Here is where we come to the Navy and after all, we have a
Navy. Some people seem to forget that we have a Navy. We must
remind them. For the last thirty years I have been concerned in
discussions about the possibilities of oversea invasion, and I
took the responsibility on behalf of the Admiralty, at the
beginning of the last war, of allowing all regular troops to be sent
out of the country. That was a very serious step to take,
our Territorials had only just been called up and were quite
untrained. Therefore, this Island was for several months
particularly denuded of fighting troops. The Admiralty had
confidence at that time in their ability to prevent a mass invasion
even though at that time the Germans had a magnificent battle
fleet in the proportion of 10 to 16, even though they were capable
of fighting a general engagement every day and any day, whereas
now they have only a couple of heavy ships worth speaking of -
the Scharnhorst and the Gneisenau. We are also told that the
Italian Navy is to come out and gain sea superiority in these
waters. If they seriously intend it, I shall only say that we shall be
delighted to offer Signor Mussolini a free and safeguarded
passage through the Strait of Gibraltar in order that he may play
the part to which he aspires. There is a general curiosity in the
British Fleet to find out whether the Italians are up to the level
they were at in the last war or whether they have fallen off at all.
Analyze the effectiveness of this excerpt. How does it function within the speech as
a whole? How does the structure of the excerpt help to convey the speech's purpose
and arguments? Support your argument with evidence from the speech. (10 points)


Answer 1


This excerpt is effective in communicating the purpose and arguments of the speech as a whole. The speaker is addressing the issue of invasion and the importance of the Navy in defending against it, so the structure of this excerpt focuses on the Navy and the other countries' navies. The speaker begins by acknowledging the importance of the Navy, then goes on to explain their role in the previous war by sending regular troops away and relying on the Territorials. This establishes the context for the rest of the excerpt, where the speaker discusses the capabilities of the German and Italian navies. By providing this context, the speaker drives home the importance of the Navy in defending the island against invasion.

The speaker then goes on to list the capabilities of the German and Italian navies, noting the superiority of the former and the potential threat posed by the latter. This serves to further highlight the importance of the Navy by emphasizing the need to be prepared for any attack. The speaker ends with a bold offer to Mussolini, suggesting that the British will provide him with a free and secure passage through the Strait of Gibraltar. This serves to emphasize the confidence of the speaker in the Navy's ability to defend against invasion. In sum, the structure of this excerpt provides evidence of the necessity of the Navy and the speaker's confidence in their ability to protect the island.


Related Questions

Read this sentence from a summary about some americans’ reactions to immigration in the late 1800s. everyone who held nativist views was a cruel person. why would this sentence be inappropriate in an objective historical summary? it is off topic. it is too detailed. it expresses an opinion. it expresses emotion.


Since expressing one's opinions was frowned upon in early 20th-century American society, it stands to reason that sentence would not belong in a recounting of objective historical events.

What is the significance of expression of opinion?An expression of opinion is a statement or declaration that represents someone's thoughts, feelings, or beliefs about a particular subject or issue. It can be a positive or negative view, and it may be based on personal experience, knowledge, or analysis of the facts.The practise of allowing the general people to freely express their thoughts on a given subject or social issue in society is referred to or taken into consideration as expression of opinion. Typically, it appears in democracies.In contrast to the democratic society that exists today in America, people were not free to communicate or express their ideas on social issues like immigration in the late 1800s. This is due to the lack of democratic political governance in American society. Therefore, the importance of freedom of expression has already been discussed.

To learn more about expression of opinion refer :


every morning, ms. santos dictates a vocabulary word, including its spelling, meaning, and an example of it used in a sentence. which teaching method does this best illustrate?


The right response is Dictate. It denotes speaking or reading aloud. Before we have to spell the term, can you perhaps dictate it in a sentence?

When prefixes (words or letters before a root word) or suffixes (words or letters after a root word) are added, the root word's meaning is merged with that of the prefix or suffix to form new words, which is how words are primarily constructed in English and other languages.

