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Answer 1


it is July 22,1954

it's right answer

hope it helped

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How does the Nile river help people



The Nile supports agriculture and fishing. The Nile also has served as an important transportation route for thousands of years.


What is the significance of the naval race between Germany and Great Britain​


The naval race between Germany and Great Britain between 1906 and 1914 created huge friction between both nations and it is seen as one of the causes of World War One. In 1906, Britain launched the first dreadnought – a ship that meant all others were redundant before its awesome fire power.

hiw did young Americans react to the war, and how did their reaction shape cultural developments​


The attitude of young people to war has changed markedly during the 20th century. In the early 20th century, many young men were eager to join armies in wartime, as it promised high pay and the opportunity to travel. As the century progressed, the availability of travel and increased living standards neutralized these advantages, and improved media coverage made the horrors of war known. This translated into a dislike and hostility toward service in the armed forces.

Applying Economics to History
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Answer:nswer to 1. Using Context Clues - Using information from the passage, write a new sentence for each boldfaced word: monopoly: If you had a monopoly on


Look at yourself in the mirror. Did you notice that you have your mother's eyes or father's dimples? You might notice that you have your grandmother's nose or your grandfather's ears. Share what you have noticed by writing the characteristics that you got from your parents and grandparents.​


With me personally I have a lot of my mother features. I have my mothers nose, her dimple, even my hair. From my dad though my teeth came out like his. Going on, my mothers mom, I have her eyes. So I would say I’ve gain a lot through my family.

What was one reason for the growth of industries?



More efficient technologies


Hope this helpss!

los artículos
de la Constitución de la República Bolivariana
de Venezuela y la Ley Orgánica de Educación que hacen mención de la Educación Física.




Why did the British government encourage not only English citizens to settle in the American Colonies but citizens of other nations as well?



Richard Hakluyt used this document to persuade Queen Elizabeth I to devote more money and energy into encouraging English colonization. In twenty-one chapters, summarized here, Hakluyt emphasized the many benefits that England would receive by creating colonies in the Americas.

What was Washington’s final decision on the national bank



Washington sided with Hamilton's argument and signed the Bank Bill into law on February 25, 1791. The debate over the National Bank ultimately fractured the government into the first political parties, the Democratic-Republicans led by Jefferson and Madison and the Federalist led by Hamilton


I’m really not sure about this one but i need help asap



look close because that is the question


Which of these is negatively affected by rock music?



Society and People will most likely be affected by rock music

People who listen to rock music will act more reckless or careless


Soe things people may do:

- Vandalizing property

- Speeding

- Driving carelessly or after drinking alcohol

- May lower self-esteem

- Can affect peoples attitude toward others or things

- People also blame rock music for violence and hostility

Hope this Helps

Rock music will probably have an impact on society and the general public.

Rock music has a detrimental impact on people who listen to it because they will act more recklessly or carelessly.

What do you know about rock music?

Rock music is a broad category of popular music that began as "rock and roll" in the US in the late 1940s and early 1950s. It then evolved into a variety of diverse forms in the mid-1960s and beyond, especially in the US and UK. Its origins can be traced back to the rock and roll movement of the 1940s and 1950s, a movement that took inspiration from both country music and the African-American musical genres of blues and rhythm and blues.

Incorporating elements of jazz, classical music, and other musical genres, rock also borrowed heavily from a number of other genres like electric blues and folk. Rock music's instrumentation has traditionally concentrated on the electric guitar, typically playing with an electric bass guitar, drums, and other acoustic instruments.

Learn more about rock music, from :


List 3 interesting facts about life in a Totalitarian society.



Totalitarian society are society that basically allows only single political party to control the affairs therein.

The three interesting fact about the society includes:

* The practice of a totalitarian society started in the modern world. The practice seems like Authoritarian but it is quite different.

* The society leadership are often addressed as authoritarian.

* The economy of totalitarian society are control by the leader, thusm it is termed a command economy.



Totalitarian regimes are often characterized by extreme political repression, to a greater extent than those of authoritarian regimes, under an undemocratic government, widespread personality cultism around the person or the group which is in power, absolute control over the economy, large-scale censorship and mass .


Write a paragaph in which you consider whether or not John Brown was "crazy. " Your paragraph should be 5-7 sentences.



Paragraph in explanation


Yes, John Brown was "crazy". For one, he thought he could take down slavery by himself and a army he would slowly grow. He would start a "invasion" of the south and free slaves and use those slaves for his army. He also thought violence was the key to ending slavery. He would stop at nothing to end slavery including breaking the law and arguably committed treason.

How does the excerpt contribute to the power of Banneker’s message to Jefferson?

Select the two correct answers.

Banneker quotes a biblical figure to establish his moral superiority over Jefferson and white Americans.

Banneker compliments Jefferson’s intelligence and awareness with the intention to engage him as an ally in the fight to abolish enslavement.

Banneker makes a religious reference to encourage Jefferson to empathize with enslaved persons.

Banneker suggests that by walking in the shoes of persons denied their basic rights, Jefferson and white Americans will feel compelled to end enslavement.



I just took the test hope this helps:)



Check out my pic attached. I hope this helps!


Why did the black hand want to kill archduke



The political objective of the assassination was to free Bosnia of Austria-Hungarian rule and established of a common South Slav ("Yugoslav") state.


What happened to many tombs and mummies before laws were passed to protect them?



Many of the tombs were raided and the mummies were stolen.


What is a hacienda?

