help me please:(((((((​

Help Me Please:(((((((


Answer 1

Answer: 2 on, 3 through, 4 on, 5 away, 6 around, 7 out, 8 off, 9 for, 10 in, 11 for


The definition of the words make it easy to understand the sentence. please give me brainliest :)

Related Questions

He is as tall as you. (negative)


He is not as tall as you


It is likewise most lamentable to think, how in taking Negros out of Africa, and selling of them here, That which GOD has joined together men do boldly rend asunder [Matt. 19:6]; Men from their Country, Husbands from their Wives, Parents from their Children. How horrible is the Uncleanness, Mortality, if not Murder, that the Ships are guilty of that bring great Crouds of these miserable Men, and Women. Methinks, when we are bemoaning the barbarous Usage of our Friends and kinsfolk in Africa: it might not be unseasonable to enquire whether we are not culpable in forcing the Africans to become Slaves amongst our selves. And it may be a question whether all the Benefit received by Negro Slaves, will balance the . . . cash laid out upon them; and for the Redemption of our own enslaved Friends out of Africa. Besides all the Persons and Estates that have perished there.

How does Sewall appeal to Christians in this excerpt? Briefly explain your answer. (100 words)



In the excerpt above, written by Samuel Sewall, he appeals to Christians by quoting directly from the Bible. In the very first part of the paragraph, he quotes from Matthew 19:6 in order to draw in the attention of Christians and emphasize his point that all humans on Earth are equal to each other, and no one individual is superior to the another in the eyes of God. By making this direct quote to the Bible, Seqall effectively uses the Bible to convince Christians that all people, no matter their nationality, skin color, or gender, are equal.


Please answer in your own words :)

At the end of summer, many children are not ea___
to go back to school


The answer is Eager, I believe

How does Dickens use language here to create sympathy for Pip?
The first paragraph tells us how Pip got his name. Why do you think Dickens does this?



Learning Task 4 Imagine you are the principal in an institution. As the school head, how are you going to address the social issues that circulate in your school? In your pad paper, copy the table. Write in the second column your suggested solution to the social issue indicated in the first column.

Social Issues

1. Gender Bias /Discrimination

2 Overpopulation

3. Bullying

4. Fake News

5. Child Abuse

Proposed Solution

What characteristics would you most associate with Lady Macbeth after
reading this speech?



D- Ambition and cruelty

Write a story that includes the words, ... nothing could have prepared him for what he saw ....


Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw… he was just a child when he saw it. The murdering of his own mother by the hands on his own father. He screamed and whined but to no avail, he begged and even tried to interfere but his fathers brut strength was more powerful than that of his six year old son. His father pushed his own son to the ground, making an impact so great that the boy broke his nose, deforming it. And, after a while the boy lost consciousness. His father murdered his mother with his bare hands, nothing was the same anymore. He had no more motherly compassion or tenderness. His mother was his best friend, no one could replace her. Now, he had no guidance, no hope, no future; all was gone for his father too was in prison also.

As a boy he was secluded from all others and chewed on his nails very frequently. He never said to anyone his troubles but even voices tormented him, so he secluded himself from everyone. The voices would tell him how worthless he was as a human being and also commanded him to kill. However, the boy never listened to the voices, though his self esteem was squashed and thrown to the dirt. He cried sometimes during the nights hoping to commit a vile act against himself, “Perhaps I’ll cut my veins” he said. He was lost and had no purpose to live.

When he grew, he built a log cabin inside the woods near a trail that was filled with thorn bushes. His clothes were teared apart and eaten by flies. Even cobwebs found their way between the fingers of his hands. He was so very depressed. Until, one day a woman came walking down the trail. She was a magnificent beauty, when she was near the log cabin the boy who was now a grown man heard her footsteps, opened the door swiftly, got out and behind the thorn bushes peaked to see who the brave wanderer was. When he saw it was a beautiful woman he was thrilled, but realized soon enough she would leave. So all his fantasies and illusions were broken immediately. However, the woman carried a map.

She was headed towards an old lake, for it was said that the old lake brought a husband and she was desperate for no one took a liking to her due to her maturity and wisdom. So, out of the shadows came out the grown man who was spying on this gorgeous damsel and offered his services. The lady thought not twice and accepted. He showed her the lake and she submerged in it. When she came out she realized the man who helped her was handsome beyond compare.

