Help me help me help meeeee

Help Me Help Me Help Meeeee


Answer 1
4. ? , go
5. Studied
6. left
7. Decorated

Related Questions

Read the sentence.

I need to stop at several places, including: the bank, the grocery store, and the dry cleaners.

Which best explains why the colon after "including” should be removed?

The colon does not introduce a list of items and is therefore unnecessary.
The introductory text in the sentence cannot stand alone.
Colons are only used to introduce lists composed of more than three items.
Colons are not used to introduce lists of items in sentences



I need to stop at several places, including :the grocery store and the dry cleaners


Which part of the cell is responsible for controlling the activities of the other parts of the cell?



Research Presentation

Develop a multimedia presentation that summarizes the thesis and main points of your research paper on animal intelligence.

The presentation slides can be created using presentation software.

The presentation should include charts, graphs, video clips, animations, and/or audio clips.

The presentation should support a scripted oral presentation where you explain your thesis, or argument. Each presentation slide should include one subtopic and supporting details.

The end of the presentation should include an MLA-formatted list of sources (for the text and the visuals). MLA citations are required.

Use eye contact, gestures, and an appropriate tone.

Use language appropriate to the topic and audience.

Follow your teacher's guidelines for sharing the presentation.


Research Presentation

Develop a multimedia presentation that summarizes the thesis and main points of your research paper on animal intelligence.

The presentation slides can be created using presentation software.

The presentation should include charts, graphs, video clips, animations, and/or audio clips.

The presentation should support a scripted oral presentation where you explain your thesis, or argument. Each presentation slide should include one subtopic and supporting details.

The end of the presentation should include an MLA-formatted list of sources (for the text and the visuals). MLA citations are required.

Use eye contact, gestures, and an appropriate tone.

Use language appropriate to the topic and audience.

Follow your teacher's guidelines for sharing the presentation.

Can someone help me I have to give it in tomorrow and I’m not even done I also have other homework to complete



where is the question



of course!  but there is no photo or nothing .


What are 3 small items that represent you, who you are, or something you love (or love to do.) I’m asking this for fun.



well I would say a teddy bear ,flowers,and a book! im a student and I like to help other and play videogames!


thank you so much for asking!

"Nothing is particularly hard," Declared Henry Ford, "if you divide it into small jobs."



Yes agreed


We’re out of juice. Can you buy some when you ___________ the shopping.






Hewo Asuna here

The answer is do


Hope this helps


Hi pls help me ASAP with this it is due today. Write 5 to 10 questions on your essay. I need a one main question that summarizes the others and several sub questions aimed at different aspects of your main question. I am doing an essay about how beauty pageants have negative effects on young girls body image.




Do you believe these young girls will be able to love their body without pushing themself?

Side questions:

Will these girls be able to have confidence?

Do some girls actually want to do this or is it forced on them?

Should beauty pageants be restricted to adults only who’s bodies have already fully developed?

Why do people put babies and young girls in pageants instead of letting the kid be a kid?

Why should the parents decide what’s best for their kids body if the child is obviously in pain?

Please , I know a little by of English , can you help me whit this ? :,)


the answer is obvious


"Obvious," would be the answer.

Have a nice day:]

How does the underlined prepositional phrase function in the following

Wilfred Owen was kllled in battle —on November 4, 1918—

a. verb
b. noun
c. adverb
d. adjective



its C or B or A



The underlined prepositional phrase "on November 4, 1918" functions as an adverb. Thus, option C is the correct option.

It modifies the verb "was killed" by providing additional information about when the action occurred. It specifies the time of Wilfred Owen's death, giving context to the event described in the sentence.

An adverb is a part of speech that modifies verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. It provides more information about how, when, where, or to what extent an action, adjective, or adverb occurs. Adverbs play a crucial role in adding details and nuances to sentences, enhancing their meaning and clarity.

Thus, option C is the correct option.

Learn more about adverbs here:


someone help me ... ​





1. l

2. f

3. b

4. j

5. m

6. h

7. c

8. i

9. e

10. g

Which is the worst example of a "calamity"?

