the budgeted overhead for October is given below:

The budgeted overhead is

= fixed overhead + variable overhead

= $152,000 + 195,000 units × $0.70

= $152,000 + $136,500

= $288,500

Hence, the  budgeted overhead for October is $288,500

Therefore the same is to be considered

Related Questions

If people refused to use banks to create checkable deposits, the banking system would:__________
a) be able to expand the money supply by more than the money multiplier indicates.
b) not be affected in the money creating process.
c) not be able to create new money.
d) not have a way to loan out excess reserves.



The banking system would definitely not be able to to create new money.

The banking system could not print fresh money if individuals refused to use banks to make checkable deposits. As a result, choice (C) is the best way to respond.

What is checkable deposits?

Any demand deposit account that permits the writing of checks or drafts of any sort is referred to technically as having checkable deposits. An account with a demand deposit allows the owner to take money out immediately and without warning.

A negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) or Super NOW account are examples of a negotiable draft that falls under this category. (Withdrawing money from NOW accounts may need a seven-day written notice; however, this is rarely necessary.)

With a checkable deposit account, the consumer has constant access to cash. There may be a monthly withdrawal restriction on some checkable deposit account types, such as money market accounts.

Hence, option (C) is accurate.

Learn more about checkable deposits, from:


(b). Cassava is the main commodity in the economy of Dumpusi. Given the hardship in the intervention, the number of cassava producers also increased in the community. In a class discussion, your Economics Lecturer said these two events would result in an increase in With the aid of a diagram, explain the possible effects of the two events on equilibrium price equilibrium price of cassava. Mary, your classmate, argues that the price will rather decrease. and quantity, assuming the salary increase has a greater impact and cassava is a normal good.​



prices decrease actually


with that much of cassava producers the market of the product just loses its value as it is that common that the only way to making money would be to say something about based on the communities beliefs to raise attention like "Buy some cassava to make the gods happy" something most common in African society

Which of the following statements about the monetary aggregates is true?

a. The growth rates of M1 and M2 always track each other closely.
b. M1 is greater than M2.
c. When the growth rate of M2 increases, the growth rate of M1 must also increase.
d. When you transfer funds from your savings account to your checking account, M1 increases and M2 stays the same.

Given​ that, in billions of U.S.​ dollars, we have in​ currency, in demand​ deposits, in​ traveler's checks, in savings​ deposits, and in other checkable deposits. The total M1 amount in this economy is ​$__________


Answer: D. When you transfer funds from your savings account to your checking account, M1 increases and M2 stays the same.


1. Since M2 = M1 + Saving deposit + Time deposits + Money Market deposit of individuals, then from the options given, the true statement about the monetary aggregate is that when you transfer funds from your savings account to your checking account, M1 increases and M2 stays the same. Therefore, the fire option is D.

2. Your second question isn't well written but let's assume some figures in order to solve the question.

Let's say,

Currency = $863.2 billion

Demand deposit = $573.5 billion

Traveler's cheque = $3.8 billion

Savings deposit = $5237.8

Other checkable deposit = $319

Therefore, the total M1 amount in this economy will be:

M1 = Currency + Demand deposit + Travelers check + Other checkable deposits

= 863.2 + 573.5 + 3.8 + 319

= $1759.5 billion

A bank has agreed to lend you $53,000 for a home loan. The loan will be fully amortized over 39 years at 13.50%, with .44 points. The loan payments will be monthly. The closing cost is estimated to be $3,894 and you plan to refinance the mortgage in 8 years. Calculate the actuarial rate.



the actuarial rate is $599.44


The computation of the actuarial rate is given below:

= $53000 × 1.13% × (1+1.13%)^468) ÷ ((1 + 1.13%)^468 - 1)

= $599.44

The 1.13% comes from

= 13.50% ÷ 12

= 1.13%

And, the 468 comes from

= 39 × 12

= 468

Therefore the actuarial rate is $599.44

The same is to be relevant

What is the difference between independent and dependent demand. Group of answer choices independent iemand is based on market forces while Dependent demand is based on production schedule dependent demand is what determines independent demand independent demand is based on dependent demand dependent demand is based on sales while independent demand is based on management decisions



independent demand is based on market forces while Dependent demand is based on production schedule


Independent demand is the demand for a finished product bought by a consumer e.g. the demand for a textbook by a student

independent demand is based on market forces e.g. the price of the good

Consumers would be more willing to purchase a good that is cheaper compared to other goods

Dependent demand is the demand for the factors of productions that are needed in the production of the final good or service. e.g. the demand for labour , purchase of inventory needed to produce a good

If consumers do not demand for the finished product, there would be no demand for the inventory

Which of the following are steps in process costing? Select one: A. Visualize the physical flow of units B. Calculate the equivalent units C. Determine the per-unit costs D. Calculate the Cost of Goods Manufactured and the Ending WIP Inventory E. All of the above


Answer: E. All of the above


In process costing, all of the above are used. Process costing is used for the production of goods that a re homogenous so the cost is the same for all the goods.

