HealthDrink Inc., a beverage company, plans to launch a new health drink for children and needs to design marketing techniques before the launch. The company's marketing team consider casting a film celebrity in the television commercials for the drink. In addition, the team decides to write an emotionally appealing slogan for the drink's print advertisements. In this scenario, which of the following persuasion techniques is HealthDrink's marketing team most likely using to persuade the company's target audience?
A. central route processing
B. peripheral route processing
C. hindsight bias
D. confirmation bias


Answer 1


B. peripheral route processing


Based on the scenario being described, it seems that the marketing team is using peripheral route processing to persuade their target audience. This is when viewers evaluate and advertisement based on its level of physical attractiveness, background music, or other surface-level characteristics instead of the actual content of the message. Which is why HealthDrink is trying to add a popular celebrity that their audience will like and a catchy slogan.

Related Questions

Give short answer to the following questions: 5 marks
What is population change? Describe it with a flow model.​



population change is the increase of population in

What are an advantage and a disadvantage to using a
map rather than a globe to study the Earth's geography



The advantage of the world map is that you can see the entire world at one time.

The disadvantage is that world maps distort shape, size, distance, and direction.

Hope it helps.

Mark it as Brainliest.

To understand Earth's geography map can give a picture in just a glance, but there will be a plain visual representation of the area but on the globe, one can view it from different angles.

What is a map?

A map is a two-dimensional portrayal of boundaries, territories, waterways, and other locations that aid in recognizing and comprehending the world's territorial organization.

The advantage of a map is that it can provide you with representation in a plane surface as you can watch the whole of the map at a glance and look irrespective of the shape, size, or distance. It can also show minor or little details regarding the area.

The disadvantage of a map as it cannot be depicted in a 3D manner, or we cannot depict that nation or a region as the globe does, and it makes its way to understanding the area and the proximity of the surrounding nation also.

Learn more about maps, here:


Why does it typically cost more money to win a seat on the Texas Supreme Court than a seat on the Texas court of criminal appeals? The Texas legislature has placed a strict cap on the spending for criminal appeals court election campaigns. There are few interest groups that contribute money to the criminal appeals court candidates’ campaigns, which keeps down the costs of the election. Judges running for the criminal appeals court do not have to be elected in a statewide election. Fewer people are interested in the court of criminal appeals.



There are few interest groups that contribute money to the criminal appeals court candidates' campaigns, which keeps down the costs of the election.


This is because the candidates vying for a seat on the Texas Supreme Court don’t receive any aid or financial support during their campaigns .

The candidates vying for a seat on the Texas court of criminal appeals usually receives financial support from few interest groups that contribute money to the criminal appeals court candidates' campaigns which keeps down the costs of the election.

1Whose duties include operation of the National Response Coordination Center, the effective support of all Emergency Support Functions, and, more generally, preparation for, protection against, response to, and recovery from all-hazards incidents?


Answer: FEMA administrator


The federal emergency Management agency is responsible for the operations of national response coordination center, effectively supporting with protection and recovery from every form of hazard. This agency ensures that there's a minimal hazard rae in the society and also make provision when there's a breakout of hazardous situations in the environment.

To study the effect of different types of stimulus on memory recall, Zhong subjects participants divided into two equivalent groups to either an auditory or a visual presentation of a poem. After the presentation, the participants are asked to answer several questions about the poem. Which type of experimental design has Zhong employed



Posttest only


The above example is an example of a posttest only design. In a posttest only design, all individuals in groups receive treatment and intervention and there is a neutral comparison among them. Example we observe how all the participants above are divided into equivalent groups. This is different from posttest control group design. In a posttest only control group design, there at least two groups and one group receives a treatment or intervention while the other does not receive any. The group that receives treatment is called the control group while the other is called the experimental group. In this research design, the groups are compared and data is collected in measuring the effectiveness of the treatment as it compares to the groups

The police find a man who is disheveled and in a daze, wandering through the downtown area. When the police ask him for his name, he seems bewildered. A search of missing persons photographs reveals that this man was reported missing three months ago in a nearby town. The man is most likely suffering from



Dissociative fugue


Based on the scenario that is being described, it seems that the man is most likely suffering from Dissociative fugue. This is a psychological state that was formerly known as a psychogenic fugue. This state is characterized as when an individual loses awareness of their identity or any/all other important autobiographical information, while also engaging in some form of unexpected travel. Which would explain why the man in this scenario does not know who he is and has traveled far from where he actually lives.


