Pickleball: The first type of paddles were made out of___________.

1. Plastic

2. Wood



Answer 1


here u go ur answer is wood


its wood

Related Questions

Notice how brightly each bulb is lit and how much charge is flowing in each part of the wire.



Yes, both bulbs are equally bright.

2. Experiment: Add two more light bulbs to the circuit, as shown to

the right. Turn the switch to ON, and observe the brightness of  the bulbs.

A. Did the brightness of the bulbs change?

No, the brightness of the bulbs did not change.

B. Remove one light bulb. What happens?

The brightness of the remaining bulbs does not  change.

C. How did the parallel circuit respond differently to these changes than a series circuit?

Adding bulbs: Adding bulbs to the parallel circuit has no effect  on the other bulbs.

Removing bulbs: Removing bulbs from a parallel circuit has no  effect on the remaining bulbs.

3. Observe: Replace one of the light bulbs in your circuit with a wire. Now there is a path in the circuit with no  light bulb to slow down the moving charges. What happens?

The loop of wire turns red and all the current goes through this Loop. The lights outside the loop  get less current so they dim.   This situation is called a short circuit. The red arrows indicate enormous current. This is very dangerous  because so much current will heat up the wire and could even start a fire!


How does the casual language Dante and Shay use when they
speak to each other affect the way readers perceive them?
A It makes them seem uncomfortable with each other.
B It makes them seem fake and hard to understand.
C It makes them seem wiser than their ages.
D It makes them seem real and relatable.


Answer: D. It makes them seem real and relatable.


Everyday people use casual language to communicate as opposed to formal language which is mostly reserved for business settings. In conversations with your friends and family for instance, you most likely use casual language.

In using casual language therefore, Dante and Shay are behaving like normal everyday people which makes them seem more relatable and realistic because it is something that we as real people do as well.

Take a look at my hair...

I use my hair to express myself...



that sounds really boring


Read the excerpt from "Healthy Eating": "But no one can ignore the damage being wrought by all this bad eating. More than one out of three adults in the United States -- 37.5 percent -- are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Some of the leading causes of death -- heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes -- are directly linked to obesity. And childhood obesity has tripled in the last 30 years. With more than a third of kids between 6 and 19 considered obese, the CDC reports, they are at substantially more risk for developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, bone and joint conditions, and cancer." Which statement best describes the author's argument in this part of the article? *


Answer:"no one can ignore the damage being wrought by all this bad eating"

Explanation: When the author uses this statement it shows their argument, and then they bring up facts to back up their statement.


More Than One out of three adults in the United States --37.5 percent-- are obese , according to the centers for Disease control and Prevention.

Some of the leading causes Death , heart disease , stroke and Type 2 diabetes

How does the text "Cornerstone of Civil Rights" support the idea that racism influenced decisions made in the founding of the United States?


Answer and Explanation:

The text shows how it was necessary for a constitutional mandate to be created to ensure that the African American population was seen as American citizens and had access to basic rights such as freedom and life. This was the 14th amendment that was created long after the founding of the USA. The text shows that this amendment needed to be created, because the country was formed with a highly racist base, where the concepts of freedoms, rights and social duties were only promoted to the white population, and blacks did not have access to this, as they were considered unworthy, even in a country that has become independent in its quest for freedom and justice.

In other words, "Cornerstone of Civil Rights" shows that it was necessary for the equality and basic rights of the Afro-American population to become a federal law, in order to guarantee that blacks had a minimum quality of life, because the country devalued this population of very intensely at the time of its conception.

How does adding the affix -etic to the words energy, athlete, and poet change the meanings of these words?

It changes them from nouns to adjectives.
It changes them from adjectives to nouns.
It changes them from nouns to adverbs.
It changes them from adverbs to nouns.


It changes them from nouns to adjectives.

Answer: D


Read the introductory paragraph from a rhetorical text.

(1) The backyard of a city apartment building is not the first place one might expect to find a chicken coop, but so-called "urban farming” has caught on in recent years as people embrace the benefits of eating local. (2) However, raising backyard chickens can be a significant health risk for the surrounding community. (3) Cities need to relearn the lessons of the early 20th century and ban the raising of chickens in urban settings.

