Hawaii is the most recent state added to the United a states and it continues to be a favorite vacation destination. Which of these BEST concluded the paragraph?


Answer 1


B) Hawaii is a beautiful state with a fascinating history.


Hawaii is the most recent state added to the United States and it continues to be a favorite vacation destination. (1) Hawaii officially became a state on August 21, 1959. (2) Before then, the international community recognized Hawaii as an independent kingdom. (3) My parents went on a honeymoon to Hawaii in the 1980s. (4) Although Europeans didn’t discover the island until the eighteenth century, scientists believe that the island’s earliest Polynesian settlers arrived around 300 B.C. (5) When British Captain James Cook journeyed to the islands in 1778, Kamehameha was the ruling monarch. (6) The monarchy continued to rule Hawaii for nearly a hundred years before sugar growers became angry with the government. (7) They overthrew the sitting queen. (8) Hawaii existed as a republic for several years before the United States annexed it. (9) When Hawaii finally became a state, the island’s people received full citizenship. Which of these BEST concludes the paragraph? A) The word Hawaii means "new homeland." B) Hawaii is a beautiful state with a fascinating history. C) Today, Hawaii is one of the top vacation spots for tourists from around the world. D) Queen Liliuokalani eventually surrendered her throne to the United States government.

Related Questions

Ms Alvarez wants to determine the seventh graders'
preferences for the location of the end-of-year field
trip. Which of the samples is representative of the
a) all students in Ms. Alvarez's fifth-period class
b) all students in Ms. Alvarez's advisory group
c) every third student from an alphabetical list of all
students in the entire school district
d) every fifth student from an alphabetical list of all
seventh graders in the school



The answer is:


B) All students in Ms. Alvarez's advisory group.


It is because the children of the advisory group have already been selected, which means that it is up to them to decide.

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

3. Read this fictional excerpt from a newspaper article about a war. Based on this excerpt, what
additional information about the writer's historical context would help in analyzing the passage?
What questions would this additional information answer? (4 points)


Answer and Explanation:

The author could give the date on which the war began and the date on which the ceasefire was determined. In addition, the author could present the dates that the meetings between the two countries were determined and the terms discussed. This would allow the reader to answer questions about whether this war is recent and what the problems were between the two countries.

Furthermore, the author could present the social and economic problems that the citizens of Utopia are going through. This would allow the reader to answer the question about what the citizens' claims are.

What are two ways we know about classical Greek Theatre today?



The implementation of special effects and seating arrangements, along with the link between Greek comedies and tragedies with modern classics.  


Which sentence in the passage most clearly uses parallelism?
(1) The sun was not the farmers' friend today. (2) It came
to oppress, to punish, to scorch. (3) Each time the tillers of
the soil looked up, the sun glared back. (4) It invited them
into a staring contest it knew it would win, and the farmers
that day could never forget the invitation was there.
A. 2
B. 4
C. 3
O D. 1


The correct answer is 2. It came to oppress, to punish, to scorch.


Parallelism is a literary figure that consists of the repetition of the same structure several times in the same sentence, making small changes to it. According to the above, the sentence of the passage that uses parallelism is 2. "It came to oppress, to punish, to scorch" because it repeats the word "to" several times and changes the verb that follows it.

A semicolon can replace what part of speech?
A. Articles
B. Verbs
C. Conjunctions
D. Prepositions





For example, if we have a run-on sentence can be fixed by using a conjunction or a semicolon.

-using a conjunction

Hanna enjoys playing tennis, so she goes to the tennis court every weekend.  

-using a semicolon

Hanna enjoys playing tennis; she goes to the tennis court every weekend.

My boss ___ John for lunch on Sunday to discuss the new product. (meet) *
A. meets
B. is meeting
C. met
D. was meeting



The answer is, (is meeting)


this is the answer


its B

met and was meeting are pass tens

and meets sounds like multiple times but its one sunday

What does it mean bedside baptist????


Also known as Pillow Presbyterian, this church is one that you attend in your dreams. Members of Bedside Baptist may be labeled as heathens by members of other denominations.

Suppose, you are a student of 2nd semester, CSE. Your batch want to arrange an initiation ceremony for the freshers of the department. Now, write an application to the proper authority seeking permission to arrange this ceremony by justifying your stance.



Application for seeking permission to arrange an initiation ceremony for the department's freshers.





ABC College

12 March 2014

Subject: Permission to arrange an initiation ceremony for the department's freshers.

Respected Sir,

With the start of the new session, we, the department of CSE would like to organize the annual initiation ceremony for the new students. And for that, we would like to ask for your permission to allow us to hold the event.

So, it is our humble request that you please kindly allow us to organize the said event for the freshers.

Thanking you.



President of the Student Union.

CSE Dept.

20 points options below

when my dads words truly sunk

When I gathered the courage to try beets for the first time

And I remember the moment the clearly now as the day it happened

At Atwood’s cafe when I sat at a table for two near the door


B make the most sense

A debate on the success of students through determination



Determination is the capacity that certain people have to, through persistence and the will to obtain positive results, not give up their will to succeed and persist until they achieve their objectives. In this sense, determination is essential so that students, especially university students, can achieve the objective of obtaining their diploma despite the inconveniences that may eventually arise in the course of their student career.

