# He hasn't returned My bag change into question tag


Answer 1

He hasn't returned My bag hasn't he? is one of the form of question tag.

What is question tag?

Question tag is defined as a very brief sentence added at the end of a statement to turn it become a question. To make statements into questions, we append question marks at the end of them.

He must leave, doesn't he? Has he actually gone shopping? We use the tag "doesn't" when the verb has is used to indicate possession We employ the tag "hasn't" when the verb has is used as an auxiliary or irregular verb.

Thus, he hasn't returned My bag hasn't he? is one of the form of question tag.

To learn more about  question tag, refer to the link below:



Related Questions

Greenwood needs a better trackd
How read the dictionary entry for persuade
Main entry persuade
47 Get somebody to do something
9. Be the cause of something happening
3. Influence somebody in a negative way
A. Anue with somebody
6. Successfully encourage somebody to do something
Which of these is an accurate definition of persuade as it is used in the text above? s6l86 (G
A get somebody to so something
8.be the cause of something happening
Ginfluence somebody in a negative way
B. Argue with some6607
Successfully encourage somebody to so something


An accurate definition of persuade as it is used in the text above is this:

6. Successfully encourage somebody to do something

What is the meaning of persuasion?

Persuasion is the act of getting a person to act or do something in a particular way. In the sentence above, we can see that there is an encouragement by the speaker for Greenwood to get a better tracker.

The tone of this statement shows that the speaker is trying to encourage a positive change in the subject being referred to. Thus, the meaning of persuasion as it is used in this context is encouraging somebody to do something.

Learn more about persuasion here:



A hierarchical arrangement of party workers, often organized in an urban area to help integrate immigrants and minority groups into the political system. Most active in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.


A hierarchical arrangement of party workers, often organized in an urban area to help integrate immigrants and minority groups into the political system is called a political machine.

In representative democracies, a political machine refers to a party organization that recruits members by the use of tangible incentives (such as money or political jobs) and that is characterized by a high degree of leadership control over member activity. The primary objective of a political machine is keeping itself in power rather than providing good government, however machines have been responsible for restructuring city governments to centralize authority, improving facilities and services, helping to assimilate immigrant groups, and encouraging the growth of business and industry. Hence, due to the rapid growth of urban areas in the 19th century, political machines were effective in helping integrate immigrates and minority groups into political system.

Learn more about Political machine:



Read this
excerpt of "From Blossoms*:
From laden boughs, from hands,
from sweet fellowship in the bins,
comes nectar at the roadside, succulent
peaches we devour, dusty skin and all.
comes the familiar dust of summer, dust we
Which word helps create a positive mood? a


The word that helps create a positive mood is the word "nectar."

What is the literary mood?This is how the text feels.It is a way for the text to establish an ambiance.It is an immersive textual resource.

A positive mood is created with words that convey positive feelings or that are linked to good concepts that can promote comfort, satisfaction, and happiness.

With this type of resource, the reader better understands the author's intentions with the text, in addition to being able to insert himself into the concepts that the author promotes, participating in the text in an active and immersive way.

The word "nectar" used in the text has this power, as it refers to something good, natural, and satisfying. Therefore, it is a word with a positive connotation that conveys a positive mood to the reader.

Learn more about Mood:



In The Lone Ranger and Tanto Fistfight in Heaven, The little hurricane's are a metaphor for ______*

A) His parents fighting
B) His mother doing drugs
C) His father not having money
D) All of the above​



c)his father not having money...I'm not sure..hope this this is correct

Charismatic leadership and transactional leadership are very similar in nature because both focus on creating enthusiasm and inspiration. _____ TRUE or FALSE


"Charismatic leadership and transactional leadership are very similar in nature because both focus on creating enthusiasm and inspiration." This statement is false.

Teams can be inspired and motivated by charismatic leaders to achieve bigger goals. They achieve this through connecting emotionally with their team members and inspiring a feeling of faith, passion, and purpose beyond themselves.

Transactional leadership is a type of leadership that prioritizes staff performance, organization, and oversight. These executives use incentives and sanctions in an effort to keep staff members on task.

To learn more about leadership, visit the link below:



How did Jim react when the mob caught him and abused him?
a) He begged for mercy.
b) He cursed Tom and Huck.
c) He did nothing.
d) He challenged the mob.


