Hi guys, I'm from Brazil​


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Answer 2

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Related Questions

How was Bluegrass music characterized when it was first popularized in the 1940s?
Rock and roll
Mountain music



Explanation:Bluegrass music is a genre of American roots music that developed in the 1940s in the United States Appalachian region. ... Monroe characterized the genre as: "Scottish bagpipes and ole-time fiddlin'. It's Methodist and Holiness and Baptist. It's blues and jazz, and it has a high lonesome sound.



Joe takes a dollar from the cash register every day and does not tell anyone about it. Sara’s cash register is $2 short because she gave someone incorrect change. Sara goes straight to the boss and tells him about her mistake. Which employee is the better employee and why?


Sarah is the better employee because she although she made a mistake, she was honest and will probably learn from her mistake. Joe, on the other hand, is not the better employee, because he is stealing from the job , and cannot be relied on to be honest.

8. Which is not an Element of art?
E.All of the above are elements



D. Context


I found this online

D. Context u can either see texture, lines and shapes in art as well as feel texture depending

Describe how to make a template​


You can make a template by looking up “how to create a template” on the web!

1. Ingres was a student of
2. The two main divisions of David's career are the
and the rule of Napoleon.
3. Partly because of the many students he taught, had an enormous impact
on nineteenth-century painting.
4. Ingres' romantic side was expressed through
was the first painter of the neoclassical movement.





Ingres was a student of David

1. Ingres was a student of Jacques-Louis David. 2. The pre-Revolutionary period and the post-Revolutionary period, which includes the rule of Napoleon were the two main divisions of David's career.

3. Partly because of the many students he taught, David had an enormous impact on nineteenth-century painting. 4. Ingres' romantic side was expressed through through sensual and idealized figures in the paintings. 5. Jacques-Louis David was the first painter of the neoclassical movement.

Jacques-Louis David was an influential artists of his time and played an important role in the French Revolution and later became the official painter for Napoleon Bonaparte. David's paintings often depicted historical and mythological subjects, characterized by their precise and detailed style, idealized figures, and classical references.

Learn more about Jacques-Louis David here:



The complete question might be:

1. Ingres was a student of

2. The two main divisions of David's career are the

and the rule of Napoleon.

3. Partly because of the many students he taught, __________ had an enormous impact

on nineteenth-century painting.

4. Ingres' romantic side was expressed through

5. ___________ was the first painter of the neoclassical movement.

Use Pablo Picasso's Guernica, David Alfaro Siqueiros' Echo of a Scream, and Salvador Dali's Soft Construction with Boiled Beans to discuss artists' reactions to the horrors of the Spanish Civil War?

remember 250+ wordss


The three artists present the Spanish civil war as something uncomfortable, but that has to be faced and observed by humanity. However, each artist represents this differently.

In Pablo Picasso's painting, you can see:

The artist decided to portray the chaos in a city after a bombing.He was inspired by the bombing of the city of Guernica.The artist used monochromatic colors, simulating the color of the wreckage and simulating the colors of a photograph in newspapers at the time.The attista decided to show the military power of a war, while portraying people suffering and Spanish symbols amidst the wreckage.

In the painting by David Alfaro Siqueiros, it is possible to see:

The artist focuses on the misery caused by war.He highlights the existence of orphaned children without any conditions of survival.He shows how war is capable of creating countless miserable and invalid people.He highlights how these people live in unending suffering.

In Salvador Dali's painting, it is possible to see:

He shows how war causes the self-destruction of a nation, in this case Spain.He emphasizes this through a gigantic creature destroying itself high.He shows how destruction, death and starvation are the only things that stand out in a war.It reinforces the feeling of agony and loss.

With this, we can conclude that art is directly related to the events that happen in the world, allowing artists to express their feelings and provoke reflections, even if these reflections are too cruel.

You can find more information about the Spanish Civil War at the link below:


How would you describe romanticism (19th century )era/movement?


How would you describe romanticism (19th century )era/movement?

Romanticism, attitude or intellectual orientation that characterized many works of literature, painting, music, architecture, criticism, and historiography in Western civilization over a period from the late 18th to the mid-19th century.


How would you describe romanticism (19th century )era/movement?

Romanticism, attitude or intellectual orientation that characterized many works of literature, painting, music, architecture, criticism, and historiography in Western civilization over a period from the late 18th to the mid-19th century.