The word "dictate" in this instance has the Latin root "dict," which means "to say." This root can be combined with various suffixes or prefixes, such as the suffix -ate, which denotes an action and, when combined with "dict," refers to the "action of saying" something, or in the case of the word contradict, to which the prefix -contra is added, which denotes something that is contrary to or opposed to. The verb "dictate" is defined as "to pronounce or read loudly." Will you dictate the word in a sentence before we have to spell it? is a statement that makes use of the verb "dictate," which means to say or read aloud. This definition is accurate because "dictate" comes from the words "dict," which means "say," and "-ate," which turns "dict" into an action.

learn more about "Vocabulary" here


Which two skills or abilities are important for a school counselor?
A. leadership
B. active listening
C. empathy
D. physical stamina
E. creativity


empathy and active listening


For me it's B and D


My very own answer

2. Identify a passage in "Volar" that reveals the opportunities flight offers the narrator. Annotate the passage to compare it to the opportunities flight offered Bessie Coleman.


We can see here that the passage in "Volar" that reveals the opportunities flight offers the narrator is the one when the narrator states "I had a recurring dream in those days; that I had long blond hair and could fly".

What is "Volar"?

Volar” is a short story that was written by Judith Ortiz Cofer. In the short story, a family of immigrants from Puerto Rico who are now living in America daydream about what their lives may have been like under different circumstances. The little girl in the story uses comic books as her own personal escape because she desperately wants to fit in. No matter how hard an immigrant works to realize "The American Dream," only a small percentage of people will have the opportunity to start a new life in America.

We see here that the narrator has lovely adolescent imagination. She would dream of being Super Girl, an American super hero she knows to be strong and attractive. She would be able to fly, have large busts, and use her x-ray vision to spy on her neighbors, teachers, or anyone else who caught her attention.

Learn more about Judith Ortiz Cofer on





Explain the meaning of the literary term 'scene'

Identify the element of 'scene' in literary works

This lesson is an extension of the lesson on 'scene.' Refer to the previous lesson if necessary.

Lesson 13 Assignment

A. Plan an imaginary dinner to which you invite several famous people. These may be a combination of living and deceased personalities. Write at least three scenes describing your dinner party. Each scenes should do one of the following:

a. Provide exposition (explain)

b. Describe character

c. Advance the plot

B. After you have completed writing the scenes, explain how each scene follows the general rules for the elements of 'scene' and also provide a brief explanation of why your chose these particular personalities to attend your party.


In literature, a scene refers to a specific event or sequence of events that takes place in a particular location and time within a story or play.

A scene typically includes dialogue, actions, and descriptions of characters and their surroundings.

The element of 'scene' in literary works

In a play or screenplay, scenes are often indicated by scene numbers or headings that indicate the location and time of the action.

In a novel or short story, scenes are typically separated by breaks in the text, such as a change in location or a jump in time.

An imaginary dinner scene is given below:

Scene 1: The Arrival

The guests begin to arrive at the grand dining hall, where a long table has been set for the dinner party. The first to arrive is Albert Einstein, who is greeted warmly by the host. He takes a seat at the head of the table, and begins to ch.a.t with Marie Curie, who has also just arrived. As more guests arrive, the room fills with the excited chatter of some of the most brilliant minds in history.

Stephen Hawking is wheeled in by a nurse, and takes a seat next to Einstein. He and Einstein begin discussing their theories on physics, while Marie Curie talks to Thomas Edison about her discoveries in radioactivity. Leonardo da Vinci sits quietly, sketching in his notebook and occasionally chiming in with a comment or question.

Scene 2: The Meal

As the guests take their seats, a team of chefs brings out the first course, a salad of mixed greens with a light vinaigrette dressing. The guests help themselves to the salad as they continue their conversations.

Einstein and Hawking debate the theory of relativity, while Marie Curie tells Edison about her discovery of radium. Leonardo da Vinci talks about his studies of anatomy and how it influenced his art.

Scene 3: The Dessert and after-party

After the meal, the guests retire to the drawing room for coffee and dessert. A grand piano sits in one corner of the room, and as the guests enjoy their dessert, Beethoven starts playing some of his famous pieces. The guests gather around the piano, listening to the music and discussing their thoughts and ideas.