Which sentence should the writer insert after sentence 1 to provide the most relevant and useful background information for readers?

a. The idea of raising chickens and eating fresh eggs every day appeals to some people.
b. Imagine waking up in a busy city to the sound of roosters crowing a “good morning.”
c. In fact, a recent review of urban poultry ordinances in the United States found that 93 percent of the 150 most populous US cities allow backyard poultry.
d. There are many different chicken breeds available for backyard farmers including common Leghorns or Rhode Island Reds as well as more exotic breeds such as the Jersey Giant.



C In fact, a recent review of urban poultry ordinances in the United States found that 93 percent of the 150 most populous US cities allow backyard poultry.

Explanation: I got it right

The sentence should insert " In fact, a recent view of urban poultry ordinances in the United States found that 93 percent of the 150 most populous US cities allow backyard poultry." to provide most relevant and useful information for readers.

What is sentence?

Sentence is a group of words with meaning.

What is poultry?

Poultry means domestic fowls.

What are ordinances?

Ordinance means an order which is authorized.

What is populous?

Populous means densely populated.

What is backyard?

Backyard means a back garden or the area close to one who lives.

What is relevant?

Relevant means which is closely related.

What is information?

Information means knowing about the facts.

What is reader?

Reader is the person who reads.

Hence the option (c) is correct.

To learn more about sentence and poultry here


it is often said the media can make or break a person,especially,sports personalities. Explain how that happen ​



there are "haters" on the internet that will do anything in their power to tear a person down and criticize them for their work no matter what it is.

but there are also many groups, let's say for example running. there are many running groups where you can have accountability partners and many other people that can relate to you and your journey and have the ability to support you throughout.

Essay about an outdoor sport i would like to take up



There are many outdoor activities which I haven’t done yet such as bungee jumping, paragliding, mountain trekking and so on.But here I would like to talk about an outdoor activity which I would really like to do in the near future.This activity is bungee jumping.It is an adventure sport.I came to know about it through an ad on TV of this company called Jumping heights. I am really fascinated by this activity. A company of New Zealand by the name of Jumping Heights has set up a bungee jumping centre in Rishikesh.They charge Rs. 2500/- and make you do this activity.They have a very good set up. It is done from a height of 83 meters.No special skills or equipment are needed.You just need a medical certificate that you are not suffering from any heart ailment or asthma.All other equipment is provided by them. My cousin has tried this activity onceHe told me that there is a huge queue of people who go in for this activity.Mostly youngsters try this activity.He told me that he was a bit nervous but they guide you very well and all the people over there boost your morale. He told me that it was a stupendous feeling and he enjoyed it very much. He would go there again with me and do it once more. We have to register one month in advance.They take all the safety procedures and so no accidents have been reported so far.I would like to do this activity in April or May because it is very cold nowadays.I am really excited for the day to come.







C or A( i would go with C)


What does it mean by “a family has been lying to themselves for basically

their entire lives”?



Lying is probably one of the most common wrong acts that we carry out (one researcher has said 'lying is an unavoidable part of human nature'), so it's worth spending time thinking about it.

Most people would say that lying is always wrong, except when there's a good reason for it - which means that it's not always wrong!

But even people who think lying is always wrong have a problem... Consider the case where telling a lie would mean that 10 other lies would not be told. If 10 lies are worse than 1 lie then it would seem to be a good thing to tell the first lie, but if lying is always wrong then it's wrong to tell the first lie...


Nobody who writes about lying nowadays can do so without acknowledging an enormous debt to this groundbreaking book: Lying: Moral choice in public and private life, by Sisela Bok, 1978.

The meaning of "a family has been lying to themselves for basically their entire lives” is that the family hasn't been truthful.

What is a family?

It should be noted that family simply means the group of people who are related by blood or marriage.

In this case, the meaning of "a family has been lying to themselves for basically their entire lives” is that the family hasn't been truthful.

Learn more about families on:


What is the author of the "Equal Pay Bill" letter trying to persuade his
audience to think?



Women should not be paid as much as men


Getting a new business off the ground can be a challenge, but a teenager in regional South Australia is managing to not only run his own clothing label, but complete high school at the same time.
Last year at the age of 16 and while studying Year 11 at Renmark High School, Nathan Woodrow started his own clothing label, Ryde Clothing.
His target market was teenagers and young adults wanting to grab life with a passion.
Using the motto “stay stoked” (defined by Urban Dictionary as a state of limitless enthusiasm), Nathan drew his clothing designs around skating, surfing and riding.
These were his passions until he a knee injury sidelined him from sport and he ventured into the world of business to fill the void.
“I wanted something to motivate me throughout the year so I started Ryde Clothing,” Nathan said.
“I'm really interested in riding my motorbikes, mountain bikes and I do a lot of skating too [as well as] wake boarding, wake skating, that sort of stuff.
–“Teen Entrepreneur Rides Wave of Business Success with Own Clothing Label,”
Catherine Heuzenroeder

The author’s purpose for writing this article is to
The quotation from the article that most clearly states the author’s purpose is



The author’s purpose for writing this article is to  

✔ inform about a teen business.  

