he complains about being treated unfairly .
-> Don't let


Answer 1


what do you want to do in this question

Answer 2
Don’t let it bother you just move on.

Related Questions

In Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone is aware of the deadly consequences of burying her brother Polyneices against the king’s order. Yet she goes forward with it anyway because she can’t bear to let her brother's corpse rot and serve as food for scavenging birds. What theme of the play does her action reflect?


Answer: civil law versus morality


The theme of the play that is reflected by the action of Antigone is civil law versus morality.

Morality has to do with the principles regarding distinction between doing what is right and doing what is wrong. In this case, the fact that Antigone went against the order of the king and buried her brother as she couldn't bear seeing the corpse of her brother rot.

This explains the theme civil law versus morality.

Question 5 of 5
How did Frederick Douglass feel about leaving the plantation and going to
O A. He had no regrets and was excited.
B. He thought no place could be as good as the Great House,
C. He was sad to leave his friends and the only life he knew.
D. He worried that the new place would be worse.


Frederick Douglass, when leaving the plantation to Baltimore, had no regrets and was excited, as stated in option A and further explained below.

Who was Frederick Douglass?

Frederick Douglass was a former slave, author, and abolitionist born in 1818. His famous autobiography "The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass" helped influence the abolitionist movement. Douglass learned how to read and write, which opened a new world of possibilities to him that, unfortunately, was not yet achievable to other slaves and former slaves.

We can choose option A as the correct answer for this question. When the time came for Douglass to leave the plantation to Baltimore, he was excited and had no regrets. He was sent to live there in Hugh Auld's house.

Learn more about Frederick Douglass here:



Read these sentences from the excerpt:

What he most dreaded, that I most desired. What he most loved, that I most hated. That which to him was a great evil, to be carefully shunned, was to me a great good, to be diligently sought; and the argument which he so warmly urged, against my learning to read, only served to inspire me with a desire and determination to learn.

Which statement best explains why the author uses parallel structure to advance his purpose?

a . to illustrate the need for the slaves and slave owners to come together to end slavery

b . to stress the author's belief that reading and writing are important skills for gaining freedom

c . to show how the author disagrees with slave owners about the issue of slavery

d .to provide more details that support the claim that reading and writing are necessary for freedom



to stress the authors belief that reading and writing are important skills for gaining freedom


The author was talking with rythm and later started talking of reading and writing instead of slaves

The horse says. ' My mother and an old horse ......seemed to know all about it.' What was it that they knew about? How did they know?​



Black Beauty begins by describing his earliest memories. He fondly remembers the pleasant meadow and pond of his young days, under the care of his mother and a kind master. Gradually, Black Beauty matured from drinking mother's milk to eating grass, and with that change came more independence.

Hope it helps you

fill in the blanks with appropriate reflexive or M30 pronounce mation which is reflexive and which is emphatic . The principal read out the notice for the tuition contest _________​



The principal read out the notice for the tuition contest himself.


Reflexive pronouns are words ending in -self or -selves that are used when the subject and the object of a sentence are the same. They can act as either objects or indirect objects. Therefore, himself is a reflexive pronoun.

The search for gold and silver attracted miners and their suppliers to California in 1849. Which is the subject of the sentence?



The search for gold and silver


That is the complete subject.  The simple subject would be 'the search'


The correct answer is: Search


The subject of the sentence is Search because in search of gold and silver miners are attracted towards mines. So the main subject is Search.


How does this excerpt develop the central idea that Elizabeth Van Lew helped expand the role of women in society? Check all that apply.



A: It states how Van Lew acted as an important leader and manager at a time when women were generally discouraged from taking on those roles


B: It shows that Van Lew was dedicated to a cause outside of her family and worked hard for her beliefs.



make a short story
nonsense answer:report
use this nouns to make a short story.
pls help me I will mark brainlest​


one day a policeman walked past a restaurant, he looked inside to see a chef making a blueberry cake. “the manager has done a fine job of making this establishment!” said the officer. he wanted to be the first costumer! as he walks in a shelf falls down on his head. BOOM! a woman asks if he’s ok and helps him rise. she bring him to a table and gives him a free cherry pastry. his police friend asks him where he was at over the radio. as he responded with “i’m with a friend.” as he looks over at the woman. as he eats the pastry she asks, “would you like to know the recipe for this cherry pastry?” and as he responds a person outside yells. “AHHHH a thief!! they stole my purse!!” that’s when the officer says “gotta run, i’ll catch you later.”