A:Another name for ports along the Pacific and Caribbean coasts

B:An emerald mine where native slaves had to work

C:A plantation that grew coffee, tobacco, sugarcane and other cash crops

D: A capital city in the European colonies in South America



I think it's C. I'm sorry if it's wrong tho.

Why did “War Hawks” want the United States to go to war with Britain in 1812?
A) They wanted to encourage the Southern states to secede from the United States.
B) They believed it would stop the Indian raids along the American frontier.
C) They felt it would strengthen the nation's manufacturing and shipping industries.
D) They wanted the United States to become part of the British Empire.


The answer is A they wanted to encourage…

Which statement best describes the impact of the election of 1912?

A. Woodrow Wilson lost the election to William Howard Taft

B. The Democrats won the presidency due to the split in the Republican Party

C. William Howard Taft lost the republican nomination to Theodore Roosevelt.

D. The Republicans lost the office after Theodore Roosevelt won as the progressive candidate.


Answer:B is correct becuase many republicans split and made the progressive party in 1912.


Pls help!! American Revolutionary War



Mark me as Brainliest



which indian tribe taught the pilgrims how to cultivate the land and were invited to the thanksgiving meal?


Answer: The Wampanoag

Study the following quote. Then answer the question that follows. "I challenge the warmest advocate for reconciliation to show a single advantage that this continent can reap by being connected with Great Britain. ... Our corn will fetch its price in any market in Europe." This quote from Thomas Paine's Common Sense

A: argues that ties to Great Britain are essential to maintain prices for corn grown in the colonies

B: states that breaking away is a good idea as long as they continue to trade with Great Britain

C: challenges those who wish to break away from Great Britain to find other countries to trade with

D: reassures colonial farmers that they can earn a profit from their goods without Great Britain's help​


Wants complete independence from




What were President Eisenhower's aims in the Vietnam war?


Answer: He wanted to invest huge sums of money and prestige in transforming South Vietnam into a showcase of a new “free Asia.” Spending billions of dollars



To invest huge sums of money prestige in transforming South Vietnam into a showcase a new free Asia.

Joel did not mention the Day of the Lord.

True or False


Answer: False.......

Not doing 100 points this time because people didn't even put the correct answer! Say thanks to the people who just care about points and ruined your chance of getting 100 But will still give brainliest to best answer!
During the period 800 BCE to 1500 BCE, following the fall of the Roman Empire, Europe seemed to experience a dramatic decline in its cultural growth and development. Meanwhile, life in other parts of the world was no so “Medieval”—those cultures made tremendous advances in science, art, exploration, and scholarship.
What caused this difference between Europe and Africa, Asia, and the Middle East during the Middle Ages? Why do you think other parts of the world experienced “golden ages” during a time when most Europeans struggled through the Dark Ages?


Oooo that is kinda hard. I’m not sure but just quizlet that one for now

The answer is:

The main difference is the presence of knowledge which made Africa, Asia, and the Middle East more developed and modern during the Middle Ages as compared to Europe because in Europe no importance was given to the knowledge by the people which leads to the development of other nations as compared to dark age of the Europe. Other parts of the world experienced “golden ages” during a time when most of the Europe struggled through the Dark Ages because of knowledge which enables other nations to made better their lives.

Have a great Day/Night

The Mayans and the ancient Egyptians were alike because they both:

rose to power at the same time
lived in similar climates
consisted mainly of farmers
did not use slaves

I'm stuck between C and B



Pretty sure it's A (they live in similar climates)


Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.
Online Content: Site 1

According to the article, what are the skills needed to become a historian. Briefly describe each. (Site 1)



1. Identify the need for the decision:Try to determine the background of the decision to be made

2. Gather information related:Research information and data related to the problem which will help in resolving the problem matter.

3. Identify alternatives present:Keep a list of possible alternatives for the decision. Having a Plan A up to Z works!

4. Weigh the gathered evidence available:Know and see what are the highs and lows of each decision.

5. Choose the correct decision among alternatives:Decide which resolution is the best, or have combinations  to produce a better outcome.

6. Take action:If everything is situated according to plan, Act.

7. Review your decision:Reevaluate your path if it needs minor modifications or a total re-haul.

Hope it helps:)

Very shortly after Hitler achieved power, there were massive book burnings all over Germany as the Nazis banned books that might go against their own teachings. Conduct online research on the Nazi book burning campaign and write a paragraph explaining the event.



on may 10 1933 uneversety students in 34 uneversety towns across germany burned over 25,000 books. the works of jewish authors like albert einstein and sigmund  Freud went up in flames alongside blacklisted american authors    such as Ernest hermingway and Helen Keller. While nazi gave the nazi salute.


explain how slavery was used so often in the production of sugarcane and tobacco. what was causing these items to be in such high demand?



The conditions required for cultivating different cash crops largely shaped regional labor experiences and population demographics for enslaved Africans in the New World. European settlers experimented with a range of crops and export goods, often with significant influences from American Indians and Africans, but eventually market competition and environmental constraints determined which major cash crop different plantation regions primarily exported. The most lucrative cash crops to emerge from the Americas in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were sugar, tobacco, and rice. Cotton agriculture did not become a major feature of the U.S. southern economy until the early nineteenth century.


why might the colonists be to blame for the french and indian war



With the French and Indian War over, many colonists saw no need for soldiers to be stationed in the colonies. Britain also needed money to pay for its war debts. The King and Parliament believed they had the right to tax the colonies. They protested, saying that these taxes violated their rights as British citizens


They also just want someone to blame

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