Spotify not working properly
A category-5 hurricane slamming into Florida
Mom not washing your favorite hoodie
losing your cellphone


The best anwser would be option B: A category-5 hurricane slamming into Florida.
Explanation: A calamity is an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster.

which statement best describes the relationship between john and elizabeth proctor in the opening scene of act ii of the crucible?


you forgot to attach the statements





2. takes off

3. get into

4. get out of

5. broke down

6. set off


8. got into

1) How was the story of Narcissus used in the novel? What changed?


Did not had this question ...

Why are teachers not to be blamed for students failure



because they think they can blame the students for there mistakes



for some reason teachers think they're entitled to everything. i've always thought that if a student fails it's partially the teachers fault. most teachers see that their students are failing but do nothing to help.


Select the correct answer. Lyric poems often deal with intense emotions. Which statement best describes the shift in emotion in "Lift Every Voice and Sing" as it moves from the first into the second stanza? Lift every voice and sing Till earth and heaven ring, Ring with the harmonies of Liberty; Let our rejoicing rise High as the listening skies, Let it resound loud as the rolling sea. Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us, Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us, Facing the rising sun of our new day begun Let us march on till victory is won. Stony the road we trod, Bitter the chastening rod, Felt in the days when hope unborn had died; Yet with a steady beat, Have not our weary feet Come to the place for which our fathers sighed? We have come over a way that with tears has been watered, We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered, Out from the gloomy past, Till now we stand at last Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast. A. The joyful call of the first stanza gives way to a bitter recounting of history in the second. B. The first stanza's anger is replaced by the second stanza's resignation. C. The poem moves from a sense of wonder in the first stanza toward a sense of perplexity in the second. D. There is no change between the first stanza and the second. The emotions are the same in both.



B. The first stanza's anger is replaced by the second stanza's resignation.


Which word is misspelled?
O shelfs
O bluffs
O gulfs
O beliefs​








Should be spelled as Shelves

Warning. Keep out of the reach of children.
Warning: Keep out of the reach of children.
Warning: Keep out of the reach of children.
D) Warning: Keep out of the reach of children.
12) Which line uses the MOST effective font for the message?
A) A
B) B
D) D


All the fonts are the same so there is no answer. Try showing us the fonts.

Why was Rasmira punished with a mattuger





Click through the main ideas below until you find the one which fits the supporting details.



A main idea is the central idea which a story is centered on and which the author wants the reader to learn or take away from.

With this in mind, a supporting detail is used to validate a claim to prove that a claim is indeed factual and can be verified.

For example, bringing statistical data to prove that for example, blacks have the most population in America to support a claim which states that.

Without bringing accurate data or information to validate the claim, the claim would be unverified. This shows that supporting details are very important when making use of argumentative essays or when a person is trying to persuade or convince.

Please note that your question is incomplete so I gave you a general overview to help you

Read more here:

what was the first village established by the pilgrims



james town


jamestown was the first permanent settlement in the new world

Question 6 (1 point)

What was Gregor's job BEFORE he became a salesman?

a)He worked on a train.

b)He's always been unemployed.

c)He sold cloth.

d)He was in the military.


Answer: Gregor Samsa wakes in his bed and discovers he has transformed into a giant bug. Wondering what has happened, he looks around his small room, where everything appears normal. He sees the fabric samples that he uses in his job as a traveling salesman, a picture of a woman in furs that he tore out of a magazine and framed, and the rain dripping down outside his window. He tries to roll over and go back to sleep in order to forget about what has happened, but because of the shape of his back, he can only rock from side to side.

Feeling sore from his effort, Gregor thinks about what a difficult job he has and the fact that his constant traveling prevents him from making any lasting friendships. He thinks that he would leave his overbearing employer but he has to work off a debt that his parents incurred. He suddenly realizes that he has overslept and does not have a good excuse to give his boss.

