help please like PLEASE ASAP


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

Flip the equation into a fraction.


Answer 2
I think the answer is 1/5^5

Related Questions

Rhombus LMNO is shown with its diagonals.

Rhombus L M N O is shown. Diagonals are drawn from point L to point N and from point M to point O and intersect at point P. All sides are congruent.

Angle MNO measures 112°. What is the measure of angle LMN?



hope this help

Step-by-step explanation:





Step-by-step explanation:

A person walks away from a pulley pulling a rope slung over it. The rope is being held at a height 10 feet below the pulley. Suppose that the weight at the opposite end of the rope is rising at 4 feet per second. At what rate is the person walking when s/he is 20 feet from being directly under the pulley


The image of this question is missing and so i have attached it.


dd/dt = 4.47 ft/s

Step-by-step explanation:

From the image attached, let's denote the following;

d = horizontal distance beneath pulley

h = height of pulley

l = diagonal from the pulley to the head of the person

v = velocity of rope rising

Using pythagoras theorem;

l² = d² + h²

Differentiating with respect to time and considering h = c^(te) gives;

2l(dl/dt) = 2d(dd/dt)

We are given;

d = 20 ft

h = 10 ft

v = 4 ft/s

We know that velocity in this case is change in diagonal distance with time. Thus;

v = dl/dt = 4 ft/s

From earlier, we saw that;

2l(dl/dt) = 2d(dd/dt)

Thus, reducing it gives

(dl/dt)(l/d) = dd/dt

Now, l² = d² + h²

l = √(d² + h²)

Also, v = dl/dt = 4


4(√(d² + h²))/d = dd/dt

4(√(20² + 10²))/20 = dd/dt

dd/dt = 4.47 ft/s

20) solve:
[tex] {8}^{2} + 2 = [/tex]
21) solve:
[tex]4(2x + 5y = [/tex]
22) simplify the expression
[tex]4( {2}^{2} + 30) - 4 = [/tex]


Ques20. 66
Ques21. 8x+20y
Ques22. 132

Match the answers……………..


9 in 8956 = 900

9 in 95675 = 90000

9 = 9 in 124569

9 in 68795 = 90

90000 = 9 in 2549652.........

hope it helps...



Could u explain more

need help asap pls !




Step-by-step explanation:

A plank 6m long leans against a vertical wall so that the foot of the plank is 4m away from the wall. A lizard climbs 2m up the plank. Calculate the horizontal distance between the lizard and the wall.


Answer: [tex]\dfrac{8}{3}\ m[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


Length of the plank is [tex]6\ m[/tex]

Foot of the flank is [tex]4\ m[/tex] away from the wall

Lizard climbs 2 m up the wall

from the figure, the two triangles are similar

[tex]\therefore \dfrac{2}{6}=\dfrac{x}{4}\\\\\Rightarrow x=4\times \dfrac{2}{6}\\\\\Rightarrow x=\dfrac{4}{3}\ m[/tex]

So, the distance from the wall is

[tex]\Rightarrow 4-x\\\\\Rightarrow 4-\dfrac{4}{3}\\\\\Rightarrow \dfrac{8}{3}\ m[/tex]

Triangle ABC is a right triangle.

Triangle A B C. Angle A is x degrees, B is 90 degrees, C is (x minus 10) degrees. The exterior angle to angle C is (2 x + 40) degrees.

Which equations can be used to find the value of x? Check all that apply.
x + 90 + (x minus 10) = 180
x + 90 + (2 x + 40) = 180
2 x + 80 = 180
x + 90 = 2 x + 40
(x minus 10) + 90 = 2 x + 40



x + 90 + (x minus 10)= 180° can be used to find the value of x.


A) X+90+ (x-10) - 180

C) 2x+80 = 180

D) x+90 = 2x+40

Step-by-step explanation:

#What is the value of the discriminant for the quadratic equation –3 = –x2 + 2x?

Discriminant = b2 – 4ac





Step-by-step explanation:

the quadratic equation –3 = –x2 + 2x can be changed into :

x²-2x-3= 0

a=1, b= -2 , and c = -3

so, the discriminant = (-2)²-4(1)(-3)

= 4 + 12 = 16

using appropriate properties , find 7/5 × 5/12 − 3/12 × 7/5 − 1/15



[tex] \frac{1}{6} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \frac{7}{5} \times \frac{5}{12} - \frac{3}{12} \times \frac{7}{5} - \frac{1}{15} = \frac{7}{5} ( \frac{5}{12} - \frac{3}{12} ) - \frac{1}{15} = \frac{7}{5} \times \frac{1}{6} - \frac{1}{15} = \frac{7}{30} - \frac{2}{30} = \frac{5}{30} = \frac{1}{6} [/tex]

You order CDs for $14.25 each and the website charges $4.50 for each shipment.
The expression $14.25p + $4.50 represents the cost of p CDs. Find the total cost for
ordering 4 CDs.




Step-by-step explanation:

14.25(4) + 4.50

= 57.00 + 4.50

= 61.50

Find the sum of the second multiple of 9 and the fifth multiple of 6.​




Step-by-step explanation:



18 + 30 = 48

Mark all the relative minimum points in the graph.