Extra: (And, when he took her back to the place they originally met, she asked: “Would you like me to stay?” He nodded yes. So, she stayed with him and each other delighted in each other’s company.)

hello can u help me plz
i need a essay for louis vuitton
plz help asap
essay with 150-200 words



thats all

hope it helps you

Anyone else got summer school??



I did and it was boring and was like 4 days

Paraphrase this text from the Ellis Island site.
“Ellis Island doctors were particularly watching for signs of contagious diseases. Incurable diseases included trachoma and tuberculosis and guaranteed a return trip to where the immigrant came from.”


jis isit la yo ka resevwa kék pwen


It was important for doctors at Ellis Island to spot people with contagious diseases. If immigrants had a serious illness that could not be treated, they were not permitted and had to go home.


This is not exactly the text's words, so paraphrasing means putting it in your own words.

Read "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" and answer the question.

[1] I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
[5] Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
[10] Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
[15] A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
[20] In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

What does the poet describe in the second stanza?


In the second stanza, the poet describes the number of daffodils. ... 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud' is one of the most pleasing poem by William Wordsworth which illustrates the beautiful nature and how nature's beauty have the power to brighten up a person's mood.

Read this passage I am mindful that only yesterday in Birmingham, Alabama, our children, crying out for brotherhood, were answered with fire hoses, snarling dogs and even death. I am mindful that only yesterday in Philadelphia, Mississippi, young people seeking to secure the right to vote were brutalized and murdered. And only yesterday more than 40 houses of worship in the State of Mississippi alone were bombed or burned because they offered a sanctuary to those who would not accept segregation. I am mindful that debilitating and grinding poverty afflicts my people and chains them to the lowest rung of the economic ladder. -Martin Luther King Jr., Nobel Prize acceptance speech, 1964 How does King show that the struggle for freedom and equality is not over?

A. By asking the committee to help thestop the violence

B. By refusing the award because peace has not been achieved

C. By giving examples of violent events that recently took place

D. By explaining that he is not an expert in the field of civil rights​


C I’m pretty sure yeh yeh

King show that the struggle for freedom and equality is not over by giving examples of violent events that recently took place. Hence, option D is correct.

What events are shared by Martin Luther King in his Noble acceptance speech?

In the passage, Martin Luther King Jr. provides examples of violent events that had taken place in Birmingham, Alabama, Philadelphia, Mississippi, and the State of Mississippi, to show that the struggle for freedom and equality was not over.

He emphasizes that even though he was accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, there were still many issues that needed to be addressed, such as the brutal treatment of young people seeking to secure the right to vote, the bombing and burning of houses of worship, and the poverty that afflicted his people.

By highlighting these ongoing issues, King underscores the need to continue the struggle for civil rights and social justice. Hence, option C is correct.

Find more on Martin Luther King:


When a pronoun does not agree in number or person with an antecedent that appears earlier in the sentence, what kind of error occurs?

a pronoun case error
a pronoun shift error
a reciprocal pronoun error
a vague pronoun error



The kind of error that occurs is:

B. a pronoun shift error.


Take a look at the following sentence:

"One could have done better if we had studied harder."

See how the sentence begins by using "one" and then suddenly shifts to "we"? This is an example of a pronoun shift error. The pronoun "we" does not agree with "one".

Let's analyze another example:

"Someone is knocking; and they seem to be in a hurry."

Although that is a common structure in colloquial speech, it is incorrect. "Someone" is a third-person singular word, so the pronouns that refer to it should be "he" or "she". "They" is a third-person plural pronoun. Therefore, this example too shows a pronoun shift error.


When a pronoun does not agree in number or person with an antecedent that appears earlier in the sentence, what kind of error occurs?

a pronoun case error a pronoun shift error  <<<CORRECT a reciprocal pronoun error a vague pronoun error


Edge 2021

he will have thought about this. change into present perfect tense



He has thought about this


he has thought about this.