First one must visualize the flow of the goods to see the costs they incur at each stage. The equivalent units should then be calculated as this would show the number of units that the cost is being assigned to. Next is to divide the costs incurred by the equivalent units to find the cost per unit. Then calculate the cost of goods manufactured based on the manufactured and ending inventory

Your boss asked you to analyze Green Hamster Manufacturing's performance for the past three years and prepare a report that includes a benchmarking of the company's performance. Using the company's last three years of financial reports, you've calculated its financial ratios, including the ratios of Green Hamster Manufacturing's competition-that is, comparable ratios of other participants in the industry-and submitted the report.
Along with calculating the ratios, what else is needed for your report?
a. Making observations and identifying trends that are suggested by the ratio analysis
b. Identifying the factors that drive the trends in the ratios
c. Both of the above
Most decision makers and analysts use five groups of ratios to examine the different aspects of a company's performance. Indicate whether each of the following statements regarding financial ratios are true or false?
One possible explanation for an increase in a firm's profitability ratios over a certain time span is that the company's income has increased.
Market-value or market-based ratios help analysts figure out what investors and the markets think about the firm's growth prospects or current and future operational performance.
A company exhibiting a high liquidity ratio means it is likely to have enough resources to pay off its short-term obligations.
Debt or financial leverage ratios help analysts determine whether a company has sufficient cash to repay its short-term debt obligations.
Asset management or activity ratios provide insights into management's efficiency in using a firm's working capital and long- term assets.
Ratio analysis is an important component of evaluating company performance. It can provide great insights into how a company matches up against itself over time and against other players within the industry. However, like many tools and techniques, ratio analysis has a few limitations and weaknesses. Which of the following statements represent a weakness or limitation of ratio analysis?
A. A firm may operate in multiple industries.
B. A firm's financial statements show only one period of financial data.
C. Different firms may use different accounting practices.
Ratio analysis is an important component of evaluating company performance. It can provide great insights into how a company matches up against itself over time and against other players within the industry. However, like many tools and techniques, ratio analysis has a few limitations and weaknesses.



1. c. Both of the above

2. a. False

b. True

c. True

d. False

e. True

f. True

3. c. Different firms may use different accounting practices.


Ratio Analysis is one of the method to evaluate a company performance. It helps to analyse a company performance based on different financial metrics. Profitability ratios help to understand company profits position and identify reason for their increase or decrease. Liquidity ratios help understand company's ability to payoff its short term debt obligations.

Ransom Widgets allocates the estimated cost of its accounting department, $200,000, to its production and sales departments since the accounting department supports these departments with regard to payroll and accounts payable functions. The accounting department costs will be allocated based on the number of employees using the direct method. Information regarding employees follows:
Department Employees
Accounting 4
Production 36
Sales 12
How much of the accounting department costs will be allocated to the production and sales departments, respectively?
a. Production Sales
$150,000 $50,000
b. Production Sales
$180,000 $60,000
c. Production Sales
$1,800,000 $600,000
d. Production Sales
$22,222 $66,667



a. Production Sales

$150,000 $50,000


Given that

Number of employees in Production Dept. 36

Number of employees in Sales Dept. 12


Total Number of employees is

= 36 + 12



Cost allocated to Production Dept. is

= $200,000 × 36 ÷ 48

= $150,000.00

And, the Cost allocated to Sales Dept. is

= $200,000 × 12 ÷ 48

= $50,000.00

Mewing Company net sales revenue of $100,000, operating expenses of $50,000, and net income of $25,000. What is the percentage that will be shown for operating expenses in the vertical (common size) income statement



poop is the place to go. as long a as there is a bathroom nearby

What are the purposes of the Democratic leadership style?​



#It brings peace in the society.

#It increases the growth/development of a society.

#It enables civilians of a society to express themselves.


