help!!! I need to get a good score on this test. if not I fail this class, please help!!

Help!!! I Need To Get A Good Score On This Test. If Not I Fail This Class, Please Help!!


Answer 1


You want me to write you a essay?

Related Questions

In the section “Pencil Test" from "Cool Eye Tricks," which text structure best describes the overall organization?



The answer is (Sequence)


I took the test :)

Please help. Write a paragraph about your observations of an animal, bird, or insect. Use compelling imagery.



I saw a bird just sitting on my tree branch. It had already made a nest and laid it's eggs. It kept chirping at night. It was like a white-ish color. The bird would go down from it's nest every now and then so it could get food. A couple weeks later, the birds eggs hatched! I saw it all happen so I was in complete shock.


Hope this was helpful. Have a noice day!

_2. The stars and the sun and the moon guided early explorers.
Where to put the commas?



The stars, and the sun, and the moon guided early explorers.


The literary device in which the same conjunction is repeated multiple times is called the polysyndeton. The conjunction most often used like this is and.

This is an unconventional use of conjunctions. It would be more natural to write the given sentence like this:

The stars, the sun, and the moon guided early explorers.

Since this use is not conventional, there are no strict rules regarding punctuation. In literature, there are versions with and without the commas before the conjunctions. If you need to put the commas somewhere, you'd put one before each conjunction. The given sentence would look like this:

The stars, and the sun, and the moon guided early explorers.

What Would Your Torture Chamber be Like?
Pretend that instead of jail, people in Oklahoma were sent to a torture
chamber, not to be killed, just tortured. Somehow the authorities would
know each person's biggest fears and play on those. What are your
biggest fears? What would be the perfect torture room for you? Describe
in detail (keep it PG 13 though) your fears and the best way the
authorities could play on those. Fill up the page.
no no


Answer:My biggest fears are unusually spiders and falling into the sky. Arachnophoia and Castadrastraphobia. Thte perfect one would be a simultaneously endless fall.


Will give the Brainliest if you give me a rough draft about the dark games and the code book.
Write a compare-and-contrast analysis to compare the way two different texts present similar ideas.



Both "The code book" and "The dark game" both display codebreaking but are different in their tone, style and language. And example of this is "The code book" is written with a technical language while "The dark game" is written with a more simpler style. Both "The code book" & "The dark game"  stories explain the importance of codes and codebreakers historically. Another difference is that "The dark game" could fall into the narrative category while, "The code book" is leaning more into the formal style of writing. Also saying that the author Paul Janeckzo shares the historical event in a story telling style. 



Both "The code book" and "The dark game" both display codebreaking but are different in their tone, style and language. And example of this is "The code book" is written with a technical language while "The dark game" is written with a more simpler style. Both "The code book" & "The dark game"  stories explain the importance of codes and codebreakers historically. Another difference is that "The dark game" could fall into the narrative category while, "The code book" is leaning more into the formal style of writing. Also saying that the author Paul Janeckzo shares the historical event in a story telling style.


What is the correct way to write sentence 11? A Yet many of our students who all work very hard move on to the "real world," without much life experience. B Yet many of our students who all work very hard; move on to the "real-world" without much life experience. C Yet many of our students, who all work very hard, move on to the "real-world" without much life experience. D The sentence is written correctly in the paper.​





PLS HELPPP! Read the excerpt from Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll.

“Do you know, I've had such a quantity of poetry repeated to me to-day,” Alice began, a little frightened at finding that, the moment she opened her lips, there was dead silence, and all eyes were fixed upon her; “and it's a very curious thing, I think – every poem was about fishes in some way. Do you know why they're so fond of fishes, all about here?”

Which words from the excerpt point to the theme that becoming an adult is a challenging journey?

“quantity of poetry”
“all about here”
“fond of fishes”
“a little frightened”



The answer is D "a little frightened"

Explanation: Hope this helps give credit to colorful person :P




Read the two excerpts from The Call of the Wild.

The wolf whirled about, pivoting on his hind legs after the fashion of Joe and of all cornered husky dogs, snarling and bristling, clipping his teeth together in a continuous and rapid succession of snaps.


For the better part of an hour the wild brother ran by his side, whining softly.

Which statement is true?

The wolf is static because he changes from worried to excited.
The wolf is static because he remains the same in both situations.
The wolf is dynamic because he remains the same in both situations.
The wolf is dynamic because he changes from frightened to comfortable.



C is the correct answer

C hope this helps :)

These texts are excerpts from the musical my fair lady and the play Pygmalion Which statements correctly describes a difference in these two texts?



