Highlight imagery that portrays God’s wrath.


Answer 1


God is not altogether such an one as themselves, though they may imagine him to be so. The wrath of God burns against them, their  does not slumber, the pit is prepared, the fire is made ready, the furnace is now hot, ready to receive them, the flames do now rage and glow.

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Question 1. We paid through the_________ to get the car fixed.
A. head B. nose C. lips D. mouth



I Think money


because you need lot of money

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what do you mean.?????????


hmm what are trying to say


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I don't know anything about this one

A gift wrapped box that wants to become a human in comic strip form mine is a Chamaeleon and a human who is helping to get her into a human form


A gift wrapped box is a comic strip in which a gift box wants to become a human and experience this live events.

It wants to feel free and move freely just like the humans do.

The gift wrapped box feels that it has been in a prison and it is dependent on others to move from one place to another.

This is a comic strip which excites the reader and amuse them with the thoughts of a wrapped gift box.

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Your best friend has just been suspended from school just for truancy. Write a letter to him/her expressing your displeasure and advising him/her to turn a new leaf​





Dear * insert BF name,

I have known that you truanted classes yesterday/ 2 days ago/ a week ago/... Me, on one hand, know that you are tired and lazy to attend classes and I understand your opinion towards the subjects today, on the other hand, I think you should've attended at least one or two of them, Mathes and * insert the subject you think is important... ( author-chan POV : after that, you should continue writing your letter using these points:

- Tell your friend about how you felt during your classes without him/her

I recommend you tell him/her the summary of the classes you have that day, but ignore it if you are too lazy to do the part.

-  tell your friend why you dont think ditching class is good, for example, 'skipping class means losing a bunch of knowledge' or write it yourself.

- at last, tell your friend to quit the idea of ditching more classes in your way. If it was me, it'll be like this:

After all the reasons I told you, I don't want you to skip class again, and I wish to see you at school after your suspended time. Please quit the idea of truanting classes ( add this if you want -> unless you want me to stop being your friend. )



1. According to Mary Shelley's 1831 introduction, where did she get her inspiration for



According to Mary Shelley's 1831 introduction, where did she get her inspiration for Frankenstein?  Mary Shelley was only 18 when she began writing Frankenstein. Her parents were both well-known writers. ... The idea both frightened her and inspired her ghost story, which later became Frankenstein.

Ram was playing volleyball (into passive voice)?​



Volleyball was played by Ram


Volleyball was playin by Ram.


write a letter to your foreign friend describing about your school​



Dear friend

How are you? I am well. In your last letter you wanted to know my school. The name of my school is (name) It is in (city, location). There are one thousand students and twenty teachers. There are 30 rooms in the school. seventeen rooms are for classes, one room is for the teachers and the other is for the Head Teacher. The results of the school are very good. All the teachers of our school are very friendly and helpful. They are high qualified teachers. They teach us with pleasure. They love us like their own children. There is a big play ground in front of the school. I love my school very much.

No more today. Take care of yourself. With the best regard to your parents.

Your loving friend


Hope this will help you if not then advance sorry !

Red sweater by Mark Hac Hager​



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search up synonymous for some of the words you already wrote and pick bigger better sounding words

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a nurse looking for a job

Can someone help me with these question book is Piketty fever bigger than Marx
No files
Due in 10 mins





what is wanton



Definition: A cruel (violent) action done, unprovoked.

What is the central idea of this paragraph?





V.Rewrite the following sentences.

1. Bao is too young to cycle to school.

Bao isn't ...........................................

2. I received some money from my aunt this morning.

My aunt ......................................................................

3. This table is too heavy for us to carry.

This table isn't ....................................

4. It takes Minh two hours to do his homework every day.

Minh spends ......................................................................



1. Bao is too young to cycle to school.

Bao isn't too old to cycle to school

2. I received some money from my aunt this morning.

My aunt gave some money to me this morning

3. This table is too heavy for us to carry.

This table isn't too light for us to carry.

4. It takes Minh two hours to do his homework every day.

Minh spends two hours to do this homework everyday.

explanation of the play within the play - Hamlet​



The play-within-a-play tells the story of Gonzago, the Duke of Vienna, and his wife, Baptista, who marries his murdering nephew, Lucianus. So Hamlet believes that the play is an opportunity to establish a more reliable basis for Claudius's guilt.

Which of the following best describes the purpose of the speech? from Liberalism and Socialism



A new Government has come into being under a Prime Minster who, like his predecessor whose loss we all profoundly deplore, and whose many virtues all parties have joined to celebrate – a new Prime Minister has come into power, tied to Scotland by strong and intimate bonds. Give him a fair chance. [Hear, hear.] Give the Government which he has brought into being the opportunity of handling the great machinery of State

What is an epic?