My brothers --- (live) in Muscat but they work in Salalah​



can't understand your question

Landscape Archaeology is important because:


The correct answer is A. it helps us to understand how prehistoric people landscape their homes


The archeology of the archaeological landscape is a set of theoretical concepts focused on analyzing the relationship of ancient communities with the space that surrounded them, appropriating it, transforming it with their work, and endowing it with different cultural meanings. An example of this is the construction of cities, the development of crops in different forms, and the appropriation of resources such as rivers. So the answer is A.

What’s the answer and an explication because I’m stuck


a and i dOne survey found that 38 percent of renters have called it quits with someone while sharing a place with their partner, yet continued to live together anyway (61 percent stayed put for a month or more, and 13 percent stayed for up to a year).ont know how to ecplication its hard Explanation:

please HELP in my homework PLEASE HELP ​



reject, accept knust they know everything




B, C, D


Why the medical bills are so high that people can’t even afford to pay them?



The introduction of new, innovative healthcare technology can lead to better, more expensive procedures and products. The complexity of the U.S. healthcare system can lead to administrative waste in the insurance and provider payment systems.


From: https://www.pgpf.org/blog/2020/04/why-are-americans-paying-more-for-healthcare


Because its one BIG scam for hospitals and insurence companies to make more money off of use then they already do.


Discuss the influence of fandom culture. Short essay



fandom culture is both good and bad


fandom culture had many pros and con that come along with it but so does most things in life.

Some pros to fandom culture are : They are like a tight group community of people who can make friends by the starter of that they both have a relatable topic - you . Another pro is that if you know anything will happen to you, you will have a group of people who look up to you to fall back on. With having a large fandom it can boost who sees you and you may be pushed further into the media. The final pro to fandom culture is that they feel safe and like you are their for them and they can also relate to you on a certain level.

Some cons to fandom culture are: You may be pushed so far into the spotlight that your life while just be followed to every minor detail. You also have the problem of the toxic fans theses are people who claim to be fans but are actually just there to cause chaos among  the people who support you.

Also the problem of stalkers- people who will follow you until you reach the point of unsafety these people will do anything to practically make you life a living hell.Final con to all of this is the new and uprising cancel culture this is when people dig up past mistakes that you have made and use it against you now , if you do not have a apology up quicker than the speed of sound they will ruin you life.

I see no problem with fandom culture unless it gets to a point of toxicity were u are in harms way or mentally hurt (a member of the dsmp fandom)

Select the correct answer. Ibrahim and his team are preparing a presentation about operating heavy machinery at a warehouse. Which technique is best for them deliver an effective presentation? A. standing behind the podium B. rehearsing the presentation C. relying on visual aids D. speaking in a loud tone


Answer: B. Rehearsing the presentation.

Explanation: You should rehearse so it is easier to remember the presentation and you won't forget the words and have to look at notes. This way you could also pay attention to the people you are presenting to.

19.-20.What two agents
Or natural forces
cause this rock formation to look like this?






they... a party at the moment
a. is having b. have c.has d. are having



D-are having a party at the moment

I have a hard time with this and could use some help


Answer:     9. is A.         10. is J.


9.    Both sentences follow the S - LV- ADJ sentence pattern.

10.   The sentences follow the same sentence pattern.

1. _________ Which two periods of literature are characterized by marked "disillusionment?"

a. "The Jazz Age" and Contemporary

b. Native Americans and Puritanism

c. Contemporary and Postmodern

d. Realism and Modernism



d. Realism and Modernism


The theme of disillusionment is most talked about in the Modernism and Realism era, during the first part of the 20th century, which included the two world wars and the great depression, reflecting the disappointment of the US population.

Thus, the correct answer is given by option d.

As a qualified Electrical Engineer who Just
into a new community, write a letter
to the head of power distribution company
nearest to you state the challenges of power in
your Community and suggest the possible



Coming to edit


In "The Nose" by Nikolai Gogol, what evidence from the text suggests that
Kovaloff has not learned anything from the experience of losing his nose?



his appereance is very important to him


His appearance is very important to him

what are the classes of airlines?​


There are 4 cabin classes offered on most airlines: economy, premium economy, business, and first class.

How does the topic of belonging affect you? Check all
that apply.
I always feel like I belong.
I belong to many different groups.
Sometimes I don't feel like I belong.
I have a hard time fitting in.
Belonging is very important to me
I am lonely when I don't feel like I belong.
I don't want to be like everyone else.



it depends on who YOU are and what your personality is.

When writing dialogue it is important to make sure that all the characters sound somewhat different based on their individuality list and briefly describe the three main questions you can ask as you step into each character shoes and right there dialogue






In the poem "Girl powering her neck" Which statement best compares the use of imagery and color in the poem and artwork to portray the woman



The artwork suggests a woman in her home, while the poem’s figurative language connects her to nature.


How does a simile most clearly contribute to the tone of this poem The Explorer.​



The simile like the popping of forn creates an energetic tone because popcorn popping brings up a mentel image of quick movement


Help me please I need help with this story



what is the story about.

please take a picture of the story

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