hello i am a bit scared to ask this question but im too scared to ask anyone irl. i tend to get very nauseous after i eat or even while eating. i always feel mentally horrible after eating and tend to purge(forcibly vomit). other days i dont eat at all and i feel this type of being proud of myself when i starve all day. i want to be as skinny as possible. can anyone tell me why do i think like this. is there a name for it? or am i being dramatic. pls help


Answer 1


Maybe try drinking things lie smoothies so that you would probably have the mentality that it is a drink however it is also feeding you and filling you up so try nd have a go at drinking things like smoothies (thickshakes)


Answer 2


I think ur allergic to something

Related Questions

Which scenario provides the best example of someone whose healthy meal planning is impacted by time?

A. Hernando was diagnosed with celiac disease as a teenager, so he cannot eat anything with gluten. He has to seek out other options to meet his daily fiber intake.

B. Owen has been a very picky eater since he was a small child. Now a teenager, he helps his parents prepare dinners to make sure that the ingredients are ones he enjoys eating.

C. Meghan is saving for graduate school, so she has a limited budget to spend on her food. Since fresh fruits and vegetables are expensive, she sometimes has to opt for frozen or canned.

D. Shayna lives with her parents, and everyone in the family has a hectic school or work schedule. By the time they all get home, it's late and there's little time to prepare a healthy meal.​





He is meeting the daily mark of fiber, meanwhile

Owen is a picky eater and only EATS what he ENJOYS so that cant be the answer.

Meghan cant "Afford" Vegetables to she eats frozen or canned food which arent healthy for you So that cant be the answer either

Shayna has no time to make a healthy meal so that cant be it either

(Hope this helps!)


D. Shayna lives with her parents, and everyone in the family has a hectic school or work schedule. By the time they all get home, it's late and there's little time to prepare a healthy meal.​


It is impacted by time because once she gets home it is too late to prepare a healthy meal.

Hernando's diet is impacted by a medical condition.

Owen's diet is impacted by being a picky eater.

Meghan's diet is impacted by money since she has a budget.

So only Shayna's diet is impacted by time which means the answer is D

Give reason why Environmental problems are just as real, just as controversial and just as in need of intelligent solutions which is possible through educated and dedicated environmentalists. ​




Environmentalism or environmental rights is a broad philosophy, ideology, and social movement regarding concerns for environmental protection and improvement of the health of the environment, particularly as the measure for this health seeks to incorporate the impact of changes to the environment on humans, animals, plants and non-living matter. While environmentalism focuses more on the environmental and nature-related aspects of green ideology and politics, ecology combines the ideology of social ecology and environmentalism.

Environmentalism advocates the preservation, restoration and improvement of the natural environment and critical earth system elements or processes such as the climate, and may be referred to as a movement to control pollution or protect plant and animal diversity.[1] For this reason, concepts such as a land ethic, environmental ethics, biodiversity, ecology, and the biophilia hypothesis figure predominantly.

At its crux, environmentalism is an attempt to balance relations between humans and the various natural systems on which they depend in such a way that all the components are accorded a proper degree of sustainability. The exact measures and outcomes of this balance is controversial and there are many different ways for environmental concerns to be expressed in practice. Environmentalism and environmental concerns are often represented by the colour green,[2] but this association has been appropriated by the marketing industries for the tactic known as greenwashing.

Environmentalism is opposed by anti-environmentalism, which says that the Earth is less fragile than some environmentalists maintain, and portrays environmentalism as overreacting to the human contribution to climate change or opposing human advancement.

Thank you dear for marking me as brainlist.

Environmental problems are indeed just as real, controversial, and in need of intelligent solutions as any other societal issue. Here are several reasons why:

Global Impact: Environmental problems have far-reaching consequences that transcend borders and affect the entire planet. Interconnectedness: The environment is interconnected with various aspects of human life, including social, economic, and cultural factors. Controversy and Conflicting Interests: Environmental problems often involve conflicting interests, such as economic development versus conservation, corporate interests versus public health, or short-term gains versus long-term sustainability.

Learn more about Environmental problems, here:



An individual receives frequent injections of drugs, which are administered in a small examination room at a clinic. The drug itself causes increased heart rate but after several trips to the clinic, simply being in a small room causes an increased heart rate.

Identify the following.

a. Unconditioned stimulus _____.

b. Unconditioned response _____.

c. Conditioned response _____.

d. Conditioned stimulus _____.