Jim responded by pleading for compassion after being seized by the mob and subjected to abuse.

How did Jim respond when he was seized by the crowd and mistreated?

He took no action. Newspaper articles are The most likely to be instances of what style of writing, according to Cooper's essay "The Graduate School of Women," which was one of its goals.

Jim wanted to know how his father perceived him.

Jim is more worried about Huck's reaction to the deceased than anything else. He says he feels bad about Huck and wants to stand up for him. Huck's father NEVER tried to protect him from anything or considered his feelings.

To know more about Jim visit :



there is a text file containing 20 lines of text. every line has three words in it separated by the tab character. the maximum length of any word is 10 characters. it is desired to read one single line of text at a time to display on the screen. which of the following will work? assume all streams have been defined.


The best way to read one single line of text at a time from a text file containing 20 lines of text, with three words per line separated by the tab character and with a maximum word length of 10 characters, is to use a while loop with the fgets() function.

The fgets() function allows us to read one line of text at a time from a file, while the while loop allows us to loop through the file until the end of the file is reached.

For example, we could use the following code to read and display one line at a time from the text file:

FILE *f;

f = fopen("file.txt", "r");

char line[1000];

while(fgets(line, 1000, f) != NULL)


  printf("%s\n", line);



This code will open the file, create an array of characters to store the line of text, and then loop through the file line by line using the fgets() function. Each line is then printed to the screen using the printf() function. Once the end of the file is reached, the file is closed using the fclose() function.

Learn more about text file at :https://brainly.com/question/12735186


Wrap it up

Include your introduction and body paragraphs.

Write a conclusion to your article.

Use a conclusion transition phrase to begin your conclusion paragraph.

Rephrase your thesis.

Summarize the main ideas in your article.

Use a clincher.

Write four or more sentences in your conclusion paragraph.

Use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Write in the third person point of view.



We have a 32-word limit on inquiries, thus conclusion and any additional words were ignored.

Explain about the conclusion?

A conclusion is the final element, the outcome or outcome of something. Every paper you write ends with a summary of your points and a conclusion regarding the subject you were writing about.

Your opportunity to say all about the topic will be in your conclusion. Your paper's conclusion gives you the opportunity to make a final statement about the issues you've discussed, to summarise your views, to highlight their significance, and to nudge your audience toward a fresh understanding of the topic.

Reiterating the key argument is the purpose of your paper's conclusion. It highlights the benefits of your major argument(s) and reiterates the crucial supporting evidence for that argument(s) to the reader (s).

To learn more about conclusion refer to:



Trying to understand another person's perspective of a situation usually leads to poor comparisons of alternatives for ethical decision making. T/F


Trying to understand another person's perspective of a situation usually leads to poor comparisons of alternatives for ethical decision making. [FALSE]

About Perspective

In the process of thinking, perspective gives direction to the mind to draw conclusions. The way we see something really depends on the perspective we have on it. Often outside of our conscious nature, the perspective we have actively labels and describes everything around us. This can create a bias for ourselves in perceiving something.

It is not difficult to know and understand the perspectives held by other people. In fact, often we can judge the good or bad perspectives that other people have, and if that perspective is right or wrong. However, just as the eye has difficulty seeing its own form, we often only understand the reality that perspective gives us, but not the understanding of perspective itself.

Living completely in a perspective space is not good, because it can restrain us from feeling life more fully and prevent us from seeing new ideas/points of view. A bad perspective on an individual can create a negative attitude towards oneself. Someone can be more pessimistic than they should be with a bad perspective. This habit can minimize self-potential and prevent individuals from understanding opportunities.

It is impossible to live without perspective bias. However, we can minimize perspective bias

First, perspective bias can be reduced by understanding how we think and identifying habitual thinking, familiar emotions, and assumptions that we have. That way, we can avoid the patterns of thinking we usually go through in drawing conclusions. Second, is to question the truth of everything we believe to be true. The purpose of this habit is not to find out the absolute truth. Rather, it is done to test the perspectives we have, while seeking better assumptions and beliefs Third, is self-honesty. Sometimes, the wrong perspective that we have is created within us as a distraction with the aim of gaining comfort and avoiding fear. Being more honest can help us to objectively examine wrong/erroneous perspectives.