Hello. You did not show the texts to which this question refers. However, I can make a strong difference between the play "Pigmalion" and the musical "My fair lady" is that the musical features the pronouncing exercises "the rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain" and "In Hertford, Hereford, and Hampshire, hurricanes hardly ever happen ", while the play does not present these exercises.


"My fair lady" and the play "Pygmalion" tell the story of Eliza, a girl who grew up on the outskirts of her city and cannot speak the English language correctly, presenting several pronunciation errors. However, she starts taking classes with an academic and strong connoisseur of the standard language that teaches her to speak correctly and promotes many changes in her life.

Randall Allen argues that the school's lunch period should be lengthened by 10 minutes because this would allow better food digestion, lessen student stress, and strengthen student participation in afternoon classes. What is most likely the author's purpose for writing this text? A. To inform readers of the problems that commonly occur during school lunch periods B. To entertain readers with a personal story about a school lunch experience C. To inform readers about the effects of food on student performance D. To convince readers that a longer lunch period is needed and beneficial​


I personally think it’s D


What does the following sentence mean to you?

“It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer.”



can we do like a question for question thing like u answer me math question and i answer this one? Hopefully so but in the meantime here


What this sentence means to me is that writers are great at making up scenarios lies and secrets so it is hard to find one who is a true friend and loyal.

~Brianna/edgumacation :)

To me, it means that it is rare to find a true friend who is good at articulating their words. They know how to communicate effectively, so misunderstanding would be a rare occurrence. And being a good writer means you know how to separate daily conversational slang from professional writing. That friend knows how to draw the line when it comes to other people.

btw, if this is for an essay, i recommend changing some of these words because i sound redundant saying "rare" twice

Read The Call of the Wild.

What idea best explains how sledding is symbolized in the novel?




B.  Work


on Edge

Who can help me through 11th lit text me





Write these sentences correctly. 1. My brother pablo likes working with childs so, she wants to been a teacher.​



My brother Pablo likes working with children, so she wants to be a teacher.


50 points and brainliest for the answers (dont answer if your not gonna give me the answers aka dont be rude)

Short Responses- Answer each of these questions using at least 3-5 sentences (Explain your answers).

1. How are the qualities of the sun similar and different in the two myths? Explain.

2. In what ways do the qualities of the sun in each myth contribute to the problems or conflicts the characters face?

3. Formulate a theme that the two myths share. Include text evidence in your response.

4a. What qualities do the animal characters in the sun myth and the spirit characters in the music myth possess that allow them to be successful in their own stories?

4b. What do these qualities suggest about the values of the cultures that first told these stories?



This was a long one lol. Have a great day!


1. In the story,  “How Grandmother Spider Stole the Sun,” the Sun is not as personified as it is it “How Music Came to the World.” In the latter, the Sun is stubborn and the reader has the impression that the Sun is stubborn and thinks highly of himself. They are similar though because both stories have a Sun that the protagonist is trying to retrieve.

2. In “How Music Came to the World,” the Sun doesn't cooperate with Quetzalcoatl causing him to lash out in anger. The Sun is too hot and far away in “How Grandmother Spider Stole the Sun,” though, that the characters face the problems of burns and trouble getting to the Sun.

3. Both myths have a similar theme. They both suggest that never giving up always pays off. In “How Grandmother Spider Stole the Sun,” Grandmother Spider knows that if they never give up, they will be able to retrieve the Sun. The story, “How Music Came to the World,” Quetzalcoatl doesn't stop trying. Soon, "the earth let out a slow sigh of relief. Its fruit began to ripen and its flowers began to bloom with new, deeper colours."

4a. In the sun myth, the characters teamwork helps them achieve their goals and be successful. In the music myth, Quetzalcoatl is persistent and never gave up. These traits helped these characters throughout the myths.

4b. These qualities likely meant that the traits were big parts of the cultures. The persistence of Quetzalcoatl probably meant Mesoamerican societies valued this quality. Teamwork was probably a large value in the culture in which it came from.


This was a long one lol. Have a great day!


1. In the story,  “How Grandmother Spider Stole the Sun,” the Sun is not as personified as it is it “How Music Came to the World.” In the latter, the Sun is stubborn and the reader has the impression that the Sun is stubborn and thinks highly of himself. They are similar though because both stories have a Sun that the protagonist is trying to retrieve.

2. In “How Music Came to the World,” the Sun doesn't cooperate with Quetzalcoatl causing him to lash out in anger. The Sun is too hot and far away in “How Grandmother Spider Stole the Sun,” though, that the characters face the problems of burns and trouble getting to the Sun.

3. Both myths have a similar theme. They both suggest that never giving up always pays off. In “How Grandmother Spider Stole the Sun,” Grandmother Spider knows that if they never give up, they will be able to retrieve the Sun. The story, “How Music Came to the World,” Quetzalcoatl doesn't stop trying. Soon, "the earth let out a slow sigh of relief. Its fruit began to ripen and its flowers began to bloom with new, deeper colours."