Read more about scenes here:

this christmas song was composed by francis dandan with lyrics by the great baritone and national artist aurelio estanislao. this song is about how a broken heart feels at christmas. the song was also popularized by gary valenciano


The Christmas song that was com-posed by Francis dandan with lyrics by the gr-eat baritone and nati-onal artist Aurelio Estanislao is “Pasko Na, Sinta Ko”. This so-ng is about how a bro-ken heart feels at Christmas. The song was also popular-ized by Gary Valenciano.

Dandan collab-orated with UP professor, bari-tone Aurelio Estanislao, who wro-te the lyrics of “Pasko Na, Sinta Ko” before the song land-ed on Valenciano's lap.

This senti-mental Yuletide ballad that has been croo-ned by Filipinos for more than three decades, has an interest-ing romantic story. “Pasko Na, Sinta Ko” has beco-me one of the most iconic Christmas ballads ever record-ed and Valenciano can-not be any hap-pier about that fact.

To know more about Christmas song click below:


-------------------due now---------------------


Answer: The answer is C

Explanation: That is the most Grammatically correct answer.

True, I replied, I had forgotten; of course they must have a relish—salt, and olives, and cheese, and they will boil roots and herbs such as country people prepare; for a dessert we shall give them figs, and peas, and beans; and they will roast myrtle-berries and acorns at the fire, drinking in moderation. And with such a diet they may be expected to live in peace and health to a good old age, and bequeath a similar life to their children after them.

How does the speaker use inductive reasoning to support the claim that a moderate lifestyle will lead to health and happiness?

He moves from a specific observation about people’s needs to a general conclusion about future generations.
He moves from a general premise about cooking to a specific conclusion about achieving peace in the future.
He moves from a specific pattern in food preparation to a generalization about planning for a celebration.
He moves from a trend in people’s eating habits to a generalization about the role of children.



The first one is correct.


Hope this helps!

Answer: How does the speaker use inductive reasoning to support the claim that a moderate lifestyle will lead to health and happiness?

A-He moves from a specific observation about people’s needs to a general conclusion about future generations.


What should a reporter always make time to do?


Answer: Listen


Which theme is best supported by the excerpt?
O Survival can mean making hard choices.
Kindness will be rewarded with kindness.
O Hard work always pays off in the end.
O Strong family relationships build slowly.


Correct option is B, Kindness will be rewarded with kindness.

Because if we will be kind to somebody one day somebody will be kind to us. Kindness is a sort of conduct marked through acts of generosity, consideration, rendering assistant or difficulty for others, with out watching for reward or praise in go back. Kindness is a subject of hobby in philosophy, religion, and psychology. Kindness become one of the most important subjects in the Bible. In Book II of "Rhetoric", Aristotle defines kindness as "helpfulness closer to a person in need, now no longer in go back for anything, nor for the gain of the helper himself, however for that of the character helped". Nietzsche taken into consideration kindness and like to be the "maximum healing herbs and marketers in human intercourse".

What is an a excerpt?

Excerpt is a short extract from a film, broadcast, or piece of music or writing.

To find Kindness  use the given link:


The boy who cried wolf 20 points !!!

What is the author's message about power, truth, and lies? How are they connected?
Use evidence from this text, from your own experience, and from other art or
literature to answer this question.


The author's message about power, truth, and lies is that the liars will not be rewarded; even if they tell the truth, no one believes them.

What was the story about

In the story, a shepherd boy repeatedly deceives the locals into believing that a wolf is attacking his town's flock. The villagers think it is just another false alarm when a real wolf shows up and the boy calls for assistance; as a result, the wolf devours the sheep.

The flock is decimated when a wolf actually does show up because the villagers do not believe the boy's cries for help. The lesson of the tale is that those who lie will not prosper; even when they tell the truth, no one will believe them. The lesson of the story is that a liar should never be believed, even when they are speaking the truth. One of the well-known Aesop's Fables is The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf.

Learn more about boy who cried wolf on:


What two things are being compared ? "She slithered into the room quietly and listened. After several days of observing, she finally uncoiled her long limbs, stretched her neck, leaned against the desk and began speaking, swaying as she spoke. With those first words she began to slowly poison their minds."



her movement is comparable to her poisonous words

Giving 40 points

I need an essay on whether it is better to have privacy or security.


