
Answer 1
Where’s the excerpt???

Related Questions

Choose the from of the verb that best complete the sentence


The president read a prepared speech but refused to answer questions from the press.

Because the sentence is past tense, the correct answer is C.

The correct answer to your question is letter C

Put the following events in order in which they happened. Write 1-5 in boxes. a) Jack and his father shot at the buffaloes. b) The buffalo was doing a number of jobs for the family. c) Jack and his father immediately decided to look for the donkey. d) Elizabeth jumped in alarm when she saw the huge buffalo with her husband. e) Turk and Ponto started barking excitedly at some animals.





introduction: connect each word with the phrases that best defines it.


Post the photo of the phrases so I can answer please.


Where is the picture to answers

what does the phrase “historical precedent” mostly mean as its used in paragraph 13?


Answer: Historical events that serve as a guide for subsequent situations


The phrase “historical precedent” as its used in paragraph 13 mean an historical event that serve as a guide for subsequent situations.

Historical precedent refers to the action or event which has happened before in the past and can be used as an example in the future.

I don’t get so what is the answer for this question?



You are going to have to redo this question and add a picture of the real question because I don’t get so what is the answer for this question

Reasoning through Langu A solution to the problem of food deserts seems obvious: more supermarkets should be built in low-income neighborhoods. The problem with this solution, of course, is that it is difficult to lure supermarket chains into poor areas. Be- cause poorer people have less money to spend on food, supermarket chains do not consider them to be attractive customers. One way that the government can help to offset this issue is by offering tax breaks or other incentives for supermarkets in low-income areas. In 2010, the Obama administration implemented the Healthy Food Financing program, which is a set of initia- tives designed to help bring grocery stores into areas currently designated as food deserts. While this federal program is a commendable effort to improve low-income residents' access to healthy food, local initiatives often have a stron- ger and more immediate impact . Community gardens, independent food stores, co-ops, and farmers' markets are all examples of local initia- tives that can substitute for or supplement the opening of a major chain supermarket. Despite the time, dedication, and funds required for com. munity members to initiate such programs, these efforts can be incredibly beneficial, not only in providing people with access to healthier foods but also in instilling a sense of community in the residents of these neighborhoods.

1. which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. supermarkets contributions to obesity in America

B. the dangers of fast food

C. food deserts:the problem and the solutions

D. Food deserts and rural America

E. inconvenience stores: why processed food will kill you ​


C. food deserts:the problem and the solutions

will mark brainliest!
10 points





a seems like the answer

However, what these critics ….. a is correct

Confused by the sign, the driver made the wrong turn. -or- The driver, confused by the sign, made a wrong turn.

Change the italicized group of words into the element indicated at the end of the sentence. Then rewrite the sentence in the box below.
how do i rewrite this?



There are no italicized words, but this is what I would write:

I made a wrong turn because I was confused by the sign.


What sounds the best?

This is created when similar elements on an outline are written using similar constructions.


Answer: tentative outline


The tentative outline is created when identical elements on an outline are written through the use of similar constructions. It's like a rough outline.

Tentative outlines are simply referred to as the simple tools which enables one to list down all the things that the person will like to include in a written document.

New life can it be changed to normal



I’m not sure if this is a question or statement but, no life is normal each one for each person comes with its own twists and turns. You live your life the way you live it, no point in trying to live a new normal life just live YOUR life. As they say: there is no such thing as “normal” :D

Hope this helps, good a good day!

During his short career, Houdini's death-defying feats astonished audiences.
People from all walks of life came to watch Houdini escape from shackles, milk
cans, and water tanks. He wasn't the first to escape from handeuffs, but his
presentation beat all other maglelans and delighted audiences. His first
successful stage trick, however, wasn't an escape trick. It was the needle trick.
Select the best evidence to support the statement "It was the theatricality point
of Houdini's performances, rather than their novelty, that made him
popular with audiences," *
People from all walks of life came to watch Houdini"
"He wasn't the first to escape from handcuffs, but his presentation beat all other
magicians and delight audiences.
"His first successful stage trick, however, wasnt an escape trick."