Learn more about perspective at https://brainly.com/question/11934557.


Read the following passage carefully before you choose your answer.

This passage is taken from an eighteenth-century letter from a president to the citizens of the United States of America.

(1) So likewise, a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification. It leads also to concessions to the favorite nation of privileges denied to others which is apt doubly to injure the nation making the concessions; by unnecessarily parting with what ought to have been retained, and by exciting jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to retaliate, in the parties from whom equal privileges are withheld.

(2) As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils? Such an attachment of a small or weak towards a great and powerful nation dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter.

(3) Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. But that jealousy to be useful must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defense against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.

(4) The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop. Europe has a set of primary interests which to us have none; or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities.

(5) Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course. If we remain one people under an efficient government, the period is not far off when we may defy material injury from external annoyance; when we may take such an attitude as will cause the neutrality we may at any time resolve upon to be scrupulously respected; when belligerent nations, under the impossibility of making acquisitions upon us, will not lightly hazard the giving us provocation; when we may choose peace or war, as our interest, guided by justice, shall counsel.

(6) Why forego the advantages of so peculiar a situation? Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor or caprice?

(7) It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world; so far, I mean, as we are now at liberty to do it; for let me not be understood as capable of patronizing infidelity to existing engagements. I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is always the best policy. I repeat it, therefore, let those engagements be observed in their genuine sense. But, in my opinion, it is unnecessary and would be unwise to extend them.

What is the relationship between paragraphs four and seven in the excerpt?

Paragraph seven presents an exception to the assertion developed in paragraph four.
Both paragraphs establish the character of the nation and its commitments.
Paragraph four asserts an idea with examples while paragraph seven simply states the idea.
Both paragraphs develop an extended metaphor through references to foreign countries.


The nation's identity and commitments are established in both paragraphs and presents an exception to the assertion developed.

What is the purpose of assertion?By turning on the assert feature, one may use assertion to debug the necessary runtime assumptions that must be verified, whereas exception checks the precise circumstances that must be verified during program execution to keep it from terminating.A strong declaration that is presented as part of an argument or as if it should be taken as truth is called an assertion. To assert is to make a stern statement. As a result, when someone asserts anything, they are not merely testing the waters.To guarantee that financial records and disclosures are accurate and acceptable, assertions need to be evaluated. Financial statements are properly recorded if all claims for pertinent transactions or balances are fulfilled.

Learn more about assertion refer to :



match the individual with their contribution to the american musical theatre. group of answer choices director of many successful revues [ choose ] composer responsible for porgy and bess [ choose ] composer known for the quodlibet [ choose ] choreographer known for integrating acting and subtext into the dances of oklahoma [ choose ] african american performer who had to use blackface to be accepted [ choose ] producer of a successful follies show [ choose ]


Richard Schechner, an American director, was greatly influenced by Polish director Jerzy Grotowski, who collaborated with the Polish Laboratory Theatre to produce his work.

Who was Jerzy Grotowski?

Jerzy Grotowski (1933-1999) was a Polish theatre director and innovator in experimental theatre. He is best known for his "poor theatre" philosophy and techniques which he developed while working on theatrical productions in Poland during the 1950s and 1960s. He sought to create a type of theatre that was stripped down to its essence, focusing on the physical and psychological aspects of actors and their interactions with the audience. He believed that the theatrical experience should be intense and personal, and sought to create a ‘total theatre’. His work was influential in the development of many contemporary theatre and performance practices, and he was described by the playwright Peter Brook as "the most exciting and vital theatre director of our times".

To know more about Jerzy Grotowski,



when conducting a literature review, one may wish to write down direct quotes and reword them later. if so, it should be carefully noted that it is a quotation. which of the following is the recommended technique for note-taking of summarized material?


The option that is a recommended technique for note-taking of summarized material is option A:Without having the original source in view, writers should make a bulleted list of the major points, using as few words as possible to reduce the likelihood that they are using phrasing from the publication.

What is literature review?

When conducting a literature review, it is important to accurately and properly document the sources you are reviewing and the information you are gathering from them. If you wish to write down direct quotes and reword them later, it is recommended to use quotation marks around the original quote and to provide a citation for the source.