I went to see my friend, who works as a manager at a local restaurant. As I walked in, she led me to an empty table by the window. There was a person sitting at the counter. The woman customer was finishing up a cherry topped cake. I was watching the chef go to a wooden shelf and get some freshly baked muffins. The smell reminded me of my Mom's blueberry muffins recipe. As I was drinking my tea, I looked out the window and saw a policeman. He had just caught a thief robbing an old woman's purse. As I finish up my tea, I can't stop thinking about the sights, the sounds, and the smells.

Where are we in this scene and what kinds of details does Steinbeck use to painta picture of the setting?



Sample Response: In this scene we are in the car with Henry and Elisa driving down a dirt road by a river. The car bounces and lots of animals are seen in motion, all adding to the dynamic feeling of action and change surrounding the characters.


You are a historian studying Britain. You believe that a rise in the average British citizen’s income between 1800 and 1850 can be linked to a rise in literacy. You have many sources of data from a town in Britain covering that period. Which four types of data would you study to investigate this theory?
the amount of wheat produced compared to barley and millet
the average cost of a home
the number of inns and pubs in the town
the number of booksellers and libraries in the town
the number of people who emigrated from that town to the United States
the number of people who can sign their own marriage licenses and wills
the number of people coming to the town for employment
the number of people who died of the disease tuberculosis


Answer: The average cost of a home

The number of booksellers and libraries in town

The number of people who sign their own marriage licence and will

The Number of people coming to town for employment


The types of data that would be studied to investigate the link between literacy levels and increase in income will be:

• The average cost of a home

• The number of booksellers and libraries in town

• The number of people who sign their own marriage licence and will

• The number of people coming to town for employment

It should be noted that options such as the number of people who died of the disease tuberculosis, amount of wheat produced etc aren't related to the question.

Write a heading telling how each group of words is alike. Then write a meaning for each word.



1.-state of being-joyful

2.-can be done-sadly

3.in a way -washable

4.-a person who acts as-writer


I think this is what the question is asking

( sorry if its not)

What crime did Kim Ima's father commit to be put in a World War II American concentration camp?




Nothing! No crime.

It is one of the black marks of both the United States and Canada the people living on the west coast were deported to the interior of British Columbia and California. I don't know if anyone in the United States argued that it was unconstitutional, but the CCF party (now the New Democrats) did in Canada. You can't find a Japanese person in the interior of BC that doesn't vote NDP when the elections come around.

It is an utter nightmare to read about how the constitution was ignored. Why people who were citizens were deprived of their rights.

Answer please!!!

2. What does it mean to present a quotation in blocked text?

1) to double space before and after the quotation and single within, using full justification

2) to hide sensitive or censored material in the quotation with black marks

3) to separate the quotation from introductory text by skipping a line space and indenting

4) to follow the introduction with single spaced text for the duration of the quotation



to separate the quotation from introductory text by skipping a line space and indenting


A block quotation is a quotation set apart from the other text in the paragraph as its own block of text


3)  to separate the quotation from introductory text by skipping a line space and indenting


to separate the quotation from introductory text by skipping a line space and indenting means to present a quotation in blocked text.

I need help with these questions! I’ll give brainliest



3 -a , 4- i don't know, 5-a, 6- c

Question 3:
Answer is D - with suspicion, because she thinks Anne might be overstating her feelings.

Question 4:
Answer - “Does that mean you really LOVE it? Or that you merely like the looks of it? The girls nowadays indulge in such exaggerated statements that one never can tell what they DO mean…”

Question 5:
Answer is C - Miss Patty and Miss Maria Spofford act in very similar ways (i think).

