HEllppp it is easy

Soon the sun would go down.

What is the verb mood of the sentence ?'

A)imperative, B) indicative C) conditional D)subjunctive


Answer 1


B) indicative

Explanation:indicative:indicate that something is a statement of fact

here is indicating that the sun will go down soon

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essence of corporal punishment in our schools?​


Answer: Those who advocate for corporal punishment in schools believe that it is an effective and immediate way to curb discipline problems in the classroom. It also sends a strong message to the other children that there are swift and uncomfortable consequences for misbehavior in the school environment.


I hopr this helps:)

Question 2(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)
Which of these best describes the big conflict in this story?

People vs. nature
Marilyn vs. Gerry
Barton vs. Stardust
Robot vs. human


What story erreeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The ____________ persuasive organizational pattern is particularly useful when the audience may be unaware of the problem or how they can personally work toward a solution.





The five most persuasive organizational patterns are problem-solution, cause-effect-solution, monroe's motivated sequence, topical/comparative advantage, and refutation.

The problem-cause-solution pattern shares the same characteristics to the problem-solution pattern.it gives or show the reason or causes of the problem and then offers solution that addresses those causes. It is said to establish a problem, shows the causes for the problem, and offer a solution.

Helppppp me pleaseeeeeee





"I've got a river for a soul" comparing his soul to a river

"And baby you're a boat" comparing his lover to a boat without using like or as

Read this excerpt from Immigrant Kids, by Russell
The purpose of this excerpt is to help readers
understand immigrants
Immigrants usually crossed the Atlantic as steerage
passengers Reached by steep, slippery stairways, the
steerage lay deep down in the hold of the ship. It was
occupied by passengers paying the lowest fare.
Men, women, and children were packed into dark, foul-
smelling compartments. They slept in narrow bunks
stacked three high. They had no showers, no lounges,
and no dining rooms,
O unsafe living conditions,
o uncomfortable travel conditions,
O unhealthy meal choices,
O unhappy family lives,




i have no explination i just know




______ was light coming through the trees. ______ was hope in it.
______ was a great joy to get the news of our team’s victory. ______ was a celebration ahead.
______ was a joy written all over her face. ______ was no sham.
______ could be anybody. ______ was difficult to see through the mist.
______ was nobody in the house. ______ could be no mistake about it.
______ was not much to be added, and ______ was a relief.
______ was too much to be said about him, and ______ was felt by everybody present.
______ is another letter from Polly, isn’t ______ fine?
______ was another of his letters, and ______ was a lot of bitterness expressed there.
______ is about ten already. ______ is time to start. ______ is all the time we need. ______ is no need to hurry.



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How much money does Lyddie withdraw from the bank?



Can you please give more info. I can't solve anything with out it.


What is genies attitude about breakfast





Because Genies are dreamy?

Dreamy lol Gm btw can u mark brainliest

Jefferson prefers representational to abstract art. Asked why, he says "because representational art shows the artist's
ability to see and reproduce what he sees." Which of the following is the best way to describe Jefferson's thoughts?
Jefferson can only appreciate one kind of art.
Jefferson knows nothing about abstract art.
Jefferson can explain his perspective on art.
Jefferson has seen very few examples of fine art.
Jefferson has stated and supported his perspective on art, but has not said anything to suggest that he is ignorant about
other forms of art.



Jefferson has stated and supported his perspective on art but has not said anything to suggest that he is ignorant about  other forms of art.


Just like many of us, Jefferson has a preference when it comes to art. Representational art, which depicts something that exists in or is somehow related to real life, appeals to him more than abstract art, which is the opposite. He stated his perspective and explained it. However, he said nothing that would suggest that he is ignorant about other forms of art. He doesn't put other artists down in any way. Maybe he knows a lot about abstract art but still prefers representational. Also, there are other forms of art he has not mentioned, and he probably likes some of them as well.


Jefferson can explain his perspective on art.


i took the quiz

The brass needed to make the plaques was usually transported in the form of large bracelets – called manillas – and the quantities involved are staggering. In 1548 just one German merchant house agreed to provide Portugal with 432 tons of brass manillas for the West African market. When we look again at the plaque, we can see that one of the Europeans is holding a manilla, and this is the key to the whole scene: the Oba is with his officials who manage and control the European trade.

–A History of the World in 100 Objects,
Neil MacGregor

What central idea is best supported by details in the passage?






Person above me is correct!







If you look at the original line 4, and compare it to the rivised line 4 (D) it has all of the same information in a way that is easier to comprehend. Hope this helps!


