Hindus believe Group of answer choices that there is but the one true omnipotent God. in reincarnation, or rebirth into a different body, after death. in the importance of individual religious freedom. that a material quest is more important than a spiritual quest.


Answer 1


Hindus believe in reincarnation, or rebirth into a different body, after death.


The religious belief of the Hindus revolves around multiple gods and goddesses who represent different qualities. Moreover, the religion also focuses on the importance of numerous humanistic ideals and lifestyles that can help a man attain enlightenment and be deemed holy and valuable.

One major belief of the Hindu religion is that of reincarnation or rebirth. It is their belief that a man may be reincarnated into a different being in the next life, with the reincarnation identity dependent on the quality of life in the present. This means that doing good things and being caring and humble will enable a person to be reincarnated into a much better and greater being in the next life.

Thus, the correct answer is the second option.

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here is your answer

here is your answer

In your view, which one is the most important characteristic of a society?why


Likeness is the most important characteristic of society. Famous sociologist Maclver opines that society means likeness. Without a sense of likeness, there could be no mutual recognition of' belonging together' and therefore no society.

Looking at Diana's photos on a social networking site, Simon assumes that she is an extravert. When they meet for the first time, Simon elicits a talkative and energetic response from an otherwise quiet and dull Diana. This scenario most likely exemplifies ________.



This scenario most likely exemplifies expectancy confirmation.


The expectation confirmation model conceives satisfaction as the result of a contrast or comparison between the reality perceived by the individual and some type of comparison standard (expectations, norms based on experience, etc.). The propositions of the model are satisfaction is related to the degree and direction of the discrepancy between expectations and performance. Producing what has been called confirmation of expectations when the performance is initially expected, negative disconfirmation, when the performance is lower than expected, then dissatisfaction appears.

4. Mention some common social practices of Nepal.​



Guthi  , Bheja, Parma


above are some social practices from Nepal.

hope i helped

Professor Aguillera is enraged that a student is texting on his cell phone in class. He really wants to scream at the student. But keeping his upcoming teaching evaluations in mind, Professor Aguillera casually looks at the student and tells him to put the phone away. Which display rule for emotional expression does this example illustrate





In simple words, de-intensification can be understood as the emotional display rule under which the individual subject to extreme emotions holds himself or herself back to not look weak or awkward in any way. This rule is applied to control emotions in extreme case like happiness while getting married or getting angry while someone is yelling at you etc.

Biotic resources are..........................................

. Derived from living things

Derived from non-living things

Made by human beings

None of The above​



Derived from living things


Biotic resources are resources or substances which are derived from the biosphere like living things and from forest and the materials derived from them.

Since, these all are living things hence, biotic resources are derived from Living things.

Biotic resources are derived form living things.

Cómo se clasifica la comunicación



La comunicación puede ser interna o externa en función de para quién está diseñada y/o a quién va destinada. La comunicación interna está dirigida al público interno de la propia empresa, y la comunicación externa al público externo de la empresa.

Comunicación vertical, aquella que se produce en el seno de las organizaciones e instituciones en las que las relaciones entre sus miembros tienen carácter jerarquizado. Podemos distinguir dos tipos de comunicación vertical: la comunicación descendente y las ascendente.

Comunicación descendente: Parte del nivel jerárquico superior hacia los niveles inferiores de la organización. Normalmente el mensaje está referido a información relativa al funcionamiento de la organización. En este nivel debemos obviar las actitudes autoritarias y despóticas.

Comunicación ascendente: El emisor pertenece a un nivel jerárquico inferior al receptor. Es importante que el proceso comunicativo sea fluido, relajado. Permite de este modo mantener un contacto directo con el personal, conocer sus dudas, quejas y sugerencias. Los obstáculos con los que nos podremos encontrar están relacionados con la ausencia de interés respecto a la información, anales cortados o de difícil acceso, actitud inapropiada del receptor...

La comunicación horizontal es aquella que tiene lugar cuando el emisor y el receptor se hayan en el mismo o similar nivel de jerarquía. Esto permite que la comunicación sea ágil y fluida.

En cuanto al medio  empleado, podemos distinguir diversos tipos de comunicación:

-Oral: El medio de transmisión es la voz, a través de un código de signos, formalmente estructurado. Puede ser de dos tipos, individual o colectiva.

-Escrita: El medio de transmisión es la escritura.

    - Individual: Cartas, notas personales.

    - Colectiva: Circulares, boletines,  prospectos.

-Visuales: El medio de transmisión es la imagen (dibujos, gráficos, diapositivas...).

-Audiovisuales: El medio de transmisión es la combinación de la imagen y la voz (cine, TV, vídeos, diapositivas comentadas...).

