Hello please I really need help with this please help please please help me


Answer 1
Introduction: & - The Monster who & -lives in the city sewer. & - it was said it was created from all the gunk and pollution.

(I hope you can go on from there I can always help you tho)

Related Questions

Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the one(s) in bold type in the following question: Ha Long Bay has attracted millions of visitors who come to enjoy its breathtaking views and experience other activities.
A. uninteresting B. heartbreaking C. awe-inspiring D. unforgettable


awe-inspiring is the answer

Please write a letter to yourself commenting on your achievements and indicating your plans to continue developing. Be specific, fair, and plan well. Do not forget to answer the following questions in your paper: Who are you as a Leader? What are your strong points and what are your developmental goals? What will you be able to contribute to your future organization? How?


ill give you an explanation on what thier asking,

what do you want to do? how will you lead in that category? what are your strengths? how will you grow in that category?

do you go...school...foot or...bike


I go to school by car.


yes I'm go to school on bike but come on foot

I have a car also but I don't like cars

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

aThe Statue of Liberty, which is mostly made of pure copper is a New York City landmark.

bThe Statue of Liberty, which is mostly made of pure copper, is a New York City landmark.

c The Statue of Liberty which is mostly made of pure copper is a New York City landmark.



option c is correct.... The Statue of Liberty which is mostly made of pure copper is a New York City landmark.

Hi ...since it's the pandemic..I have to record my student council speech from home before campaigning

So is it better to wear a uniform or casual clothes would do while recording the speech?​


casual clothes I think

I would think casual would be better since most people wear that type, but again, it's your choice.. :)

Good luck!

identify word with positive and negative connotation​


None of them have a really negative connotation the worse one would be give and one with the most positive connotation is D, because connotation has to do with how a sentence sounds and award sounds the most positive

Claire will award cash to Jamal.

Help me on this I’ll give Brainly!





a double negative equals a postive

According to the research presented by the author, it can be
concluded that young drivers get into more accidents than older
drivers because
O They are too inexperienced to drive.
O they are nervous about driving.
O they drive too slowly under supervision.
Othey drive too fast.


O they are too inexperienced to drive because they are young they so low to drive

Hope this helps :))

According to the research presented by the author, it can be concluded that young drivers get into more accidents than older drivers because they are too inexperienced to drive. Thus, the correct option is A.

What is an Accident?

An accident may be defined as a circumstance that takes place unintentionally and unexpectedly that results in mild to severe damage or injury depending upon its efficiency.

It can be most frequently seen that young drivers are largely involved in road accidents as compared to older drivers.

The most valid and accurate reason for this may be young drivers do not have enough experience in the field of driving. They are more in a hurry which causes severe worry for physical health.

Apart from this, the controlling of vehicles in severe harm situations or applying immediate breaks are the most potent reason for causing accidents by the younger drivers.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is A.

To learn more about Accidents, refer to the link:



In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Act II, scene iii, how does
Friar Laurence react to Romeo's news and plans? Choose two



A. He is concerned that Romeo may forget Juliet as quickly as he forgot Rosaline.

B. He agrees to perform the marriage of Romeo to Juliet as soon as possible.

A he is concerned that romeo may forget juliet
b he agrees to preform the marriage of romeo and juliet as soon as possible

what should we do to protect nature ?make a list of at least five suggestion​



1 we should learn to control our self

2 we should also build rest rooms

3we should also learn to satisfy our self



we should practice afforestation.avoid litteringprevent land degradationavoid killing animalsavoid burning forestspractice crop rotation

I hope this helps

When writing for a general audience, the writer should keep in mind that a general audience most likely

-knows little about the topic.

-knows a lot about the topic.

-is interested in the situation.

-has the power to effect change.



just lol dude

Explanation: i just want 4

Answer: Knows little about the topic

Explanation: a general audience implies you're not addressing a group of experts on the topic and the general public is usually disinterested in any topic unless it involves the Kardashians or aliens and the only way those unintelligent people effect any change is when acting as masses which I doubt you'll be writing to any masses if you're using Brainly to cheat on your schoolwork. Therefore, the answer is A: Knows little about the topic.  

That house (belong) ... to Mr. Green


Belongs to (the tense you mean?)


That house belongs to Mr. Green.

