hey I'm trying to reachout for someone and that person knows who it is and if you see this message please, comment below and my question is Misdemeanors do not include any violent crimes or crimes with the potential to harm others.

Is the previous statement true or false?


Answer 1


Your answer is False


mark Me brainliest if my answer Is correct

Related Questions

True or false? Shooting a vicious animal is permitted in self-defense.


it’s false or at least it should be lol

Can someone help me with this word search?


Where is the list of all words

A 15-year-old sophomore high school student became pregnant, and the school board required her to attend a special program for pregnant students instead of her regular classes. The girl did not want to attend a special program; rather, she wanted to attend her regular classes. She sued the school district in federal district court, demanding that she be allowed to attend her regular classes. Before her case came to trial, the girl gave birth to the child. Subsequently, the district reinstated her in her regular classes. When her suit comes before the federal district court, what should the court do



No case; she gave birth and made the case moot.

how do Christians play the role of John the Baptist​



Just a cousin of Jesus who is a few months older,he spend his time baptizing then he baptized his cousin and then there was a dove who spoke on behalf of God.he died because some king was trying ......his head cut off.


Sorry just watch videos on You tube about his life

The term "uppers" refers to .
A. depressants
B. stimulants.
C. sedatives.



C. sedative


This is also referring to something above

A. Change lanes to the right
B. Drive to the right
C. Slower traffic should move to the right


The answer is A from what I believe

How a bill becomes Law in Canada?



they go through the canadian government


To become law, a bill must first be introduced in either the Senate or the House of Commons. It must then pass through various stages in each House: first, second and third reading. Then it must receive Royal Assent.

Four common types of distractions are
A. food, drink, interesting topics, and loud noises
B. teenagers, vehicles, construction, and stop lights
C. tech, personal, passenger, and emotional
D. food, tech, passenger, and emotional



A. All these are sources of distractions. A delicious food, a tasty drink, an engrossing topics and noise pollution

the answer is a, all of them are distractions

tatiana tarasoff was killed by prosenjit poddar, a graduate student at the university of california. tatiant's parents sued; the case was heard by the supreme court of california. the tarasoff case is important because





A plaintiff was injured in an automobile accident caused by the defendant. The plaintiff sued the defendant for his injuries. In preparation for trial, the plaintiff's attorney hired a doctor to examine the plaintiff. At trial, the defense attorney attempts to call the doctor as a witness to testify about statements the plaintiff made in confidence to the doctor about his injuries, which the doctor then communicated to the plaintiff's attorney. The state recognizes only the common law privileges. Should this testimony be admitted



Yes! The Courtroom is the only place where the "Doctor/Patient Confidentiality" does not uphold.

Which of the following is the best procedure for making a lane change to
the right?
1 point
a. Check all sides for a safe gap in traffic, signal right, recheck blind areas to the rear
in the direction you plan to move, steer into the lane when safe then cancel the signal.
b. Check inside rearview mirror, signal right, check passenger side outside mirror and
look over your left shoulder for your blind area.
O c. Signal right, check driver's outside mirror and look over your left shoulder.
d. Signal right, check driver's outside mirror and look over our right shoulder before
moving right



d number is right answer

A patient properly filed a medical malpractice claim against a doctor in federal district court. The complaint simply asserted negligence as the grounds for relief without any facts supporting the claim. The doctor filed a pretrial motion for a more definite statement, which the court denied. Immediately thereafter, and without submitting an answer, the doctor filed a motion to dismiss, asserting that the court lacked personal jurisdiction. Will the court grant this motion to dismiss



No. The Plaintiff should re-file with more substantiating evidence.


Which statement best explains the relationship between the mediation process and the arbitration process?

O A. Both help parties reach a settlement, but an arbitrator's decision is legally binding.
O B. Both are less costly than a trial but shift the burden of proof to favor the plaintiff.
O C. Both can keep a civil case from going to trial, but mediation cannot be appealed.
O D. Both can be used during civil trials but are mostly used in criminal cases.​



C no May this help you l think

3. V o F. Justificar.
a) El ser humano existe.
b) La verdadera libertad es hacer lo que quiero sin importar las consecuencias, soy libre!
c) Las áreas de la persona son cuerpo, mente y lo biológico. v
d) Las tres dimensiones de la persona están en constante interrelación


Answer: C

Explanation: Las áreas de la persona sin cuerpo mente y lo biológico

what is Employment equity act?​


Employment eguity act is the act that states that each person whether male or female shall get equal opportunity to do work according to their knowledge and each individual shall get equal salary according to their job...........