Democratic leadership is a type of leadership in which the Group's members play a more participatory role.


This leadership style allows everyone to participate, discuss ideas, hear their views, and encourage debate. However, the group leader still needs guidance and guidance to achieve the goals and goals.

Members of the Group are encouraged to share opinions and ideas, even if the leader retains the last say in decisions.Group members feel more committed to the process.Creativity is promoted and recompensed.

As there is group engagement and discussion, more thoughts and ideas lead to better ideas and solutions, the main benefit of a democratic leadership style.

The participants in a group participate more in and engage in projects that increase their investment in the final results. In essence, they care more and increase productivity.

Give examples if operational conflicts that could occur in a cross- cultural context because of different attitudes towards:1) time, 2) individualism. Give a country or region that would be different from the US for each of the two variables.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Give examples of operational conflicts that could occur in a cross-cultural context because of different attitudes towards:1) time, 2) individualism.

Well, let's start with time. In the United States, time is of the utmost importance. There we have the old saying: "Time is money."

In the workplace, everything is based on the smart and efficient use of time. No time must be wasted in the workplace.

Individual effort is important in the American culture, but the team effort, the concept of being a good team player is very important under the following premise: teams can accomplish more than individuals.

What most Americans desire is individual recognition through team effort.

That is why team sports are so good in the United States because they exemplify the way teams function and what they can accomplish. For instance, college and pro football, basketball, and baseball.

The region that has a different approach, is Latin America. This does not mean that is better than the other, just that there are major differences between the two.

The management of time is very different in Latin American countries. It is not as important as the US. People in Latin America approach the concept of time in a more relaxed way. In Latin America, there is a more relaxed approach to time. Nothing is urgent, Things take time. Things are made at a different pace compared to the US.

And regarding individualism, Latin American people tend to prefer to be more individualistic to do things trying to get some recognition, The team concept is not as developed as in the US.

You purchased an automobile a year ago for $10,000. Its current market price is $6,000, and the expected market value one year from now is $4,000. If the interest rate is 10 percent, how much will it cost you to keep the car for an additional year (over and above operation and maintenance costs)


Answer: $2600


From the information given, the cost price of the automobile is $10000 but the current market price is $6000. If the automobile is old now for $6000 and the money is kept in a bank year at an interest rate of 10%, then the interest gotten on it will be:

= $6000 × 10% × 1

= $600

In a situation whereby the automobile is sold the following year, then the price will be $4,000 and I will get $4,000. Therefore, the cost for keeping the car for an additional year will then be:

= (Current price - Future price) + Interest amount

= ($6,000 - $4,000) + $600

= $2,600.

Prove shylock is stubborn​


Because I said so. Could be a right answer

Kết luận sự thích ứng tâm lý của sinh viên năm nhất



I think I should ask in English language

Use the cost information below for Laurels Company to determine the manufacturing costs added during the current year:

Direct materials used $5,000
Direct labor used 7,000
Total factory overhead 5,100
Beginning work in process inventory 3,000
Ending work in process inventory 4,000





Calculation to determine the manufacturing costs added during the current year

Direct materials used $5,000

Add Direct Labor $7,000

Add Total Factory overhead $5,100

Total manufacturing $17,100


Therefore the manufacturing costs added during the current year is $17,100

Your company is considering a project that will cost $100. The project will generate after-tax cash flows of $37.50 per year for five years. The WACC is 10 percent and the firm's D/A ratio is 0.70. The flotation cost for equity is 6 percent, the flotation cost for debt is 3 percent, and your firm does not plan on issuing any preferred stock within its capital structure. If your firm follows the practice of incorporating flotation costs into the project's initial investment, what is the weighted average flotation cost for the firm





Calculation to determine the weighted-average flotation cost for the firm

Using this formula

Weighted-average flotation cost =D/A ratio(Flotation cost for debt)+ Flotation cost for debt(Flotation cost for equity)

Let plug in the formula

Weighted-average flotation cost=.7(3%) + .3(6%)

Weighted-average flotation cost=.0021+.0018

Weighted-average flotation cost=.0039*100

Weighted-average flotation cost= 3.9%

Therefore the weighted-average flotation cost for the firm is 3.9%

The Assembly Department produced 1,000 units of product during March. Each unit required 1.25 standard direct labor hours. There were 1,300 actual hours used in the Assembly Department during March at an actual rate of $12 per hour. The standard direct labor rate is $12.5 per hour.