Please help I don't understand what to do.​



Step-by-step explanation:

The thing to remember is that absolute can be relative but relative can't be absolute. In other words, absolute min is the very lowest point on the graph and there's usually only one (unless there are 2 absolute mins that have the same y value) while relative mins can occur at several points on a graph. That means that the only relative min point on the graph occurs at (-3, 4); the absolute min occurs at (5, -6).

A box contains a yellow ball, an orange ball, a green ball, and a blue ball. Billy randomly selects 4 balls from the box (with replacement). What is the expected value for the number of distinct colored balls Billy will select?



[tex]Expected = 0.09375[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]Balls = 4[/tex]

[tex]n = 4[/tex] --- selection


The expected distinct colored balls

The probability of selecting one of the 4 balls is:

[tex]P = \frac{1}{4}[/tex]

The probability of selecting different balls in each selection is:

[tex]Pr = (\frac{1}{4})^n[/tex]

Substitute 4 for n

[tex]Pr = (\frac{1}{4})^4[/tex]

[tex]Pr = \frac{1}{256}[/tex]

The number of arrangement of the 4 balls is:

[tex]Arrangement = 4![/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]Arrangement = 4*3*2*1[/tex]

[tex]Arrangement = 24[/tex]

The expected number of distinct color is:

[tex]Expected = Arrangement * Pr[/tex]

[tex]Expected = 24 * \frac{1}{256}[/tex]

[tex]Expected = \frac{3}{32}[/tex]

[tex]Expected = 0.09375[/tex]




Step-by-step explanation:

Choice A is the only one that is applicable.


A. F(x) has 1 relative minimum and maximum.

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]{ \bf{F(x) = 2 {x}^{3} - 2 {x}^{2} + 1 }}[/tex]

As x and F(x) tend to positive and negative infinity:

[tex]{ \sf{x→ \infin : f(x) = \infin}} \\ { \sf{x→ {}^{ - } \infin : f(x) → {}^{ - } \infin}}[/tex]

❎So, B and C are excluded.

Roots of the polynomial:

[tex]{ \sf{f(x) = 2 {x}^{3} - 2 {x}^{2} + 1}} \\ { \sf{f(x) = - 0.6 \: \: and \: \: 0.8}}[/tex]

, D is also excluded.

✔, A

find the missing segment in the image below​




Step-by-step explanation:

Intercept theorem

DE // CB ⇒ [tex]\frac{AD}{AC} = \frac{AE}{AB}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]\frac{6}{6+?} =\frac{4}{4+2}[/tex]

⇒ ? = 3

Olympia ate lunch at a restaurant. The amount of her check was $6.89. She left $8.00 on the table, which included the amount she owed plus a tip for the waiter. Which equation shows t, the amount of her tip, in dollars?
6.89 + t = 8.00
6.89 - t = 8.00
6.89t = 8.00
6.89 = 8.00 Divided by t



not sure if the answer is obvious but I'd say $6.89 + t = $8.00

Step-by-step explanation:

so to make it more understandable you have to first go over the question and ask your self is the tip included in the totally amount owed or is it apart

after you figure out that its apart all you have to do is plug in the numbers you could verify this by checking every equation like this

$6.89 + t = $8.00 (t) in this case is the tip which would be $1.11 all you do to arrive at that answer is subtract the amout owed from the amount given like this $8.00 - $6.89 = $1.11 which will be your tip

now continue checking your answer next is , $6.89 - t = $8.00

which would be $6.89- $1.11 = $5.78 not quite right because now she is short on the pay , on to the next its $6.89t= $8.00 which would be $6.89 x $1.11= $7.65 rounded to neartest tenth which would included the amount but not all the tip given meaning tip would be short 0.35 cents and finally $6.89= $8.00 divided by t , now this takes the amount give which is $8.00 and divides by t which is $1.11 doing this $6.89 = $8.00/$1.11 which it is trying to imply that $6.89 is equal to $7.21 which would be incorrect making the only reasonable equation $6.89 + t = $8.00 reaveling that the tip given was $1.11

hopefully that help maybe i can get brainlist?!


6.89 + t = 8.00

Step-by-step explanation:

it's A

Edge 2021

Write an equation in point-slope form of the line that passes through the given point and has the given slope.


12 square + 16 squared = c squared
144 + 256= c squared
400= c squared
C = 20

50 apples cost 25$ how much would 75$ apples cost?




Step-by-step explanation:

Hey there!

First, to find the cost of one apple, 50 ÷ 25, which equals 2.

At this point, i am not very sure if you meant to say 75 apples, or $75 apples, so I am just going to give both solutions.

If you meant 75 apples: 75 x 2 = $150

If you meant $75 apples: $75 ÷ 2 = 37.5

Since it isn't realistic to buy 37 apples and one half, round it to 37 apples.

Hope this helps!

Have a great day!

The 12th term of the arithmetic sequence is 10.5. The 18th term of this sequence is 13.5. Find the common difference and the first term.


