He had lunch. (Rewrite using past perfect tense)​


Answer 1


He had lunch. (simple past tense)

He had had lunch. (Past perfect tense)

Answer 2


it is already in past perfect


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a story must begin with this sentence: A girl was walking home one day.


Answer: A girl was walking home one day. To the girl, each and every day that she walked home was simply the same. The birds chirped in tune, the wind blew the most prettiest of leaves away, the sidewalk of which she walked on lessened and lessened as she came close to home. It seemed to her that every walk home created the same routine. This time, the birds seemed distant, the wind blew slower than ever, and the sidewalk of which she walked on seemed to grow more and more. This time, things were about to change...


a girl was walking home one day. then she saw a pet puppy. she picked up puppy. he is a white dog with brown eyes. but it was alone. so she bring it home and treat well.

in the next day she go to out with her new puppy. then she saw a notice about lost puppy. the photo on it is same to her puppy. then she realized that it was about this puppy. but she didn't like to hand over the puppy. she ran back home with her puppy. then she lay in bed all day thinking. she took a decision to hand over puppy to real owner. because she thought, if she feel sad that much, the real owners are also so worry about puppy. then she bring her puppy to address in that notice.

there was a child in that home. when he saw his puppy,. he jumped up happily. puppy also seem happy. then she said good bye to her puppy







He sited research and stated the facts to back up his argument

Which kind of narrator is aware that he or she is constructing a story which implies that
the story and characters are not real?
A. Intrusive
B. Self-conscious
C. Inadequate
D. Unreliable


Im pretty sure it’s B, Self-conscious.

Self-conscious is the kind of narrator is aware that he or she is constructing a story, which implies that  the story and characters are not real.

What is meant by self-conscious?

Self consciousness is the kind of insecurity with the person, or it is kind of  undue awareness that a person have about someone behaviour, or actions. The person is constantly feeling about anything, mostly negative kind of thoughts.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more details about Self consciousness, click here:



what is meant by the following question?
' do the Olympics narrow nationalism?'

please help ASAP​



Yes of course it is..

Nationalism Is Underrated by IntellectualsNationalism now runs rampant throughout the entire proceeding. Televised coverage is relentlessly jingoistic (at least in the United States), and every broadcast repeats the latest medal count as if this was a revealing indicator of national merit.

How is Jason from (anything but typically) intelligent



because he use his brain and logic


________ not long at t





He often asks me to help him A he is often asks to help them B They are often asked to help me C I am often asked to help him



C: I am often asked to help him.

The indirect speech of: Ram said to her, "You are beautiful."



Ram told her that she is beautiful.


You may be able to infer the meanings of unknown words through____?
Select all that apply.

context clues

probable parts of speech

the number of vowels




context clues


i really hope this helps

p.s. mark me brainly



Integrate the information in "Lear: Setting the Scene" and the video "The Pilgrim Fathers" to answer the question.
What motivated the Pilgrims to cross the Atlantic in search of a new life?
Select the two correct answers.
A. They wanted to move away from formal worship and the traditional church.
B. They hoped to start a community in which all religious viewpoints were welcomed.
C. They knew they could escape the disease and natural disasters that plagued their homeland.
D. They rejected the idea that the sovereignty of God needed the support of government.​


The correct answer is B. The Pilgrim Fathers hoped to start a community in which all religious viewpoints were welcomed.

The Pilgrim Fathers were the first settlers to come to North America after the establishment of the Jamestown Colony. Their main motivation for emigrating to these lands was the religious persecution they suffered in England, where the Anglican Church prohibited alternative expressions such as Puritanism that they defended. Thus, they sought to create a society where religious tolerance and freedom of expression were fundamental pillars of it.

Learn more in https://brainly.com/question/12028073


the answers for your question would

D.They rejected the idea that the sovereignty of God needed the support of government.


A.They wanted to move away from formal worship and the traditional church.


Both explainations for the answers can be found in this transcript of " The pilgrims Fathers". Which describes the attitudes they felt. They're located on number 00:05:16.00

Also Those were the correct answers for my test.

Here's proof

Hope this helps

Mention and explain one technique used in the past to help people.



The Problem-Solving Process

Define the problem. Differentiate fact from opinion. ...

Generate alternative solutions. Postpone evaluating alternatives initially. ...

Evaluate and select an alternative. Evaluate alternatives relative to a target standard. ...

Implement and follow up on the solution.

The last sentence suggest that



The answer is:


The first option is the correct answer since the paragraph is mainly about suggesting that pardaxin is not as powerful as expected..Hope this helps....Have a nice day!!!!

Arrange these jumbled words into a good sentence a. weather the this cuckoo is the likes.​



This is the weather the cuckoo likes.


what is the reason for being the whole world like a house.​



It provides current data on horse prices as well as metrics used to assess valuation in housing chart of credit growth around the world.......

