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Answer 1

Answer: p = 1/5

Step-by-step explanation:

-5(p + 3/5) = -4

Now we open the brackets and -5 mutiplies with both terms

-5p - 3 = -4

-5p = -4+3

-5p = -1

p = -1/-5

p = 1/5

please click thanks and mark brainliest if you like :)

Related Questions

Ms. Mitchell brings in 700 sour worms to distribute to the students at ... /1
her school. She gives 2/7 of the worms to the Kindergartners. Of the
remaining worms, she gives 7/25 to the 1st graders. Of the remaining
worms, she gives 4/9 to the 2nd graders. Of the remaining worms, she
gives 37/50 to the 3rd graders. Ms. Mitchell then distributes the
remaining worms evenly between the 4th graders. If there are 13 4th
graders, how many worms does each 4th grader get?


Answer:  4



We'll step through the grade levels in increasing order

The teacher starts with 700 sour worms total. Then 2/7 of that is given to the Kindergartners

2/7 of 700 = (2/7)*700 = 200

So Ms. Mitchell handed out 200 worms to the Kindergartners.

This means she has 700-200 = 500 left over.


Now onto the 1st graders.

The teacher hands out 7/25 of the remaining total (500) to the first graders

7/25 of 500 = (7/25)*500 = 140

She hands out 140 worms to the first graders and has 500-140 = 360 worms left.


Now the 2nd graders

"Of the remaining worms, she gives 4/9 to the 2nd graders" tells us that

4/9 of 360 = (4/9)*360 = 160 worms are given to the second graders

This leaves 360-160 = 200 worms left


Now the 3rd graders

37/50 of 200 = (37/50)*200 = 148

The teacher hands out 148 worms to the 3rd graders

There are 200 - 148 = 52 worms left.


Finally, we're at the 4th graders

Each 4th grader gets the same number of worms (aka the amount is distributed equally). Since there are 52 worms left, and 13 fourth graders, this means each fourth grader gets 52/13 = 4 worms. It's a slightly interesting coincidence that the number '4' matches up with the grade level. It's possible your teacher adjusted the numbers to make this an intentional goal.


To recap everything, we found these worm counts for each grade level

Kindergarten = 200 wormsFirst graders = 140 wormsSecond graders = 160 wormsThird Graders = 148 wormsFourth graders = 52 worms

Note how those values add back up to 700, ie 200+140+160+148+52 = 700. This helps confirm the answer.

Then once we see that 52 worms are left, each fourth grader gets 52/13 = 4 worms a piece.

So this is why the final answer is 4.

Please help explanation if possible


Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]y = 10 - 8x \\ put \: this \: in \: the \: second \: equation \\ 2(10 - 8x) - 4x = 40 \\ 20 - 16x - 4x = 40 \\ 20 - 20x = 40 \\ - 20 = 20x \\ x = - 1 \\ put \: the \: value \: of \: x \: in \: th \: first \: equation \\ y = 10 - 8( - 1) \\ y = 10 + 8 \\ y = 18[/tex]

Hence, x=-1 and y=18


(- 1, 18 )

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the equations

y + 8x = 10 ( subtract 8x from both sides )

y = 10 - 8x → (1)

2y - 4x = 40 → (2)

Substitute y = 10 - 8x into (2)

2(10 - 8x) - 4x = 40 ← distribute and simplify left side

20 - 16x - 4x = 40

20 - 20x = 40 ( subtract 20 from both sides )

- 20x = 20 ( divide both sides by - 20 )

x = - 1

Substitute x = - 1 into (1) for corresponding value of y

y = 10 - 8(- 1) = 10 + 8 = 18

solution is (- 1, 18 )

Make a histogram, using a bin width of ten, to display the bowling scores for these 31 players: 87, 104, 79, 94, 117, 82, 72, 116, 105, 95, 88, 93, 109, 119, 75, 103, 112, 97, 73, 85, 91, 86, 102, 99, 106, 84, 98, 83, 81, 96, 92.


