hello!! So I’m in 5th grade (middle school in my state :]) and I have a question.

what is 5 x 23 x 2 ? Please help! I didn’t understand anything in the mah lesson today and I’m behind.

if you can help that’d be a help!

also please tell me how the answer was gotten!

5 x 23 x 2


Answer 1


Step-by-step explanation:

5 x 23= 115

115 x 2= 230

Answer 2
Ok so this is easy let me help u
5 x 23 x 2
To make it easier let’s pick two numbers to begin with and the sum of those two numbers will be multiplied by 23
5 x 2 is the easiest to multiply so 5 x 2 = 10
And then 10 x 23 = 230
This is it I hope you understood and this helped you

Related Questions

Simplify the expression 2x(4 + x - 9 + 3x)
A. 8x - 10
B. -2x²
C. -10x²
D. 8x² - 10
E. 8x² - 10x



E. 8x² - 10x

Step-by-step explanation:






=8x² - 10x

E. 8X^2-10x ! hope this helps

I will put brainlyness answer please help me I really need it ASAP


The origin is the point (0,0) where the x and y axis intersect. To get to the point (-1,1) start at the origin, move one unit to the left and one unit up. To get to the point (1,-1.5) start at the origin and move one unit right and down one and a half. To get to the point (2, 1/4) start at the origin and move 2 units right and up one fourth of the way to 1.

Whats the answer to the question...



first graph equation is (0,5)

second graph equation is(-6,0)

The Answer is (0,5)(-6,0)

Where do the slope and y-intercept show up in the tables and graphs?



Solution: The general form of the line on a graph is y = mx+c,

where y is the coordinate of the point along the y-axis,

x is the coordinate of the point along the x-axis,

m is the slope of the line or arc tan of the angle the line makes with the x-axis, and

c is the intercept the line makes on the y-axis.

Suppose we want a line having a slope of 45º with the x-axis and passes through point P (4,6), the equation of the line is

y = mx + c

6 = tan 45 * 4 + c, or

6 = 4 + c, or

c = 6–4 = 2.

Positive side of graph?

HURRY IM TIMED!! which inequality is represented by this graph?



x<6 this is the answer because the circle is hallow (not including) and going left (less than)



Step-by-step explanation:

Look at the way the blue arrow is pointing that means less than and the circle is open so it is not equal to the number 6.

If f(x) = -3x - 2
find f(-2) + 9



f(-2) + 9 is 19

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]f(x) = - 3x - 2[/tex]

when x is -9:

[tex]f( - 2) = - 3( - 2) - 2 \\ f( - 2) = 10[/tex]

sum up with 9, f(-2)+9:

[tex]f( - 2) + 9 = 10 + 9 \\ = 19[/tex]

It shluld be 19 i think

Are the ratios 5:4 and 8:2 equivalent? yes or no




Step-by-step explanation:

no its no


I believe no

Step-by-step explanation:

I believe it is no but I could be wrong...if I am wrong I am very sorry and hope you can forgive me

I know how to find the distance of two coordinates but not three could someone help me on this??


Find distance between R and S and then between S and T and add them together

12 units

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1. Find the distance between R(-1, 4) and S(5, 4)

Answer: 6

Reason: from -1 to 5, it’s 6 units.

Step 2. Find the distance between S(5, 4) and T(5, -2)

Answer: 6

Reason: from -2 to 4, it’s 6 units

Step 3. Add the distance between R to S and S to T.

Answer: 12 units

Reason: R to S = 6 units. S to T = 6 units.

6 + 6 = 12 units

Extra points for this question if you just use me for the points I will red flag you with no regrets/ Please help me.



Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is the 2nd one

Gina wants to solve the following proportion.

a / 5/8 = 3/5 / 2/3

A. explain how to solve the problem.

B. solve the proportion. show your work.


Step-by-step explanation:

please don't understand the question. will be happy if you take a shot of it.


a/5/8 = 3/5 / 2/3

We can take the reciprocal of the denominator, since the denominator itself is a fraction

The above equation can be rephrased as,
(a) / (5/8) = (3/5) / (2/3)

Taking reciprocal

8a / 5 = 3*3 / 5*2

8a / 5 = 9 / 5*2

a = 9 * 5 / 5*2*8

5’s get canceled, 2 and 8 gets multiplied in the denominator.

We will then be left with,

a = 9 / 16

I have also verified it and got the right answer.

Absolute Value – how far or the
[ Select ] Answer | Counter | Number | or distance
a number is from zero.