A. a traditional, symbolic story that often contains accounts of gods or superhuman beings

B. a folk tale that includes magic or supernatural fairies or sprites

C. a lengthy narrative poem describing a hero’s deeds

D. a story concerned with a particular place or person, often based on historical fact


Answer: C. a lengthy narrative poem describing a hero’s deeds


a long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the past history of a nation.c

you might have met many people in your life. Recall one of your relatives whom you like most. Can you describe the person?



They are short with soft blond hair flowing all the way down their back, they have crystal blue eyes that sparkle in the sun. They wear long flory dresses all summer long and are the kindest person I’ve met my whole life.

what is your name? what class do you reàd ?​



my name is rabin shrestha and i read in class 12


why you ask this unnecessary question

What is the denotative meaning of canopy


a large bed a type of melon a cloth covering. a cloth covering.


A covering of cloth. Or the top level of a rainforest.

. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D:
1. Rarely ____ she made mistake since she was a manager.
A. have B. has C. is D. are
2. _____ I you, I wouldn’t give him the money.
A. If was B. If were C. Was D. Were
3. So beautiful _____ that the Queen is envious with her.
A. Snow White is B. Snow White are C. is Snow White D. are Snow White
4. Never _____ in such a strange situation.
A. has I been B. have I been C. am I been D. I have been
5. Seldom _____ dinner together.
A. do Mark and Juliet have B. does Mark and Juliet have
C. is Mark and Juliet have D. are Mark and Juliet have



1. Rarely ____ she made mistake since she was a manager.

A. have B. has C. is D. are

2. _____ I you, I wouldn’t give him the money.

A. If was B. If were C. Was D. Were

3. So beautiful _____ that the Queen is envious with her.

A. Snow White is B. Snow White are C. is Snow White D. are Snow White

4. Never _____ in such a strange situation.

A. has I been B. have I been C. am I been D. I have been

5. Seldom _____ dinner together.

A. do Mark and Juliet have B. does Mark and Juliet have

C. is Mark and Juliet have D. are Mark and Juliet have


hope it helped.

° ° °

another word for gasping gasping​




Gasping means catching one's breath with the mouth opened which is as a result of pain or astonishment.

Gasping means snoring, moaning, or snorting, Some common synonym for gasp include exclamation, wheeze. Example of using gasps in a sentence is that John gasps while running.

The underground man is a very straightforward and easy-to-understand narrator. True False 2. The underground man is sick and will leave St. Petersburg because his doctor told him it is bad for his health. True False 3. The underground man makes at least one reference to a concept from mathematics. True False 4. The underground man compares human beings to organ stops and piano keys. True False 5. The narrator and Eliza find happiness and a life together in the end. True False



1. True

2. False

3. True

4. False

5. False


Notes From Underground is the story about a person who is living in some corner of the house basement and he believes that he is experiencing liver disease. He does not wants to consult the doctor because he believes that he can live more without going to medication and treatment. He believes that if he goes to St. peter-burg he can become more sick because of climate there which is not in his health's favor.

plz ans fastly please​



6. A

7. A

8. C

9. A

10. B

11. a. good looking

b. bring

c. monetary value

d. request

1. How can stories reveal the fears and worries of a particular culture?


Stories often reveal the fears, worries, and preoccupations of a particular place in time. For example, by looking at stories of epic heroes, we see a preoccupation with fate and the gods. Hope this help

Brids are adapted for



for aerial mode of life your answer

what brids are mate I would have no idea

2. Use present perfect tense and simple past tense.
1. They (not see)……………..the film Titanic yet.
2. Tom( call)………………his boss recently.
3.John( not read)…… …………..the letter from Mary yesterday.
4. We(not begin)… ………….to learn for the test yet.
5.I( meet)…… ……………..Robert at the supermarket 2 days ago.
6. Nancy(be)…………………to VietNam several times.
7. I(not see)…………your brother yet.
8. My pen isn’t here any more. Someone(take)……………….it already.



1. haven't seen

2. called

3. didn't read

4. haven't begun

5. met

6. had been

7. haven't seen

8. has token


provided by g a u t h m a t h


1) haven't seen

2) called

3) hasn't read

4) haven't begun

5) met

6) has been

7) haven't seen

8) has taken

Help me with this question plzz ​


Child hood is the answer


Answer:Childhood is an abstract noun .

I HOPE your day goes nice

What diagram shows causes and one effect using arrows?


The diagram which shows causes and one effect using arrows is called the Fishbone diagram. The term Fishbone diagram is also used interchangeably with Herringbone Diagrams, Ishikawa Diagram, and Fishikawa Diagrams;This diagram is a visual problem-solving tool and is used to investigate the potential reasons for a problem;Working from the left to right potential problems are identified and classified into various categories;Professionals such as product designers, project managers, software engineers, quality assurance technicians, structural engineers, and so on, use this diagram very often as a proactive way of identifying and reducing potential challenges before the commencement or during a project.Because the Fishbone diagram works at proactive mental activity, it is best to use it during a brainstorming session involving a team working on a project.For more about Fishbone diagrams, please see the following link:https://brainly.com/question/14458793
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