Which plot element provides background information? select one:

a. exposition

b. rising action

c. climax

d. falling action is it a?


The answer is exposition

put the verb into the gerund or the infinitive with 'to' ​





just add -ing to the hints given


Getting, to speak, to help, going, doing, arriving, stealing, to work, buying, being


Pretty much just add ing to the ends, unless if adding " to " sounds smoother.

When is the universal theme of story often revealed



The universal theme of a story is often revealed at the resolution of the story, when the reader can see how the story ends. In literature the terms of "theme" and "universal theme" are commonly used


The universal theme of a story is often revealed at the resolution of the story, when the reader can see how the story ends. In literature the terms of "theme" and "universal theme" are commonly used.

1. Wait a minute, please. The concert ______________ soon.

2. When ______________ humans ______________ on the Red Planet?

3. OK. At 5 o’clock we ______________ you outside the shopping centre.

4. They probably ______________me the job. I had a terrible interview.

5. I’m sorry about losing that book. I ______________ you another one next week.

6. ________ you ________ me when you get the news?

7. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we ______________ our umbrellas.

8. Turn on your laptop tonight. We ______________ a little bit.

9. I______________ them here again, whatever you say.

10. I think people ______________ CDs in 20 years’ time.


1. Wait a minute, please. The concert is going to start soon.

3. OK. At 5 o’clock we will take you outside the shopping center.

4. They probably didn’t give me the job. I had a terrible interview.

5. I’m sorry about losing that book. I will buy you another one next week.

6. Can you call me when you get the news?

7. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we don’t have to bring our umbrellas.

Can somebody give me an answer why should students watch finding dory? what did it teach us? Pleaseee



Finding Dory had the biggest debut weekend ever for an animated feature and for good reason! It's a delightful, beautifully told story of a brave fish on a quest to find her parents with the help of her supportive friends, and it is capturing the hearts of children and adults alike! Another thing it is doing? It's helping to promote compassion, understanding and support for those in our communities that experience emotional, behavioral or cognitive differences.

In Colorado Springs, which type of student/teenager is more likely to work at a fast food restaurant?





In Colorado Springs, minor type of student/teenager is more likely to work at a fast food restaurant.

What is fast food?

Fast food is a category of mass-produced, commercially resold food that places a high value on expediency of service.

It is a term used in commerce to describe meals provided in packaging for takeout or takeaway and sold in a restaurant or store containing frozen, warmed, or precooked components.

Fast food was developed as a business strategy to serve a huge number of harried wage employees, travelers, and commuters. Globally, the fast food sector was predicted to be worth $570 billion in 2018.

Pre-cooked meals are the quickest type of "fast food," as they cut waiting times to just a few seconds.

Other fast food restaurants, mainly those that specialize in hamburgers like McDonald's, cook the meat and fries fresh before constructing the meal "to order," using mass-produced, pre-made ingredients.

Learn more about fast food, here



10. Susan (can / move / not) _______________ into the new house if it (be / not) ________________ ready on time.



Susan cannot move into the new house if it is not ready on time.

Susan cannot move into the new house if it would not be ready on time.

please help....Will give brainliest



B. adults must follow the advice they give children


The last sentence is "Then why do you go out and do the things you tell us not to do?"

The author is asking the adults why they go against what they teach children.

I hope this helps!

gl on ed


B (second answer)


The child in the excerpt is telling the adult that they teach them so much but adds a question at the end saying "..why do you go out and do the things you tell us not to do?"

It's the best answer to fit the question

1 How was Einstein living during the late years of his lite?
3. Think and answer.
Einstein did not like lessons in grammar school as they were held
with strict discipline -- he was forced to learn. What do you think of
strict discipline in schools?
b. Einstein was interested in science and mathematics from very early
on. Are there areas in which you are similarly interested? What
interests you about them?
Einstein has made a lot of contributions in the field of science and
peace. Make a list of some of his contributions.
4 Practising grammar



1. no might be yourhdhdbsnnans dhjwjais e e. wwjssjdjd

. The patient _______ (die) while the doctors were performing the operation. *



the patient died while the doctors were performing the operation.


the ans is DIED


The patient died while the doctors were performing the operation.


I need An answer ASAP!?



I believe the answer is B.