Privacy is the right to control how your information is viewed and used, while security is protection against threats or danger. In the digital world, security generally refers to the unauthorized access of data, often involving protection against hackers or cyber criminals


the state of being free from danger or threats is called security.

1.Students will write an opening sentence explaning the difference between similes and mataphors.

2.Look at the underlined examples of figurative language in both poems below:

Poem 1:

Oh, if instead she’d left to me
The thing she took into the grave!—
That courage like a rock, which she
Has no more need of, and I have.

Poem 2:

Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.

It’s had tacks in it,

And splinters,

And boards torn up,

And sometimes goin’ in the dark

Where there ain’t been no light.

3.Choose 2-3 expressions to write about and explain their meaning in context (1-2 sentences).


The persona is reflecting. Someone who has recently lost their mother appears to be reflecting and thinking about the bravery of this mother

What figurative language is life for me Ain't been no crystal stair?Here, the persona is reflecting. Someone who has recently lost their mother appears to be reflecting and thinking about the bravery of this mother. The mother is no longer here, but the ego believes she needs her mother's courage. These are the only words the character ever says about her mother's bravery because of the agony.Hughes utilizes the metaphor of the crystal stair to represent how challenging the mother's life has been in "Mother to Son." Clear and typically smooth surfaces define crystal. He hasn't spent his entire life climbing crystal steps. By no means has it been simple.

To learn more about metaphor refer,


king cyrus of persia allowed the jews to return to jerusalem to rebuild the temple. what does this story teach about opposition?


The story of King Cyrus of Persia allowing the Jews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple teaches that opposition can sometimes lead to positive outcomes. In this case, the Jews had been exiled from Jerusalem and were not allowed to return to their homeland. However, King Cyrus opposed the previous policy of exile and allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. This decision likely faced opposition from those who supported the policy of exile, but ultimately it led to a positive outcome for the Jews and allowed them to reclaim their homeland and rebuild their religious center.

Which of the following is not a method to generate business ideas?
O a
Look at old things in new ways
Ignore problems and obstacles
Brainstorm ideas
Od Capitalize on your hobbies


Answer: Ignore problems and obstacles


Santa's Survival Manual:
What are the steps of Inability to Descend Chimney for santa?
What are the steps of walking a sleeping child?
What are the steps if Reindeer gets injury?
What are the steps if there was a weather condition
What are the steps if santa was driving and suddenly his sleigh got malfunctions



is this a joke


if not I need more information

Read the paragraph.

I went skiing. I was riddled with anxiety. The mountain was so steep and high, and the chair lifts were so rickety! I couldn’t even exit the lift without falling down, let alone actually ski down a hill. I gained confidence and made it all the way down a green run. I started to really enjoy myself and began to seek out more challenging hills.

Which revision most effectively uses transitions to clarify the sequence of events?
A. First of all, I went skiing. Unfortunately, I was riddled with anxiety. The mountain was so steep and high, and the chair lifts were so rickety! I couldn’t even exit the lift without falling down, let alone actually ski down a hill. Luckily, I gained confidence and made it all the way down a green run. Amazingly, I started to really enjoy myself and began to seek out more challenging hills.
B. The first time I went skiing, I was riddled with anxiety. The mountain was so steep and high, and the chair lifts were so rickety! For hours and hours that morning, I couldn’t even exit the lift without falling down, let alone actually ski down a hill. As the day wore on, though, I gained confidence and made it all the way down a green run. The next time I went skiing, I started to really enjoy myself and began to seek out more challenging hills.
C. When I went skiing, I was riddled with anxiety. Later, the mountain was so steep and high, and the chair lifts were so rickety! Likewise, I couldn’t even exit the lift without falling down, let alone actually ski down a hill. I gained confidence and made it all the way down a green run, though. Therefore, I started to really enjoy myself and began to seek out more challenging hills.
D. I went skiing, and I was riddled with anxiety. Ahead of me, the mountain was so steep and high, and the chair lifts were so rickety! That day, I couldn’t even exit the lift without falling down, let alone actually ski down a hill. Later, I gained confidence and made it all the way down a green run. Most importantly, I started to really enjoy myself and began to seek out more challenging hills.