z uch wufhwbf 22fi2f2fc7 wc7bw u w use. wi. e I e u w us. ye. wxj w is. us. sh. wy w. us.hcdh c bkcudu u cut h g h h h h ychgdcbxyctfdudu uvursubifuf hxhcj h h h u ucg gch h h j j h h h h h h h y f. f f f f d f f t g t t t g g tchhd f. gg v ftgseth cgghdawryfswrgdwtbre ggdshrs t wcfuucycy ucufuducif vchxhdyd7duchcys

Select the correct text in the passage.
Read the following essay. Which two sentences does the author use to inform the audience about the entire main topic of the essay?
Every teenager looks forward to summer vacation. Finals are over. You can just kick back and relax. You can read whatever you want, go wherever
you want, watch TV all day, or surf the Internet. The days stretch out, full of fun and laughs. Every teenager looks forward to summer vacation.
Every teenager-except me.
Dad would gather us around the dinner table and give us this year's destination. We couldn't refuse. To Dad, it was sacred family time. So we
smiled and looked excited. Then we would all pile into the car. Just the four of us—dad, mom, my sister, and me-would have been somewhat
bearable. But for my dad, the summer trip was not just family time, but extended family time.


Every teenager looks forward to summer vacation. Every teenager-except me.




Use the words to make sentence (how remains mystery a he wealthy so became )


The correct answer is “how he became so wealthy remains a mystery”


A mystery remains how he became so wealthy


As an environmental advocate, how will you motivate other youth to help protect the environment?



this is a college question im only in high school i dont know ask my friend he is the second highest person in brainly with points he is done with school he is a judge


Encourage them to participate in related campaigns while simultaneously educating them on how important this issue is. Remind them that if we fail to protect the environment, we can end up losing our freedom and the comfort that we have at our own planet.

in qualitative studies, results are reported using words or them true or false


The correct answer is True.


In the field of research, there are two main types, one of these is quantitative research that focuses on collecting and analyzing quantitative data such as numbers, statistics, percentages, and more exact data on variables. On the other hand, there is qualitative research that is characterized by focusing on recording information through techniques such as observation and interviews that is about studying phenomena related to specific contexts or situations, this means qualitative research develops using words and ideas rather than numbers, and therefore the expected results are reported using words. So the correct answer is True.

An imperative sentence
A. states a command.
B. shows emotion.
C. makes a statement.
D. asks a question.


I believe it’s A. Because D and C don’t sound right

what makes you special don't think too hard just have with it.



nothing i guess


How Hedy Lamarr Invented Early Wireless Technology

Unhappy being pigeonholed due to her looks, the “most beautiful woman in the world" set out to develop a secret communication system that would take down Nazi submarines.

A lonely immigrant from Austria slips out of her stage clothes and kicks off her heels. Carefully removing her movie makeup, she's dissatisfied that she's been overlooked for more significant roles. Instead of throwing a pity party, however, she heads determinedly for her drafting table, a place where she has previously invented an improved traffic stoplight.

This is where she'll prove to the world that she's more than a pretty face.

This is the real-life story of Hedy Lamarr, Hollywood actress turned tech hero. An inventor whose contributions helped develop a system used in Bluetooth, GPS and Wi-Fi.

She had a knack for designing problem-solving technologies. Transforming the drawing room in her house into an innovation studio with a drafting table and the necessary tools Lamarr invented an aid to help people with limited mobility get in and out of the bath. She also invented a fluorescent dog collar and a bouillon cube* that would dissolve to turn water into soda.

Her best-known success was a passion project that still has applications today. The “secret communication system" she developed with composer George Antheil, a neighbor and friend, was the precursor to today's top wireless technologies. Together, they developed a radio communication system based on the 88 piano keys. It was a success, and the duo received a patent for their work in 1942. Unfortunately, the U.S. Navy ignored their technological feat for another 20 years.

Late, the system became the precursor to modern wireless technologies. Their work remained unrecognized until 1997, when the Electronic Frontier Foundation acknowledged Lamarr and Antheil. When Lamarr heard the EFF was giving her an award, her first words were, 'Well, it's about time.'

