help me find the value of x and explain if you can :) thank you!


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

The two angles are external alternate angles and have the same measure:




Related Questions

A publishing company expects to sell 5000 copies of a new book from its web site, if the company charges $30 per book. The company expects that 500 more books would be sold for each price reduction of $2. What price would maximize the company's revenue?


Solution :

Let the revenue be = R

Therefore, R = price x quantity

                  R = (30 - 2x) ( 5000 + 500x)

                     = [tex]150000 + 5000x - 1000x^2[/tex]

For the maximum revenue,

[tex]$\frac{dR}{dx} = 0$[/tex]




At [tex]x=2.5[/tex], the revenue is maximum.

So the price for the maximum company revenue = [tex]$30-2x$[/tex]


                                                                                  = 30 - 5

                                                                                  = 25

Therefore, the price that will maximize the company's revenue is $25.

If the mortgage interest rates increase, this would be an example of changing your external environment.



Economic conditions

Step-by-step explanation:

If the mortgage interest rates increase, this would be an example of changing Economic conditions in a company's your external environment

Mortgage is the legal agreement/arrangement between a financial institution and a debtor wherein the Financial institution lends funds to the debtor at an interest rate, and also with the title of the property owned by the debtor.

once the debtor repays the mortgage he retains the full ownership of his property.


The translation (x, y)->(x + 10, y – 6) is applied to triangle ABC to create a new image triangle A’B’C’. Graph triangle A’B’C’ on the coordinate plane.

please show how you got it so I can see if the answer makes sense!!!!



First find the coordinates of the vertices. A=(-8,8), B=(-8,3) and C=(-4, 4). Next apply transformation, A'=(2, 2), B=(2, - 3) and C=(6, - 2). Next map this and join them to get the required triangle

find tan(2x) if x=pi/3​



Wouldn't it be something along the lines of


I used a calculator btw, but rounded for pi with 3.14159.

Step-by-step explanation:

Please answer this, Its due in a few minutes



The final solution is 2.

y ÷ 2 + x ; use x = 1 and y = 2

(2) ÷ 2 + (1)  -----> divide 2 by 2

1 + 1 ----> add the quotient of 2/2 to 1

2 ---> answer



Step-by-step explanation:

(To make this easier I will put this in steps)

Step 1 : Substitute

As you can see we are given the amount the variable stands for so we can simply just substitute them out...

y / 2 + x  OR  2 / 2 + 1

Step 2 : Solve

Now that there are no variables this should now be pretty simple to solve.

2/2 = 1 so...

1 + 1

Then you would add them and get 2

y / 2 + x = 2

Hope this helps :)

Several days after a wedding, an outbreak of cyclosporiasis occurred among attendees. Of the 108 guests at the wedding, 76 were ill and met the case definition. 50 of the 76 who were ill ate the wedding cake. Three of those who were well ate the wedding cake. What is the attack rate for those who ate the wedding cake



The answer is "94.3".

Step-by-step explanation:

Calculating the total numbers of cake eaters[tex]=50+3=53\\\\[/tex]

Calculating the total numbers of ill among them[tex]=50\\\\[/tex]


The attack rate for those who ate cake[tex]=\frac{50}{53}\times 100\%=94.3[/tex]

Cinco litros de agua se divide en cuatro partes iguales, me tomo 2 partes ¿Cuánto me queda?



2 [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

5 ÷ 4 = 1 [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex]

1 [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex] × 2 = 2 [tex]\frac{2}{4}[/tex] = 2 [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

5 - 2 [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] = 2 [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

respuesta: 2 [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

David has a part-time job. He earns $9.40 per hour. How much will he earn when he works 9 hours?




Step-by-step explanation:

$84.60 is what david will earn in 9 hours becuz 9.40 times 9 is 84 dollars and 60 cents

Find the value of the trigonometric ratio, Make sure to simplify the fraction if needed



Cos Z = 7/25

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

cos theta = adj / hyp

cos Z = 14/50

Cos Z = 7/25


As the [tex]\triangle\sf{XYZ}[/tex] is a right angle traingle.

we know that,

[tex]\boxed{\underline{\sf{cos\blue{\theta}=\dfrac{adjacent}{hypertension} }}}[/tex] 

According to the question,



Daniel took her dog for a walk. She decided to count how many dog ears. She passed on her walk. She passed 14 dogs. How many ears did she count?



Each dog has 2 ears (unless a dog had genetic disorder)


14 x 2

= 28

So she counted of 28 Ears of total

(honestly that's a weird thing to do but ok)


14 x 2 = 28

Step-by-step explanation:

Each dog has 2 ears

14 dogs has 28 ears

3x - 28= 80
What is the value of x?
Cual es el valor de x?



3x-28 = 80

3x = 108

x = 36

Let me know if this helps!

1. A football goal post casts a shadow 120 inches long. You are 5 feet 6 inches tall and cast a shadow 16.5 inches long. Find the height of the goal post in feet. Round your answer to the nearest whole number.