Got it right on

You have had a class discussion about emojis. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using emojis (120-160 words).​




Emojis are small digital icons or images used to express emotions or ideas in electronic communication. They have gained widespread use in recent years, particularly in messaging and social media platforms. There are both advantages and disadvantages to using emojis in communication.One advantage of emojis is that they can help to convey emotions and tone in a way that words alone cannot. For example, an emoji of a smiling face can help to convey that a message is meant to be friendly or humorous. This can be especially useful in written communication, where it is not always possible to convey tone through voice or facial expression.However, there are also disadvantages to using emojis. Some people may find them to be unprofessional or childish, which can make them inappropriate for certain types of communication. In addition, emojis are not always interpreted in the same way by everyone, so it is possible that the intended meaning of an emoji could be misconstrued by the person receiving the message.Overall, the use of emojis can be a useful tool for conveying emotion in electronic communication, but they should be used with caution in order to avoid misunderstandings or inappropriate usage.

Choose the phrase that is a complete prepositional phrase.
In addition to the coffee, (we need milk, cheese, and eggs, for the Sunday brunch.)
A. we need
B. milk, cheese, and eggs
C. for the Sunday brunch


I’m thinking it’s C, sorry if it’s wrong


C. for the Sunday brunch


The complete prepositional phrase is "for the Sunday brunch." This phrase includes the preposition "for" and the object of the preposition "Sunday brunch."

Option A, "we need," is not a prepositional phrase because it does not include a preposition.

Option B, "milk, cheese, and eggs," is also not a prepositional phrase because it does not include a preposition.

Option C, "for the Sunday brunch," is the correct answer because it is a complete prepositional phrase.

A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun, which is called the object of the preposition. The prepositional phrase can also include any modifiers of the object.

In this sentence, "we need milk, cheese, and eggs" is not a complete prepositional phrase because it does not include a preposition. "For the Sunday brunch" is the complete prepositional phrase because it includes the preposition "for" and the object of the preposition "the Sunday brunch." Therefore, the correct answer is C.

why should animals be treated better give as many examples as you can



they should be treated better


animals should be treated better because they are always loyal to their owners no matter how much they have hurt the animal or betrayed them also I think animals should be treated better because when no one else is there they are

There are 5 reasons why animals should be treated better. Here are a few examples:

Animals are sentient beings, capable of feeling pain and suffering. Just like humans, they deserve to be treated with kindness and respect.
Many animals are essential to the health of our planet and its ecosystems. For example, bees and other pollinators help to ensure the growth of plants and crops, while predators like wolves and lions help to maintain the balance of nature by controlling populations of other animals.
Animals play a vital role in human society. They provide us with food, clothing, companionship, and a host of other benefits. It is only fair that we should treat them with care and respect in return.
Cruelty to animals is often linked to other forms of violence and aggression. Studies have shown that people who abuse animals are more likely to engage in other violent behaviors, such as domestic abuse and child abuse. By treating animals better, we can help to prevent these harmful behaviors.
Finally, treating animals better is simply the right thing to do. As members of the same world, we have a moral obligation to care for and protect all living beings, regardless of their species. By treating animals with kindness and respect, we can create a better world for everyone.

5.what is the verb mood of the following sentence? Be quiet.

indicative , interrogative, imperative, subjunctive or conditional


The verb mood of the given sentence is Imperative.

What are some instances of verbs?

A verb is a term that denotes a mental or physical activity, such as "think" or "drive," or a state of being, such as "exist." A verb is present in every phrase. When a noun or pronoun is used to describe what the noun or pronoun is doing, verbs are nearly usually employed as well.

What are types of verbs?

Words that represent activity or a state of being are called verbs.Action verbs, connecting verbs, and assisting verbs are the three different categories of verbs. Verbs of Action. Activity verbs are words that convey an action or possession (e.g., give, eat, walk) (have, own, etc.). Both transitive and intransitive forms of action verbs exist.

What are a noun and a verb?