Glossary: *bouillon cube- A cube of evaporated seasoned meat extract

1-1: Based on the passage, which of these is most likely to be true about Hedy?
(1 Point)

A. Her favourite pastime was to design inventions.

B. She never received recognition for her inventions.

C. She had secretly worked for the American government.

D. Her inventions were made only through her own efforts.
2.The 'secret communication system', developed by Hedy and George was______________.
(1 Point)

A. a project Hedy was paid to do

B. immediately put into use by the military

C. outdated within twenty years of its discovery

D. a forerunner of today's communication systems
3.Which of these is mentioned in the passage?
(1 Point)

A. how the 'secret communication system' works

B. whether the war effort was successful or not

C. which movies Hedy has acted in

D. where Hedy was originally from
4.Well,it's about time. This line means that _________________
(1 Point)

A. it was too soon to receive the award

B. the award should have been given long ago

C. the award had been given for her first invention

D. it was not the most important award in her lifetime
5.One of the reasons why Hedy became an inventor was because ______________.
(1 Point)

A. she was not happy with her looks

B. she wanted to contribute to the war

C. she wanted to show that she had other talents

D. she was not passionate about her acting career
6.Which of these could be a suitable title for the passage?Immersive Reader
(1 Point)

A. The Real War Heroine

B. Hollywood’s ‘Star’ innovator

C. The Prettiest American Actress

D. Scientist From the Music World



1. A

2. D

3. D


5. C

6. A

For each pair of sentences, put MI beside the sentence that states a main idea. Put D beside the sentence which contains a supporting detail.

The coyote is a terrifying enemy of sheep.

A sheep has many enemies.



A sheep has many enemies.MI

The coyote is a terrifying enemy of the sheep.D

Identify the poor word choice and replace it with a word of your own.

The only puzzle with our plan was that it required me to stay out way after my curfew.



The only problem with our plan was that it required me to stay out way after my bedtime


u must use proper.word that have strong meaning towards the sentence like for instanst great u can u good.

Which sentence best illustrates an appeal to pathos?



pathos = reason it's the reason the subject was spoken about

Select the correct answer.
Read the following excerpt from a personal narrative essay. Based on the excerpt, what did the writer learn from her personal experience?

Have you ever been canoeing? I went on a canoeing trip with my mom, dad, and two brothers when I turned 13. It was one of the best days of my life. It was exciting, scary, and challenging all at once. At first I couldn’t believe those long, narrow pieces of wood could hold all five of us. But our instructor told us that canoes have been around for many years. He also told us some interesting facts about the history of canoe, like how American Indians used canoes as a way to travel quickly.

He patted the wood of the canoe we would be using. “It’s made of an old tree trunk,” he said.

I asked the question that had been bothering me ever since I saw our canoe. “Can it really hold all of us?” I pointed to my brothers and me. “It looks like the bottom could fall right off.”

The instructor laughed. “Oh, you’ll be surprised how strong this wood is. If our customers were always drowning, we’d have a 'sinking' business on our hands.”

He laughed some more at his own joke. Then he became serious and showed us how to keep our balance while getting into and out of the boat. He also showed me how to grip the paddle so that my left hand would guide the boat and my right hand would give the paddle power.

Canoeing is dangerous, and only people who are experts can do it.
Even events that seem a little scary can turn out to be great.
The best age to go on a canoeing trip is 13.
Canoeing can cause injury if you’re new to the sport.



