help, please. BRAINLIST if correct

Help, Please. BRAINLIST If Correct


Answer 1


The best choice is option A. A section is a history textbook covering the Freedom Riders.


Option B shows proof of the Riders and their protests and was taken at the time they were protesting, this is primary source. Option C is primary as well as it gives us a firsthand experience of the Riders's experience since he is writing to his brother. Option D is primary too because the news covered interviews from actual Freedom fighters. So this leaves us with option A, which is a secondary source as the textbook is written by people who researched and compiled information on the Riders' protests.

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Mississippian Indians used what agricultural technique? Why?



To clear an area for their crops the Mississippian people practiced the “slash and burn” method. In this technique, all the vegetation is cut down and allowed to dry. After a few weeks, the dry vegetation is burned and then turned into the soil. This releases nutrients to fertilize the soil.

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Answer: As thermal energy increases, there is more particle movement Is the answer I hope I’m right


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political power in the seventeenth-century Chesapeake?


Answer: that he sought were more distribution of power between higher positions, and a more elaborate system of gaining higher positions in the colony.The principles Bacon believed should govern colonial society were equality, and tolerance

Explanation: hope that helped!

In your opinion, what qualifications should a citizen of India have, to become a
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There is no requirement of any educational qualification/s required to become minister in India. The person must be eligible to become a member of any of the two Houses of Parliament, in case if he is not an existing member of any of the Houses of Parliament. Otherwise anyone who is a member of parliament can be made a minister on the recommendation of Prime minister.

There is no educational qualification mentioned in the constitution.

He must be a citizen of India.

He must make and subscribe to an oath or affirmation before the person authorized by the election commission for this purpose. In his oath or affirmation, he swears

(a) To bear true faith and allegiance to the. Constitution of India.

(b) To uphold the sovereignty and integrity of India.

He must be not less than 30 years of age in the case of the Rajya Sabha and not less than 25 years of age in the case of the Lok Sabha.

He must possess other qualifications prescribed by Parliament. Under this provision, the Parliament has laid down the additional qualifications in the Representation of People Act (1951) that (a) He must be registered as an elector for a parliamentary constituency.

(b) He must not have been found guilty of certain election offences.

(c) He must not have been convicted for any offence resulting in imprisonment for two or more years.

(d) He must not have been dismissed from government service for corruption or disloyal to the state.


Please Help!
What does it mean when a historian uses chronological thinking to study
A. The historian analyzes a secondary source.
B. The historian studies the writing of history.
C. The historian retells a historical event in the form of a story.
D. The historian organizes ideas into past, present, and future.




What does it mean when a historian uses chronological thinking to study history?

D. The historian organizes ideas into past, present, and future.

Someone please help me or give me hints of each idea please.
Here is your goal for this assignment:
Write a report on the planning of the Jamestown colony Imagine you are living in England during the early 1600s and employed by the newly-formed London Company. The company directors have appointed you to be the chairman of a committee to plan and organize a colony, called Jamestown, in the new world of America. How would you devise a plan to insure the Jamestown colony will be prosperous and successful? It is important to think about and include the following items in your planning: Include: a. the kind of people you would send b. supplies that would be needed c. the type of government d. a choice of a location e. plans for growth Your research findings should be summarized in a report of 350 words in length. Use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling in the report. List any research sources that may have been used in formulating your plan.



I think that you should look at the original colony of Jamestown and what they did. Did it work? What didn't work? It is perfectly acceptable to keep the stuff you know works, but maybe change the things that didn't work for the original colonists. Use your extra knowledge of what happened to fix their problems. e.g. most people died from the cold in the first winter, so maybe more building supplies and warm clothes rather than having a ton of shovels to find gold.

In consent of the governed an important principle in Japan? Why?



In political philosophy, the phrase consent of the governed refers to the idea that a government's legitimacy and moral right to use state power is justified and lawful only when consented to by the people or society over which that political power is exercised.


hopes this helps

siapakah pemerintahan pertama yang bergelar sultan di kesultanan kedah​



The Kedah Sultanate is a Muslim dynasty located in the Malay Peninsula. It was originally an independent state, but became a British Protectorate in 1909. Its monarchy was abolished after it was added to the Malayan Union but was restored and added to the Malayan Union's successor, the Federation of Malaya. please mark me as brainliest

15. Identify the two groups that struggled for power in Rome.


Answer: the patricians and the plebeians


According to the ancient historians, these changes and innovations resulted from a political struggle between two social orders, the patricians and the plebeians, that began during the first years of the republic and lasted for more than 200 years.

The Woman’s Suffrage Movement is responsible for the passage of the —
A. 15th Amendment
B. 19th Amendment
C. 23rd Amendment
D. 26th Amendment



B. 19th Amendment

The Woman’s Suffrage Movement is responsible for the passage of the 19th Amendment.