Question 6:
Answer is D - “mirror”

Hope it helped (:

"The impecunious man had to dig through the trash for food." Using context clues, what does “impecunious" mean?
O A. An adjective meaning lacking money for necessities
OB. A noun meaning a person in poverty
OC. A noun meaning a dirty person
D. An adjective meaning filthy



The correct answer is:


The answer is option A I am very sure

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

Though you obtained very good grades at the BECE none of the schools u offened admission. Write a letter to your district Director of Education about this unfair treatment and request that something is done about it



Letter to the Director of Education about the unfair treatment given to me by the schools in the district.


ABC Apartments

XYZ street



The Director of Education


12 August 2014

Respected Sir,

I would like to bring to your kind attention the unfair treatment given to me by the different schools in the district.

Even after obtaining very good grades at the BECE, I have been denied admission in all of the schools while some gave me the excuse of no seats available. As a legal citizen and a good pupil, I am entitled to get the same education as the other students, which has been denied to me. I have appealed to many of the school principals but hardly anyone has responded to my queries.

So, it is my request if you could please look into the matter and help me in my attempts to be admitted to one of the schools.

Thank you.



Please help me on this question



i guess the way sayyy ittt haha see what i did there.... anyways if this helped, check out my recent question plss


2. Instructions: Write a paragraph on the health benefits of dietary fiber. Synthesize the information in both of these sources (below) in your paragraph. Be sure to paraphrase or quote key information. Use at least one quote in your paragraph, and properly cite both quotes and paraphrases using MLA guidelines. Your response should use transitions to move between ideas, use specific details from the sources, maintain a formal style, and include a concluding statement. (15 points) Source A: "Understanding Your Fiber Needs" from the Fiber Farms Cereal Company's website



Maintain bowel health, lowers cholesterol levels and control blood sugar levels.


There are many health benefits of fibers in food such as helps to maintain bowel health, lowers cholesterol levels, control blood sugar levels, aids in achieving healthy weight and helps you live longer. The recommended quantity of total dietary fiber intake should be 25 to 30 grams per day. Lack of fiber can leads to unhealthy digestive system, which can cause both short and long-term health complications. Low-fiber diets also cause diseases like colon cancer, unhealthy cholesterol levels, and diverticulosis so fiber is very important for our healthy body.

1. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.
The Black Beauty
The first place that I can well remember was a large pleasant
meadow with a pond of clear water in it. Some shady trees
leaned over it, and rushes and water-lilies grew at the deep
end. Over the hedge on one side, we looked into a ploughed
field, and on the other, we looked over a gate at our master's
house, which stood by the roadside. At the top of the meadow
was a plantation of fir trees, and at the bottom a running brook
overhung by a steep bank. Whilst I was young, I lived upon my
mother's milk, as I could not eat grass. In the day time, I ran
by her side, and at night I lay down close by her. When it was
hot, we used to stand by the pond in the shade of the trees, and
when it was cold, we had a nice warm shed near the plantation
As soon as I was old enough to eat grass, my mother started
to go out to work in the day time, and come back in the
evening. There were six young colts in the meadow beside me,
all older than I was; some were nearly as large as grown-up
horses. I used to run with them and had great fun; we used
to gallop together round and round the field, as fast as we
could. Sometimes we had a rather rough play, for they would
frequently bite and kick as well as gallop.
I wish you to pay attention to what I am going to say to
you. The colts who live here are very good colts; but they are cart-horse colts, and of course they have not learned manners
You have been well bred and are well born; your father has a
great name in these parts, and your grandfather won the cup
two years at the Newmarket races; your grandmother had the
sweetest temper of any horse I ever knew, and I think you have
never seen me kick or bite. I hope you will grow up gentle and
good, and never learn bad ways do your work with a good
will lift your feet up well when you trot, and never bite or kick
even in play
Thave never forgotten my mother's advice, I knew she was a
wise old horse, and our master thought a great deal of her. Her
name was Duchess, but he often called her Pet. Our master
was a good kind man. He gave us good food, good lodging
and kind words; he spoke as kindly to us as he did to his little
children: we all were fond of him, and my mother loved him
very much1. Who do you think is the narrator in the passage a horse
a man?
2. What was the first place that the narrator remembered?
3. How did the narrator spend his/her time with his/her
4. How many colts were there in the meadow including the



not sure sorry



I request only the experts can contact. Please see the work to be done. Its very urgent. I will give you the review of related literature. 1. Make the Sentences in Past Tense. 2. Convert the Passive voice Sentences to Active voice. 3. Check all the sentences - Meaningful. 4. Check all - Uniformity in Grammar