The last answer or Distance a number is from zero

Step-by-step explanation:

It's this answer because absolute value is just how far a number is from zero for example | -1 | is equal to 1 because -1 is 1 away from zero. Hope this helps :)


The last answer or Distance a number is from zero i think i dont know

Step-by-step explanation:

Express each of the following fractions as percentages
solution for class 7


Like we did in the previous problem, divide and multiply by 100:
12 / 25 = 0.48
As a percentage, we multiply by 10p;
0.48 *100 = 48

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{12}{25}\times 100[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{12\times 100}{25}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{1200}{25}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 48\℅[/tex]

Please Help Me! I will give brainly!!

The distance from your front door to the mailbox is 18 4/5 meters. The distance from your front door to your basketball hoop is 13 7/10 meters. How much farther from your front door is the mailbox than the basketball hoop?



5 1/10 meters

Step-by-step explanation:

18 4/5 can be changed to 18 8/10 so

18 8/10 - 13 7/10 = 5 1/10 meters

5 1/10 meters ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Why are the divisibility rules for 2, 3, and 5 very useful for determining prime and composite numbers

1. They are the smallest odd numbers
2. They add up to 10
3. They are prime numbers with nice divisibility rules
4. They multiply to 30
5. They can be multiplied together to make every number



option 3.

Step-by-step explanation:

alright, ima explain each option.

1. "smallest odd numbers" 2 is an even number. that's out of the playing field.

2. "add up to 10" sure, they do add up to 10, but finding prime and composite numbers are all about division and multiplication.

3. this is true. 2, 3, and 5 are all prime numbers, and they have the nice divisibility rules. [ for 2, it has to be even, for 5, it has to end in 0 or 5, and 3 has to have the sum of its digits being divisible by 3. ]

4. they do multiply to 30, but this does not help break the composite numbers down.

5. we cannot make every number with just these. we can not multiply any other whole number to get 7 for per example, because it's a prime number.

sub to gauthmath sub reddit if ya can !

They are prime numbers with nice divisibility rules





Step-by-step explanation:

If all the coordinates are placed in a graph, the line would be straight. This would mean it is linear.

The answer is b,d,c, because the increase in x is same and the increase in y is also same but in a the increase in x is exponential meaning it gets multiplied so that is not linear.

Hope this helps!

Item 18
A flagpole casts a shadow that is 7 feet long. At the same time, a man standing nearby who is 6 feet tall casts a shadow that is 25 inches long. How tall is the flagpole to the nearest foot?


7/x= 6/25
175 =6x
So nearest foot is 29 feet





Step-by-step explanation:

its a rational number because it isn't 0 and the others are incorrect i think


Pretty sure its D

Step-by-step explanation:

Process of elimination....All the other ones seem to be incorrect.

Question 1
Click the refresh button until you get a right triangle with A as the right angle. Fill in the fraction forms of sin B, cos B, tan B and then the
associated measure of B using sin^-1, cos^-1, and tan^-1, rounded to three decimal places each. Then fill in the fraction forms of sin C, cos C, tan C, and the associated measure of C using sin^-1, cos^-1, and tan ^-1 rounded to three decimal places.


x=width of pool

2x=length of pool

the dimensions of the rectangle forming the walkway and the pool are x+4 and 2x+4

the area of this rectangle minus the area of the pool is 196 square feet



combine similar terms





x=15 feet is the width of the pool

check: 34*19-30*15=196




Step-by-step explanation:

The expression (F - 32) • 5/9 can be used to convert a temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius.

1. Find the temperature in Celsius if it is 50°F.

2. Find the temperature in Celsius if it is -10°F.



1.) 10

2.) 14

Step-by-step explanation:

1. 50-32= 18•5/9= 10*C

2. -10-32= -42•5/9= -23.33*C

Can someone please help me with this question I need to find the unit rate.


First we have to take any point, I'll take (5,3).

X-axis represents number of pounds and y-axis represents total cost (in $).

So, 5 pounds = $3

=> 1 pound = $3/5

=> 1 pound = $0.6

=> 1 pound = 60 cents


60c per pound.

Step-by-step explanation:

If 5lbs cost 3 dollars, 1lb = 3/5

3/5 = 0.6$



Elliot has been running a lawn care business since 2000. He cuts grass, trims, and weed whacks yards for his customers throughout the season. Each year, he has increased his fee by the same amount. The table shows what Elliot charged each customer for two given years of his business:

Year Lawn Care Fee
2000 $750
2010 $1350

A. What is the rate of change and initial value for Elliot’s business? How do you know?
B. Write an equation in slope-intercept form to represent the fees that Elliot charges each year.