For summarized material, it is generally not recommended to use direct quotes, as the purpose of a summary is to condense and rephrase the main points of a source in your own words.

Instead, you should write down a paraphrase of the information, using your own words to convey the main ideas of the source. It is important to carefully note the source of the information in your notes and to provide a citation when you use the summarized material in your literature review.

Learn more about literature review from


See options below

Without having the original source in view, writers should make a bulleted list of the major points, using as few words as possible to reduce the likelihood that they are using phrasing from the publication.

Writing a conclusion or hypothesis based on a literature review, without citing others who have reached the same conclusion or made the same or similar hypothesis.

It is a mechanism to transmit ethical standards of professional conduct.

Outer and inner hair cells are located in different areas within the cochlea and function differently.

in phase 1 of a choice experiment involving concurrent vi schedules, a human subject receives 25% of his reinforcers by making a left response. in phase 2, he receives 75% of his reinforcers by making a left response. the subject's percentage of left responses is 30% in phase 1, and 70% in phase 2. this performance is an example of .


In phase 1 of a choice experiment involving concurrent vi schedules, a human subject receives 25% of his reinforcers by making a left response. The given options are Overmatching, undermatching, biasedness & none of the above; but It is an example of overmatching. The correct answer is A.

What is choice experiment?

Choice experiment employ survey methodologies to gauge respondents' assessments of the relative importance of various service characteristics, such as procedural, non-health, and health aspects. A survey method called a "choice experiment" aims to elicit customer preferences based on fictitious markets.

Further in the given case scenario a human subject receives 25% of his reinforcers by making a left response. in phase 2, he receives 75% of his reinforcers by making a left response. the subject's percentage of left responses is 30% in phase 1, and 70% in phase. This is an example of Overmatching.

Therefore the correct option A is correct.

Learn more about choice experiment refer:



What is an idea or a feeling that ties the details of a subject together?


Based on the given question, an idea or a feeling that ties the details of a subject together is known as a theme and this is because it connects the main message that an author is trying to convey to an audience.

What is a Theme?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the central message that an author wants to convey to his audience in a piece of story or writing that is usually didactic, which means that it contains moral lessons.

Hence, it can be seen that according to the given question, we are meant to find the name that is given to an idea or a feeling that ties the details of a subject together and this is known as a theme and this helps to show a message to an audience.

Read more about themes here:



According to the conservation movement, the natural world was valued as a resource, providing humans with both direct and indirect benefits. TRUE or FALSE






1. They were
in their praise of the new movie.
got tired of his
3. It's a
thing, so I didn't bother with it.
let the car
as waited outside his building.


Generally, a precise or unambiguous statement of something in voice In conclusion, In a bid to state in different terms.

What are statements?

The complete statement will be;

They were effusive in their praise of the new movie.I got tired of his perpetual complaining.It's a trifling thing, so I didn't bother with it.I let the car idle as I waited outside his building."Effusive" refers to something that is extremely demonstrative, or that makes a big display of emotion. "Perpetual" is something that is eternal or never-ending." "Trifling" refers to something that is insignificant, or that has no importance. Finally, "idle," when applied to something like a machine or a car, means that the machine is not working, or that it is not active. In other words, it is doing nothing.Ensure simplicity. Long or excessively complicated sentences don't always indicate excellent language construction.Use language that is specific. Utilize parallelism.Watch your grammar. Use appropriate punctuation. Learn to write. A sentence should have the following characteristics in order to be effective: accuracy, unity, clarity, coherence, and emphasis.,that is accuracy. In that situation, individuals might refrain from writing and committing such grammatical mistakes as unfinished sentences. use the phrase "my brother" or the subject.

To learn more about Statement refer to:



Hey! I have to write a dystopia or utopia for my (hungarian) class. Its can be about anything. Its good for me if You gave me points about what should I write in it or whats Its should be about


Make your setting plausible. The best dystopian fiction has a feeling of being very personal to the reader. Establish a backstory. Dystopian futures are dark and unreliable, but how did they come to be.

How should a dystopia essay begin?

Decide on a main theme. The best dystopian writing develops a bleak environment while examining a key issue.