The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted American women the right to vote, a right known as women's suffrage, and was ratified on August 18, 1920, ending almost a century of protest.

It’s answer is 19th amendment

What were the effects of the civil War? (200 words at least)



The thirteenth was the amendment that outlawed slavery. It was put into law after the civil war was over. All the slaves were now free in the United States of American. The south was angered by this bill because they lost the war and now slavery was outlawed. But as a result of this black codes were created in the south.The assassination of Abraham Lincoln happened in April 14, 1865. The killer was John W. Booth. He killed him while Lincoln was watching a play with his wife. The killer then after he killed Lincoln he jump out a window and rode away in a horse. Days later he was found and executed. Abraham Lincoln was the first American to be killed. His death surprised the Country. After the Civil the States had to be readmitted back into the Union. They had to go through a long a and difficult process. The Radical Republicans wanted them to go through a long punishable process for what they did. But President Johnson had other plans for them. The states were eventually readmitted. And forgiven for what they did.


Provide three reasons that explains why president Jackson supported Indian removal



The tribes agreed to the treaties for strategic reasons. They wanted to appease the government in the hopes of retaining some of their land, and they wanted to protect themselves from white harassment.

Which of the Triple alliance members secretly
agreed to fight against the alliance?



Explanation: On 18 October 1883 Carol I of Romania, through his Prime Minister Ion C. Brătianu, had also secretly pledged to support the Triple Alliance, but he later remained neutral in the First World War due to viewing Austria-Hungary as the aggressor.

Italy signed in to various renewals of the triple alliance in 1882, 1902, and 1912. However, Italy signed several back room deals with France and the Entente, including a Franco-Italian agreement of non-aggression in 1902 and the more infamous 1915 treaty of London. The latter would serve as a key point in Italy’s supposed “humiliation” and turning to fascism in 1922.

who did the colonists defeat during the American revolution? ​



The British


During the American revolution, the colonists fought and defeated the British army.


the British


Explain the military causes behind the 1857 rebellion​



Low salary and poor prospects of promotion. Disproportion between Indian and British troops. Social distance between officers and Indian soldiers. Loss of British prestige in Afghan War.


There are many different reasons including
1. Low salary and poor prospects of promotion.
2. Disproportion between Indian and British troops.
3. Social distance between officers and Indian soldiers.
4. Loss of British prestige in Afghan War.
5. General Service Enlistment Act by which Indians enlisted in British Army could be sent overseas.

In what way was the Byzantine Empire multicultural?​



The people of the Byzantine Empire were mostly Greek, not Roman but since the Empire spanned across many regions, they were from other nations as well.

The Empire spanned across Africa, Asia, and Europe (lands that are not Greek or Roman therefore being multicultural) with, at its height, 1.5 million square miles. It had a population of around 26 million people. The Empire also lasted for over a thousand years, so to ask how it was multicultural is somewhat ignorant and pointless.


change it to your own words so it doesn't look like you cheated lol

The Great Depression: causes, government response, and impact. Please explain them well. Thank you for your time and help.


Answer: Causes the government to desperatly work towards improving the economy.


The ecnomy only truly began to improve during WWII . The goverment had to do something about the Great Depression becasue there were people stariving on the streets, homeless families, and people could no longer aford anything. This does not benifit the govermnet as well.

How was the relatively small Conquistador army of Hernan Cortés able to conquer the great Aztec imperial city of Tenochtitlàn?
Choose 1 answer:
Choose 1 answer:

(Choice A)
Cortés killed Emperor Moctezuma II himself, and in so doing, demoralized the Aztec people so badly that they surrendered at once

(Choice B)
The Conquistadores snuck into the city one at a time, inside wicker baskets carried by Tlaxcala vassals

(Choice C)
Cortés leveraged the discontentment felt by the tributary city-states of the Aztec Empire, like the Tlaxcaltecas and the Texcocans, and allied his army with theirs



The answer is C. Cortés leveraged the discontentment felt by the tributary city-states of the Aztec Empire, like the Tlaxcaltecas and the Texcocans, and allied his army with theirs

Explanation: Hernan Cortes was able to conquer the Aztec Empire by scaring the natives with the 16 horses, gaining alliances with the other enemies of the Aztec, having superior and better weapons than the natives (like guns), having armor, and having steel.


Cortés leveraged the discontentment felt by the tributary city-states of the Aztec Empire, like the Tlaxcaltecas and the Texcocans, and allied his army with theirs

Why were animals such as horses and mammoths an important resource for humans?
They provided meat for eating.
Their bones helped create fire for warmth.
Their hair could be used as thread for sewing clothes.
They guarded children when the adults were away.
They offered protection against predators.