Dissociative amnesia


why elections should be held in a democracy ?​



The nature of democracy is that elected officials are accountable to the people, and they must return to the voters at prescribed intervals to seek their mandate to continue in office. For that reason most democratic constitutions provide that elections are held at fixed regular intervals.

write down four fundamental aspects/features of Nepalese tradition​


The four fundamental aspects/features of Nepalese tradition​ are the following:

Religion;Most Nepalese practice Hinduism and Buddhism; while others practice religions such as Islam, Christianity, Jainism, Sikhism, Bon, and animism.CustomsCustomary marriages in Nepal are about parents arranging the marriage process between their adult or mature children.Also, there is a practice of respect which is termed Ahimsa, in Sanskrit and translates to "non-violence."Nepal people have their unique cuisines, some of the popular ones are daal - lentil soup, bhat - boiled rice, and tarkari - curried vegetables, mix with achar - pickle.

What is an archipelago? A) an island that receives little rain B) an island that receives a lot of rain C) any large island D) a group of islands


Answer: D.


An archipelago is a group of islands. Hope this helps! :)


D) A group of islands


Answer for gradpoint

The Tax Reform Act of 1986 Preserved the tax advantage of annuities but curtailed deductions for IRAs. Allowed whole life insurance policies to be sold. Identified annuities to be the same as certificates of deposit. Allowed annuities to be purchased for individual retirement accounts. Made all annuities tax free.



Preserved the tax advantage of annuities but curtailed deductions for IRAs.


The 99th US Congress passed The Tax Reform Act of 1986 and it was signed into law on the 22nd of October, 1986 by President Ronald Reagan. Hence, it was one of President Reagan's tax cut.

The Tax Reform Act of 1986 preserved the tax advantage of annuities but curtailed deductions for individual retirement accounts (IRAs). The Act was primarily focused on boosting the fairness and providing an avenue for improved growth and development in the economy of the United States of America. Also, it restricted the deductions made by the individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and allowed employees in the United States of America to contribute 15% of the income earned.

Unitary and Federal systems essential questions: The US and United Kingdom have different systems of government. Explain how the UK's national government differs from the US national government. What type of government does every US state have? Unitary or Federal? And how does that relationship between the state and local governments compared with the state and national governments? Thinking question: How did the United States path to independence impact the system of government that was created in 1787 (Ultimately, I'm asking why do you think we don't have a Unitary National government?)



Explain how the UK's national government differs from the US national government.

The UK government is unitary, meaning that most government functions are centralized in London. The US government is Federal, the central government in Washington D.C. has some functions, but the rest are left to the states.

What type of government does every US state have? Unitary

Every US state has a government modeled after the federal government. Each state has a legislative branch, an executive branch, and a judicial branch. Each state has an unitary government.

And how does that relationship between the state and local governments compared with the state and national governments?

The state governments have more power over local governments than the national government has over state governments. This is simply because state governments are unitary, while the federal government, is as the name says, federal.

How did the United States path to independence impact the system of government that was created in 1787

The North American colonies had a great degree of autonomy, and during most of their history, the British government did not meddle much in their internal affairs. This created a culture of political independence among the colonists, that was in part the inspiration of the U.S. Constitution.

Ms. Coulter was successful using a token reinforcement system with Jordan to decrease his inappropriate behaviors in her class. Mr. Johnson is now going to implement the same token system in his class in hopes that Jordan's behavior will improve. This is an example of what generalization technique? Group of answer choices


This question is missing the options. I've found the complete question online. It is the following:

Ms. Coulter was successful using a token reinforcement system with Jordan to decrease his inappropriate behaviors in class. Mr. Johnson is now going to implement the same token system in his class in hope that Jordan's behavior will improve. This is an example of what generalization technique?

a. train loosely

b. sequentially modify

c. introduce to naturally maintaining contingencies

d. mediate generalization


This is an example of:

b. sequentially modify


Sequential modification refers to the implementation of a certain system or procedure in different settings, expecting similar results to occur. For instance, a certain reinforcement system was applied at school. It generated a change in behavior at school, but not at home. Then, it is applied at home with the purpose of generating a change of behavior there as well. This is what we have in the passage provided. Mr. Johnson wishes to obtain the same or similar results to Ms. Coulter's by applying the same token reinforcement system.