Take into account your surroundings. Dystopian literature is powerful and thought-provoking because it incorporates aspects of our current society.

Create an intricate and detailed universe.

Have a protagonist who truly represents the heart of the narrative. Display how they are attempting to survive in the dystopia. Make them the reader's map to the world. Strong primary characters will make it easier for readers to identify with the narrative. As we've seen, the Harry Potter series appears to act as a starting point for YA dystopian literature and is the first book to introduce children and young people to important themes in dystopia.

To know more about dystopia or utopia visit:



4. What do you call an excitement in the cold hink pink



that's a thrill chill


You're welcome.

excitement with respect to hinky pinky will be called thrill chill.

What is a Hinky Pinky?

Hink Pinks are puzzles whose solutions are two words that rhyme and have the same amount of syllables.

There are three types of Hinky Pinky that are possible:

Hink pinks are rhymed one-syllable words.Hinky Pinkies is a pair of two-syllable rhymes.Three syllables make up Hinkety Pinketies.

What do you call excitement in the cold? will be termed as thrill chill.

In this particular form, excitement is regarding how the person is going to act in a particular cold. Therefore thrill and chill are used. Thrill defines excitement whereas chill defines the cold in the sentence. Through this Hinky Pinky is being defined correctly. Both the part of excitement and cold is represented in this sentence.

Learn more about Hinky Pinky, here:



What is an adjective that describes both the images and the grandeur of god that they represent


Answer: A lamb and a Alter


Which of the following would BEST aid the reader in understanding the topic of the texts?
a video of a pea plant during self-pollination
a video of a lab using Mendel’s research to create plant hybrids
a video of a scientist recreating Mendel’s work during his research on pea plants
a video of an expert explaining the alternative theories of heredity from the 1800s



I think The answer is B

write a 2 sentence thesis about iagos true motives were for the destruction he causes during Othllo


Iago's true motives for causing destruction during Othello are complex and multifaceted, but ultimately stem from his deep-seated resentment and jealousy towards those around him, including Othello and Cassio. Through his manipulation and deceit, Iago is able to satisfy his own personal desires and gain a sense of power and control over the events and people in his life.

So simple the course appears


Concluding Statement:

The following year, in England, Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792), the first feminist book ever written in the English language, was published.


She contested the notion that women exist only to satisfy males by advocating for equal opportunity for both sexes in education, the workforce, and politics.

What characteristics make man more advanced than nature's rudimentary creation?

Reason offers a solution that is as evident as the idea that a half is less than a whole.

What conclusions can you draw about Hobbes Quilt's ideal system of governance?

Some kings embraced the movement's fresh ideas and instituted checks and balances.

For further information on English-language



The first feminist book ever written in the English language, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792), by Mary Wollstonecraft, was published in England the following year.

What is English language?

English is a West Germanic language that is spoken around the world. It is the official language in many countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and several other countries. English is a global language and is the most widely spoken in the world. It is the language of business, media, and communication, allowing people to communicate with each other more easily. English has a rich vocabulary and is constantly evolving. It has many dialects, including British English, American English, and Australian English. English is used in a wide variety of contexts, including education, entertainment, and professional communication. It is used on the internet, in books, newspapers, magazines, and television. English is also used in international relations and diplomacy. English is a powerful language and is an important tool for communication in the modern world.

Learn more about English language here:



mississippi barbeque makes a special barbeque sauce that it sells to restaurants and retail stores. this is an example of marketing.


Mississippi barbeque makes a special barbeque sauce that it sells to restaurants and retail stores. This is an example of B2B marketing.

B2B marketing: What is it?

B2B marketing, which uses a number of tactics, is used to promote to business buyers. Its goal is to increase lead quality, lead acceptance by sales, and conversion rates. Discover crucial b2b marketing strategies that aid in business growth with your present clients. A business-to-business (B2B) agreement or transaction is one that takes place between two businesses, such as a wholesaler and a retailer.

In a normal business-to-business transaction, one company purchases raw materials from another in order to use them in the production process. The target audience for the marketing and sales efforts of an industrial pump maker is an oil and gas producer. A commercial real estate company is advertising and contracting for the buildout of an office space for a law firm.