The quotation from the article that most clearly states the author’s purpose is

✔ “Woodrow started his own clothing label.”


The article informs the viewer of a teenager who was able to successfully start a clothing business. The article is informative because it contains no emotional language or words. It contains nothing but verifiable facts and quotations, free of opinions. “Woodrow started his own clothing label” is a non-biased statement that is basically what the whole article is about.

Here's a photo of Edge just incase.

Which of the following is an example of deductive reasoning?



b For example, "All men are mortal. Harold is a man. Therefore, Harold is mortal." For deductive reasoning to be sound, the hypothesis must be correct. It is assumed that the premises, "All men are mortal" and "Harold is a man" are true.


Directions: Select one of the statements above that you feel you could write about. In the space below, write a paragraph that states your opinion (agree or disagree) and explain why.

Being street smart is more important then being book smart.



street smart means you have situational awareness. You can assess the environment you are in, who is in it, and what the available angles are. Being on the street, or in the trenches, or whatever low to the ground metaphor you prefer, requires you to learn to trust your judgment about people and what matters. This skill, regardless of where you develop it, is of great value everywhere in life regardless of how far from the streets you are. Most important perhaps, being street smart comes from experience. It means you’ve learned how to take what has happened to you, good or bad, think about it, and learn to improve from it. The prime distinction between street smarts and book smarts is who is at the centre of the knowledge. On the street, it’s you. In a book, it’s you trying to absorb someone else take on the world, and however amazing the writer is, you are at best one degree removed from the experience. Street smarts mean you’ve put yourself at risk and survived. Or thrived. Or have scars. You’ve been tested and have a bank of courage to depend on when you are tested again. Being street smart can lead to book smarts as the street smart sense what works and what doesn’t, and adapt accordingly.

Btw :

stay safe! :3

Draw parallels between David McCullough Jr's address to the students of Wellesley HIgh School and the message of Miley Cyrus' song "The Climb" AND Five for Fighting's "100 Years" . Use text evidence from all three works in your answer using DIRECT CITATIONS.


Answer and Explanation:

When David McCullough Jr states in his speech "you are not special" he is showing his audience how adulthood will not treat them with affection, as the audience's family does to each of them. David McCullough Jr meant that although the public has been pampered, protected and treated as if they were different and special, by their families, they are just ordinary people and adulthood will not treat them special but will treat them with difficulties and challenges that will often not be conquered.

The way David McCullough Jr describes the difficulties of adult life can be associated with the lines of the song "The Climb" sung by Miley Cyrus that say "There's always gonna be another mountain/I'm always gonna wanna make it move/Always gonna make it move be an uphill battle/Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose." While this sounds demotivating, David McCullough Jr shows that this is what will, in fact, teach the public how to live, create experiences and allow them to recognize who they truly are, understand their limits and realize that they are not special, must fight to survive .

The way in which David McCullough Jr reinforces that adolescence is a phase of extreme protection can be associated with the following lines of the song "100 Years" sung by "Five for Fighting:" Fifteen, there's still time for you/Time to buy and time to lose yourself." Through these lines, we can see that David McCullough Jr reinforces the idea that adulthood is different from adolescence, as a matter of time. In adulthood, time is scarce and everything has to be resolved quickly, there is no more time to play or lose yourself, as time is essential for more serious difficulties to be resolved.

Multiple Choice

How does the dialogue between Tom and Ben impact the passage as a whole?

□ It foreshadows that Aunt Polly will find out about Tom's plan and discipline him.

□ The dialogue reveals Tom's plan to get others to do his work.

□ It sets up a flashback to an earlier time when Tom was content.

□ The dialogue reveals that Tom really does prefer whitewashing to going swimming.

□ It creates tension between Tom and Ben that will only be resolved when Tom hands Ben his brush.​



The dialogue reveals Tom’s plan to get others to do his work.