A) They also think that online learning allows an opportunity to develope important technology skills.


I would say that its not B or D, because B and D are too wordy.

I would also say not C, because C only says "typing skills" and the passage clearly states, "typing skills as well as other technology skills"

A, is the correct answer, because, it is not too wordy and it provides all of the needed information.



Which sentence is an example of formal language?
A. Grilled cheese is an awesome lunch
B. If you like to eat tasty food,chances are you dig sandwiches
C. Portable foodstuffs have a long history and are popular across the globe
D. It’s fun to eat sandwiches, because you can pile them up with lots of different fixings.



i think A but hopefully that helps

a or c
!!!!! hope it ryte

Read the quotes from a character in The Princess Bride. Which of the following statements is true about this character? Hear this now: I will always come for you. I told you I would always come for you. Why didn't you wait for me? What can I do for you? He is a round character with many personality traits. He is the antagonist, a major character. He is a dynamic character and has experienced many changes. He is a static character and has not experienced change.


He is a round character

Can someone help me start a story about what ever animals or something in I will continued it



Ok, I'm going to start the story for you. You just have to finish it.


Once upon a time, the was a girl. Her name was Arkticheskaya, Russian for "Arctic". She was 14 or so, but who cared, right? She was the village freak, with her long white hair, her fangs, her fox ears and tail, and her black eyes. The other kids called Arkti a "fox freak", and told her to stay away. She would always whine and run off, ears and tail down. But her 15th birthday was coming soon, and what a surprise that would be.

Hope I helped. My idea is to have her be the human child of snow and a fox, but she turns into the first ever arctic fox on her 15th.

I don't know. You can write it however you want to.

Which sentence could describe the plot of a myth


Here’s a couple;

The sun god fights the god of the underworld each evening at dusk.
A girl finds a dog in an alleyway and convinces her mother to let her keep it.
A little boy discovers he is a prince when he is able to pull a sword from a stone.
A grasshopper refuses to store food for the winter and has to beg from his friends.

Hi I’m in 2nd grade can somebody help me with the first 3 boxes thank you


Answer: 1.





give utterance to

give voice to









note for first box

box two just write the word that are in the box

box 3 put run and jump for every box


Read the lines from “This Land Is Your Land” by Woody Guthrie. Nobody living can ever stop me, As I go walking that freedom highway Based on This Land Was Made for You and Me, Guthrie most likely wrote these lines about the southern chain gangs he observed. his need to wander and explore America. the people he met at the Grapes of Wrath concert. his interest in helping people develop pride in themselves.



B is correct, yes





his need to wander and explore America

Anyone read the book into the wild?








In the story, the lottery is put in the same category as "the square
dances, the teenage club, the Halloween program and other civic
activities" (lines 38-40). Based on these ideas, how do you expect the
winner of the lottery to feel?


The answer is

A. Happy




what question does the young weasel ask his father and keep memory alive



Wiesel recalls asking his father about the worlds response to the Holocaust.

Which of these phrases defines setting?
the time, place, and conditions in which a story occurs
the attitudes or moods of the characters
O C.
the detailed events that make up a story
the dialogue, actions, and thoughts that reveal a character


The answer is A. Setting is the place of the story along with being the time.

Paraphrasing ( Really Urgent)
1. "The Antarctic is the vast source of cold on our planet, just as the sun is the source of our heat, and it exerts tremendous control on our climate," [Jacques] Cousteau told the camera. "The cold ocean water around Antarctica flows north to mix with warmer water from the tropics, and its upwellings help to cool both the surface water and our atmosphere. Yet the fragility of this regulating system is now threatened by human activity." From "Captain Cousteau," Audubon (May 1990):17.
2. The twenties were the years when drinking was against the law, and the law was a bad joke because everyone knew of a local bar where liquor could be had. They were the years when organized crime ruled the cities, and the police seemed powerless to do anything against it. Classical music was forgotten while jazz spread throughout the land, and men like Bix Beiderbecke, Louis Armstrong, and Count Basie became the heroes of the young. The flapper was born in the twenties, and with her bobbed hair and short skirts, she symbolized, perhaps more than anyone or anything else, America's break with the past. From Kathleen Yancey, English 102 Supplemental Guide (1989): 25.
3. Matisse is the best painter ever at putting the viewer at the scene. He's the most realistic of all modern artists, if you admit the feel of the breeze as necessary to a landscape and the smell of oranges as essential to a still life. "The Casbah Gate" depicts the well-known gateway Bab el Aassa, which pierces the southern wall of the city near the sultan's palace. With scrubby coats of ivory, aqua, blue, and rose delicately fenced by the liveliest gray outline in art history, Matisse gets the essence of a Tangier afternoon, including the subtle presence of the bowaab, the sentry who sits and surveys those who pass through the gate. From Peter Plagens, "Bright Lights." Newsweek (26 March 1990): 50.