American history by judith ortiz cofer
What were your
thoughts about
Elena and her
emotions at the end
of the story?



sorry i cannot help you




fill in the blanks correctly with the models ​


One baby to GG bulky muzan Gee loadss Hibah Gurl coochie Gee play Bucci and a bully coochie malam
I can’t see the word bank

So I'm going into my freshman year in high school on August 12th and I wanted to ask some questions to you guys what can I do to survive my 9th grade year also study tips and things to do to be really good in class supplies I can use and how I can have a good GPA also want to talk about final exams and all that stuff​


Answer: Be committed, do not be afraid to ask questions, track your grade, stand up for yourself, do not let your peers change you.

Explanation: The assignments are going to get hard, so you must stay committed and put in the effort. If you fall behind, it will be very difficult to get back up. Do not make a habit out of procrastination. If you don't understand something, do not be afraid to ask questions, if a good GPA is what your aim is, then it's important to get an understanding. Stay current with your grades, it's important to know your standings, so that you know what you mastered, and what still needs more practice. Always stand up for yourself, do not allow yourself to get picked on. If people see you to be weak, and an easy prey, they will challenge and clown you in order to boost their clout. And most importantly, do not allow your peers to change you. stay away from drugs, they're addictive, and they ruin your body. If your goal is to get good grades, then make sure your managing your time wisely. Your friends might want to talk during class, but it's important that you listen, they will want to hangout, but make sure you've mastered or have at least a decent understanding of all your class lessons before proceeding into leisure. Now remember, this is only if your goal is to be a good student. I on the other hand don't follow any of these rules except the "don't do drugs". I'm legit answering your question for brainly points so I can continue cheating my summer school homework lol. I'm not the best example, but I'm a Sophomore soon to be Junior in August who has a good concept and understanding of how High School works..

What is the narrator relationship to Maggie?


no one can answer if they don’t know what the book is
Whatever they decide to do they can be friends with benefits, just buddies, get married, or never talk again

PLz answer fast its urgent i will mark u as brainiest
Slogan or Motto about gender equality and economic prosperity
plz dont answer if u are not sure : )



Child labour is our fight


gender equality is everyone rights

It is not a matter of job or race of height, Every individual deserves to be treated well and treated right.

write an imaginary conversation between nelson mandela and anne frank. imagine that Nelson Mandela and Anne Frank meet in the afterlife to talk about the extraordinary ordeals in their lives. Think and plan what they would talk about and what common or different views they would have.​



nelson mandela the anti-apartherd leader who was jailed for 27 years of his activism and in 1994 because president of South America, regularly recited the poem inviictus during his imprisonment inviictus meaningunconnquerable of undefated in latin was written in 1875 by william Ernest henley

Anne Frank was not hard of hearing. When Anne Frank fled the country in 1942, she was a teenager. For the next two years, she wrote a notebook detailing her experiences.

What imaginary conversation, to Nelson and Anne Frank?

Nelson Mandela, the anti-apartheid activist who served 27 years in prison for his activism before being elected president of South America in 1994, recited the poem Invictus often.  

Nelson Mandela studied Afrikaans, the language of the oppressor, while he was incarcerated. Additionally, he researched the history of the Afrikaner people and their conflict with the British. He appreciated reading some books written by Afrikaans authors in their native tongue.

Therefore, while he was imprisoned. Invictus, which is Latin for “unconquerable” or “undefeated,” was written by William Ernest Henley in 1875.

Learn more about Anne Frank here:


Where should the author of a case study introduce the central question of the text?

at the conclusion
at the beginning
after the evidence
along with the supplemental facts


The answer is B at the beginning. Hope this helps


B or "at the beginning"


its correct

Why do you think there are less and less inventions be-
coming successful? Answer the question in at least
one complete sentence.



The reason why I think inventions are becoming less successful is because of lack of interest. You could design an amazing invention and go no where because the people aren't interested. The creator of the invention soley relies on the people wanting it or being interested in it.

write a story which end with the sentence "we were luck that night"​



that sentence does not make gramatical sense dude.


People will be able to save our enveronment if we stop making it polluted -> people will have ...................( ablility)



People will have the ability to reduce pollution causing activities.