Article VII of the constitution describeds?



how the U.S Constitution would be ratified.


A constitution refers to a set of written laws and principles which is typically used to determine the power and authority of the government, as well as guarantee the fundamental rights of its citizens.

Hence, the Constitution is a formally written document that contains the set of laws that we live by in the United States of America. It guarantees certain rights to the federal government and the states such as right to taxation, regulate interstate commerce, declare war, borrow money, provide for the military forces, etc.

Basically, the Constitution accords powers to the national or federal government and these includes; enumerated or delegated, reflected, and concurrent powers.

Article VII is an article of the US Constitution and it is referred to as special state ratifying convention. Thus, it describes the ratification process for the Constitution of the United States of America by establishing that the Constitution shall be enacted by the U.S Congress to become the official law of the ratifying states when it's ratified by nine (9) states among the thirteen (13) states.

On the 7th of December, 1787, Delaware became the first state to ratify the U.S Constitution while New Hampshire was the ninth state to ratify it, doing so on the 21st of June, 1788.

In conclusion, Article VII of the Constitution of the United States of America describes how the Constitution would be ratified by the states.

Question 65
When boating in Texas, which of the following actions would be legal?
encircling boaters who are fishing
operating outside of restricted areas
riding on the back of a boat seat while underway
riding on a seat mounted on a raised deck while at full speed


( B ) because if it’s restricted that’s means it’s not allowed ..

While boating in Texas, the action that would be legal is operating outside of the restricted areas. Hence, Option B is the correct statement.

What is legal while running a vessel in Texas waters?

To legally function a ship withinside the country of Texas, you have to reap a Texas Certificate of Number and validation decals.

There are certain exceptions that are Human-powered craft including canoes, kayaks, punts, rowboats, or rubber rafts (no matter length). Wind-powered sailboats below 14 ft in length.

Hence, Option B is the correct statement.

Learn more about Boating in Texas here:



Offender: Johnny Theft
Crime: Burglary by breaking into 3 homes and stealing numerous items such as gaming systems, flat-screen TVs, and gold jewelry.

Create a scenario that applies 1 of the crime theories discussed in the session.

Include reasons for explaining why the crime was committed based on your theory. Provide details in 3-4 sentences.


I am no lawyer my guy my fault g

A small cruise ship struck a whale swimming underwater, causing the ship to suddenly lurch sideways. A passenger on the ship who was walking down a corridor lost his balance and bumped his head on the edge of a doorway. Because of a previously existing medical condition that made him susceptible to bleeding on the brain, he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and permanent mental impairment, despite prompt medical attention on the ship. The passenger brought suit against the cruise ship owner for his damages. At trial, the passenger presented evidence of how he was injured as he walked down the hallway, his previous medical condition, and his medical expenses and other damages. The cruise ship owner presented evidence that the cruise ship was following its approved route and that the whale could not have been detected before impact, and that the bump would not have injured someone in ordinary health. At the close of the evidence, the cruise ship owner moved for a directed verdict. How should the court rule



A. Grant the motion, because there is no evidence that the crew operated the ship negligently.


The cruse ship owner's request for a directed verdict should be granted because from the evidences produced by two parties, there is no established piece of evidence that the passenger's permanent state has of health resulting from his fall while walking through the passage of the cruise ship was due to the cruise ship's negligent control or operation. The supporting evidences are so clear that the issuing a directed verdict in this case is logical as no reasonable jury presented with the evidences produced would rule otherwise.

Can someone answer this pls
Select the correct answer.
Anya believes that a strong federal government is important to protect the environment and the rights of minorities. She also supports some government regulation of the economy. Which political party is the most closely aligned with Anya's beliefs?
the Democratic Party
The Libertarian Party
the Constitution Party
the Republican Party


A. The Democratic Party

The Democratic Party:

- believes that the government should protect the environment

- supports increased domestic renewable energy development

- strives for equality of opportunity for all Americans

- more willing to intervene in the economy (i.e., regulate businesses)

observe a farming system in your neighbourhood and write short notes on it.​



Observing farming activities around this neighborhood are poor and traditional type of farming because it is rural based.