Step-by-step explanation:

Using R, I used the following code to create a histogram:

bowling.scores <- c(87, 104, 79, 94, 117, 82, 72, 116, 105, 95, 88, 93, 109, 119, 75,  

                   103, 112, 97, 73, 85, 91, 86, 102, 99, 106, 84, 98, 83, 81, 96, 92)


ggplot(data.frame(bowling.scores), aes(x=bowling.scores)) +  

 xlim(c(70, 120)) +

 scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 10, by=1), "Frequency") +

 geom_histogram(breaks=seq(70, 120, by=10), color="black", fill="grey60") +

 labs(title="Histogram of Bowling Scores", x="Bowling Scores", y="Frequency")

Determine if the expression -5y^5-y^3 is a polynomial or not. If it is a polynomial, state the type and degree of the polynomial.



Yes, it is a polynomial, and the degree is 5

Step-by-step explanation:

A polynomial is a combination of terms separated using + or − signs and normally have exponents. So, this equation is a polynomial. The degree is just the highest exponential value, which is 5 because -5y is being raised to the 5th power

is the expression 5x-2+3x in simplest form? Explain




Step-by-step explanation:

It can still be 8x - 2

first of all you collect like terms

5x + 3x - 2

= 8x -2

x= 2/-8
x=1/-4 now the answer is in the simplest form

calculate the square of 31​


Square of 31 is:


square of 31 is 961

Step-by-step explanation:




What is 4,327 rounded to the nearest thousand?


Answer: 4,000

Step-by-step explanation: To round 4,327 to the nearest thousand, we first find the digit in the rounding place, which in this case is the 4 in the thousands place. Next, we look at the digit to the right of the 4, which is 3.

According to the rules of rounding, since the digit to

the right of the rounding place is less than 5, we round down.

So the 4 in the rounding place stays the same

and all digits to the right of the 4 become 0.

So 4,327 rounded to the nearest thousand is 4,000.

Write the following surds in exponential form square root of 2



[tex] {2}^{1 \div 2[/tex]

how many metres of wire is needed to fence a circular pond of radius 7.7m if the fence is to have three strands of wire all the way around .Give your answer correct to one decimal place. (Take pi is 3.14)​


Find the circumference of the pond:

Circumference = 2 x pi x radius

Circumference = 2 x 3.14 x 7.7 = 48.356 m

You want to go around 3 times so multiply the circumference by 3:

48.356 x 3 = 145.068m

Rounded to 1 decimal = 145.1m

 A study found that healthy eating can help to cut the risk of heart disease. Therefore, a person can conclude that if they eat healthy they definitely will not have any heart issues.

True or false?




Step-by-step explanation:

It only cuts the risk as stated and other factors such as lifestyle, age, bloodpressure and past medical background also have an impact so you can still have heart issues.

false , people can still develop heart issues

Write an equation of the line that passes through the given point and is perpendicular to the given line.
(–6, –4); y = 1/3x + 1
Group of answer choices

y = -1/3x + 1

y =1/3x – 22

y = -3x + 14

y = -3x – 22



y = - 3x - 22

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of a line in slope- intercept form is

y = mx + c ( m is the slope and c the y- intercept )

y = [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex] x + 1 ← is in slope- intercept form

with slope m = [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex]

Given a line with slope m then the slope of a line perpendicular to it is

[tex]m_{perpendicular}[/tex] = - [tex]\frac{1}{m}[/tex] = - [tex]\frac{1}{\frac{1}{3} }[/tex] = - 3 , then

y = - 3x + c ← is the partial equation

To find c substitute (- 6, - 4) into the partial equation

- 4 = 18 + c ⇒ c = - 4 - 18 = - 22

y = - 3x - 22 ← equation of perpendicular line

Dave solved a quadratic equation. His work is shown below, with Step 111 missing. What could Dave have written as the result from Step 111? \begin{aligned} \dfrac{1}{3}(x+4)^2&=48 \\\\ &&\text{Step }1 \\\\ x+4&=\pm 12&\text{Step }2 \\\\ x=-16&\text{ or }x=8&\text{Step }3 \end{aligned} 3 1 ​ (x+4) 2 x+4 x=−16 ​ =48 =±12 or x=8 ​ Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 ​ Dave solved a quadratic equation. His work is shown below, with Step 111 missing. What could Dave have written as the result from Step 111? \begin{aligned} \dfrac{1}{3}(x+4)^2&=48 \\\\ &&\text{Step }1 \\\\ x+4&=\pm 12&\text{Step }2 \\\\ x=-16&\text{ or }x=8&\text{Step }3 \end{aligned} 3 1 ​ (x+4) 2 x+4 x=−16 ​ =48 =±12 or x=8 ​ Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 ​