Match each term to its correct example. 1. Studies show that dachshunds are the small dog breed most likely to bite someone. informed opinion 2. Some dog breeds should not be kept as pets. opinion 3. Because dachshunds are known to bite, their owners should be cautious when the dogs are around strangers. fact

please help right now i cant find it!!!!!!!!!!!



1 and 3


I have the answer for you!

What types of photos might a portrait photographer take?
O Modeling pictures
O School Pictures
O Family photos
All of the above


All of the above sheesh
All of the above my boy/girl

Which of the following statement is correct regarding the design concept of emphasis?
A. A room should not have more than on focal point
B, Generally a focal point should be visible from the entrance to a room.
C. A focal point can't be established in a setting where formal balance is used
D. Focal points in a room is architecture must be emphasize with contrasting colors.



The correct answer regarding the design concept of emphasis is B. Generally, a focal point should be visible from the entrance to a room.


If something is a focal point, it means that it is the most important part of an art piece - something that immediately strikes the eye. Having that in mind, the correct answer is B, as it is something that you spot straight away, as soon as you see that art piece.

B; generally a focal point should be visible from the entrance of a room

8. Share 5 sweets between 2 friends.
8 1 How many sweets did each one get?
8.2 Were there any sweets left over?​



8.1) Each one will get 2 sweets.

8.2) 1 sweet is left.


Hope this helps. Have a nice day^_^

5/2 = 2.5

Each got 2.5 and no sweets left over since it was split among the 2 friends.

The part of the stage that is center and closest to the audience is called?





Clasificar según sean estructura basica simple o múltiple





I can't understand your language.

What can you say about a environmental conservation flyer




Environmental conservation is a juggernaut of a task that can not be done by one single person. It would take someone with a herculean effort and dedication to pull that off single-handedly. However, as there are a lot of people who live in this world, the conservation effort should not be tackled alone. You may also see free flyer templates.

Conservation efforts should be promoted and awareness should be raised on the dangerous nature of our dwindling resources. Be it energy conversation, wildlife conservation, or just plain old environmental conservation, everyone should be aware of the efforts being done for our future and place on this planet. You may also see free business flyers.

conversation flyers should be more promoted

When in a major key, which of the following chords is used as a "frequently borrowed" chord?

Choose one • 2 points











ii° - half diminished seventh (e.g. Dm7♭5)
♭III - major seventh (e.g. E♭maj7)
iv - minor seventh (e.g. Fm7)
♭VI - major seventh (e.g. A♭maj7)
♭VII - dominant seventh (e.g. B♭7)

The scream, painted by Edward Munch, has become a cliche’ because it



The Scream, painted by Edward Munch, has become a cliché because it has been trivialized in ads and cartoons. The Scream, painted by Edward Munch, has become a cliché because it has been trivialized in ads and cartoons.


may this answer is helpful for you


Because it has been trivialized in ads and cartoons.

(I recently did a quiz on Edward's "The Scream", so I know.)

What are the characteristics of a surreal painting?


Features of Surrealistic Art

Dream-like scenes and symbolic images.
Unexpected, illogical juxtapositions.
Bizarre assemblages of ordinary objects.
Automatism and a spirit of spontaneity.
Games and techniques to create random effects.
Personal iconography.
Visual puns.
Distorted figures and biomorphic shapes.




A work of art can evoke a feeling or emotional response in a direct way, such as through the subject of the artwork
True or False






True is correct


While listening to the latest song by her favorite singer, Fatima cannot help but start tapping her foot on the floor. Which musical element is
MOST likely inspiring this foot-tapping behavior?
OA pitch
OC dynamics
OD. rhythm



I think it is Rhythm


I believe pitch is like the wave distance thingie that shows the "highness" or vibrations.

I know that dynamics is like the adjectives that go into the base song to make it interesting or wavey in a way. Like staccato, spiccato, and increase in volume ect.

it’s rhythm. rhythm is like the beat of music and tapping your foot makes a steady beat noise which is like a metronome!

Critically analyze the history rational and policies of higher education system in Australia.


The Australian Government has four key policies i.e. developing a good national curriculum, improving the quality of teaching in order to provide good education, expanding principals' autonomy and engaging parents in order to make the children at the right path.