Answer C A conditioned response is a behavior that does not come naturally, but must be learned by the individual by pairing a neutral stimulus with a potent stimulus. The potent stimulus is one that does not require any learning or conditioning to respond to appropriately.

what could be some neurodegenerative disorder​


Examples of neurodegenerative diseases are:

Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other dementias Parkinson's disease (PD) and PD-related disorders Prion disease Motor neurone diseases (MND) Huntington's disease (HD) Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).

Hope it helps!

Benjamin Franklin said, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." This can be applied to your physical health, mental health, and fitness. What do you think this means?



This means that prevention is worth a proud of cure that can be applied in pT, Mental H and etc

Which action is most likely to help you avoid violent situations?
O A. Find supportive friends.
B. Avoid supportive friends.
O c. Argue with violent people.
O D. Interact with abusive people.



A.Find supportive friends

Which statement summarizes this passage about evaluating health information?

Scientific studies have limits.
Internet sites interpret scientific data.
Secondary sources lack medical expertise.
Newspaper articles are reliable medical sources.


Answer: Secondary sources lack medical expertise.


You didn't give the passage to the question but I got the passage online which I read and answered the question accordingly.

The passage provided recommendations on determining the reliability of a source or not such as when dealing with the sources that are related to health.

Based on the information given in the passage, the author explains that the evaluation of the data of sources is necessary in order to determine if an information is backed by evidence. The author also explains that secondary sources relies on the interpretation of another person and may therefore lack expertise which implies that secondary sources lack credibility and medical expertise.


secondary sources lack medical experience


Cardio kickboxing is a form of ________ exercise.



Cardio kickboxing is a group fitness class that combines martial arts techniques with fast-paced cardio. This high-energy workout challenges the beginner and elite athlete alike. Build stamina, improve coordination and flexibility, and burn calories as you build lean muscle with this fun and challenging workout.

Question 3:
Which of these is NOT a way you can be exposed to chemicals?
Click on the correct answer below, then click the Submit button.
A) Splashing in your eyes
B) Holding chemicals while wearing vinyl gloves
C) Breathing in dust or vapor
D) Absorption through your skin
E) Swallowing them


B holding it with gloves

do you think all illegal drugs should be legalized. why or why not


It all depends on the drug, most illegal drugs deserve to be illegal due to health issues, meanwhile most dont

Which of the following statements about condoms is not true?

A. Condoms can help protect not only a woman from getting a sexually transmitted infection, but also her unborn baby.
B. Condoms, even if used properly, do not completely eliminate the risk of contracting HIV, so you should use other prevention methods with them.
C. Condoms, if used properly, make it impossible to contract sexually transmitted infection (STIs) that are passed through bodily fluids.
D. Condoms provide only minimal protection against STIs such as genital herpes, human papillomavirus (genital warts), and syphilis.​​



D. condoms provide only minimal protection against STIs such as genital herpes, human papillomavirus ( genital warts ), and syphilis

C would be your answer although there is a condom being used it doesn’t eliminate the possibility of getting an infection or disease from other ways of Intercourses

Some yoga poses are named after animals: cat, cow, camel, dolphin, and dog. Different people have different opinions on why these names are
used. After doing the poses what is your opinion?


Yoga gurus may have always lived is natural balance and drew inspiration from it, which is one hypothesis that has been put up. Several yoga postures are named just after animals that they were modelled .

Why are yoga positions named for animals and plants?

We are not aware of the sensations in our bodies because of our hectic schedules and high levels of stress. In order to learn to balance human emotions and stress patterns, it makes reasonable that the ancient yoga gurus would have decided to model their practise after the animals they watched.

Why are the names of yoga positions different?

The traditional language of instruction for yoga poses, or asanas, is Sanskrit. Sanskrit has been an important literary language in India for further than 2,000 years. It is also the sacred language of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. Several yoga postures bear the names of Indian and Hindu mythological saints, heroes, and sages.

To know more about hypothesis visit:



5 importance of doctor in points​



1) Preventive Medicine

2) Stopping Pandemics

3) Economic Impact

4) Educating People

5) Shaping Health Policy


Doctors are responsible for increased life expectancy and improved well-being in society.A doctor is a person with extensive knowledge in the domain of medical science. People who survive diseases such as cancer usually owe their survival to doctors.Doctors are the most important person in this pandemic They help create medicine and vaccine for treatment.

According to Newton's third law of physics, who would have strong muscles: a long-distance runner or a runner who jumps hurdles?



A runner who jumps huddles.