4a. In the sun myth, the characters teamwork helps them achieve their goals and be successful. In the music myth, Quetzalcoatl is persistent and never gave up. These traits helped these characters throughout the myths.

4b. These qualities likely meant that the traits were big parts of the cultures. The persistence of Quetzalcoatl probably meant Mesoamerican societies valued this quality. Teamwork was probably a large value in the culture in which it came from.



Which phrase has the most negative connotation? An abnormal result ? An typical result ? An unusual result ?



it is indeed abnormal.


abnormal means unusual, atypical etc.

i also took the IXL, for anyone who’s taking 45Q, it’s correct :)


An abnormal result


I just told the IXL TEST

Example sentence of extrovert



Often, a good match is to pair up an extrovert and introvert to balance out each other. I had been a very extrovert person, living life to the full.

What are 3 words you would use to describe Nelson Mandela?



peaceful, positive, a visionary


hope this helps!

what do you think ? What makes an election successful?​



a a a a brain brain brain brain


vote dummy and can you give me brainliest


I guess if the person elected is a good president of the country, in this case, the only way this election will be successful is if Kanye West wins, which he will.

sorry for the blurry image.

but please help & explain how you got it.





It explains the passage.

How important is one’s reputation? What can someone tell about a person based on his/her reputation?



to me is not very important lol


reputation is important only if you’re the type of person who cares about what others think, and if you are that person what you can tell from their reputation is you would know how this person acts when they get mad, sad, or happy

What is the mood of the poem Fall



me i am in the mode for a poem


The mood of the poem is either loneliness or sadness


The narrarator is talking about how they miss a person and it's effecting them negatively, inducing the emotions loneliness and sadness. :)))

Which passage is chronological?

Which passage is compare and contrast?

Which passage is sequence?

Which passage is cause and effect?

Which passage is problem and solution?

Which passage is chronological?

Passage #1 – Chemical and Physical Changes

All matter, all things can be changed in two ways: chemically and physically. Both chemical and physical changes affect the state of matter. Physical changes are those that do not change the make-up or identity of the matter. For example, clay will bend or flatten if squeezed, but it will still be clay. Changing the shape of clay is a physical change, and does not change the matter’s identity. Chemical changes turn the matter into a new kind of matter with different properties. For example, when paper is burnt, it becomes ash and will never be paper again. The difference between them is that physical changes are temporary or only last for a little while, and chemical changes are permanent, which means they last forever. Physical and chemical changes both affect the state of matter.

Passage #2 – The Best PB & J Ever

When I got home from school after a long boring day, I took out the peanut butter, jelly, and bread. After taking the lid off of the jars, I spread the peanut butter on one side of the bread and the jelly on the other, and then I put the two pieces of bread together. After that, I enjoyed it while watching “Cops” on the TV. I swear, that was the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich I ever ate.

Passage #3 – Bobby Fischer

Robert James Fischer was born in Chicago but unlocked the secrets of chess in a Brooklyn apartment right above a candy store. At the age of six he taught himself to play by following the instruction booklet that came with his chess board. After spending much of his childhood in chess clubs, Fischer said that, “One day, I just got good.” That may be a bit of an understatement. At the age of 13 he won the U.S. Junior Chess Championship, becoming the youngest Junior Champion ever. At the age of 14 he won the U.S. Championship and became the youngest U.S. Champion in history. Fischer would go on to become the World Champion of chess, but he would also grow to become his own worst enemy. Instead of defending the title, he forfeited it to the next challenger without even making a move, and the rise of a chess superstar ended with a fizzle.

Passage #4 – Save the Tigers

Dr. Miller doesn’t want the tigers to vanish. These majestic beasts are disappearing at an alarming rate. Dr. Miller thinks that we should write to our congress people. If we let them know that we demand the preservation of this species, maybe we can make a difference. Dr. Miller also thinks that we should donate to Save the Tigers. Our donations will help to support and empower those who are fighting the hardest to preserve the tigers. We owe it to our grandchildren to do something.

Passage #5 – The Great Recession

Many people are confused about why our economy went to shambles in 2008. The crisis was actually the result of a combination of many complex factors. First, easy credit conditions allowed people who were high-risk or unworthy of credit to borrow, and even people who had no income were eligible for large loans. Second, banks would bundle these toxic loans and sell them as packages on the financial market. Third, large insurance firms backed these packages, misrepresenting these high-risk loans as safe investments. Fourth, because of the ease of acquiring credit and the rapid growth in the housing market, people were buying two or three houses, intending to sell them for more than they paid. All of these factors created bubbles of speculation. These bubbles burst, sending the whole market into a downward spiral, causing employers to lose capital and lay off employees. Consumer spending then plummeted and most businesses suffered. The economy is like a big boat, and once it gets moving quickly in the wrong direction, it’s hard to turn it around.