Toda comunicación para ser eficaz debe cumplir los siguientes requisitos:



-Objetividad y veracidad




-Oportunidad (1)

Explanatio ;

How many castes, language and religion are there in neplai according to last census of 2011 AD.​



125 castes and 123 languages

what is the purpose of starting the projecr school sectors reform plan in all 77 districts of Nepal?explain.​



To contribute to socioeconomic development and reduce disparities in the country through the continuous and inclusive development of its human resources capacity by facilitating all citizens with opportunities to become functionally literate, numerate, and to develop the basic life skills and knowledge required to

plss mark me as brainlist :'(

Name any four religion followed in Nepal?​



Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Bon


Religions practiced in Nepal are: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Jainism, Sikhism, Bon, ancestor worship and animism. The majority of Nepalis are either Hindus or Buddhists and these two religions have co-existed in harmony through centuries. Buddha is widely worshipped by both Buddhists and Hindus of Nepal.

What system did the Olmecs develop to help them plant crops at the best time?
OA) writing
B) religion
C) counting
D) solar calendar





it helped show the position of the sun and when to plant crops

why HDI should high?​


HDI is ranked on a scale from 0 to 1.0, with 1.0 being the highest human development. HDI is broken down into four tiers: very high human development (0.8-1.0), high human development (0.7-0.79), medium human development (0.55-. 70), and low human development (below 0.55).

How does development of gather speed ?​



Speed meaning momentum I would think you mean. And an inanimate concept of development gathers no momentum. I think you are asking how some team of people working on a development, gather momentum with their effort? Which of course depends on the team & the discipline of the effort. A team trying to gain momentum with their project in medicine would be very difficult indeed. Too many safeguards in place to stop momentum. Some new website concept might be hard to restrain it’s momentum. So since the question is so general & open ended, it is almost unanswerable. Being in the single category ‘Speed’ seems to deal with physics. I still believe the question is about the human construct ‘project development’ rather than physics.

Answer From Gauth Math

Which of the following is an advantage to having the European Union remain a confederacy of states?
A. Passport-free travel between member states
B. A variety of currencies
C. The same laws in every country
D. A strong economy for all member states​



D. might be the answer maybe

suggest a measure to increase the number of skilled human resources



development of higher education for all


Your little sister, who is 14 years old, has been extremely emotional lately. She's moody and generally unhappy. From your developmental psychology class, you know that as she develops into late adolescence, her emotional states will __________.


most likely mature or liven up
They will get worse.

Janna likes to talk about her recovered memories of her own birth and the events of the first two years of her life. She provides many details and gets very emotional telling the stories. What does science tell us about these memories? Group of answer choices Janna is lying; no one can think they remember things from that early in life. They are likely very accurate because there was not much retrograde interference that early. It is understandable she recovered these memories because they are so traumatic. It is extremely unlikely they are real, as the brain is not developed enough to form and store such memories during those years.



It is extremely unlikely they are real, as the brain is not developed enough to form and store such memories during those years.


In general, it is unlikely that a person can or may remember anything about one's birth or even early years. It is further stated that no one can remember anything about one's childhood until the age of three, let alone one's birth.

Janna's insistence that she has "memories of her own birth and the events of the first two years of her life" is extremely unlikely. Or even if she does have any memories of that sort, they are unlikely real, because the brain is not developed enough at that point of time to enable or store memories of those early years.

Thus, the correct answer is the fourth option.

An old joke tells of an elephant that walks into a bar and tells the bartender, "Boy, have I got a problem. Elephants are supposed to have good memories and I can't remember a thing." "That's too bad," says the bartender, "Maybe I can help you with your problem." "What problem?" asks the elephant. The elephant in the story is demonstrating a deficiency in



short-term memory


The elephant is demonstrating a deficiency in short-term memory. This is because the elephant completely forgot about the current conversation that he was having with the bartender just a couple of seconds ago. Meaning that he is forgetting things happening in a short-time period after it happening. This occurs when the individual has short-term memory problems. That is why the elephant asks "What Problem?" since he forgot the entire conversation.

Why does the sun appear to rise in one part of the sky and set another part of the sky



I think it's because the earth is constantly rotating which makes the sun be I a different direction all the time,it's just like what happens to seasons.

I hope this helps

A new homeowner had two dogs that frequently barked at birds and squirrels in the yard, especially during the day while the homeowner was at work. A neighbor who worked nights was aggravated by the barking, which disturbed his sleep, and decided to let the homeowner know how he felt. One evening, upon learning that the homeowner was entertaining her boss and several clients, the neighbor came to her front door with a boombox and started playing a recording of the dogs barking, putting it at full volume. When the homeowner came to the door, he began yelling at her and berating her in front of her guests for having no consideration for her neighbors, while continuing to play the recording. The homeowner was very upset, especially because her guests decided that they had better leave, and she ended up losing a bonus that her boss was going to give her at the end of the evening. If the homeowner asserts a claim based on intentional infliction of emotional distress against the neighbor, what will be the probable result



The homeowner will prevail because the neighbor's conduct was extreme and outrageous.