Graphic Novels on BN: Romeo & Juliet

Gregor’s mother reminds him that he has to catch his train to work. When Gregor responds, he finds his voice has changed. His father and Grete, his sister, join his mother at the door, urging him to get up and unlock it. Gregor twists and rocks, managing to turn sideways and dangle off the bed. Then the doorbell rings. It is the office manager, come to check on Gregor. Gregor rocks his body violently and finally tumbles to the floor. His family and the office manager come to the door to inquire if he is all right.

Gregor’s mother pleads with the office manager, telling him what a devoted worker Gregor is, while Grete cries in the next room. The office manager calls through the door and demands an explanation. He hints that Gregor’s recent work has not been satisfactory and that Gregor’s current behavior looks very bad, especially in light of rumors that Gregor may have stolen money from the company. Gregor claims that he had a dizzy spell and asks the office manager to spare his parents any undue concern. While Gregor tries to lift himself off the floor, the office manager and his family discuss the strange change in his voice, and his sister leaves to fetch a doctor and a locksmith.


how to write a essay on accepting refugees into Australia



First, analyze what format you want your essay to be in. If your assignment requires something that is more linear and statistic based, try writing your essay in an expository way that expresses facts, information, etc. However, if you are writing your essay in a way to convince people to let refugees into Australia- try a persuasive essay.

To start your essay, try expressing a current situation at hand. You can start your essay by addressing an experience of a refugee migrating to Austalia, or introduce your essay with a problem/situation that requires refugees to migrate.  If you plan on writing a persuasive essay, you can add written elements such as reasoning to why you believe refugees should be accepted into Australia. If it is an informative essay, try incorporating statistics and factual evidence to solidify your arguments and statements throughout your essay. You can use a point such as refugees needing shelter and migrating as a means to escape their unstable homelife, with statistics of their current unhealthy conditions.  

10. In the foreword, Peary states that "race, or color, or bringingup, or environment,
count nothing against a determined heart." Using evidence from Chapter 15, explain
how Henson embodies this statement.


Answer: ASh CASH


Describe how moving out of a friendship feels like.


It feels hard at first and depressing but if it’s ment to be then that’s it


It feels hard especially if you have been friends with that person for a long time it’s really sad when they walk right by you without even saying anything or looking at you.


How does the use of dialogue in ""Gift of the Magi"" move the story forward?



Part a: Jim and Della are realistic characters. It seemed like they were truly in love and cared deeply for each other. The story is about how they both sell their most valuable possession (Jim his watch and Della her hair) to buy a Christmas present for the other. Compared to Jim and Della, the characters of Monna Giovanna and Federigo in “Federigo’s Falcon” seem less real because they’re not well developed. Federigo doesn’t hesitate to kill his pet falcon just to serve a good meal to Monna Giovanna. It’s equally strange that Monna doesn’t feel angry and frustrated when she learns that Federigo killed the falcon that could have saved her son’s life.

Part b: At the beginning of the story, much of the dialogue is between Madame Sofronie (the woman who buys and sells hair) and Della. Here the dialogue between the two women paints a picture of the sacrifice Della makes to purchase a gift for Jim.

Much of the dialogue takes place between Jim and Della after Jim gets home. It serves the purpose of revealing the sacrifices Della and Jim make for each other. The dialogue also reveals how much the two love each other. When Della says that she‘s worried whether Jim will still love her now that her hair is gone, Jim says nothing could make him love her any less, and he calls her “my girl.”

Part c: The plot of “The Gift of the Magi” seems more realistic compared to the plot of “Federigo’s Falcon.” Jim and Della’s actions reveal the deep love they share and highlights the story’s theme that love is more precious than material possessions. In contrast, Federigo’s killing of his pet falcon to serve a meal to Monna Giovanna seems strange. Killing a pet falcon for a meal seems unrealistic. The story ends with Federigo marrying the woman he loves. But Monna doesn’t seem to be in love with him. She loses both her husband and child and ends up marrying a man she does not love.