I will give you brainliest
I need i tonight please! I have exams tomorrow​



1.l gave you brainliiest

2.l need it tonight! l will be having exams tomorrow




Beneficiary; A Person Who Receives A Profit Or An AdvantageExplanation:HOPE THIS HELPS!✨✨✨

Question 19 of 24
Read the following passage:
A woman has a successful career as a psychologist and
an author. Although she has high hopes of her daughter
achieving a similar status, the daughter dreams of
teaching English in a developing country far away.
Which plot development would most logically lead a reader to conclude that
the themes of this story are putting family first and accepting differences?
A. The woman wishes her daughter well and becomes immersed in
work to keep from missing her.
O B. The woman offers her daughter the opportunity to coauthor a
book with her in order to keep her close to home.
C. The woman plans a fund-raising speaking event to support the
construction of a new school in the village where her daughter will
be teaching
OD. The woman agrees to make a large donation to a charitable
organization if her daughter stays in school to complete her



The woman offers her daughter the opportunity to coauthor a

book with her in order to keep her close to home.


(In my opinion) the book they co-author may become a best seller and change the daughter's mind.

Read this excerpt from the passage.
who was looking at her with an air in which vexation and
uneasiness were mingled.
How does the word vexation best affect the meaning of this
It highlights the fact that Fernand is annoyed with
It indicates that Fernand is frustrated and worried
about how Mercédès feels about him.
It illustrates that Mercédès has made Fernand
nervous and afraid.
It shows that Mercédès and Fernand have a cursed
relationship that will not succeed.



It highlights the fact that Fernand is annoyed with Mercédès.


The word "vexation" best affects the meaning of this passage as It highlights the fact that Fernand is annoyed with Mercédès. Thus the correct answer is  A.

What is a dictionary entry?

Dictionary entry refers to a collection of data or information provided to understand the meaning of the word with reference to the background information.

Here the meaning of the word will differ from context to context based on the situation. The meaning of the word "vexation" is appeared as being annoyed with someone which is best suited to statement A.

These dictionary entry helps to improve the vocabulary understanding of individual with reference to changing situations and help them to gain more knowledge.

Statement A reflects that fernard is annoyed with Mercédès. Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about the dictionary, here:



How does the cross cutting concept of structure and function relate to this activity

write it, there is no A B C D





There is not enough information

You were invited to a movie premier in which the president was the guest of honor, somewhere along the line there was the murder. You were invited by a media house to describe what happened on that day.



I was in the movie theater when all of that happened. I went with my friend to the premiere, we were both very excited as it was the first time we were on a premiere. The evening was really blissful, there were big film stars and Mr. President himself sitting in the cabin of the theater.

After about 10 minutes of the movie suddenly a guy on third row started shouting something. After that he stood up went right in the front of the screen, and shot the secretary of president, he afterwards shouted, next time it will be your head dear President.

Choose the underlined pronounced differently *
4 điểm
Hình ảnh không có chú thích





You should check your question. It seems that there were no answer

What word best describes Friar Lawrence?



I also think ans is fatherly

Please help me with this question ​


B. He never comes to school
The answer is B yassss

Remember that an inference is information given in a story that is not directly stated by the author, but it is still very important in order to understand a story. Place a checkmark next to each inference the reader needed to make in order to understand "The Cask of Amontillado":

Montresor and Fortunato are wearing costumes because it is carnival time.

One reason Montresor is wearing a costume is to be sure no one recognizes him when he is walking back to his house with Fortunato.

Fortunato was a competitive person because he got jealous when he thought Luchesi was going to taste the Amontillado.