2010-2000=10 years
600/10=$60 increase per year
a) since elliot started with $750 in 2000 and he started working in 2000 that would be his initial fee and every year he increased his fee by $60.
b) y=60x+750


Rate of Change: $60 Per year

Step-by-step explanation:

We can find how many years are from 2000 to 2010 not overcouting. That is 10. Now, we do 1350 minus 750 because that's the change of the fee. That will give you 600. Now, 600 divided by 10, giving you how much change each year. That's 60.












2010: 1350

You can graph it out with that, now.

11 and 14 please!! I’ll give Brainlist please



11. p-(780/6) or p-130

14. 12

Step-by-step explanation:

11. 780/6 because there are 6 people so we split it evenly.

14. 24/2 = 12

For number 14 the answer is going to be 12 feet per second

Please answer my question and explain it.


Answer:  Choice D


Work Shown:

4  1/2 = 4 + 1/2 = 4 + 0.5 = 4.5

In short, 4  1/2 cups is the same as 4.5 cups


1 cup = 8 fluid ounces

4.5*(1 cup) = 4.5*(8 fluid ounces) .......  multiply both sides by 4.5

4.5 cups = 36 fluid ounces



Step-by-step explanation:

Find the sum of the counting numbers from 1 to 25 inclusive. In other words, if S = 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 24 + 25, find the value of S.




Step-by-step explanation:

You must have heard about Arithmetic Progressions (AP)

Arithmetic progressions are a series of numbers such that every successive number is the sum of a constant number and the previous number.

Our very own counting numbers form AP

For example :-

2 = 1 + 1

3 = 2 + 1

4 = 3 + 1

The number in bold (1) is that constant number which is added to a number to form its successive number.

To find the sum of series forming AP, we use the formula :-

[tex]sum = \frac{n}{2} \{ a + a _{n} \} [/tex]


n is the number of termsa is the first number of the series an is the last number of the series

So we'll use all this information to find the sum of continuous numbers from 1 to 25 where 1 is the first term(a) and 25 is the last(an).

and n is 25

[tex]S = \frac{25}{2}\{ 1 +25\} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{25 \times 26}{2} [/tex]

[tex] = 25 \times 13[/tex]

[tex] = 325[/tex]

So, the value of S comes out to be 325.


s= 325

Step by step explanation:

Add all numbers 1 to 25 to get 325.

A 1400-seat theater sells two types of tickets for a concert. Premium seats sell for $30 each and regular seats sell for $20 each. At one event $33,950 was collected in ticket sales with 10 seats left unsold. How many of each type of ticket was sold?



x = 638

y = 1190 - 638 = 552

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x = premium seats

let y = regular seats

x + y = 1190         (ten were not sold

30x + 20y = 30180    (amount collected

now multiply the first equation by 20 and subtract

20x + 20y = 23800

30x + 20y = 30180

-10x = -6380

x = 638

y = 1190 - 638 = 552

check it by multipying x and y by their price to see if you come up with the correct amount

Hope this helps

premium seats sold : 638
Regular seats sold: 552

The table below shows the number of cruise ships in a harbor on various days.
(table pic attached)

a. Write an expression for the total number of cruise ships in the harbor on Monday and Tuesday.

b. Write an expression for the total number of cruise ships in the harbor on all 5 days.


part a is 2x+5 because you add monday’s equation and tuesday’s
part b is 7x+2 because you add all equations together

Please help me fast! I will give brainly

This is the question,

YOU BE THE TEACHER Your friend says that because of the order of operations, the expressions are equivalent. Is your friend correct?

10-(5x2)+7 or 10-5x2+7

Yes or No

And Explain the answer



He's correct.

Step-by-step explanation:

As long as there is no change in sign of the variables.

10-(5x2)+7 or 10-5x2+7

a single piece of sod is typically rectangular in shape and measures 46 cm wide and 1.5 m long. Assuming that you can cut the sod, how many pieces of sod would be required to cover the following lawn?


The question is incomplete


could you add more information?

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the initial value of the function represented by this graph?




the inital value is one.

Step-by-step explanation:

So basically, the initial value is just the value of y when x is zero. In this case, its 1 this point on the graph where x=0 is also known as the y intercept. Hope that helped.

Number 1 because the arrow from 6.7 is pointing to the other side with 0.1 removing the 0 would be 1






Step-by-step explanation:

hope this helps, sorry I'm bad at explaining, but just trust me it is this im 100% positive.

Answer: 24.32

Step-by-step explanation:

   34.12  - 09.80

hope this helps

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