In proactive coping, people Multiple Choice anticipate and try to head off stress before encountering it. cope with stress by acting as if the stress were not even there. use wishful thinking to reduce stress. remain unaffected and unmoved by both positive and negative experiences



Cope with stress by acting as if the stress were not even there

remain unaffected and unmoved by both positive and negative experiences


Proactive copying is acting in advance to deal with any expected change or difficult situation that may come.

Proactive coping does not give room for been disturbed or distress when some situation arise this is because it has been planned and prepared for ahead of time, it does not just appear as shock. It gives room for positive thinking and helps provide quick and lasting solution.

Proactive person does not see the stress coming from the experience, the negative aspect of the experience rather focus on the result that he awaits.

Audrey is suffering from depression that was triggered by a breakup with her boyfriend. She tells her therapist that no man will ever love her. Her therapist challenges the validity of her belief by stating that just because one person broke up with her doesn't mean that all of her relationships will fail. The therapist then has Audrey make a list of all the guys she knows who would probably go out with her on a date. To her surprise, Audrey is able to name a handful and realizes that her belief that no one will love her probably is distorted by the emotional pain from her breakup. Audrey's therapist is using:



cognitive restructuring


Based on the scenario that is being described it seems that Audrey's therapist is using cognitive restructuring. This is a psychotherapeutic process of learning to identify and dispute irrational or maladaptive thoughts known as cognitive distortions. There are many such distortions like all-or-nothing thinking (splitting), magical thinking, over-generalization, magnification, and emotional reasoning, which are commonly associated. In this case, Audrey's belief is a form of over-generalization since she believes that since one man can't love her no person can.


audrey needs to suck it up and find a better man that she deserves


Which of the following areas did NOT see quick economic recovery in the years following World War II? A. East Germany B. United States C. West Germany D. Japan


Answer: East Germany and Japan


Japan got nuked, so they basically had to rebuild everything, and East Germany was under the control of the soviet union so they were kinda screwed to begin with

George can quickly tell what’s going on in any situation and is not afraid to speak out about what should be done. He doesn’t follow the latest fad, but wears clothes that are practical. When you first meet George, you notice he is friendly. Later you realize he hasn’t told you much about his personal life. You go out to lunch with George. He orders steak medium rare, but the meat is served nearly raw. George shouts for the waiter, and complains loudly. The waiter apologizes and takes the steak back to be cooked longer, but George doesn’t want to wait. He demands to see the manager and tells her in the future he’ll eat elsewhere. You both grab a lunch at a drive-through and are back at the office in time for George’s next meeting.


Even though you posted the passage, your post is missing the main question. I've found it online. It is the following:

Identify the communication style of each person described below. Simply use a letter S (supporter/relator); C (controller/director); P (promoter/socializer); A (analyzer/thinker).

George can quickly tell what’s going on in any situation and is not afraid to speak out about what should be done. He doesn’t follow the latest fad, but wears clothes that are practical. When you first meet George, you notice he is friendly. Later you realize he hasn’t...


George can be identified with the letter C for controller/director.


George's communication style has mostly traits of being a controller/director. Controllers come on strong in conversation. They are not afraid to say what they think or want, and easily delegate tasks to others. If the task is not well done, however, their speech and reaction might be quite impactful. Controllers are risk-takers and result oriented. They are competitive and do not mind taking charge of situations and matters. They are regarded as fearless and efficient. Notice that all those characteristics apply to George. He speaks out, voices his opinions fearlessly, values getting the task done properly, takes matters in his own hands and so on.

In which type of economic activity is dairy farming included?