Passage #6 – Screen Protector

Before applying the screen protector, clean the surface of your phone’s screen with a soft cloth. Once the surface of your screen is clean, remove the paper backing on the screen protector. Evenly apply the sticky side of the screen protector to your phone’s screen. Smooth out any air bubble trapped on between the protector and the phone screen. Enjoy the added protection.



Which passage is chronological?  PASSAGE 3.

When a passage is chronological, the events in it are organized by time. In passage 3, the story tells us of Bobby Fischer's development in stages from when he is born to the ages of 6, 13, 14 and older.

Which passage is compare and contrast?  PASSAGE 1.

A compare and contrast passage picks two or more topics and by listing their properties, compares and contrasts them. This is the case in passage 1 where physical and chemical changes are compared and contrasted.

Which passage is sequence?  PASSAGE 2 and 6.

When a passage is in sequence, it means that the events are organized in order of how they happened or should happen. In passage 2 we see the order in which the narrator prepares their sandwich and in passage 6, the order in which a screen protector should be placed is demonstrated.

Which passage is cause and effect?  PASSAGE 5.

In a cause and effect passage as the term suggests, an event or topic is discussed by showing what caused it as well as the effect of this event. In passage 5, we see the cause of the Great Recession of 2008 as well as the effects it brought.

Which passage is problem and solution?  PASSAGE 4

Problem and solution passages tell of a problem and how it should be fixed. In passage 4, Dr Miller tells of a problem which is that tigers are vanishing and then goes on to state the solution to the problem as people needing to donate to the cause and writing to Congress as well.

The passage that's chronological is passage 3.

The passage that's compare and contrast is passage 1.

The passage that's a sequence is passage 2 and 6.

The passage that's a cause and effect is passage 5.

The passage that is problem and solution.

In passage 3, the passage is chronological. Passage 1 is a compare and contrast passage as the properties are compared and contrasted.

Passage 2 and 6 are in sequence as the events are organized based on how they happen. Passage 5 is a cause and effect. Lastly, passage 4 is a problem and solution.

Learn more about passages on:




I think b I am not 100%sure

The lord Jesus christ

Which of the following sentences first expresses the main claim of the passage


Hello. You did not provide the excerpt to which this question refers and did not enter answer options, which makes it impossible for me to answer your question.

However, to find out which of the answer options show the main claim of the passage first, you must read the entire passage and understand what the main topic being discussed is. The theme is the main claim of the passage and among the answer options, the one that represents this theme is the sentence that answers your question.

I hope it helped you.





Cluster 1: My favorite ice cream to get is mint chocolate chip. Ice cream is my favorite treat on a hot summer day. Sometimes the ice cream man comes to my house, and I get so excited that I run and get it. trThe sun beats down and makes the ice cream melt all over my hand, but I don't even mind.



Thats cool! I wish the ice cream man would come to my house, but my favorite flavor is mint chocolate chip too! DOn't like it when it melts on my hand though

What's bothering you today? I'll listen to your problems :)

If it's about the assignment you're doing, idk how helpful I'll be but I'll try my best.



king von died bruh

The steps in the writing process include:
A. editing, drafting, feedback, and prewriting.
B. brainstorming, outlining, drafting, editing, feedback, and making
final changes.
C. brainstorming, editing, feedback, and drafting.
D. brainstorming, stressing out, throwing away your paper, starting
over, and editing.





B is the best answer choice here.

Select the correct answer. What is reciprocity?

ОА. It is the process by which architects apply for licensure to work in another state.

ОВ. It is the process by which architects earn a license in their home state.

OC. It is the process by which architects take the ARE.

OD. It is the process by which architects apply to become an urban designer.​



i think it's C


What is the last step to take when monitoring a public health issue?
identify important information
record facts in a chart or notebook
locate a reliable source of information
revisit a reliable source to update information


Answer: D. revisit a reliable source to update information​

Explanation: had that question on edgeunity

The last step to take when monitoring a public health issue is:
"revisit a reliable source to update information" (Option D)

What is Public Health?

Public health refers to all the activities that are associated with ensuring that the health of the public is preserved.

This could include:

monitoring public health facilitiesmaintenance of public health facilitiesbuilding public health facilities. etc.

Hence, the last step to take when monitoring a public health issue is:
"revisit a reliable source to update information" (Option D)

Learn more about public health at;

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