Higher education is also known as tertiary education that comprise of Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) that include diplomas advanced diplomas, associate degrees, bachelor degrees, graduate certificates and diplomas, masters and doctoral degrees etc.


A stained glass window in a cathedral. Various pieces of colored glass form a religious scene.
The above piece of art is a replica of what type of religious art?
stained-glass window



c. stained glass window




stained-glass window

what is Purificafion ​



the removal of contaminants from something.



Purification is the removal of impure elements from something. After purification, water is safe to drink. Most cities have a system of water purification, so people get clean fresh drinking water without any parasites or goldfish in it. Purification is when things are cleaned and made pure.

How are cubist images and modern architecture related?



Erything is played into modern art therefor there are influences from everything including cubans.


Rhythm in the visual arts is created by contrast of elements.




Rhythm in art refers to the arrangement of shapes in a way which creates an underlying beat. It is similar to the rhythm of music, but instead of notes and sounds, we use colors and shapes

Rhythm in the visual arts is created by contrast of elements is the true statement, as the rhythm can be felt and seen in the music.

Why Rhythm in the visual art?

A form arrangement that produces an underlying beat is referred to as rhythm in art. Although we utilize colours and shapes rather than notes and sounds, it is comparable to the beat of music.

Thus, it is a true statement.

For more details about Rhythm in the visual art, click here:



Similarities and differences between reggae and pop music?


Difference between pop and reggae music

Reggae music is very different from other musical styles in that the emphasis is placed on the off-beat, usually by a rhythm guitar, piano or synthesizer. When people dance to disco or pop music, they move in time with the bass or bass drum beat, but dancing to reggae music involves moving in time with the off-beat.

Similarities :

Although popular music sometimes is known as "pop music", the two terms are not interchangeable. Popular music is a generic term for a wide variety of genres of music that appeal to the tastes of a large segment of the population, whereas pop music usually refers to a specific musical genre within popular music.



Answer: Ser profesional en lo que me gusta y estar estable economicamente, gg


Most modern art is not really art


art is in the eye of the beholder

Consider the change in the conventional presentation of public monuments by comparing how the monuments of Verrocchio and Rodin are presented, one on a high pedestal, the other at ground level. What does this change suggest about changing ideas about the heroic and Monumental?



religious significance in art in the modern world


Monuments of older eras such as Verrocchio and Rodin were almost always sculptures placed on pedestals to allude to holy or biblical importance, with those depicted meant to be looking down on the viewer to inspire awe. modern monuments such as the Burnham and pentagon pavilions tend to be built on the ground, down to earth so to speak as it is either referring to historical events and sacrifices in which holy grandeur is inappropriate and unnecesarry; or modern concept art that has no real event behind the concept and is instead an exploration into an idea or concept to see if it can be done.

It is essentially an indicator that we have passed the era where religious significance and tone are taken into account for the viewer and are instead grounded in an atheistic reality. As we as a society no longer regard figures of great accumen as a person sent on a spiritual mission concquest etc.

A long, horizontal table. Jesus is in the center of the table. On either side of him are six men, either facing him or with bodies angled toward him.
Name the painting above and its artist. What type of perspective was created by the artist in this painting? Determine the vanishing point(s) and the elements in the painting that lead to it/them.



The name of this painting is The Last Supper, and it was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci. The perspective of the painting is set in a way that causes the eyes to automatically go to Jesus (or technically the point directly above Jesus' head. This is caused by the angle of the walls in the room, the bodies of the disciples facing Jesus in some way (hands in His direction, heads facing Him, shoulders squared toward Him etc.), and the arc that reachesit's peak directly above Jesus' head.

Hope this helps! :)

The painting is "The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci.

In terms of perspective, da Vinci used a technique called one-point perspective in "The Last Supper." This technique creates the illusion of depth and space by converging lines to a single vanishing point on the horizon line. In this case, the vanishing point is located directly above Jesus' head.

This deliberate arrangement of elements in the painting, including the positioning of the disciples and the use of perspective, serves to emphasize the significance of Jesus in the scene of the Last Supper and directs the viewer's focus to him.

Learn more about paintings, here:



i need to create a comic for school but I've only got 1 day, can anybody give me a short yet interesting storyline?​



Valentine’s Day, summer vacation, winter formal


Some ideas


I dk i used a generator for this

I think you can add details and stuff

hope it helps

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