From the calculation above, Dave may have jumped the expression

[tex](x+4)^2= 144[/tex]

Given the expression solved by Dave from step 1 as;


In order to determine what Dave would have written, we will solve the expression above as shown

[tex]\dfrac{1}{3}(x+4)^2&=48\\(x+4)^2 = 3*48\\(x+4)^2 = 144 ..............eqn \ 2\\[/tex]

Take the square root of both sides

[tex]\sqrt{(x+4)^2} =\pm\sqrt{144}\\x+4=\pm12[/tex]

Hence from the calculation above, Dave may have jumped the expression in equation 2 as shown below;

[tex](x+4)^2= 144[/tex]

Learn more on radical equations here:


previous answer is correct

Step-by-step explanation:




x = 7, EF = 10, FG = 12

Step-by-step explanation:

EF = 4x - 18

FG = 3x - 9

EG = 22

EG = 22

EF + FG = 22

4x - 18 + 3x - 9 = 22

4x + 3x - 18 - 9 = 22

7x = 22 + 18 + 9

7x = 49

x = 7

EF = 4x - 18

EF = 4*7 - 18

EF = 28 - 18

EF = 10

FG = 3x - 9

FG = 3*7 - 9

FG = 21 - 9

FG = 12

What do you notice about the absolute value of the
difference between the two numbers of -5 and -1


They are 4 units away on a number line.

Find the measure of the third angle of a triangle if the measures of the other two angles are given.
35.5 and 82.6
A. 66.8
B. 58.4
C. 61.9
D. 31.9


9514 1404 393


  C.  61.9°

Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of angles in a triangle is 180°, so the third angle is ...

  180° -35.5° -82.6° = 61.9°

You work for a roofing company and must order the correct number of tiles to complete the final side of the roof. It is in the shape of a trapezoid. The numbers of tiles in each row form a sequence. We know we will have 20 rows to complete the job. The first row has ten tiles. Each row has two more tiles than the previous row. Is this sequence arithmetic or geometric?




Step-by-step explanation:


Yes , the series is an arithmetic sequence of common difference 2

What is Arithmetic Progression?

An arithmetic progression is a sequence of numbers in which each term is derived from the preceding term by adding or subtracting a fixed number called the common difference "d"

The general form of an Arithmetic Progression is a, a + d, a + 2d, a + 3d and so on. Thus nth term of an AP series is Tn = a + (n - 1) d, where Tₙ = nth term and a = first term. Here d = common difference = Tₙ - Tₙ₋₁

Sum of first n terms of an AP: Sₙ = ( n/2 ) [ 2a + ( n- 1 ) d ]

Given data ,

Let the number of terms n = 20

The number of tiles in the first row = 10 tiles

The number of tiles in the second row = 2 more than first row

The number of tiles in the second row = 12 tiles

The number of tiles in the third row = 14 tiles

So , the sequence will be , 10 , 12 , 14 , 16 ...

The number of terms n = 20

The first term a = 10

The common difference d = second term - first term

The common difference d = 12 - 10 = 2

The series is an arithmetic sequence and the 20th term of the sequence will be

a₂₀ = a + ( n - 1 )d

a₂₀ = 10 + ( 19 ) 2

a₂₀ = 10 + 38

a₂₀ = 48 tiles

Hence , the series is an arithmetic sequence

To learn more about arithmetic progression click :


Ivan has just opened a small coffee shop. He paid a copy store 50.10 percopy to make
1,428 copies of the flyer to announce the opening of the shop an is having 14
distribute all 1 428 flyers, and he is paying them 50.25 tot sath Syer shey der He suure
each friend the same number of flyers
What is the total amount Ivan is paying each friend to
Show your work




Ivan has just opened a small coffee shop. He paid a copy store 50.10 percopy to make

1,428 copies of the flyer to announce the opening of the shop an is having 14

distribute all 1 428 flyers, and he is paying them 50.25 tot sath Syer shey der He suure

each friend the same number of flyers

What is the total amount Ivan is paying each friend to


Show your work


what is the lcm of two numbers if one number is a multiple of the other


If one number is the multiple of another number, then the L.C.M. will be the smaller number (the number whose multiple the other number is).