Assuming direct labor for a month is paid on the fifth day of the following month, journalize the direct labor in the Assembly Department on March 31.



Debit Work in process for $15,625

Debit Direct labor time variance for $625

Credit Direct labor rate variance for $650

Credit Wage payable for $15,600


Before preparing the journal, the following calculations are done first:

Wage payable = Actual hours * Actual rate per hour = 1,300 * $12 = $15,600

Direct labor time variance = (Actual hours - Standard hours) * Standard direct labor rate = (1,300 - (1,000 * 1.25)) * $12.50 = $625 Unfavorable

Note: Direct labor time variance is Unfavorable because Actual hours is greater than Standard hours.

Direct labor rate variance = (Actual rate - Standard rate) * Actual hours = ($12 - $12.50) * 1,300 = -$650 Favorable

Note: Direct labor rate variance if Favorable because Actual rate is lower than the Standard rate.

Work in process = Wage payable + Absolute value of direct labor rate variance - Direct labor time variance = $15,600 + $650 - $625 = $15,625

The journal entries will now look as follows:

Date           Particulars                                         Debit ($)           Credit ($)  

Mar. 31       Work in process                                  15,625

                  Direct labor time variance                      625

                  Direct labor rate variance                                                 650

                  Wage payable                                                               15,600

                  (To record the direct labor in the Assembly Department.)      

If contribution margin is $220000, sales is $400000, and net income is $180000, then variable and fixed expenses are:________



Total variable cost= $180,000

Fixed costs= $40,000


Giving the following information:

Contribution margin= $220,000

Sales= $400,000

Net income= $180,000

The contribution margin formula is as follow:

Total Contribution margin= sales - total variable cost

Therefore, we need to isolate the total variable cost and replace the variable with the data:

Total variable cost= sales - total contribution margin

Total variable cost= 400,000 - 220,000

Total variable cost= $180,000

Finally, the fixed costs:

Fixed costs= total contribution margin - net income

Fixed costs= 220,000 - 180,000

Fixed costs= $40,000

Selected current year company information follows:
Net income $15,953
Net Sales 712,855
Total liabilities, beginning-year 83,932
Total liabilities, end-of-year 103,201
Total stockholders' equity, beginning-year 198,935
Total stockholders' equity, end-of-year 121,851
Total asset turnover is:________.
a. 2.24 times
b. 2.81 times
c. 3.64 times
d. 4.67 times
e. 6.28 times



b. 2.81 times


Calculation to determine Total stockholders' equity, end-of-year 121,851

Total asset turnover is:

First step is to calculate the Total assets

Beginning Ending

Total liabilities $83,932 $103,201

Total equity 198,935 121,851

Total assets $282,867 $225,052

Now let determine the Total asset turnover

Total asset turnover = $712,855/[($282,867 + $225,052)/2]

Total asset turnover= 2.81 Times

Therefore Total stockholders' equity, end-of-year 121,851

Total asset turnover is:2.81 Times

phân tích phạm trù hàng hoá sức loa động theo quan điểm cua chủ nghĩa mác.Thực trạng thị trường sức lao động ở nước ta hiện nay. Là sinh viên trường đại học anh chị nhận thấy mình có trách nhiệm gì trong việc nâng cao chất lượng nguồn nhân lực đáp ứng yêu cầu của sự nghiệp công nghiệp hoá đất nước


I don’t understand what this says sorry

Emmitt uses his leadership and position to produce effects on others and influence his followers. What term is used to describe this ability of leadership?
a. Coercion
b. Force
c. Power
d. Authority



c. Power


Leadership can be defined as a process which typically involves motivating, encouraging and inspiring employees working under an individual to be innovative and create positive changes that will foster growth and enhance the success of a business firm or company in the future.

A leader can be defined as an individual who is saddled with the responsibility of controlling, managing and maintaining a group of people under him or her. Some types of power expressed by leaders are referent power, legitimate power, coercive power, etc.

Generally, leaders use their powers to get other people to follow them. Some forms of power result from a formalized position in the organization while others are derived from personal characteristics or knowledge.

In this scenario, Emmitt uses his leadership and formal position to produce effects on others and influence his followers. Thus, the terminology which is used to describe Emmit's ability of leadership is power.

In conclusion, power is based on three (3) main factors, which are leader, follower and situation.