Part d: “The Gift of the Magi” is a relatable story. Both Jim and Della are realistic characters with strengths and weaknesses. Their actions are believable. The language is somewhat simple and easy to understand. The dialogue and word choice build up the warm and comforting tone of the story. The narrator describes harsh truths in a humorous way, as in this line: “Life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating.” The author also uses a lot of details that make it easy for the reader to picture the events. Here is an example: “So now Della's beautiful hair fell about her rippling and shining like a cascade of brown waters. It reached below her knee and made itself almost a garment for her.”

The narrator talks directly to the reader, which makes the story intimate. However, it also creates a sense of distance with the narrator, who is a character we don’t know. On the other hand, the narrator’s thoughts about the Magi help strengthen the theme in the story that true love involves sacrifice.

Some of the words in the story are difficult to understand. For example, this sentence is complicated:

“You've cut off your hair?” asked Jim, laboriously, as if he had not arrived at that patent fact yet even after the hardest mental labor.


Edmentum answers :)

In O. Henry's short story ''The Gift of the Magi'', the dialogue gives a voice to the characters and allows us to make our own judgment about them, as they speak for themselves and are not portrayed through the eyes of a possibly partial narrator.

What is the theme of "Gift of the Magi"?

The major topic of The Gift of Magi is love. Jim and Della, who live in appalling poverty, sell their most valued items to buy Christmas presents for one another. Their behaviors reflect their readiness to give up material possessions for love.

Their offerings were wise because they were wise. And now I've told you the story of two young individuals who foolishly handed their house's most valuable possessions to each other. But, in closing, let it be declared to the wise of these days that of all those who offer presents, these two were the wisest. They are the smartest anywhere.

Learn more about Gift of the Magi here:


helpppppp plzzzzzzz i really need help i need to pass it plzz help


I think the answer is 2

Paragraph describing a busy kitchen in a famous restaurant


Places we prefer vary depending on our taste, culture, mood, previous experience and our first impression of the place.

Today, I will talk about my favorite restaurant that I visited one day and left an impression of calm and quietness as well as the quality of the food and it’s tasty taste.

Italian cuisine is one of the most famous kitchens around the world and is one of the most luxurious and characteristic cuisines in the world. It is the origin of pasta and pizza that is unparalleled anywhere else.

The Italian restaurant is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding and magnificent food establishments in my city. Characterized by the quiet atmosphere, its light-colored interior and its elegant, glamorous decor, it was once a cafe before turning into a restaurant with many qualities of the former.

The restaurant offers delicious dining options, with Italian authentic flavor. Waiters in the restaurant are friendly and respectful.

This place is no less than a typical example of how to build a restaurant.

The restaurant serves many famous Italian meals.

The chicken soup with cream is a great start to any meal, and I have not found a restaurant serving it as here. I prefer the Chicken Caesar Salad after it.

My favorite dishes are the fettuccine Alfredo pasta with chicken, grilled chicken with cream and mushroom sauce. I love pizza of all kinds. They are all delicious and different options. Parmesan cheese is a good choice to accompany any Italian dish.

Canoloni Agnolotti with garlic and rosemary is one of the best Italian dishes. Agnolotti is a stuffed pasta and is very similar to ravioli, served with some rosemary and garlic. This dish is one of the distinctive foods in Italian cuisine.

Rap Arancini broccoli with marinara sauce is one of the best Italian dishes. It is rice balls with well fried broccoli and characterized by its golden color and served with marinara sauce.

The restaurant also offers different types of juices with meals. Such as lemon juice with mint mixed with crushed ice is an effective recipe for extinguishing the heat of the atmosphere.

The restaurant at the weekend is busy … my advice is to arrive early or book or call for booking to ensure a place.

The restaurant is rated 4 stars and its prices are high.

- BRAINLIEST answerer

What cultural perspective does candide help readers understand?​



in explanation


Candide illustrates violence and brutality to reject such an optimistic view of reality. Voltaire’s narrative serves as a critique of other predominant issues of the 18th century, including religious oppression, political tyranny, sexual violence, and financial corruption.

What is one element of Navajo culture that is particually helpful to him


please make your question clear.

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