B. Even events that seem a little scary can turn out to be great.

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets (if-clauses types 1 or 2)

a) If the weather is fine, we ___________ (walk) to town. b) If the baby ___________(have) a temperature, I’ll take
him to the doctor.
c) I’ll be very happy if George ___________(come).
d) If they had money, they ___________(visit) their relatives
in Australia.
e) If we hurry, we ___________(catch) the train.
f) If they had enough money, they ___________(buy) a new car.
g) I ___________(invite) him if he were my friend.
h) If you come with me, you ___________(help) me with the shopping.
i) If Carol had a mobile phone, she ___________(phone) all her friends.
j) If the students don’t read this book, they ___________ (not know) the answers for the questions. k) He’ll take his son to the park if he ___________(have) time.
l) If they go to Nepal, it ___________(be) a fantastic trip.
m)Janet ___________(stay) longer in Prague if she had more time.
n) If you ___________(drink) too much, you’ll be sick.
o) Susan ___________(get) a cold if she doesn’t put her coat on.
p) The children ___________(be) happy if their parents took them to the zoo.
q) If Jason comes today, we ___________(go) to the disco.
r) Alice ___________(feed) the animals if she stays at home.
s) If my parents offer me a new mobile phone, I ___________(be) very happy.
t) If Miriam studies hard, she ___________ (get) good results.



I Think I T IS Soo HaRDdjjnnnvjcjgkghkkhhkkhhkhkkhgkkhkhkhkghkohhohoyoyoyo

A) will walk
B) has
C) comes
D) will visit
E) can catch
F) could buy
G) would invite
H) can help
I) could phone
J) will not know
K) has
L) will be
M) would stay
N) drink
O) will get
P) would be
Q) will go
R) will feed
S) would be
T) will get

infer what is primary problem of heating on earth atmosphere and how would you solve this problem?


The primary problem is the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse effect is when some gases (including CO2) absorbs some portion of sun's heat to make the atmosphere warm to support life. But when the amount of CO2 etc. increases in the atmosphere, it heats up more than it is required. So, by limiting CO2 emission, we can solve this problem.

Select the correct answer.
Read the excerpt from Mandela’s Inaugural Address.

Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another and suffer the indignity of being the skunk of the world.

The sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievement.

Let freedom reign.

God bless Africa!

Who is his primary audience here?

South Africans
all Africans
world nations
world leaders
world and African diplomats


The primary audience of Nelson Mandela in this speech are: South Africans.

The primary audience are the target audience to whom the speech is directed. When Nelson Mandela was speaking in this speech, he was directly referring to South Africans.

Also knowing that this speech was his 1994 inaugural address that was offered in Pretoria, South Africa helps us to arrive at the conclusion that Mandela's primary audience was South Africans.

Learn more about the primary audience here:


South Africans


rewrite the following senteces using the verbs in brackets in corect tense.
a)the sun (set) in the west.
b)we (have) a lot of fun in our last year's college programme.
c)you will not have to be afraid of anybody if you (be) not wrong.
d)i (start) written the essay when i was in class seven.
e)our principal used to (give) us moral support and encouragement frequetly.
f)in the past, trains used to be (drive) by steam.​


Correct Answer:

A) The sun sets in the west.


The question above resolves a Subject - Verb agreement.

The principle here requires the verb to be pluralized where the subject is singular and singularized if the subject or object is plural.

Another example is given as follows:

The six teachers run the school. Vs

The proprietor runs the coaching class.

B) We had a lot of funds in our last year's college program.

Had here is simple past tense.

C) you will not have to be afraid of anybody if you were not wrong.

Were is also simple past tense here.

D) I started writing the essay when I was in class seven.

Started as used above is simple past tense

E) Our principal used to give us moral support and encouragement frequently

F) in the past, trains used to be driven by steam

Discuss the impact of vison on your actions to keep a clean environment.​



A Clean Environment Is Essential for Healthy Living: The more you don't care about our environment, the more it will become polluted with contaminants and toxins that have a harmful impact on our health. Air pollution can cause respiratory diseases and cancer, among other problems and diseases.


Explain the statement below based on what you have learned from the lesson.
Writing literature reviews help students improve their critical and
creative thinking skills.​



Writing reviews on literature aids students in improving their critical thinking skills as well as their skills in thinking creatively

Sorry this is the best answer I have I hope it's good enough

Historic Inventions
by Rupert S. Holland (adapted excerpt)

Humphrey Davy invented the safety-lamp that helped protect miners from the perils of flammable fire-damp1.