This is because the homeowner will probably prevail by claiming intentional infliction of emotional distress from the neighbor's extreme and outrageous act, including other elements of the tort;

1. The use of boombox to record the dogs barking and continuous playing at the homeowner's doors is extreme and outrageous

2. The neighbor's yelling and berating her in front of her guests can be considered as emotional distress

3. The neighbor's extreme action also led or caused the homeowner's guest to leave early before the time scheduled.

4. The neighbor's actions led to the homeowner to suffer damages which is the loss of bonus that her boss was going to give her at the end of the evening.

If there’s not enough water in the place, just move people out”. Is it a good idea? Explain your answer?​



“If you don't get enough water, hard stools and constipation could be common side effects, along with abdominal pain and cramps.” Dull skin. Dehydration shows up on your face in the form of dry, ashy skin that seems less radiant, plump and elastic. Fatigue.


under which Language groups does Nepali language fall? Write briefly about it's. ​



Nepali language, also called Gurkha, Gorkhali, Gurkhali, or Khaskura, member of the Pahari subgroup of the Indo-Aryan group of the Indo-Iranian division of the Indo-European languages. Nepali is spoken by more than 17 million people, mostly in Nepal and neighbouring parts of India.

what were the persain's rule



The Persian Empire is the name given to a series of dynasties centered in modern-day Iran that spanned several centuries—from the sixth century B.C. to the twentieth century A.D. The first Persian Empire, founded by Cyrus the Great around 550 B.C., became one of the largest empires in history, stretching from Europe's

name any twelve countries where is the nepalease go to work. mention why do they need to go there​


the country where is the Nepalese go to work are













Along with demand for low-skilled labor due to economic growth in the destination countries, Nepalis also seek work overseas as a result of poverty, unemployment, slow economic growth, and political instability at home.

'Nepal is a multi-geographical country.' Prove the statement giving examples.



Answer: Nepal is a multi-geographic country. ... Hence called 'Nepal is a yam caught between two rocks'. The total area of Nepal is 1, 47,181sq.km, where 92.94% is covered by land and the rest 7.06% is covered by water. It has 2, 926km total land border, where China touches1,236 km and India touches 1,690km.


Nepal is a multi-geographic country. It is located in the southern Asia, between the two large countries, China and India. ... The total area of Nepal is 1, 47,181sq.km, where 92.94% is covered by land and the rest 7.06% is covered by water


Scientists have long been interested in differences between dogs and wolves in their social behavior toward humans. Dogs and wolves share a common ancestor. In trying to understand the differences, a researcher analyzed data collected from 18 domesticated dogs and 10 wolves that had been raised by humans. Which data would be most useful to this study


The most useful data fo this study is differences in DNA sequences between the dogs and the wolves (C)

Options to this question are:

a. The pedigree for the dogs and the geographic location from which the wolves came.

b. Examination of DNA from the ancient ancestor of dogs and wolves.

c. Differences in DNA sequences between the dogs and the wolves.

DNA Sequence is the procedure for identifying the nucleotide sequence within a DNA molecule. In other word, it means identifying the order of "bases"  that make up the DNA molecule.

The differences in the DNA sequences between the dogs and the wolves are the result of genetic evolution, which creates variation as well as their behavior toward humans.

This variations in them also causes them to adapt seamlessly according to the environment.

Therefore, we conclude that the most useful data to this study is differences in DNA sequences between the dogs and the wolves.

Learn more about DNA Sequence here https://brainly.com/question/900306

Sociologist Max Weber pointed out that the followers of John Calvin emphasized a disciplined work ethic, this-worldly concerns, and a rational orientation to life. Collectively, this point of view has been referred to as Group of answer choices capitalism. the Protestant ethic. the sacred. the profane.


Answer: the Protestant ethic


In "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism," Weber (1864-1920) studies the religious ideas of the Protestant ethic as a contributing factor to the emergence of the capitalistic spirit.

Particularly one branch of Protestantism, Calvinism, is presented by the sociologist as holding beliefs, such as predestination and the idea that economical gain is a sign of God's favor, that contradicted the traditional economic system, and paved the way for the emergence of modern capitalism, in which profit is considered as an end in itself, and pursuing profit is seen as a virtuous activity.

Is there cholera in the UK today? Why do you think that?



No,i don't think there is cholera today because recently the development in the health facilities have been sorted out rapidly in UK.

Keep smiling and hope u r satisfied with my answer.Have a nice day :)

I this it is no because when I looked it up it’s said no

__________ is a general process whereby one generation conveys to the next various elements of its culture, from language to religion and, in this case, crime and delinquency. Group of answer choices Cultural transmission Ecological infusion Organizational distribution Transitional mutation



cultural transmission


cultural transmission would have one generation give elements of culture to another.

How did Napoleon become the most powerful man in France?



In 1799, a young General from Corsica led a coup that would make him the most powerful man in France. The young man was Napoleon Bonaparte. His actions changed the course of history forever.

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