To learn more about B2B marketing click on the given link:



Some studies indicate that as many as _____ percent of adolescents report having received sexting photos


Some studies indicate that as many as 14.8% percent of adolescents report having received sexting photos.

Adolescence is the phase of the life between childhood and adulthood of a person, from ages 10 to 19. Adolescence is a unique stage of human development and an important time for laying the foundations of good health. Adolescents experiences a rapid physical, cognitive and psychosocial growth.

Sexting can occur through sexually explicit text messages, provocative audio clips, suggestive selfies, or videos. No matter in what form sexting takes place, it should always be a consensual practice between two or more parties. These are usually seen in adolescents.

Learn more about adolescents from the link given below.



Based on the details of this speech, what can you most reasonably infer is Brutus’s tragic flaw?


Based on the details in Cassius' speech, we can infer that Brutus's tragic flaw is that he is persuaded easily by others and that he trusts others easily.

Who is Brutus?

In the play "Julius Caesar," Brutus is a general and friends with Caesar. However, he is also one of the very people who will betray and kill Caesar. The number one conspirator is Cassius, and he is the one who will persuade Brutus to murder the ruler of Rome.

Cassius is the one who, in a speech, reveals Brutus's tragic flaw. According to Cassius, it is easy to persuade Brutus to do whatever other wants. Brutus trusts people, believes they are speaking the truth and that they do not have any ulterior motives. Those traits would normally be qualities, but they lead to Brutus's demise. Not only does he kill an innocent man  because of those flaws, but also he loses his own life in the end.

With that in mind, we can conclude that we have answer this question correctly.

Learn more about Brutus here:



Which stylistic element most contributes to the author's
poetic voice?
O the use of sentence fragments to set the scene
O the use of a variety of punctuation to develop ideas
O the use of short, choppy sentences to quicken the
O the use of figurative language to create vivid


It is difficult to determine which stylistic element most contributes to an author's poetic voice without more context and more explanation is given below.

What is a Stylistic Element?

This refers to the various techniques and devices that an author uses to convey meaning and create a specific effect in their writing. These elements can include things like word choice, sentence structure, figurative language, etc.

Hence, it can be seen that each of the options you provided could potentially contribute to the author's poetic voice, depending on how they are used in the poem.

With this in mind, for example, the use of sentence fragments might help to create a sense of disjointedness or fragmentation in the poem, which could be a key part of the author's voice. The use of a variety of punctuation could help to emphasize certain words or ideas, which could be a distinctive aspect of the author's voice.

Read more about stylistic elements here:



Compare and Contrast the Narnia of Prince Caspian with the Narnia of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.

I am looking for complete sentences, with use of evidence from at least one book, and two - three paragraphs. ​


Both Narnia of Prince Caspian and  Narnia of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe are both Bible Themed. The difference however is that Prince Caspian takes place in the 2303rd year after the establishment of Narnia, according to Lewis' own history (the circumstances of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe occur from Narnian years 1000 to 1015).

What is the Theme of Narnia of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe?

It should be noted that in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Lewis tackles the themes of good vs. evil, betrayal and forgiveness, courage, metamorphosis, the natural world, and magic.

Aslan makes a sacrifice to the White Witch in order to save Narnia. That was a huge sacrifice, sacrificing his life to rescue Narnia. This is a profound moral virtue because not everyone is capable of doing so. Humans must have this moral value since in order to rescue anything, they must willingly sacrifice.

Learn more about Narnia of Prince Caspian:

we share more intimate and/or personal information about ourselves with another person during the experimenting stage of a relationship. TRUE or FALSE


In the exploring phase of a relationship, we do divulge more private and/or intimate details about ourselves to the other person.

The intensification stage begins when we have a conversation with the other person and determine that they are someone we want to get to know better. We divulge more private and/or sensitive details about ourselves to that person. Our interactions are more significant and conversations become more serious. At this point, you might switch from "I" to "us." Therefore, in the past, you might have informed your partner that you were going out with your buddies. We are leaving with my buddies tonight, it now reads. The relationship is getting more serious between us.

To know more about a Relationship, refer to this link:



casuistry is generally an approach that emphasizes the value of beginning with analysis of particular


It is true that casuistry is generally an approach that emphasizes the value of beginning with analysis of particular case.

What is casuistry?