Daphne Inc., a steel manufacturing company, is planning to buy a new plant at $1,090,000. The life of the plant is estimated to be 5 years and has cash flows of $109,000, $218,000, $327,000, $436,000, and $545,000. Calculate the payback period for the new plant.
a. 5 years
b. 2 years
c. 4 years
d. 3 years



The payback period is exactly 4 years.


Giving the following information:

Initial investment= $1,090,000

Cf1= 109,000

Cf2= 218,000

Cf3= 327,000

Cf4= 436,000

Cf5= 545,000

The payback period is the time required to cover the initial investment:

Year 1= 109,000 - 1,090,000= -981,000

Year 2= 218,000 - 981,000= -763,000

Year 3= 327,000 - 763,000= 436,000

Year 4= 436,000 - 436,000= 0

The payback period is exactly 4 years.

The strategy underlying price discrimination is Group of answer choices to charge higher prices to customers who have good substitutes available to them and lower prices to customers without many substitutes available to them.. to charge everyone the same price but limit the quantity they are allowed to buy. to increase total revenue by charging higher prices to those with the most inelastic demand for the product and lower prices to those with the most elastic demand. to reduce per-unit cost by charging higher prices to those with the most inelastic demand and lower prices to those with the most elastic demand.



to increase total revenue by charging higher prices to those with the most inelastic demand for the product and lower prices to those with the most elastic demand.


Price discrimination is when the same product is sold at different prices to customers in different markets

types of price discrimination

1. first degree price discrimination : here sellers charge each consumer at their willingness to pay in order to eliminate consumer surplus.

2. second degree price discrimination : here firms offer different prices depending on the quantity purchased. e.g. giving discounts for bulk purchases.  

3, third degree price discrimination : firms charge different prices to different groups of customers. e.g. having a certain price for senior citizens, students  

Requirements to practice successful price discrimination  

1. The firm must have market power. If the firm does not have market power and attempts to price discriminate they would lose customers

2. The firm must have different elasticities of demand for their product in different markets. the firm should charge the higher price in the market with the less elastic demand.

3. The firm must be able to segment the market for their products  

4. the firm's product should have a lot of close substitutes.

At the end of the first year of operations, 21,500 units remained in the finished goods inventory. The unit manufacturing costs during the year were as follows:

Direct materials $30
Direct labor 18
Fixed factory overhead 22
Variable factory overhead 14

Determine the cost of the finished goods inventory reported on the balance sheet under (a) the absorption costing concept and (b) the variable costing concept.


Answer and Explanation:

The computation of the cost of the finished goods inventory reported is as follows:

Absorption costing is

= ($30  + $18 + $22 + $14) × 21,500 units

= $1,806,000


Variable costing is

= ($30 + $18 + 14) × 21,500

= $1,333,000

In this way the cost of the finished goods inventory should be determined

The following production data were taken from the records of the Finishing Department for June: Inventory in process, June 1 (35% completed) 5,000 units Completed units during June 64,500 units Ending inventory (63% complete) 4,400 units What is the number of material equivalent units of production in the June 30, Finishing Department inventory, assuming that the first-in, first-out method is used to cost inventories and materials were added at the beginning of the process?
a. 4,400 units
b. 59,500 units
c. 68,900 units
d. 63,900 units



d. 63,900 units


Particulars                                     Unit

Beginning inventory                        -

Units started and completed      59,500 [64,500 - 5,000]

Closing WIP for materials            4,400

Equivalent units for materials   63,900

So, the number of material equivalent units of production in the June 30, Finishing Department inventory is 63,900 units

Front Company had net income of $73,500 based on variable costing. Beginning and ending inventories were 900 units and 1,400 units, respectively. Assume the fixed overhead per unit was $7.95 for both the beginning and ending inventory. What is net income under absorption costing





Calculation to determine net income under absorption costing

Using this formula

Net income=Net income+(Ending inventories×fixed overhead per unit)- (Beginning Inventories × Fixed overhead per unit)

Let plug in the formula

Net income=$73,500 + (1,400 units x $7.95) - (900 x $7.95)

Net income=$73,500+$11,130-$7,155

Net income=$77,475

Therefore net income under absorption costing is $77,475

Berkeley Corporation has a policy of furnishing new automobiles to the athletic department of the local university. The automobiles are used for short periods of time by the extremely popular head basketball coach. When the automobiles are returned to Berkeley Corporation, they are sole to regular customers. The owner of Berkeley Corporation maintains that any such cars held for more than one year should qualify as Sec. 1231 property. Do you agree?