As he jumps a huddle, the feet exert a greater force from the ground. And as it lands on the ground, the feet put more force on ground.

This action and reaction is equal

[tex]{ \sf{.}}[/tex]

According to Newton's third law of physics, a runner who jumps hurdles would have strong muscles.

What is Newton's third law of motion?

Newton's third law implies that in nature, for every action (force), there is an equal as well as opposite reaction.

When object A applies a force to object B, object B applies an equal and opposite force to object A. In other words, forces are the result of interactions.

Newton's third law can be used to determine which forces are external to a system.

Identifying external forces is critical when creating a problem because the external forces must be added together to determine the net force.

The feet exert more force from the ground as he jumps a huddle. And as it lands, the feet exert more force on the ground. This action and reaction are identical.

Thus, the runner who jumps hurdles will have strong muscles.

For more details regarding Newton's laws of motion, visit:



Component is flexibility
How would you describe this component in your own words?

Is this component of fitness important? Explain why it is or why it is not.

Is any component more important than the others? Explain why or why not.


Hi! I would describe this component in my own words by saying component is flexibility by saying that the three components of flexibility are muscle elasticity and length, joint structure and nervous system. Yes, these components of fitness are very important as they help us do the things in our daily lives. I would say the nerve system is more important than the rest with the joint structure coming in second place. We need the nervous system because they they transfer nerve impulses between the parts of our body. I hope this is what you were looking for, Goodluck!

Which of the following would have a negative impact on your social health?
A. looking at your friends' social media posts about vacations they are experiencing while you are stuck at home during spring break
B. eating a large pepperoni pizza and drinking a large soda after having a hard day at work
C. going to an age-appropriate movie with your friends
D. choosing to go to the gym when frustrated with one of your classes


Answer: the answer is A

Explanation: I had the same question an it’s A

A concussion is always a minor brain injury without consequences

True or false?





i took a health class and this was the right answer




a concussion can cause serious damage.

What sayings or team-bonding games do you know that promote teamwork? Create a list of games and sayings.



Egg Drop. ...

2) Dog, Rice, Chicken. ...

3) Talking in Circles. ...

4) Two sides of a Coin. ...

5) Blind Drawing. ...

6) The Mine Field / Watch your step. ...

7) Three Truths and a Lie. ...

8) Team Birthday Line Up.



Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” ...

“Individual commitment to a group effort—that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilisation work.” ...

“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision


what is the largest part of human brain​



cerebrum is the largest part of human brain


The largest part of the brain is cerebrum.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as 'a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
The Seven Dimensions include Physical, Intellectual, Environmental, Vocational, Social, Emotional and Spiritual health.



The World Health Organization (WHO) defines wellness as: “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” That, of course, doesn't mean you should take any definition of it as absolute and exclusive.

Wellness is multidimensional including: Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Career, Intellectual, Environmental, Social (SPECIES). Wellness is a full integration and the pursuit of continued growth and balance in these seven dimensions of wellness.

While the World Health Organization (WHO) indeed defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity," the specific categorization of health into the "Seven Dimensions" .

The dimensions of health can vary depending on different models and frameworks used in the field of health and wellness. The "Seven Dimensions" you mentioned are one possible way of categorizing different aspects of health and well-being.

The dimensions you listed are as follows:

Physical health: Refers to the well-being of the body, including aspects such as fitness, nutrition, and physical functioning.

Intellectual health: Involves mental stimulation, lifelong learning, and cognitive well-being.

Environmental health: Focuses on the impact of the surroundings on health, including factors such as air and water quality, safety, and access to resources.

Vocational health: Pertains to satisfaction and well-being in one's work or occupation.

Social health: Relates to the quality of relationships, social interactions, and support systems.

To learn more about health , here



Which of the following is a good precaution to take when it comes to physical activity?

A. Continue exercising through pain, weakness, or swelling
B. Don't drink water while exercising unless you are very thirsty
C. Start with as much vigorous activity as quickly as possible
D. Wear comfortable clothing that is appropriate for the weather​



d) wear comfortable clothing that is appropriate for the weather.


exercising in agony or pain is bad for your health

drinking water is essential and very important

you should start easy (warm up ) and then do hard exercises

d) wear comfortable clothing that is appropriate for the weather is a good precaution to take when it comes to physical activity.

What are forms of physical activity?

Varieties of physical sports include aerobic, muscle-strengthening, bone-strengthening, balance, and flexibility sports. Exercising is a bodily interest that is planned and dependent, along with lifting weights, taking an aerobics class, or playing in a sports activities group.