Casuistry is a method of reasoning in ethics that seeks to solve moral problems by extracting or extending theoretical rules from a specific case and reapplying those rules to new instances.

One of three approaches in medical ethics to determining moral rules of conduct in medical practice

It is a method that emphasizes the importance of starting with an analysis of specific cases, extracting moral rules from them, and then applying these rules to new cases.

Thus, the given statement is true.

For more details regarding casuistry, visit:



Text Size

Select the correct answers.
Which of the following words should have capital letters?



My hamster melted on the sidewalk in 100+ degrees. Unfortunately but to honor him I made him as the cheese on my turkey sandwich, he didn’t taste too good but I guess the extra protein is okay

Should be capitalized

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create a timeline of events during the age of imperialism. the timeline should have china, africa, japan and the americas. label events between 1800 and 1925. choose significant in the development or impact of imperialism in a particular reigon Infants learn to control their heads before they learn to control their arms, illustrating the ______ rule. Actuarial math A 10-year $100 par value bond bearing a 10% coupon rate payable semiannually, and redeemable at 105, is bought to yield 8% convertible semiannually. Find the price. Verify that all four formulas produce the same answer. you want to use the summarize() and mean() functions to find the mean rating for your data. add the code chunk that lets you find the mean value for the variable rating. 1 reset what is the mean rating? 1 point 4.230765 3.995445 3.185933 4.701337 populism arises when citizens are frustrated with politics that are focused on the needs and interests are Go step by step to reduce the radical. A wooden box is in the shape of a regular pentagonal prism. The sides, top, and bottom of the box are 1 centimeter thick. Approximate the volume of wood used to construct the box. Round your answer to the nearest tenth. Tax planning motivations usually predominate over other objectives in deciding whether to create a trust. match each process of the nitrogen cycle with the form of nitrogen that is produced. labels may be used more than once. To assemble a piece of furniture, a wood peg must be inserted into a predrilled hole. Suppose that the diameter of a randomly selected peg is a random variable with mean 0.25 inch and standard deviation 0.006 inch and that the diameter of a randomly selected hole is a random variable with mean 0.253 and standard deviation 0.002. Let x1= peg diameter, and let x2= denote hole diameter.Why would the random variable , defined as y=x2-x1 , be of interest to the furniture manufacturer?What is the mean value of the random variable y?Assuming that x1 and x2 are independent, what is the standard deviation of y?Is it reasonable to think that x1 and x2 are independent? Explain.Based on your answers to Parts (b) and (c), do you think that finding a peg that is too big to fit in the predrilled hole would be a relatively common or a relatively rare occurrence? Explain. an asset manager wishes to reduce his exposure to the small cap stocks in his portfolio by using a swap in which he agrees to pay a dealer the return on a small-cap index based on a notional $50,000,000. in return, the dealer agrees to pay him a fixed return of 5% on the same notional amount. the payments are semi-annual and the fixed payments are based on a 30-day per month and 365-days per year calculation. if the small cap index goes moves from 205.00 to 200.00 during the semi-annual period, what net payment will the dealer pay to the asset manager at the end of the period? $2,482,877 $2,452,389 $2,423,353 $2,395,667 $1,232,877 which social conflict theory on aging suggests that because age serves as a basis of social control, different age groups will have varying access to social resources such as political and economic power? Write an inequality that represents the solutions on the number lines below. A study of the human ecological footprint conducted by the World Wildlife Fund in 2008 shows that ________.a. we have already exceeded the planet's biocapacity per personb. we are far below the planet's biocapacity per personc. the human population will soon crashd. Earth can sustain a population about double the current population Can somebody write me a poem about life (slam poetry)It have to be 15 lines Which of these expressions equal 15 when x = and y = 3?*There is more than correct answer.ry+3+2014 (2y-4r) -104r+2y-1004 (2+1) + 2x + 3y0-14r2 if you want to know the probability that it is a defective bolt (event c), which formula would you use? Language is a _____ behavior, which means that only humans acquire language in the normal course of development. with the workshop type summary query design view, group the records by workshop type, count the lastname field values, and run the query which of the following statements are true? local variables do not have default values. data fields have default values. a variable of a primitive type holds a value of the primitive type. all of the above