It creates tension between Tom and Ben that will only be resolved when Tom hands Ben his brush.


got it right in plato

The dialogue reveals Tom's plan to get others to do his work and It creates tension between Tom and Ben that will only be resolved when Tom hands Ben his brush.​

What technique does the author use to make the story more amusing and dramatic?

Mark Twain utilises satire, which is the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, parody, or mockery to expose and criticise people's folly or vices, particularly in the context of modern politics and other hot-button subjects, in numerous ways in his tale The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

Thus, option B and E are correct.

For more details about technique does the author, click here:


They sat in the library after dinner and read the evening papers together under the droplight; while the younger people went into the drawing-room near by and talked. Miss Highcamp played some selections from Grieg upon the piano. She seemed to have apprehended all of the composer's coldness and none of his poetry. While Edna listened she could not help wondering if she had lost her taste for music. Which best describes the narrative voice of the excerpt? The author uses an objective observer to present a factual telling of the events of the story. The author uses a subjective observer to present subtle judgments about the characters. The author uses the point of view of a character in the story to offer insight into Mrs. Highcamp’s talents. The author uses the point of view of a character in the story to reveal the young people’s disinterest.



The author uses a subjective observer to present subtle judgments about the characters.


Kate Chopin's "The Awakening" revolves around the story of Mrs. Edna Pontellier and her inner desires to be her own, do things her way, and express and say whatever she wishes. The story also deals with themes of freedom, society's expectations of women, etc.

In the given excerpt from the novel, the author uses a subjective observer who provides the readers with subtle judgments of the characters. Here, the unknown observer tells us about Miss Highcamp "[who] seemed to have apprehended all of the composer's coldness and none of his poetry." Even Mrs. Pontellier is not left behind. The observer remarks, "While Edna listened she could not help wondering if she had lost her taste for music."

Thus, the correct answer is the second option.


B. The author uses a subjective observer to present subtle judgments about the characters.



Read this excerpt from "The Monkey’s Paw."

At the third glass his eyes got brighter, and he began to talk, the little family circle regarding with eager interest this visitor from distant parts, as he squared his broad shoulders in the chair and spoke of wild scenes and doughty deeds; of wars and plagues and strange peoples.

Using the context clues, what is the best synonym for "doughty?"






A doughty deed is synonymous to a brave and courageous act. The context of the story reveals that the man telling the story talked about some fearless deeds from the past. His appearance resembles that of a soldier as he had broad shoulders that appeared squared when seated.

He also witnessed the wars, the foreign people, and some diseases and predicaments that they experienced. These details lead to the conclusion that the visitor talked about brave deeds of the past.

Read the passage and then answer the question:
Computers are the printing presses of the 21st century.
Which term best describes the poetic device used in the passage?
A. Personification
B. Metaphor
C. Enjambment
D. Symbolism



B. Metaphor


In act lll,scene ii of Julius Caesar, who gave their reasons why ceasar was killed



Brutus and Antony gave their reasons for why Caesar was killed

That's just how it happened

Read the excerpt from "The Gift of the Magi." In this excerpt, Jim’s character is developed


Hello. You did not submit the excerpt to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

The only way to answer your question is to read the text it refers to. Within a text, characters are developed from the actions they promote within the situations in which they are inserted. They can also be developed through lack of direct action, but through reasoning, thinking, and observing what to do about something or someone. In that case, to answer that question, you must read the text and be able to identify the action Jim took, or lack of action within a situation. What's important is that the behavior Jim takes in this situation is meaningful both to him and to the story.




1. Where did you go to school?

2. When did she arrive?

3. Why did he eat so much?

4. What did they do yesterday?

5. Who did you meet at the party?

6. How did she come to work this morning?

7. Where did I leave my glasses?

8. When did he get home last night?

9. What did you do at the weekend?

10. Why did she get angry?

11. Who did they talk to earlier?

12. What did we do last Christmas?

13. Why did it rain on my birthday?

14. How did she finish so quickly?

15. Where did he go after the class last week?


For this activity, we must make questions in the simple past.

To do that, we simply need to use the auxiliary "did" right before the subject and after the Wh- word applied. For example, if I want to ask someone what movie they watched last night, I would use the question:

- What movie did you watch last night?

And that is it! There is no need to change the main verb like we would do in the affirmative form. The auxiliary "did" already shows that the question is in the past. Compare the sentences below:

Aff.: You went to the beach.

Int.: Where did you go?

how do u send someone a message on this platform coz it just blocks me



you can't ._.