40 feets

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that :

Person's height = 5feet 6 inches ;

Person's height in inches ;

1 foot = 12 inches ;

5 feets = (12 * 5) = 60 inches

Person's height = 60 + 6 = 66 inches

Height of person's shadow = 16.5 inches

Height of post shadow = 120 inches

Height of goal post = x

(Height of goal post / height of post shadow) = (person's height / person's shadow)

x / 120 = 66 / 16.5

Cross multiply :

16.5x = 120 * 66

16.5x = 7920

x = 7920 / 16.5

x = 480 inches

To feets ;

1 foot = 12 inches

480 inches = 480/12 feets = 40 feets

Simplify the given expression below:
(1 + 3) + (2 - 5i)



6 -5i

Step-by-step explanation:

(1 + 3) + (2 - 5i)

Combine like terms

1+3+2    -5i

6 -5i

If there are 3 people splitting a paycheck of 89 how much would each have to pay



Around 29.67 each.

Step-by-step explanation:

The bill is being split amongst 3 people. Therefore, we must divide the total price by 3:





3÷89 it would be 36.55 each has to pay on bills

A train is exactly 24km from Smalltown at 7:00p.m. It travels toward Smalltown at a constant rate of 90km per hour. At what time does the train reach Smalltown?



7:16 P.M.

Step-by-step explanation:

24/90=4/15. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so we have 240/15=16.

A box contains 9 balls written B,E,R,N,H,E,A,R,T. Two balls are drawn at random without replacement. what is the probability of getting both balls written with R ?​



How many balls have “R” written on them initially? We can see this is 2.

How many balls are there initially? This is 9.

As a result, the probability of initially drawing a ball with an R on it is 2/9, as out of the 9 possible draws we could make, 2 of them result in a ball with R on it.

How many balls have “R” written on them now? We can see this is 1, since we just drew one ball with R on it and didn’t replace.

How many balls are there in total right now? This is 8, because we took away one.

As a result, the probability of drawing a ball with an R on it after having already done so is 1/8, as out of the 8 possible draws we could make, 1 results in a ball with R on it.

We then multiply these two values (2/9)*(1/8) = 2/72, which is our probability.

Another way to think about this is that there are 72 possible combinations of balls that we could draw, counting each ball uniquely. This is because of our denominator, since 8*9=72. Out of those 72 outcomes that could possibly happen, 2 outcomes will result in both balls being written with R.

Step-by-step explanation:

At a particular school, all students participate in at least one out of three activities: debate, music, and community service. 3 students do all three activities, 21 students do two or more activities, half of all students participate in music, and the ratio of participants in debate, music, and community service, respectively, is $5:4:3$. What is the total number of students at the school




Step-by-step explanation:

The given parameters are;

The activities in which the students of the school participate = 1) Debate, 2) Music, and 3) Community services

The number of students that do all three activities = 3

The number of students that do two or more activities = 21

The number of the students that participate in music = Half of the students

The ratio of the students that take part in debate, music, and community service = 5 : 4 : 3

Let x represent a common number factor of participants in each of the given three activities, we have;

5·x participate in debate, A

4·x participate in music, B

3·x participate in community service, C

We get;

The sum of the students in the school = A∪B∪C = A + B + C - A∩B - A∩C - B∩C + A∩B∩C

Given that the number of students that do two or ore activities = 21, we have;

(A∩B)∪(A∩C)∪(B∩C) = 21

However, we have;

(A∩B)∪(A∩C)∪(B∩C) = (A∩B) + (A∩C) + (B∩C) - A∩B∩C - B∩A∩C - C∩B∩A + A∩B∩C

∴ 21 = (A∩B) + (A∩C) + (B∩C) - 3 - 3 - 3 + 3

(A∩B) + (A∩C) + (B∩C) = 21 + 3 + 3 + 3 - 3 = 21 + 6 = 27

∴ -(A∩B) - (A∩C) - (B∩C) = -27


A + B + C - A∩B - A∩C - B∩C + A∩B∩C = 5·x + 4·x + 3·x - 27 + 3

5·x + 4·x + 3·x - 27 + 3 = 12·x - 24

The total number of students = A∪B∪C = 12·x - 24

The number of students participating in music, B = 4·x = Half the total number of students = (12·x - 24)/2

∴ 4·x = (12·x - 24)/2

8·x = 12·x - 24

12·x - 8·x = 24

4·x = 24

x = 24/4 = 6

The total number of students at the school = 12·x - 24 = 12 × 6 - 24 = 48

7. solve for x!
please help


(3x/6) + 2 = 8

=> 3x/6 = 8 - 2

=> 3x/6 = 6

=> 3x = 6 × 6

=> 3x = 36

=> x = 36/3

=> x = 12



Step-by-step explanation:







Please explain how you got the answer!



One of the scenarios:

Reflection over y-axis, then Translation 1 unit right and 9 units down

1. Suppose A = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 , 13} and B = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13}. Find the value of A U B . 