Primary economic activity


Hanna is a supervisor in the production unit of a textile company. Yosef, who is of Jewish origin, joins her unit as a trainee. Hanna overcriticizes him for minor errors. She tends to overpraise his achievements in order to avoid appearing biased. Consequently, because of the absence of genuine feedback, Yosef is not able to progress like other trainees. In the context of psychology, this scenario illustrates



Modern racism.


In this scenario, Hanna is a supervisor in the production unit of a textile company. Yosef, who is of Jewish origin, joins her unit as a trainee. Hanna over criticizes him for minor errors and tends to overpraise his achievements in order to avoid appearing biased. Consequently, because of the absence of genuine feedback, Yosef is not able to progress like other trainees. In the context of psychology, this scenario illustrates modern racism.

Modern racism can be defined as a common form of unidirectional prejudice expressed either covertly and indirectly against the members of other ethnicities or racial groups. Generally, any individual who is a modern racist usually condemns the cultural values of the outgroup or individuals who do not belong to their own class such as a social group. In this context, Hanna had aversive emotions when interacting with Yosef but didn't act explicitly on those negative emotions she experiences.

All the religions are same,but the different is their name . Justify



All the religions are same but different names like Islam, Christianity, Hinduism etc. All the religions believe in god. Muslims call him Allah, Christians call him God, Hindus call him Bhagwan. All religions tell people to be grateful, to be kind, to not take revenge on someone, to help others, to pray, to not commit sins. All the religions tell us about heaven and hell and that the life on earth is temporary. Every religion tell us to cover ourselves with enough amount of clothing, every religion tells us to respect other religion, to not judge a person based on their religion. Every religion tells us that there is an Angel of Death and God can do whatever he wants and God is the most powerful, that god is one. Every religion tells us to not fight with one another. All the religions tells to seek forgiveness.


Ritual is a
aspect of culture. Write one paragraph



Explanation: Ritual may be explained as a an habitual event usually associated with a particular situation or event such that it follows a defined order or sequence of programmes performed in accordance to a particular religious or cultural ideology. Rituals usually follow a cultural pattern as rituals associated with different cultures are numerous and usually slated based on the cultural concept or ruling of the sect. Some cultural rituals include birth rituals performed during child birth, Funerals performed upon demise of a person, Marriage rituals performed when having a spouse and so many others. However, differences occur in the modes of performance of these rituals based on the differences in cultural perception, guidelines and belief.


Ritual is a fundamental aspect of culture because it demonstrates the actions of the people of the country. Rituals are the religious acts performed in the prescribed manner. The people belonging to same community perform these acts. It is usually associated with a particular sequence of programmes performed in accordance to a particular religious or cultural ideology.

I hope this answer helps you. Please mark metheny brainliest

Bearman and Brueckner (2001) found that teens who made a public virginity-until-marriage pledge became _______ likely to remain sexually abstinent than similar teens who do not make the pledge.





Bearman and Brueckner (2001) performed a survey and they found that teens who made a public virginity-until-marriage pledge became more likely to remain sexually abstinent than similar teens who do not make the pledge.

This was because they would strive to follow through to the public pledges they made whereas those who didn’t had no obligation to fulfilling any pledge.

In addition to how much force Earth exerts on the object, which features of an object affect its weight?


The features of an object that affect its weight are mass and location of the object

For better understanding let's explain what the feature mass means

Scientists often use mass to measure matter. The mass of an object is said to be a physical property of an object. Mass does not change by location. Mass often known as a measurement unit of an object as it tells how much matter is there inside an object.The feature of an object that affects its weight includes :Mass of the objectlocation of the objectHow much force Earth exerts on the object

From the above we can therefore say that the answer The features of an object that affect its weight are mass and location of the object, is correct

Learn more about mass of an object from:


The features of an object that affect its weight are mass and location of the object


i got it right on my test

Which features are characteristics of the Coastal Plain region? Check all that apply
1. tall mountains
2. Flat landscapes
3. Swampy areas
4. Marshy shores
5. tall waterfalls



2. Flat landscapes

3. Swampy areas

4. Marshy shores


A coastal plain is a flat land that is close to a large body of water such as an ocean. They can be formed when sedimentary materials are washed by the river and form into a flat landscape.

Some of the characteristics are flat landscapes, swampy areas, and marshy shores.