Examples encompass brisk taking walks, strolling, swimming, and cycling. electricity, or resistance schooling, exercises make your muscle tissues stronger. a few examples are lifting weights and the usage of a resistance band. Balance physical games could make it less difficult to stroll on choppy surfaces and assist save you from falls.

Regular bodily pastime is one of the maximum essential matters you could do in your fitness. Being bodily active can improve your brain health, help manage weight, reduce the threat of ailment, toughen bones and muscles, and enhance your capability to do regular sports.

Learn more about physical activity here: https://brainly.com/question/1744272


Isabelle has exceptionally good decision making and critical thinking skills. Which of these professions in the healthcare industry is she most suited for


medicine, surgical medicine


They need to be able to think critically about the best decisions to take on behalf of a patient that would benefit the patient even under pressure

The professions in the healthcare industry is she most suited for medicine, surgical, and medicine. They need to be able to think critically about the best decisions to take on behalf of a patient that would benefit the patient even under pressure.

What is healthcare industry?

Healthcare industry has been known as the most growing sector now a days. Health care has been defined as the whole procedure which includes prevention of the disease, diagnosis of the disease, and treatment of the disease. Health care has been practiced and run on its full pledge by the help of healthcare workers and doctors.

The sectors which has came in the category of the healthcare has medicine, midwifery, optometry, audiology, oncology, occupational therapy, and psychology. Healthcare has been known as the practice or effort to achieve the patient's health both physical, emotional as well as mental.

Therefore, The professions in the healthcare industry is she most suited for medicine, surgical, and medicine. They need to be able to think critically about the best decisions to take on behalf of a patient that would benefit the patient even under pressure.

Learn more about healthcare industry on:



The required minimum cooking temperature for ground beef is 155°F (68°C). Why must ground beef be cooked to this temperature? This temperature kills germs that may be in the meat This temperature reduces the amount of fat in the meat People don't like to see pink inside the meat This temperature activates important nutrients in the meat


I found someone who had the same question as you here is the answer, Good luck !!


it has to be cooked at that tempature to kill harmfull germs


Other than the American Stroke Association, which other organization created these trainings?
a. American CPR Organization
b. American Heart Association
c. American Cancer Society
d. American First Aid Association



b American heart association

b american heart association

What are the proper steps to take leading to CPR?

Put the statements below in the correct order by clicking and dragging the arrows.

1. Tell someone to call 911 and get an AED

2. Check if the scene is safe

3. Check for breathing

4. Tap and shout

5. Shout for help


Vas happenin!
Hope your day is going well
2, 3, 5 , 4. 1
Hope this helps *smiles*
Sorry if it’s wrong
Hello I took cpr training and the steps are

define meninges

please give me ans



The meninges are membranous layers surrounding the central nervous system. In the head, the meninges lie between the brain and the skull, and interact closely with both during development

Which of the following is NOT an effective way to manage stress?

Focus on goals
Reduce sleep time
Stay organized
Talk to a friend​



Reduce sleep time


Sleep is essential for humans and not getting enough sleep can make you more anxious and stressed.

Sanji stops exercising and gains several pounds. Which disease is she at risk of developing?

celiac disease
sickle cell disease
Huntington’s disease
cardiovascular disease


I think it's cardiovascular, sickle cell I think you have to be born with, and celiac is an allergy to gluten


Explanation: took da test

Classification of natural resources.You have to explain perpetual,renewable and non renewable with examples fastt asaapp​


Perpetual Resources: Perpetual resources are those that last forever like solar energy and wind.Sunlight, wind, geothermal heat, tides, and flowing water are perpetual resources. On Earth, there are only limited amounts of fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas.Renewable Resources: A renewable resource, also known as a flow resource, is a natural resource which will replenish to replace the portion depleted by usage and consumption, either through natural reproduction or other recurring processes in a finite amount of time in a human time scale.  Renewable resources include biomass energy (such as ethanol), hydropower, geothermal power, wind energy, and solar energy. Non renewable Resources: A non-renewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be readily replaced by natural means at a pace quick enough to keep up with consumption. There are four major types of nonrenewable resources: oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy.

Question. An Orthodontist tells you that youll next appointment is in 8 months, and youll then be doing x-rays. is this a sign of braces coming off?



Yes. I got a retainer after my braces came off though. You will probaly have to have to wear a retainer for a year or 2 after your braces come off.


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