Montresor leads Fortunato down into the catacombs where many people were buried.

Montresor and Fortunato were down in the catacombs until midnight.

Montresor was upset because Fortunato had seriously offended him and wanted revenge.

No one ever found Fortunato, who Montresor buried alive down in the catacombs.

Montresor kept giving Fortunato wine because he knew he could not resist it and wanted Fortunato to keep following him.


not sure sorry i’ll try

A man was sitting with his feet up on a desk. He turned his head when Stanley and the guard entered, but otherwise didn't move. Even though he was inside, he wore sunglasses and a cowboy hat. He also held a can of soda, and the sight of it made Stanley even more aware of his own thirst.

. . .

There must have been a small refrigerator behind his desk, because the man in the cowboy hat produced two more cans of soda. For a second Stanley hoped that one might be for him, but the man gave one to the guard and said the other was for the driver.

Louis Sachar

What do the actions of the man in the cowboy hat show about him?

He is considerate of others.
He is cold to everyone.
He is indifferent to Stanley.
He is pleasant to all children.





It just shows that the man in the cowboy hat was indifferent to Stanley. It doesn't mean he hated him or anything, he just planned already on whom to give the drinks to.


C. He is indifferent to Stanley.


got it right on edge 23

Other Questions
If I toss a fair coin five times and the outcomes are TTTTT, then the probability that tails appears on the next toss is 1) 0.5 2) greater than 0.53) 1 4) less than 0.55) 0 Two leading home appliance companies, Globex Inc. and Pug Tech, are in competition for market share. In their quest for exciting new products, Globex employs an open innovation model, while Pug Tech pursues a closed innovation model. Which of the following statements is most likely true?a. Globex has a greater chance of capturing market share.b. Pug Tech has a superior absorptive capacity.c. Pug Tech will protect its intellectual property with patents and trade secrets.d. Globex is most concerned with securing first-mover advantages. Blank refers to the way of life of a group of peopleCultureDialectRegionalismPerception I NEED HELP PLEASE!!!! In addition to the thesis sentence, a good introductory paragraph also includes?AA closing paragraphBA closing statementAn opening statementDA summary What activities were popular at the turn of the twentieth century?going to the moviesattending a baseball gamewatching televisiongoing to the amusement park Please help from 1 to 10 please Philosophical ideas of the Enlightenment, such as a social contract between people and their government, contributed to the development of a : a. belief in the efficiency and impartiality of governments centered on hereditary privilege b. colonial confidence in the effectiveness of republican self-government c. sense of obligation among the majority of colonists to remain loyal to Britain d. strengthened bond between colonial inhabitants and traditional monarchs From a group of three boys and six girls a boy and a girl will be selected to attend a conference and how many ways can the selection you made A line has a slope of 11 and passes through the point (5,7). Which of these is an equation for the line? O A. y-7 = -11(x - 5) B. y + 7 = 11(x + 5) O C. y-5 = -11(x - 7) O D. y - 7 = 11(x - 5) SUBMIT rearrange words LSVERAE TENUSLI APERTN- ERIRVA HRBUS - Which type of lines typically convey a feeling of rest? Which of the following is a direct financial interest? An interest where the individual is not the record owner but has a right to some or all of the underlying benefits of ownership Which equation represents a slope of 4 and y-intercept of (0,2)?y = 4x + 2y = 2xy = 2x 4y = 4x + 2 Why do you think advertisers like using optical illusions The 3rd and 7th terms of an arithmetic progression are 6and 30 respectively determine the common difference, first term,10th term. Which action contributed to the Southern belief that their economy was threatened? The founding of the Republican party The finalization of the Missouri Compromise The support of popular sovereignty in territories The approval of protective tariffs on manufactured goods The table above shows the percent of the area of a towndevoted to three uses. If the area devoted to business useis 7,200 acres less than the area devoted to residentialuse, what is the area, in acres, devoted to governmentuse?A) 1,400B) 1,800C) 5,200D) 44,000 Please help!!! 20 points + brainliest!!6 + (-47) = 144 is the same as 379 less than cHow can this be wrote in a equation