1st way:

let the n'th term be called x, and the value of the term y,

then there is a function y=a*x + b

that will give us all term we want.

this formula is also used for straight lines.

we just need a and b. we already got two data points. we can just plug the known x/y pairs into the formula

10.5 = a*12 + b

13.5 = a*18 + b

now lets manipulate these lines.

multiply the first line by 3 and the second line by 2

31.5 = a*36 + 3b

27 = a*36 + 2b

subtract the second line from the first line

4.5 = b

yey, we now know b, let's plus b into either line from above, I'll go with the first one, looks easier.

10.5 = a*12 + 4.5

6 = a*12

0.5 = a

now y=a*x + b can be filled with a and b

y = 0.5 * x + 4.5

for x=1 (the first term) it's f(1)=5

each step is 0.5, hence the common difference.

2and way:


= 3 / 6

= 0.5

we got the comment difference by looking at the full difference over 6 steps and divined by these 6 steps.

from step 12 to step one it's 11 steps down

10.5 - 0.5*11

= 10.5 - 5.5

= 5

okay I admit... 2and way to do it might be faster and more intuitive... :D

3(t-3)=5(2t+1) solve the following linear equations


Step-by-step explanation:


= 3t-9=10t-5

= 3t-10t = -5+9

= -7t = 4

= -t = 4/7

= - 4/7 Answer

hope it helps

Answer 3(t-3) = 5(2t+1): t = -2
T= -2

Plz mark brainliest if it helps

Can some one help me answer this


7. √9

√9 is a rational number because √9 = 3 = 3/1.

8. No, there is no integer between -6 and -7.

9. π

π is an irrational number

Help. ME. confused!





Hope my answer helped u :)

A net is a two-dimensional pattern that can be folded to form a three-dimensional surface. T/F


Answer:  True


Consider a 3D cardboard box that you can unfold. It would unfold into a 2D net that you can then re-fold back into its 3D form. The 2D net is useful to help visualize and calculate the surface area. The surface area is simply the total area of all the external faces.

Write an expression in simplified form for the area of each rectangle. Width: 11 Length: 3x+2




Step-by-step explanation:

The area of a rectangle is

A = l*w where l is the length and w is the width

A = 11(3x+2)


   = 33x+22

Area of rectangle = Length * Width

Length is 3x+2Width is 11

⇛Area = 11(3x+2)

⇛Area = 33x + 22

Consider the following points. (−4, −1) and (4, 2) Let Y'O' be the image of YO after a reflection across line . Suppose that ′ is located at (1, 4) and ′ is located at (−2, −4). Which of the following is true about line ?


The line was reflected about the line y = -x.


This question is solved using reflection concepts.

There are various kinds of reflections, 90º clockwise about the origin, 90º counterclockwise, among other, and each of them has a rule.


In this question:

Point (-4,-1) became (1,4).Point (4,2) became (-2,-4).

From this, we have the following rule: (x,y) -> (-y,-x)

Checking the rules, it can be said that the line was reflected about the line y = -x.

A similar question can be found at

The figure is not drawn to scale.



93°, 89°, 93°

Step-by-step explanation:

∠1 and ∠4 are supplementary angles:

m∠1 + m∠4 = 180°; m∠1 = 93°

∠2 and ∠4 are vertical angles:

m∠2 = m∠4 = 87°

∠3 and ∠4 are supplementary angles:

m∠3 + m∠4 = 180°; m∠3 = 93°

Find a 2-digit number smaller than 50, the sum of whose digits does not change after being multiplied by a number greater than 1


The only 2-digit number that is lesser than 50 and the sum of its digits remain unaffected despite being multiplied by a number < 1 would be '18.'

To prove, we will look at some situations:

If we add up the two digits of 18. We get,

[tex]1 + 8 = 9[/tex]

And we multiply 18 by 2 which is greater than 1. We get,

[tex]18[/tex] × [tex]2 = 36[/tex]

The sum remains the same i.e. [tex]3 + 6 = 9[/tex]


If 18 is multiplied to 3(greater than 1), the sum of the two digits comprising the number still remains the same;

[tex]18[/tex] × [tex]3 = 54[/tex]

where (5 + 4 = 9)

Once more,

Even if 18 is multiplied to 4 or 5(greater than 1), the sum of its digits will still be 9.

 [tex]18[/tex] × [tex]4 = 72[/tex]

[tex](7 + 2 = 9)[/tex]

[tex]18[/tex] × [tex]5 = 90[/tex]

[tex](9 + 0 = 9)[/tex]

Thus, 18 is the answer.

Learn more about 'numbers' here:

In the PQRS triangle PQ=QR, QR side extended to S Show that PQ+RS=QS. -S Q R

pls explain too



Step-by-step explanation:

from the picture:





PQ + RS = QS

Please help out explanation need it




Step-by-step explanation:

I dont know what you mean by "each figure," but if you need the surface area for the rectangular prism, then the answer is 156, because the top square has a surface area of 3*6, then it equals 18, and the bottom square is the same, so it is also 18, 18*2=36

The 4 rectangle on the side are all the same, and they are all 10x3 which is 30, so 30*4 because there are 4 rectangles, equals 120.

120+36=156. The surface area of the rectangle is 156m^2

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