These areas usually experience above-average levels of rainfall


It is  B. C. D.


give the person above me brainlyest  they deserve it plus there right

According to the Navigation Rules, a risk of imminent collision exists in which situation? Boats are operating in open waters less than 40 feet from each other A vessel is exiting an area of commercial vessels A vessel is operating in a marine sanctuary The course of an approaching vessel does not change


The correct answer is D) The course of an approaching vessel does not change.

According to the Navigation Rules, a risk of imminent collision exists in the following situation: when the course of an approaching vessel does not change.

If you like to operate boats, then you need to read the document that publishes the United States government in this regard. It is called the Navigation Rules. And you can buy it in any store that sells boating supplies. A copy of this document should always be aboard the vessel. The most important thing is to minimize the risk of collisions and accidents. You have to learn your obligations and what to do in certain situations.

Mary deeds her property to her sister for 15 years, in the form of a life estate. In addition, Mary also specifies that her sister's children will receive ownership of the property after the 15 years is up. Mary's sister's children are considered what?





In this scenario, Mary deeds her property to her sister for 15 years, in the form of a life estate. In addition, Mary also specifies that her sister's children will receive ownership of the property after the 15 years is up. Mary's sister's children are considered a remainderman.

In real estate, a remainderman can be defined as an individual who legally is entitled to inherit or even inherits a property upon the termination of the life estate of a former owner. It is a property law term which is typically used in real estate.

Additionally, life estate can be defined as an arrangement in which an individual's property ownership and rights to the property lasts only for the period he or she was alive, and then it is subsequently transferred back to the original owner (Mary) or to a third party (her sister's children).

use whittaker method to classify bacteri, protozoa, fungi, algae, prokaryotic and eukaryotic​



R.H.Whittaker proposed the Five Kingdom Classification System.

The criteria used to classify was:

1.Body Structure

2.Body Organisation

3.Mode of Nutrition

4.Source of Nutrition.

The Five Kingdoms proposed by Whittaker were

Monera,Protista,Fungi,Plantae and Animalia.

1.Kingdom Monera includes prokaryotes like bacteria with prokaryotic microbes.

2.Kingdom Protista includes eukaryotes like Protozoans with eukaryotic microbes.

3.Kingdom Fungi includes eukaryotic fungi.

4.Kingdom Pantae includes eukaryotic algae.

Hope it helps u!!!

"Twenty dogs are initially presented with numerous CS-tone/US-footshock pairings. These dogs are then placed in a shuttle box, and movement from one side of the shuttle to the other terminates periodic presentations of the CS tone. No shocks are delivered in the shuttle box, but the dogs learn to move to the other side of the box to escape the tone. This is an example of _________________________"



An escape from fear procedure.


Escape from fear (EFF) is a phenomenon involving animals learning to perform an escape of a fear-eliciting conditioned stimulus (CS) in a situation where the escape response is paired with CS termination.

Escape from fear procedure however, comprises of traditionally condition a fear response, then the subjects are allowed to perform an instrumental response to avoid the Condition Stimulus-- This is mainly confirm predictions of two-process theory.

Hence, in this case, this is an example of an ESCAPE FROM FEAR PROCEDURE.

Research supports the widely-held fear that adolescent use of social media will lead to them being less social and less connected to others in an old-fashioned, face-to-face way.

a. True
b. False


Right option
a. True

what do you mean by social problems and evils


A social problem is a phenomenon, a situation or a condition that, from the perspective of certain groups within a society, does not work as it should. ... In this sense, then, what is a social problem differs from what is a sociological problem.

Malês (from hauçá malami, "professor", "mister", in Yoruba ymale, "muslim") was the term used in Brazil in the 19th century to designate black Muslims. They were often more educated than their masters, and, despite the condition of slaves, they were not submissive, but very proud.

Hope this helps :)

what is Kashmir????? ​



Kashmir is known as an area in India which shares territorial boundaries with Pakistan. This area was the subject of ownership dispute by India and other countries such as Pakistan and China.

This area is known for its rich mineral and natural resources. It also has great monuments, hospitable people and local handicrafts, nice mountains and scenes for tourism and a rich wildlife.


Kashmir is beautiful state of India

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