A noun is the name of an entity, such as a person, place, object, or concept. Three examples are a building, a window, and a garden. An action or state of being is expressed by a verb. Verbs like, desire, be, and think are often used. At the beginning of the report, there were three additional verbs: generate, succeed, and employ.

To know more about verb, checkout this link:


One reason it is important to include a in a personal statement is that it gives the writer a chance to reflect on the experiences discussed in the narrative.a. conclusionb. introductionc. toned. topic​


A personal narrative essay enlightened and inspire an audience with information gained in real life experiences.

hoped that helped!

Answer: Conclusion


how did napoleon power struggle impacted the lives of the animals on the farm,


At some stage in the unconventional, it will become recurring for the dogs to be visible in public with Napoleon to enhance his power thru violence. Napoleon additionally makes the animals paintings so hard that they're so worn-out and that they overlook how they may be being was slaves by means of their leader Napoleon.

Napoleon won general manage over animal farm through exiling Snowball. no matter Napoleon’s efforts, Snowball controlled to get maximum of the animals help on the problem of the windmill. Napoleon knew Snowball became a brilliant risk to his role.

If Napoleon did no longer act soon, Snowball would quickly become the undisputable chief of Animal Farm.In the course of the radical, it becomes ordinary for the dogs to be seen in public with Napoleon to enhance his strength thru violence.

Napoleon also makes the animals paintings so hard that they may be so worn-out and that they neglect how they may be being was slaves via their chief Napoleon. Additionally they haven't any time to consider rebelling in opposition to him. He does this with the aid of making the animals construct the snowballs windmill that he considered useless whilst snowball concept of it.

Learn more about Napoleon at

Which statements describe how a video can be a more effective media for propaganda than a still image? Select three options.

The use of video allows musical accompaniment, which can add emotional emphasis to a message.
The use of video helps the viewer take in more information and visuals than a single image.
The use of video requires less viewing time because the content moves quickly.
The use of video is more likely to reach a greater number of people than still imagery.
The use of video offers a unique opportunity to use a testimonial, since voiceovers can be included.


The use of video allows musical accompaniment, which can add emotional emphasis to a message.

The use of video helps the viewer take in more information and visuals than a single image.

The use of video is more likely to reach a greater number of people than still imagery.

what is media for propaganda? Why it is more effective media?

Media for propaganda is any form of communication used to influence a large audience to believe or act in a certain way. This includes everything from television and radio broadcasts to social media posts and print advertisements. Propaganda is often used by governments or organizations to influence public opinion and sway people to their way of thinking.

Propaganda is often more effective than other forms of media because it is specifically designed to emotionally engage an audience. It usually contains elements of fear and intimidation, or of appealing to the audience's desire for a better life or future. It also often contains persuasive or manipulative language and imagery that is designed to be more memorable and powerful than other forms of media.

To learn more about media propaganda refer to:


Malvolio says, “This house is as dark as ignorance, though ignorance were as dark as hell.” What type of figurative language is this an example of?








nigth chapter by ellie weisel
literary analysis essay whole chapter
please help me​



Eliezer spends another two and a half months at Buchenwald. He is transferred to the children's block and no longer thinks or feels anything but the desire to eat. One day the SS are late for roll call—which never happens. Then the loudspeakers call all the Jews to the assembly place. The children begin to move, but other prisoners whisper to them to return to the block. Since lots of Jews didn't show up at the roll call for Jews, there's a general roll call the next day. The prisoners are told that they are going to be evacuated, ten prison blocks each day. Buchenwald is being liquidated. There will be no more food rations given. A few days later there are still twenty thousand people in the camp, so the Nazis decide to speed things up and evacuate all the remaining prisoners before blowing up the camp. But an alarm goes off and the prisoners are sent back to their blocks and the evacuation is postponed a day. The prisoners have eaten nothing but grass and scavenged potato peelings for six days.


Without his father beside him, Eliezer is now just a body, surviving. The prisoners fear that because the war is nearing an end, the Nazi's will speed up the extermination of remaining Jews. Now they will all be starving. The Nazi's hope to destroy evidence of their death camps so they won't be held accountable after the war.