ok never write a long question ask brainy o.j. it's official web




inspirational and solemn

where’s the pic ? i don’t see it all i see is the help pls

help me pls pls pls


a man complains about that the father should let the boy ride the donkey


because the "man" is letting the boy feel better about himself.... I think

Topic: Danger! This mission in mars could bore you to death.
A. DIRECTIONS: In each of the following items, think about the meaning of the italicized word or phrase, and then answer the question.
1. If Cora suffers from chronic pneumonia, is it long-lasting or short-lived? Explain.

2. Would you lie down and take a nap if you were bored and looking for outside stimuli? Why or why not?

3. Nick was talking to the teacher about his homework, but subconsciously was thinking about lunch. Was Nick aware of his thoughts regarding lunch? Why or why not?

4. It was excruciatingly awkward when I stood to applaud, not realizing the performance wasn’t over. True or false? It was intensely awkward. Explain.

5. If you were subjected to the monotony of watching paint dry, would this be an exciting experience for you? Explain.

6. Would you say that a tsunami is a catastrophic event? Why or why not? Explain.

B. WORD STUDY: LATIN PREFIX SUB-: The Latin prefix sub- means “under” or “below.” For instance, the word submarine means “a watercraft that stays underwater.” Below, please give a brief definition of each word and use it in a sentence.
1. submerge:





3. Nick was talking to the teacher about his homework, but subconsciously was thinking about lunch. Was Nick aware of his thoughts regarding lunch? Why or why not?

No, because being subconscious is in a way that is influenced by the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware.

13. Which of the following best describes the
author's exigence in the passage?
(A) The need for greater resources to solve
problems he finds pressing
(B) The proliferation of global organizations
that he finds menacing
(C) The opportunity for facilitating
communication between disparate groups
(D) The uncritical acceptance of an opinion
that he finds problematic
(E) The rapid pace of a homogenizing process
whose effects he finds reductive



D) the uncritical acceptance of an opinion


exigency is an urgent need or demand. So, we're finding what the author's urgent needs or demands are in the passage.

D makes the most sense here because he finds it problematic, meaning it is an urgent matter to the author.

The following that best describes the author's exigence in the passage is :

D) The uncritical acceptance of an opinion.

Author's exigence

The following that best describes the author's exigence in the passage is the uncritical acceptance of an opinion.

The exigence is an issue, issue, or circumstance that causes or prompts somebody to type in or talk. The term exigence comes from the Latin word for "request."

Understanding the exigence is vital since it makes a difference you start to find the reason of the talk. It makes a difference you get it what the talk is attempting to finish.

Thus, the correct answer is D.

Learn more about "exigence":


12. Match the Informational media examples to their corresponding source types.
1. court documents
a. accounts by another person
b. historical accounts
2. photos
c. personal accounts
3. autobiographies


1) court documents —accounts by another person

2) photo——historical account

3) autobiography—personal account

Which of the following is the most important ingredient in a
successful popular reality show?
A.a scripted dialog.
B.dynamic and out-going personalities
C. having every show a half-hour length.
D. needs to be shown only a traditional network.


I believe the best answer for this question would have to be B.dynamic and out-going personalities.

......gold in your ring is glittering use a , an , the , nothing​





The gold in your ring is glittering would be the answer.

Paraphrasing ( Really Urgent)
1. "The Antarctic is the vast source of cold on our planet, just as the sun is the source of our heat, and it exerts tremendous control on our climate," [Jacques] Cousteau told the camera. "The cold ocean water around Antarctica flows north to mix with warmer water from the tropics, and its upwellings help to cool both the surface water and our atmosphere. Yet the fragility of this regulating system is now threatened by human activity." From "Captain Cousteau," Audubon (May 1990):17.



The Antarctic serves a very important fibrin in the Earth's climate, and this point was agreed on by Jacques Cousteau.

One important function of this source of cold is that it mixes with warm water in the tropical areas and helps to cool the surface of the earth. According to Mr Cousteau, the activities of humans are now a risk to the Antarctic.

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