What is the base of the exponent in the function f (x) = 3 (RootIndex 3 StartRoot 8 EndRoot) Superscript 2 x when the function is written using only rational numbers and is in simplest form?




Step-by-step explanation:

The base of 3^(2x) is 3.

if x +2y=1 and x-y=2 find the value of 2y + x ​




Step-by-step explanation:

x +2y=1

2y+x  will equal 1

What is the volume of this figure?



Volume = 480 cm³

Step-by-step explanation:

Volume = lwh

*Split the shape into 3 rectangles.

Rectangle 1: 4 x 4 x 8 = 128

Rectangle 2: 14 x 4 x 4 = 224

Rectangle 3: 4 x 4 x 8 = 128

Total: 128 + 224 + 128 = 480 cm³



Step-by-step explanation:

just took the quiz

The sampling distribution of a statistic _________. Group of answer choices gives all the values a statistic can take gives the probability of getting each value of a statistic under the assumption it had resulted due to chance alone is a probability distribution all of the options



all of the options

Step-by-step explanation:

A sampling distribution is a probability distribution, gives the probability of getting each value and all values a statics can take. It is arrived out through a repeated sampling form of a large population. It truly exists as a population.

suppose that this decade begins on 1 january 2020 which is wednesday and the next decade begins on 1 january 2030. how many Wednesday are there in this decade?​




365 *10 = 3650

365/7 = 521.4

Step-by-step explanation:

help asap please. it's for a grade.​


788 cm^2
step-by-step explanation:
sa = 2(lw + lh + wh)
l = length w = width h = height
let’s do each one separately
first the pink one
length = 5 width = 6 height = 20
sa = 2(5(6) + 5(20) + 6(20))
sa = 2(30 + 100 + 120)
sa = 2(250)
sa = 500
now the purple
length = 6 width = 4 height = 12
sa = 2(6(4) + 6(12) + 4(12))
sa = 2(24 + 72 + 48)
sa = 2(144)
sa = 288
now add them
500 + 288
788 cm^2

If f(x) = 2x + 1 and g(x) = x2 - 2, find f(g(3)).




Step-by-step explanation:





Step-by-step explanation:





=9 is the answer

3. If bº = 110°, what is the value of gº?



hello mate <3

u see here its a quadrialteral

with 4 angles b , d , 70 , g

so b + d + 70 + g = 360

now u see 60 + d = 180 (straight line)

d = 120 and b = 110 ( given)


110 + 120 + 70 + g = 360

g + 300 = 360

g = 360 - 300 = 60 degrees option c


help asap
Find the area of the circle.
Use 3.14 for n. Do not round your
Area = [?] inches
11 inches
Enter the number that
belongs in the green box.



A = 94.985

Step-by-step explanation:

Formila for area of a circle is A = pi * radius²

Just plug in your numbers for: A = 3.14 * 5.5²

The radius is 5.5 because the diameter is 11

A = 94.985

Given that h(x) = 5-2x, find the value(s) of x when h(x) =3​




Step-by-step explanation:

We have,

h(x) = 5-2x







Therefore, x=1 when h(x)=3


x = 1

Step-by-step explanation:

h(x) = 3

5 - 2x = 3

2x = 2

x = 1

What is the slope of a line that is perpendicular to the line whose equation is 0.52 - 5y = 9?


The slope is 0.1
To find a perpendicular slope, find the negative reciprocal.
The reciprocal of 0.1 is 10
The negative of 10 is -10
Final answer:-10

What's a very complex equation that equals 3


got this from a website, hope it helps!
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