Romeo and Juliet translated act 1 scene 1 annotaiton


Romeo is disappointed because he loves Rosaline but is unable to be with her. Rosaline had also vowed to abstain from dating for the rest of her life.

What role does Romeo play in Act 1 Scene 1?

To sum up, Romeo is portrayed by Shakespeare as just a young, inexperienced man who is still troubled by love in his first scene in the play. He serves to remind me of a Petrarchan lover—an intensely passionate yet painful lover.

In act 1 scene 1, the two Capulet household servants are heard discussing their hatred of the Montagues in the play's opening scene. A fight starts when they encounter two servants from the Montague household. Because once Tybalt shows up, things worsen despite Benvolio's best efforts to break up the fight.

Therefore, in an exertion to cheer him up, Benvolio assures him that Rosaline won't be the only attractive woman at the Capulets' party.

Learn more bout Romeo and Juliet from the given link.


What are Mahmoud’s accomplishments in Refugee



Mahmoud finally sees the power of visibility when he decides to walk out of the Hungarian detention center and lead the other refugees on a 12-hour march to Austria.

What doe Cleante ak Tartuffe to help him with at the beginning of Act 4?
A. Mending Orgon and Dam' relationhip
B. Talking to Elmire about a problem
C. Fixing Orgon' finance
D. Joining Mariane and Valere


Act 4 opens with Cleante asking Tartuffe for assistance in repairing the relationship between Orgon and Damis.(option a)

At the start of Act 4, Cleante asks Tartuffe for assist with what?

Act 4 of Tartuffe features Cleante asking Tartuffe to patch up the relationship between Orgon and Damis (A). Cleante worries about the disagreement between Orgon and Damis and hopes that Hypocrite will be able to use his power and influence to make things work out for them. Cleante proposes that by talking to Tartuffe, Tartuffe can try to persuade Orgon to be more sympathetic and forgiving toward Damis.

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What was the result of the Japanese attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor in December 1941? Romeo and Juliet translated act 1 scene 1 annotaiton Determine the equation of the hyperbola with and vertices (6, 4) and (0, 4) andasymptotes y = 1/3x + 3 and y = = -1/3x + 5. an individual with a major neurocognitive disorder may experience , a failure to identify people or objects that were previously familiar. newton's second law in 1 dimension: what magnitude net force is required to accelerate a 1200-kg car uniformly from 0 m/s to 27.0 m/s in 10.0 s? JKLM is a parallelogram.What is the measure of ZKLJ?Enter your answer in the box. bella is working two summer jobs, making $10 per hour landscaping and $15 per hour clearing tables. last week bella worked a total of 15 hours and earned a total of $180. graphically solve a system of equations in order to determine the number of hours bella worked landscaping last week, x,x, and the number of hours bella worked clearing tables last week, yy. Generally, the compaction of soil is a positive phenomenon.True False NO LINKS!! Please help me with this problem. Part 6ff a vehicle that is offered on the current u.s. market with both a gasoline engine and a gasoline hybrid engine 64 divided by blank equals 8 Geometry Suppose that a pizza must fit into a box with abase that is 12 in. long and 12 in. wide. You can use thequadratic function A Tr to find the area of a pizza interms of its radius.a. What values of r make sense for the function?b. What values of A make sense for the function?c. Graph the function. Round values of A to thenearest tenth.Question 39 after extinguishing a fire on the first floor of a two-story balloon-framed house, the best action for crews is to immediately open the walls and check for fire in the: 9. Do you think it was a good idea to devolve the control of welfare programs to the states? TRUE OR FALSE abel these ftm tubes to demonstrate your understanding of the growth patterns of different organisms based on their metabolic need for or sensitivity to oxygen. graph the line y=3x-4 I NEED HELP ON THIS QUESTION!! A car travels down a road at a certain velocity, vcar. The driver slows down so that the car is traveling only a third as fast as before. Which of the following is the correct expression for the resulting velocity?a. 2vcar b. 1/3vcarc. -1/2vcar d. -2vcar which is not one of the six ways in which ethical issues are impacted by moral intensity? group of answer choices Which fraction has a value that's equal to ? A. 24 B.1 c. 4%4 D. 5