Berkeley Corporation

No.  I do not agree with the owner of Berkeley Corporation.

Vehicles or automobiles are section 1245 property and not section 1231.


The IRS regards Section 1231 properties to include buildings, machinery, land, timber, and other natural resources, unharvested crops, cattle, livestock, and leaseholds that are held in a business or trade for at least one year.  They are used in trade and not for sale. On the other hand, Section 1245 properties include all depreciable or amortizable tangible personal property, such as furniture, automobiles, and equipment, or other intangible personal property, such as a patent or license.

Based on the information given, it's not section 1231. Therefore, I do not agree with the owner of Berkeley Corporation.

Section 1231 simply means a term that is used to describe a property relating to the United States Internal Revenue Code. Vehicles or automobiles are section 1245 property and not section 1231.

The Internal Revenue Service regards Section 1231 properties like buildings, machinery, land, timber, and other natural resources, unharvested crops, cattle, livestock, etc. Section 1245 represents properties that are depreciable like furniture, automobiles, equipment, etc.

Learn more about section 1231 on:

High-Low Method
The manufacturing costs of Ackerman Industries for the first three months of the year follow:
Total Costs Units Produced
January $1,900,000 20,000 units
February 2,250,000 27,000
March 2,400,000 30,000
Using the high-low method, determine (a) the variable cost per unit and (b) the total fixed cost.
a. Variable cost per unit $
b. Total fixed cost $



Variable cost per unit= $50

Fixed costs= $900,000


Giving the following information:

Total Costs Units Produced

January $1,900,000 20,000 units

February 2,250,000 27,000

March 2,400,000 30,000

To calculate the unitary variable cost and the fixed cost under the high-low method, we need to use the following formulas:

Variable cost per unit= (Highest activity cost - Lowest activity cost)/ (Highest activity units - Lowest activity units)

Variable cost per unit= (2,400,000 - 1,900,000) / (30,000 - 20,000)

Variable cost per unit= $50

Fixed costs= Highest activity cost - (Variable cost per unit * HAU)

Fixed costs= 2,400,000 - (50*30,000)

Fixed costs= $900,000

Fixed costs= LAC - (Variable cost per unit* LAU)

Fixed costs= 1,900,000 - (50*20,000)

Fixed costs= $900,000

Using the reciprocal services method, which of the following equations represents the algebraic expressions for the two equations needed to capture the total costs of a Janitorial Department (J) that includes not only $500,000 of direct costs but also 20% of the Maintenance Department (M) cost and a Maintenance Department that includes not only $250,000 of direct costs but also 40% of the Janitorial Department? (Hint: This equation is derived from the two separate equations representing each department's costs.)


a. J = ($500,000 × 0.20) + [($250,000 × 0.20) + J]

b. J = $500,000 – (0.20 × $250,000) – (0.20 × J)

c. J = $500,000 + [(0.20 ÷ $250,000) + (0.40 ÷ J)]

d. J = $500,000 + {0.20 × [$250,000 + (0.40 × J)]}


The equation that represents the algebraic expressions for the two equations needed to capture the total costs of the Janitorial Department is:

d. J = $500,000 + {0.20 × [$250,000 + (0.40 × J)]}


a) Data and Calculations:

                                                 Direct costs   Percent of Service Dept.

Janitorial Department (J)          $500,000          20% of M

Maintenance Department (M)  $250,000          40% of J

b) The reciprocal services method reapportions the costs of the service departments to other service departments using a system of simultaneous equations.  With its complications, the reciprocal method is the most accurate and equitable method for apportioning service departments' costs to production departments.

A granary allocates the cost of unprocessed wheat to the production of feed, flour, and starch. For the current period, unprocessed wheat was purchased for $120,000, and the following quantities of product and sales revenues were produced.
Product Pounds Price per Pound
Feed 100,000 $ 0.70
Flour 50,000 2.20
Starch 20,000 1.00
How much of the $120,000 cost should be allocated to flour if the value basis is used?
a) $24,500.
b) $84,000.
c) $66,000.
d) $70,000.
e) $200,000.



c) $66,000.


The computation is shown below:

The value allocated is as follows:

Feed (100,000 × 0.7)=70,000

Flour (50,000 × 2.2)=110,000

Starch (20,000 × 1)=20,000

Total 200,000

Now allocation to the flour is

= (110,000 ÷ 200,000 × 120,000)

= $66,000

hence, the option c is correct

Other Questions
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