2. suppose c: {prime numbers less than or equal to 20}. find n(C)

3. Suppose A = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12} , B = {2, 12, x, 9} and B is a subset of A. What possible values could x have?

help ​


Problem 1

Answer:  {1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13}



The notation A U B means we're applying a union between A and B. This will form a larger set in which items from A or B are thrown into A U B. Think of "union" as in getting married, and person A's stuff is combined with person B's stuff to form a larger set. Any duplicates are tossed. It's often helpful to sort from smallest to largest.


Problem 2

Answer:  8



Set C is defined as the set of prime numbers less than or equal to 20. The roster form is C = {2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19} which basically lists every item that fits the description earlier. Note how the value 1 is not prime, so it's not in the set C.

From here, we simply count out the values in set C to find there are 8 values. Therefore, n(C) = 8.


Problem 3

Answer:   3, 4, 5, 6, 7



Let's consider a real world example of set vs subset. Consider the set of all animals and consider the subset of all dogs. Let's say

A = all animals

B = all dogs

We can see that set A is clearly larger than B. Also, any member of set B is also in set A, but not the other way around. In other words, if something is a dog, then they are also an animal. However, this doesn't work the other way around. For instance, we could have a cat in set A that wouldn't be in set B.

Let's return to the problem at hand. Since B is a subset of A, this must mean everything in B = {2,12,x,9} is found in set A. Sure enough, the 2, 12 and 9 are all in set A. The x must also be a value in set A so we could have

x = 3

x = 4

x = 5

x = 6

x = 7

as our possible answers. I'm not listing x = 2, x = 9 or x = 12 as they have been taken care of. I'm assuming that your teacher wants {2,12,x,9} to list unique items (ie it's after the duplicates are tossed out).

I need help I need help




n=75 (the amount she started with)

Step-by-step explanation:

Is the answer option b?



yes, it is B

Step-by-step explanation:

every input value of x has an unique result value y.

there are no 2 values for x that produce the same result value y.

and there are no multiple result values possible for a subject x value.

bottom line, yes, it is a function, and a 1:1 function at that.

Find the value of x in the figure.

X= _




Step-by-step explanation:

For a polygon with n sides, the sum of its interior angles is equal to

(n-2) * 180

Here, there are 6 sides, so the sum of this polygon's interior angles is equal to (6-2)* 180 = 720

Therefore, the sum of the interior angles is 720. We can add them up to get

(4x-5) + 117 + (3x-3) + (3x+6) + 118 + 4x-3

= 14x +230 = 720

subtract 230 from both sides to isolate the x and its coefficint

14x = 490

divide both sides by 14 to get x


Insert the missing number.
6 9 14


Answer: The missing number is 73

Step-by-step explanation:


4, 6, 9, 14, 23, 40, ?, 138, 266


First, we try arithmetic patterns.

6 - 4 = 2

9 - 6 = 3

14 - 9 = 5

23 - 14 = 9

40 - 23 = 17

Clearly, there aren't arithmetic patterns.

Then, try through multiplication, exponents, and combination.

Finally, the pattern is multiplied by 2 on each number, then subtract 2 starting with 4 and add 1 for each increasing number.




As it goes on, the missing number would be:


Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

If l || m, classify the marked angle pair and give their relationship, then solve for x.



14. x=16, 15. x=9

Step-by-step explanation:


4x+4=7x-44 by alternate exterior angles




15x-26=12x+1 by alternate exterior angles



how to arrange four 3's to produce 33?​



[tex]3^{3} + 3 + 3 = 33[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

The area of the school garden is 31 1/4 ft. If the width is 6 3/5 ft, find the length.



The length of the school garden is 4  97/132 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

Divide 31  1/4 by 6  3/5.

125/4 divided by 33/5 = 625/132

625/132 = 4  97/132

Hope this helps :)

The length of garden is 625/ 132 ft

what is area of rectangle?

The area of any rectangle is calculated, once its length and width are known. By multiplying length and breadth, the rectangle's area will obtain in a square-unit dimension

Area of a Rectangle. A = l × b.


area of garden = 31 1/4 ft = 125/4

width = 6 3/5 ft = 33/5 ft

Now, area of garden

=length * width

125/4 = length * 33/5

length= 125/4 * 5/33

length = 625/ 132 ft

Learn more about area of rectangle here:


find the value of the trigonometric ratio. make sure to simplify if its needed.​




Step-by-step explanation:

Tan Z

= opposite/adjacent

= 24/10

= 12/5

Answered by GAUTHMATH

Find the missing side. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.



x = 9.4m

Hope this helps...Have a good day!!

Use the point slope formula…



y = 3x + 7

Step-by-step explanation:

When lines are parallel, the slope is the same but the y-intercept is not

The blue line is the graph for y = 3x + 2

The slope for the line is 3/1

So the slope for the line containing (-2,1) should be 3/1

I plotted (-2,1) and used the Rise/Sun (3/1) to find a point on the y-axis, the teal point.

I graphed the line in yellow

In y=mx + b, b = 7, and mx = 3x

So the equation is y = 3x + 7

If my answer is incorrect, pls correct me!

If you like my answer and explanation, mark me as brainliest!

-Chetan K

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