Farming system around this neighborhood is traditional where there's a use of cow and donkeys. People tend to practice mono culture which decrease soil fertility

This road sign means:

1: The road ahead turns sharply right then sharply left
2: Winding road ahead
3: A road joins from the left.
4: Sharp right turn



4 sharp right turn

hope this helps

have a good day or night

The given road signs depicts Sharp right turn. So option D is correct among all given options.

What is road signs?

Road signs, often known as traffic signs, are posted along the side of roadways or above them to inform and direct drivers. Simple wooden or stone milestones were the oldest types of signs. Later, directional signs with arms were developed, such as the fingerposts used in the United Kingdom and their wooden equivalents in Saxony.

Since the 1930s, as traffic volumes have increased, many nations have adopted pictorial signs or have similarly standardized and simplified their signs in an effort to overcome linguistic barriers and improve traffic safety.

Such pictorial signals are typically based on international norms and use symbols (often silhouettes) in place of words. These road signs were initially created in Europe and have since been adopted in varied degrees by the majority of nations.

Thus International agreements like the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals have aided in bringing traffic signs in different nations closer together. To minimize confusion, some nations have also (in part) unilaterally adopted policies from other nations.

Learn more about road sign:



Select the correct answer.
John is a successful businessman. He always maintains a high bank balance. Hence the bank pays him interest. John uses this account frequently for various purchases. What type of bank account does John have?
checking account
money market account
savings account
certificate of deposit
interest-bearing checking account



E. interest-bearing checking account


This also gives you the chance to make withdrawal

Statistically your chances of being involved in a fatal crash double between 6PM and 3AM on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights.
A. True
B. False


Statistically, yes. Friday and the weekend is when most people go out to have fun. Some people may get drunk or get under the influence of drugs, then get behind a wheel. That will increase the chance in being in a car crash.

Statistically, the statement, 'your chances of being involved in a fatal crash doubles between 6:00 PM and 3:00 AM on Friday Saturday, and Sunday nights' is true.

What do you mean by fatal crash?

Fatal crashes is an accident that causes someone to die.

The chances for you being involved in a fatal crashes are more on the weekends because in weekend there are a higher volume of people travelling. There are more congestion on the weekend.

Thus, this statement, ' your chances of being involved in a fatal crash double between 6:00 PM and 3:00 AM on Friday Saturday, and Sunday nights is true.

To learn more about fatal crash refer to:



True or False. If you are parked on the side of the road and need assistance, you should raise your
Subog answer



the answer iz true for this

it’s probably true i think

Which describes the Securities and Exchange Commission?

unconnected to

government corporation

government contractor

government agency



Government agency.


The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is a federal agency of the government established to monitor and regulate the securities market. The SEC is tasked with regulating a fair and just functioning of the exchange market.

Created in 1934, the SEC helps regulate the market and protects investors from getting into the wrong business. And though it is a federal agency, it is also capable of bringing civil actions against any lawbreakers and any criminal cases that may be detrimental or dangerous for the country.

Thus, the correct answer is the fourth option.

Why have courts changed their treatment of young offenders since the early 1900s?

A. They have determined that young offenders should receive no special treatment.
B. They have focused on ways to help young offenders instead of punishing them.
C. They have removed constitutional protections meant to help young offenders. D. They have allowed parents to decide on the final punishmen young offenders.

if it's correct you get brainliest​


I think the answer is b they have focused on ways to help young offenders instead of punishing them
The answer is B, they are more focused on helping now.

1. If your vehicle breaks down while moving, pull off the road as far as
ten feet
the shoulder
the ditch


I would say possible. That is the best answer.
i think as far as possible is the best answer

hope this helps ! :)

You have been asked to draft a document related to evidence-gathering that contains details about personnel in possession and control of evidence from the time of discovery up through the time of presentation in court. Which type of document is this


it is the Chain of custody

It's impossible to pick out a drunk driver until it is too late.
A. True
B. False


I think it’s false. I may be wrong though.
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