Although running is mentioned, the containing theme contains the message about healthy eating. I suppose that's the answer.


poem must include :

- a unique title
- my love for swimming in the ocean and how it makes me feel calm
- show how the ocean makes me who i am
- poetic devices such as figurative language
-how my thoughts disappear when i’m at the ocean

these things technically make up identity so yeah help, i’m bad at making poems !!!



Mighty and grand ocean of wonderous emotion. Thou hath a key to a world in which the riot of business may subside and the depth of the navy blue consume, how righteous and elegant it supports itself on the sand slowly extending outwardly in stretch. There alone but all grand it stands but allows life to vicariously flow through and wish to never be dry again.

Tweak it if you want you get the idea.

What is one concern or fear that Mary Shelley explores in Frankenstein?


Social Alienation.

It's the act of being repeatedly shunned by society is what pushes Frankenstein to be a monster.

IV. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1pt)1. Fishing is an outdoor ……… …….my father likes best. (act)
2. My grandfather can read …………………………….without glasses. (good)
3. You should do some ……….for the tests. (revise)
4. She is speaking … …………………because she has a sore throat. (soft)
V. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the one printed before it. (2 pts)
1. “Don’t make too much noise.”, my mom said.
My mom asked me …………………
2. His father no longer smokes cigarette.
His father used …………
3. “Can you come early on Sunday?”, the officer said to me.
The officer told …………………………
4. She can read very fast.
She is……………………………………………………………………






Which textual evidence best supports the analysis that the setting develops the author's acceptance of death? "The Forest People could have killed me without fight." "the tears ran out of my eyes" "but they did not come" "My heart was cold as a frog"



its a !!!!!!!!!!


"The Forest People could have killed me without fight" is the textual evidence that best supports the analysis that the setting develops the author's acceptance of death. Therefore, the correct option is option A.

What is textual evidence?

Textual evidence backs up a claim with data taken from a primary source or additional texts. Consider textual evidence as that of the fire that propels arguments. Debates adopt a stance followed by presenting facts to back it up. You can advocate any viewpoint in a debate, but you can't win one without evidence to support it.

There is a crucial distinction between "proof" and "claim" here. A fact or combination of facts is evidence. A claim is indeed a statement that may be contested and calls for additional support. "The Forest People could have killed me without fight" is the textual evidence that best supports the analysis that the setting develops the author's acceptance of death.

Therefore, the correct option is option A.

To know more about textual evidence, here:



Task 1: Correct the mistakes if any
1. Neither Jack is intelligent nor hardworking.
2. Though he is poor, but he dreams big.
3. As he is fat so he runs slowly.
4. Unless you do not give the code, you will be killed.
5. No sooner I had reached the office than the boss left.
6. Not only she speaks English but also Chinese.
7. This is my house, I live here.
8. Because he was not hungry therefore we ate without him.
9. He decides to stay home. Because it is raining now.
10. The teacher asked that why I was late.


I have the best ans and that is
I don’t know what the answer is to that sorry

Read this excerpt from The Dark Game. Another thing that changed very little in the years between the wars was the means of obtaining military intelligence. Although the use of photography and the telegraph brought some technological advances, the craft of spying on the enemy's army still relied on fieldwork. In the rest of the text, how does the author develop this central idea that spying during the Civil War still involved mostly fieldwork




The answer is

by including more detailed information about who did fieldwork for the Union and how it was done Explanation:

The Civil War, also known as the American Civil War, was a major conflict fought in the United States from 1861 to 1865.

What is Civil War ?

The war was fought between the northern states, known as the Union, and the southern states, known as the Confederacy, over issues of slavery, states' rights, and territorial expansion.

The immediate cause of the Civil War was the election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States in 1860. Lincoln was a Republican, and his party was opposed to the expansion of slavery into new territories.

The southern states, which relied heavily on slave labor, saw Lincoln's election as a threat to their way of life and began to secede from the Union.

The war officially began in April 1861, when Confederate forces attacked a Union military installation at Fort Sumter, South Carolina. The conflict quickly spread throughout the country, with battles fought in both the eastern and western theaters of the war.

Learn more about Civil War here



Can you please answer me these question.

I think someone like to read poem and answer the question.​



sorry . which one question.

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