They provided meat for eating


I don't know if this is multiple choices but from what I got from this it is:

- They provided meat for eating

-Their hair could be used as thread for sewing clothes


I hope this helps :)

birinci ve ikinci inonu savaslari nasil gerceklesti​



how did the first and second ino wars take place


what is primary source in social studies


Comment above mine speaking facts

the declaration of independence is best described as a what?
a- a handwritten law (or a written)
b- a petition
c-a break up letter (tried this answer)




The Declaration of Independence is best described as a handwritten law (or a written one). Option (a) is correct.

There are three main concepts in the Declaration of Independence: God created all people equally and granted them the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The government's primary responsibility is to safeguard these rights. If a government attempts to restrict these rights, the populace is free to rebel and establish a new one.

A committee to draught a declaration of independence was formed with Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin as members. Due to his reputation as a talented writer, Jefferson (standing) completed the actual writing.

Therefore, Option (a) is correct.

Learn more about Declaration, here;


HELP ASAP! Please answer the following questions in a paragraph, be sure to answer each of the questions fully.

1. What key economic concepts are being shown in the cartoon above? Provide evidence from the cartoon to support your answer.

2. What is this cartoon trying to say?

3. What is the author’s purpose?



1. Demonstrated in the cartoon is the economic concept of both mercantilism and imperialism. Mercantilism is the economic theory of minimizing imports and maximizing exports, which can be applied to colonial powers, just as imperialism can. Imperialism is a broader concept of extending their rule to colonial possessions through force. Both are displayed because the cartoon is depicting a bigger power that "WANTS" resources which are symbolized by the globe. Mercantilism isn't imperialism as it is solely economic theory, but both are fuelled by resources. Mercantilism was applied in imperialist countries, those up in Europe, because they mainly imported from their possessions while exporting throughout markets.

2. This cartoon is trying to say that a dragon, which fictionally is depicted as an evil and powerful creature, fuels its hunger by eating the globe, which is captioned as "resources". It's trying to show imperialistic powers from a different perspective, implying they're greedy for wanting more resources.

3. The author's purpose is to shine a negative light on imperialism as shown by the vilification of the idea.  

it's not an answer to this question but the one you just asked!

you just need to put the co-ordinates of the point into the equation and see if it works out!

Select all answers that apply to the Articles of Confederation.
1.Needed 100% vote to make any changes to the document.
2.Included no system of Federal Courts.
3.Ruled that the Constitution was the Supreme Law of the Land.
4.Did not control trade between the states.


The Articles of Confederation refers to an important document in United States history which was brought about by an agreement between the original 13 states in America after Independence from Great Britain.

Therefore, some things that were accurate about the Articles of Confederation include:

1. Ruling that the Constitution was the Supreme Law of the Land.

2. Did not control trade between the states.

The Articles of Confederation essentially served as a constitution which gave the government the power to:

1. Declare war

2. Sign treaties

3. Forge alliances

4. Control international relations.

Read more:

The Articles of Confederation:

1.Needed 100% vote to make any changes to the document. 2.Included no system of Federal Courts.  4.Did not control trade between the states.

The Articles of Confederation was the first Constitution of the United States but made the national government weak because the states did not want a national government that was overly powerful.

Some provisions of the Articles included:

All states had to agree to a change in order for a change to be approved. There was no federal judicial court system instead states applied their own laws as they saw fit. Trade among states was not controlled by the national government which allowed for states to impose customs duties.

We can therefore say in conclusion that the Articles of Confederation made the national government weak and was quite difficult to amend.

More information at

Do you feel that the history Mexican-Americans/Chicanos were well-represented in your history classes?





in my history class, thats basically what we are talking about. the teachers dont leave that out.


Absolutely not,


I have done so many years of history, and Latin/South America is always glossed over and just forgotten. As a Latina, this bothers me because we have influenced the world in so many ways, and we deserve to also have a say in the history books.

what was North America like before the arrival of Europeans​



It was quiet peaceful and balanced between the the inhabitants.

To what extent did the Renaissance view
or human nature differ from the
Middle ages?



The medieval worldview was shaped by religion; it accepted tradition and the idea that only God was perfect. In contrast, the Renaissance worldview was shaped by inquiry, exploration, and the idea that humans could perfect themselves.

what contributed in the great depression?



Select the two binomials that are factors of this trinomial. x^2+3x-28

answer is: A. x-4 & D. x+7


Select the two binomials that are factors of this trinomial. x^2+3x-28

answer is: A. x-4 & D. x+7

How did Chinese culture change during the Warring States period?


Virtues such as order and respect began to decline. Which statement best represents the philosophy of Legalism? People are inherently both selfish and impulsive.
Virtues such as order and respect began to decline.

Name any four Egyptian gods and their roles.



Osiris. Osiris, bronze figurine of the Late Period; in the Egyptian Museum, Berlin. ...

Isis. Isis nursing Horus. ...

Horus. Horus. ...

Seth. Seth was the god of chaos, violence, deserts, and storms. ...

Ptah. ...

Re. ...

Hathor. ...


Hope U like my answer and my answer helped U
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