Explosions of coal-gas were only too common in the mines of England, leading to detrimental effects on those who labored underground. The biggest mine-owners met to see whether some protection against such accidents could not be devised. After much discussion, they appointed a committee to call on Sir Humphrey Davy and asked him to investigate the possibilities for them.

He took up the question, experimented with fire-damp, and found that it was in reality light carburetted hydrogen. He visited many mines and took into careful consideration the conditions under which the men worked. For months he investigated and experimented, and in 1815, he constructed the safety-lamp. This was an oil lamp, which had a chimney or cage of wire gauze that kept the flame of the lamp from passing through and igniting the fire-damp outside. The cage allowed air to pass and light to escape. Even if the combustion of the fire-damp caused the wire gauze to become red hot, it was still efficient as a safety-lamp.

1. a combustible gas especially methane
Select the correct answer.
Which statement best describes the writer's purpose?
to persuade
to entertain
to instruct
to inform


The authors purpose is to : Inform.

The author is informing the reader on how Humphrey Davy came to invent the safety-lamp.

What did you notice about this poem’s structure as you listened? Check all that apply.



It does not have a specific rhyme scheme; It has free form; It does not have a set meter.


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Help pls Spanish 3. If it takes 1074 digits to number the pages of a book starting with page 1. how many pages are in the book? The book has a total of pages. rds inside the parenthesis1. Father (has worked, had worked, will have worked) abroad before he marrieour mother.2. He (has started, had started, will have started) saving for us when I was noschool yet Keith is looking at a cliff. He determines that the angle of elevation to the top is 70 from where he is at. 70m away from Keith, Alan estimates the angle between the base of the cliff, himself, and Keith to be 29 while Keith estimates the angle between the base of the cliff, himself, and Alan to be 48. What is the height, h, of the cliff to the nearest tenth of a metre?1) 78.8m2) 83.9m3) 89.0m4) 95.7mThis question completely baffled me on my homework, I still haven't done it because I don't even know how to approach it (Since it's a 3D problem)Please help me outAlso, this homework is due in an hour so I'm starting to sweat Will give Brainliest! 10 points!Provide reasons for the statements of this proof. What transformation of the parent function f(x) is made to get -2f(x)?A. A reflection of the X axis and a vertical stretch by 2B. Vertical vertical stretch by 2C. A reflection on the y axis D. A reflection in the x axis Read the poem.Friends crouched lowWithout wordsBefore she came.Stifled gigglesHushed and shushedAnd waited.Finally,the door swung wideSurprise!Which words create an order of events in the poem?friends and giggleswithout and wordscrouched and lowbefore and finally 3 1/2 + 7/15 multiply 1 1/4 At sunrise, the outdoor temperature was 2 degreesbelow zero. At dusk, the outdoor temperature hasdropped to 15 degrees below zero. What is the distancebetween the two temperatures? Wire B has twice the length and twice the radius of wire A. both wires are made from the same material. if wire A has a resistance R, what is the resistance of wire B? Can someone help with this essay please What is the value of XA. x=20B. x=15C. x=10D. x=5 Which are forms of media? Check all that apply.filmlettersbillboardstelevisionlecturesthe Internet Find the y-coordinates of points on the line y = 0.5x that have x-coordinates of 6[tex]coordinates[/tex] Meg makes a dot plot for the data 9, 9, 4, 5, 5, 3,4,5, 3, 8, 8, 5. Where does a gap occur? The retained earnings balance was $22,900 on January 1. Net income for the year was $18,100. If retained earnings had a credit balance of $23,800 after closing entries were made for the year, and if additional stock of $5,200 was issued during the year, what was the amount of dividends declared during the year hester Corp. ended the year carrying $18,711,000 worth of inventory. Had they sold their entire inventory at their current prices, how much more revenue would it have brought to Chester Corp. m(x) = x2 + 4xn(x) = x(mn)(x) =x2 + 4x(x)(x2 +4x)(x) Which is the graph of an even monomial function? Which of the following sets of numbers could not represent the three sides of a right triangle?A) {15,20,25}B) {30,40,50}C) {33,44,55}D) {5,12,14}