People will have the ability to stop using activities that is responsible for pollution. Using of fossil fuels for vehicles and industries polluted our environment due to release of carbondioxide and carbonmonoxide gas. By using electric cars instead of cars that runs by fossil fuels can reduce the carbondioxide gas emission in the atmosphere. Planting more trees also reduce the pollutants present in the environment so these are the activities which able humans to reduce pollution.

Which of the following “feeling” words describe the mood conveyed through word choice? Check the two best choices.









the outers are not fillings


Serious and anxious



1) A Full Verbatim file contains:
a) Stutters
b) False starts
c) Speech errors


The answer is A
in Verbatim files they wouldn’t have any false starts or speech errors if you think about it closely with your answer choices.

I have a prompt but no beginning the prompt is :think about a relationship argument you've had and write from the other person's side of view. I need a beginning to verse one pls help


I felt attacked when I heard my sister complain because I had laid down on the couch to rest. I had spent the entire day driving to her, who was being ungrateful by urging me to shower before lying down on the couch. I don't believe she has the right to interfere with my wishes, after I've spent the entire day serving her wishes. Besides, the sofa belongs to me too, and I have every right, like everyone else in this house, to lie down on it whenever I want.

*** The above paragraph was written based on the day I argued with my brother. I wrote the paragraph thinking about his point of view on the situation, but I think you need a little context to understand that point of view. This discussion took place on a day that I had to go to many places. At that time, I didn't drive and I asked my brother to drive for me. We spent the whole day going to several different places in the city and both of us were very tired and sweaty as the temperature was so high. When I got home, my brother threw himself on the couch and I thought this was very inappropriate as he was dirty and would make the couch dirty. So I complained and told him to take a shower. He didn't like my interference and we started arguing.***

1 ________ does Polly do
in the evening?
2 ________ phone is
ringing now?

really fast
5 ________ does the
postman bring you the
6 ________ does Daniel
ride his scooter?

9 ________ does Mona
10 ________ does Tom
can see fish?



how to get the he is going to you

the sky what did the men and women in the folktale do when they were hungry?why? Explain.​



Men and women did not have to plant their own food. Instead, when they were hungry, they just reached up and broke off a piece of the sky to eat. Sometimes the sky tasted like ripe bananas. ... When they took more than they could eat, the sky became angry


hope it's help

Pesquise sobre quais as maneiras e situações em que ocorre a influência cultural americana, escreva um texto com, no máximo 20 linhas sobre o tema, destacando as razões pelas quais é importante aprender inglês.



El inglés es el idioma internacional más importante, consecuencia de la política colonial del Imperio Británico en el siglo XIX y la influencia global de los Estados Unidos de América en los siglos XX y XXI.

El inglés se originó a principios de la Edad Media como el idioma de algunas de las tribus germánicas que invadieron Gran Bretaña. Se convirtió en nativo de la mayoría de la población británica y, con el crecimiento territorial del Imperio Británico, se extendió a Asia, África, América del Norte y Australia. Después de que las colonias británicas obtuvieron la independencia, el inglés siguió siendo el idioma nativo de la mayoría de la población (EE. UU., Canadá, Australia, Nueva Zelanda) o uno de los idiomas oficiales (India, Nigeria). El inglés se enseña en instituciones educativas de muchos países como lengua extranjera.

Examine this painting of a couple walking near the
Eiffel Tower in Paris, France,
Based on the details you see in this painting, what is
the best statement of a theme for this work?
O It is healthy to take walks in the park.
O Paris is a lovely city in France,
O Love can bloom like your surroundings,
O Landmarks are important to tourists,


Love can bloom like your surroundings

Based on the details seen in this painting, the best statement of a theme for this work is love can bloom like your surroundings, hence option C is correct.

What description is expressed in the picture of Eiffel Tower?

Although it isn't mentioned in this article, the Eiffel Tower is a well-known attraction in Paris that plenty of couples go to for tours and sightseeing.

The tranquil atmosphere in such setting will help many couples' relationships flourish.

This demonstrates that a person's environment and the state of their love are related. The lesson that may be drawn from this image is that love can blossom much like its environment.

Therefore, love can grow like your surroundings is the best description of the theme for this painting based on the features visible in it.

Learn more about Eiffel Tower, here:


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