2. What was the activity or action that made Martin an adult in "The Medicine Bag"? What was Martin's Rite of Passage or Coming of Age moment? Please write complete proper sentences.​


His coming of age story was when Martin had made the action the change his life for the better

Read the paragraph and identify the adjectives used in it and write in a separate table

Scolars are worshiped everywhere. No one likes a fool. An educated person can accomplish any task in any situation. People who don't read, don't care about others, don't know what to do and don't know how to do anything, suffer a lot in life. Anyone who likes patriarchal, prudent, helpful and obedient people. People who don't do their part are thugs. People with bad tempers are always disgusted. Not only hundreds, thousands, millions of crores but billions of people living on this earth have different tendencies. Man's conduct must be very good. Students should pay attention in time to associate with their friends as they get older. There is a big difference between being big and being good. In this world, anyone who does what is right will receive the same reward. People learn a lot from the people they have met, the places they have visited, the books they have read, and so on. So people should first take care of my habits and only care about the behavior of others. Students can learn a lot from peers who are older than them and who are first, second and third. Just as your parents have good manners and good manners, so must you have good manners.​






4. helpful












I think I have done so many mistakes please don't take it seriously that I had answered wrong...

The noun or pronoun receiving the action of the transitive verb is called the __________ .

A) indirect object

B) direct object

C) transitive object



Direct object


A direct object is a noun or pronoun that receives the action of a verb or shows the result of the action. ... If a sentence has an indirect object, it must also have a direct object. Indirect objects are only used with transitive verbs. 9 Indirect object tells to or for whom the action is being done.

Answer: the answer is B. Direct object

Explanation: I took the test

Please help me from number 1 to 22



1. F

2. S

3. F

4. F

5. S


Complete sentences have a subject and verb. A subject tends to be a noun or pronoun. A couple examples of a noun or pronoun: "dog" or "Billy." Always look for these two characteristics when analyzing these problems. If one is missing, it is a fragment. I will answer the first few with some explanation.


"Lay" is the subject of the sentence. There is no verb. Therefore this is not a complete sentence, but instead a sentence fragment.


"Tree" is the subject while the verb and helping verb is "was struck." Since this problem meets both requirements, this is a complete sentence.


"Sound" is the subject, but there is no verb.


"I" is the subject and "fell" can be considered a verb, but this is actually not a complete sentence. This is because the sentence starts with "just as" which begins a clause. This one is a bit trickier to explain, but I hope my explanation makes a little sense.


"Jud" is the subject and "crawled" is the verb.

I hope these examples/explanations help!

19. F
20. F
21 F

The players as well as the coach ______ (want/wants) to win.



The players as well as the coach_wants___ (want/wants) to win.




if you're choosing between want and wants, want would be the better option. Wants would be used if you were talking about a singular person (ex. "the coach wants to win" - coach is a singular person. "the players want to win" - the players are a group. "the players as well was the coach want to win" - the players and coach are a group). This will not work in all cases, but it should in most!

look at the following pictures what are the people doing in the pictures​


Answer: Nothing

Explanation: Sike

Am I right? It’s about intransitive and transitive
Underline the verb and circle the object !


Yes! It’s right

The idea with the app was not to make money, but to make things a little easier for people. Write this in past perfect tense?



past tenses fully explained

The past perfect is made from the verb had and the past participle of a verb:

I had finished the work.

She had gone.

The past perfect continuous is made from had been and the -ing form of a verb:

I had been working there for a year.

They had been painting the bedroom.

The past perfect is used in the same way as the present perfect, but it refers to a time in the past, not the present. We use the past perfect:

for something that started in the past and continued up to a given time in the past:

When George died, he and Anne had been married for nearly fifty years.

She didn't want to move. She had lived in Liverpool all her life.

For this use, we often use the past perfect continuous:

She didn't want to move. She had been living in Liverpool all her life.

Everything was wet. It had been raining for hours.

for something that happened several times before a point in the past and continued after that point:

He was a wonderful guitarist. He had been playing ever since he was a teenager.

He had written three books and he was working on another one.

when we are reporting our experience up to a point in the past:

My eighteenth birthday was the worst day I had ever had.

I was pleased to meet George. I hadn’t met him before, even though I had met his wife several times.

for something that happened in the past and is important at a later time in the past:

I couldn't get into the house. I had lost my keys.

Teresa wasn't at home. She had gone shopping.

We often use expressions with for and since with the past perfect:

I was sorry when the factory closed. I had worked there for ten years.

I had been watching that programme every week since it started, but I missed the last episode.