It's just there. The only way you could talk to people is throught the comments. the comment limit is 500 comments per thing.

According to the contents of this graphic organizer,
which of these statements best belongs in a closing
paragraph about school uniforms?
O After reviewing all of the evidence it becomes clearer
than ever that school uniforms benefit the students in
numerous ways.
Although many students may resist them, school
uniforms definitely benefit students who wear them.
O People against uniforms feel that students in uniform
are unable to express themselves, but reports have
proven that uniformed students find other ways of
O A study in Texas found that students who wear
uniforms are better behaved and do better


after reviewing all of the evidence it becomes clearer than ever that school uniforms benefit the students in numerous ways.




Can someone do this









Imagine you were Mathilde Loisel, and have lost your friend's
expensive necklace. You have decide to confront her and tell
her the truth how you lost the necklace.
Write TWO diary entries expressing your feelings before and
after disclosing the truth to your friend.

Read the following extract from the short story below and
answer the following questions set.​


Bye hi Mark math Is an Ms th is an is as

15. Choose the best answer.
Which of these describes first-person point of view?
A)The narrator reveals the thoughts and feelings of one major character.

B)The narrator reveals the thoughts and feelings of outside characters.

C)The narrator does not reveal the thoughts and feelings of any characters.

D)The narrator is a character in the story.
The narrator reveals the thoughts and feelings of multiple characters.





First person pov is D. Therefore D is the answer.

Answer:  D)The narrator is a character in the story.

Explanation: Took the test and that was the answer

Which of these prompts would require writing a persuasive essay?


I believe C or D is the most reasonable question

Answer:it would be c


PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think It’s either A or C
The correct answer should be A. I hope this helps!
Other Questions
A student says that the value of the expression 5 + 25 /5 is 6.What error did the student make? Write the expression as a square of a binomial if possible in which form of government do delegates speak on behalf of citizens Please help please please help me please Can yall help me on question 18?! 15 34% is equal to which decimal The rate equation for a reaction between substances C and D is:rate = k[C]^2 [D]^2The initial rate is found to be 7.5 x 10^-3mol dm^-3s^-1when the initial concentration ofC is of 0.25 mol dm^-3and the initial concentration of D is 0.50 mol dm^-3.Calculate the value of the rate constant, k, at this temperature and deduce its units.*Important Asap please * Completa el espacio en blanco con la forma correcta del verbo en el tiempo futuro.Yo ________ de estudiar ms. (tratar)tratartratotrattratar *5. Gravitational potential energy is found in(1 Point)a rubber band pulled back ready to be shotan apple falling from a tree brancha boy on a skate board gliding up a rampa book held high over a desk Why is it useful for historians to craft historical narratives?A. narratives draw from an oral tradition rather than modern historical ideasB. narratives make history more engaging while remaining evidence based.C. narratives cannot be changed even if later historians find a new evidenceD. narratives are based completely on alternative sources of historical evidence I NEED HELP PLZ, PLZ, I NEED HELP, I AM BEGGING YOU Which is the graph of g(x) = 2x 1 + 3? One of the legs of a right triangle measures 16 cm and the other leg measures 8 cm. Find the measure of the hypotenuse. If necessary, round to the nearest tenth. PLZ HELP ASAP FOR AP3X A sector with an area of \goldE{48\pi,\text{cm}^2}48cm 2 start color #a75a05, 48, pi, start text, c, m, end text, squared, end color #a75a05 has a radius of \maroonD{16,\text{cm}}16cmstart color #ca337c, 16, start text, c, m, end text, end color #ca337c. What is the central angle measure of the sector in radians? Choose 1 answer: Choose 1 answer: what is the correct answer Which one of the following is a correct equation? converting fractions to decimals 18/20 Identify the resources that cannot be replenished within the average span onehuman life.Select 2 correct answers!!!petroleumnatural gastrees or plantswater The reduction of carbon dioxide by hydrogen gas takes place at 420C to produce water vapor and carbon monoxide. The equation forthis reaction at equilibrium is shown below.H2(g) + CO2(g) = H2O(g) + CO(g)Which of the following changes in concentration occur when more water vapor is added to the system under equilibrium conditions?O A [Hz] decreases, [CO] decreases, [CO] increasesOB (H) increases, (CO2) increases, [CO] decreasesOC [Hz, increases, [CO2, increases, [CO] increasesD. [H2, decreases, [CO] decreases, [CO] decreases