We do not normally use the past perfect continuous with stative verbs. We use the past perfect simple instead:

"Today is my birthday," said Carl the following sentence into indirect speech help​


Carl said (that) it was his birthday today

Read the excerpt from Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher."
Shaking this off with a gasp and a struggle, l uplifted myself upon the pillows, and, peering earnestly within the
intense darkness of the chamber, hearkened -- know not why, except that an instinctive spirit prompted me
certain low and indefinite sounds which came, through the pauses of the storm, at long intervals, knew not
whence. Overpowered by an intense sentiment of horror, unaccountable yet unendurable, threw on my clothes
with haste.
Which word from this excerpt could be used to argue that the narrator is unreliable?
"Shaking" suggests the narrator's nervousness.
O "Struggle" suggests the narrator's weakness.
"Indefinite" suggests the narrator's lack of knowledge.
"Overpowered" suggests the narrator's lack of control.



I'm not entirely sure, but I would have to say either:

- "Shaking" suggests the narrator's nervousness.


- "Overpowered" suggests the narrator's lack of control.

Why does the jeweller keep the duchess waiting for ten minutes?
to hide the jewels
c. to appear punctual
b. to tidy up the office
d. because it brings him pleasure



Because the duchess needs money to pay her gambling debts


In Virginia Woolf's short story "The Duchess and the Jeweler," the jeweler keeps the duchess waiting for ten minutes because he wants to create an impression of busyness and importance. Hence, option c is correct.

What was the purpose duchess in Virginia?

In Virginia Woolf's short story "The Duchess and the Jeweler," the purpose of the duchess is to sell a pearl necklace to the jeweler.

The duchess is a wealthy and aristocratic woman who wants to sell her family's heirloom, a pearl necklace, for a large sum of money. She believes that the jeweler, who is known for his expertise and wealth, is the best person to buy the necklace from her.

The jeweler is aware that the duchess is a wealthy and influential client, and he wants to give her the impression that his business is in high demand and he is a busy man. By keeping her waiting, he is attempting to create an image of himself as a successful and sought-after jeweler. Hence, option C is correct.

Find more on Virginia wolf: The Duchess and the jewelers:



Identify the mood of the verb in this sentence.
All of the spectators crowded through the exits before the show ended.
O indicative
O imperative
O subjunctive
O conditional



It's indicative.


Conditional and subjunctive have words including "if" and "could."

Imperative means a command.

This mood is not commanding or saying "what if" or "it could"

Therefore, it is indicative.

Conditional hope that helps

3. What would be a reason for using a direct quote in a research paper?

1) to fill in your page with impressive language

2) to allow an expert's words to support your point

3) to establish that you have done extensive research

4) to follow the teacher's guidelines for writing your paper


Answer:2) to allow an expert's words to support your point


You should use direct quotes when

The meaning of the original statement will be lost if you reword it.

The original statement uses especially strong or vivid language.

You are quoting an original term or phrase.


2) to allow an expert's words to support your point


PART 5. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one, using the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given. (Contractions count as two words.)
1 ‘You’ve passed the exam? Oh, well done!’ my aunt said to me. (ON)

My aunt______________________________ the exam.

2 ‘I’m sorry I forgot to set the security alarm,’ said the receptionist. (FOR)

The receptionist______________________________ set the security alarm.

3 ‘Why don’t you postpone your trip till the autumn, Jim?’ suggested Sarah. OFF

Sarah suggested______________________________ till the autumn.

4 ‘Don’t forget to enclose a cheque, will you?’ the clerk said to me. IN

The clerk reminded ______________________________ the envelope.

5 ‘It’s a good idea to rehearse your speech in front of a mirror,’ George told me. RUN

George advised _______________________ in front of a mirror.


1. My aunt congratulated me on passing the exam.
2. The receptionist apologized for forgetting to set the security alarm
3. Sarah suggested Jim to postpone the trip off till the autumn.
4. The clerk reminded me to enclose a chèque in the envelope.
5. (I’m unsure of this)
I’m not used to this topic a lot but hope this helps

Things we can manage in our working environment beside of salary​​​


Answer: didn't understand question


Write a paradraph of travelling on anather places.



To travel from one place to another for different purposes is generally called travelling. People do not travel always for the same purposes. Someone travels to gain knowledge and experience, someone travels for pleasure, someone travels for business purposes etc. It has much educative value. It is a part of education. Our education and book knowledge remain imperfect without travelling. We can learn many things from travelling. It teaches us to trade and commerce, language, sociology, customs, culture, history, geography and so on. Therefore, the educative value of travelling beggars description. Besides this, there are some special benefits of travelling. If a man stays in one place for a long time, he becomes monotonous. Travelling removes our monotony and gives pleasure. It also broadens our outlook and refreshes our mind. A good traveller can easily educate others. He can give us first-hand knowledge of men and matters of another country. I like travelling very much.

Hope this answer helps you..!!



Select it as the BRAINLIEST ^_^..!!

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