How can people limit the power of government and guarantee their rights as citizens?

A.) Through the use of a declaration of independence

B.) Establishing a monarchy to rule the nation

C.) By giving power to tyrant

D.) Through the use of written constitution ​


Answer 1
The correct option would be D.

Related Questions

Which country has contributed the most to the foreign-born population of the United States?
1) England
2) Mexico
3) India
4) China





Mexico is the top country that has contributed the most to the foreign-born population of the United States. In 2018, around 11.2 million immigrants living in the U.S. were from Mexico. That's like an account of 25% of all U.S. immigrants.

After Mexico, the next largest population comes from China (6%) and India (6%).


1. The hostage crisis in Tehran was considered a significate factor in his political demise.

2. President Carter is credited with the creation of the energy department.

3. President Carter set out to achieve a career in politics upon gradating graduating from Naval Academy.












which sentence is a claim that is both arguable and defensible?



option d is the Answer


Hlo gd evening all

what is non-public proprietary​


Confidential and Proprietary Information means any non-public information of any kind or nature in the possession of SemGroup or any of its Affiliates, including without limitation, ideas, processes, methods, systems, procedures, designs, innovations, devices, inventions, discoveries, know-how, data, techniques, models ...

Hope this helps :))


hlo ,The muscles which move without our volition are called involuntary muscles. For example, the cardiac muscle in the heart and the smooth muscles are involuntary muscle.


good evening

Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the federal government. Which are powers of the federal
government? Check all that apply.
to print money
to declare war
to create an army
to establish schools
to make treaties


Federal powers are to print money, declare war, create an army, and make treaties (all but to establish schools).

Can someone help me for “words to live by” I need a good quote, around 3


“You don’t have time to be timid, you must be bold, daring.” Lumiere , Beauty and the Beast

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“Surround yourself with people who are going to take you higher.” Oprah Winfrey

“Just as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

Please help me need this ASAP
“ every action has its pleasures and its price”
Why is this important



This means that everything you do has things that you might enjoy, but you also have to pay for that enjoyment. Nothing is free, this is an important quote because it is telling us to be careful with our actions and to not be carried away with pleasure while forgetting the price we have to pay.

Why did civilizations first arise along the Fertile Crescent?
A. Animals in this area were very fertile.
B. The region had natural stones and metals for making tools.
O C. The fertile soil led to crop production.
D. Ancient people believed women were more fertile there.


C is the correct answer . Hope it helps

Should we have a right to private on the internet?



Internet privacy involves the right or mandate of personal privacy concerning the storing, repurposing, provision to third parties, and displaying of information pertaining to oneself via Internet. Internet privacy is a subset of data privacy. ... PII refers to any information that can be used to identify an individual.
yes I just need points sorry but we should have the right to private on the internet.

Why was Maximilian Robespierre's reign known as the reign of terror? Answer in 3-4 sentences


Answer :

The period from 1793 to 1794 was referred to as the 'Reign of Terror' because of the following reasons: Maximilian Robespierre followed a policy of severe control and punishment. Any person who did not agree with his policies was guillotined.

I hope it helps !!!

Reasons behind which Maximilian Robespierre's reign (1793 - 1794) was known as the Reign of Terror:

Robespierre followed a policy of severe control and punishment.All those whom he saw as being 'enemies' of the republic - ex-nobles and clergy, members of other political parties, even members of his own party who did not agree with his principles - were arrested, imprisoned and then tried by a revolutionary tribunal.If the court found them guilty they were guillotined.

Hope you could get an idea from here.

Doubt clarification - use comment section.

What explains Louis Armstrong's significance to jazz during the Harlem Renaissance? He was the first recorded jazz artist and considered the best jazz composer. He was a leading saxophonist and toured all over the world with his big band. He released more albums than any other jazz artist, both solo and with his big band. He was the first great jazz soloist and made movie, radio, and television appearances.


The correct answer is "He was the first jazz soloist and made movie, radio, and television appearances."

What explains Louis Armstrong's significance to jazz during the Harlem Renaissance?


He was the first great jazz soloist and made movie, radio, and television appearances.

Indeed, he was one of the premier African American musicians and figures of that time.

During the 1920s, there was an African American literary movement that became known as the Harlem Renaissance.

We are talking about an important moment for the African American people in the 1920s. The Harlem Renaissance. was a cultural movement that tried to honor the culture and heritage of these African Americans and was expressed in fine arts such as poetry, music, literature, and theater. One of the most important artists of the time was Langston Hughes, and in the music scene, Louis Armstrong.


DD    DD

DD       DD      

DD          DD  

DD          DD        

DD         DD        

DD        DD

D D   DD


XD right on Edge

The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal were formed as Islamic empires after the spread of Islam. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F








In which battle did Benedict Arnold an Ethan Allen capture a fort and secure cannons and ammunition for the colonial militia



Capture of Fort Ticonderoga


The capture of Fort Ticonderoga occurred during the American Revolutionary War on May 10, 1775, when a small force of Green Mountain Boys led by Ethan Allen and Colonel Benedict Arnold surprised and captured the fort's small British garrison.

Human-Environment Interaction
What was the final result of the toxic contamination of the land surrounding Picher, Oklahoma?
A. The mine owners were prosecuted and jailed.
B. The land was eventually cleaned up, allowing the town to be saved.
C. The town had to be abandoned after clean-up efforts failed.
D. The government could not assist residents with relocation.



C. The town had to be abandoned after clean-up efforts failed.


The land around Picher was surrounded by lead and zinc mining and the mine is said to be responsible for over fifty percent of the lead used to make bullets during the WW1.

The area became so toxic that residents were exposed to harmful toxins each time they stepped out of their homes and even though there were efforts to clean up the place, those efforts didn't work out.

Therefore, the final result of the toxic contamination of the land surrounding Picher, Oklahoma was that the town had to be abandoned after clean-up efforts failed.

HELP NOW PLEASE What were the major empires in between the 11th-16th centuries?



The people who inspired people

This is the options.



I think its french


In terms of its relations with neighboring powers, the Song Group of answer choices reconquered the northern region controlled by the Uighurs. met their ultimate demise at the hands of the Mongols. were able to maintain a permanent dominance over the Jin Dynasty of the Jurchens. learned from the mistakes of the Tang and avoided a similar fate. conquered Japan, the first time that this had happened.



B). met their ultimate demise at the hands of the Mongols.


As per the question, the second statement most adequately states that the song connects to their eventual passing away at the Mongolian hands. In the context of its association with the adjoining authorities, it relates that how they ended up giving up to the Mongolian power and strength which not only marks the beginning of the Mongolian domination but also marked the end of their authority by displaying their fragility and deficiencies that led them to suffer this downfall. Thus, option B is the correct answer.

14. What does the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program provide?
retirement income for the elderly
cash to workers injured on the job
compensation to U.S. citizens who lose jobs
cash to states to help run welfare programs



compensation to U.S. citizens who lose jobs

The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program provides compensation to U.S. citizens who lose jobs. Option (c) is correct.

What do you mean by Compensation?

Compensation is a term used to describe a monetary payment made to a person in return for their services.

States and territories receive grant money from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program to help families with financial support and other services. Childcare aid, employment training, and work support are all possible state-run initiatives.

Applicants must be residents of the state in which they submit their application as well as U.S. citizens, legal aliens, or qualified aliens in order to be eligible for this benefit program. You must be unemployed, working part-time, or making a very modest salary.

You also need to fit one of the following criteria:

Have a child who is 18 years old or younger, be pregnant, or be the head of the home and 18 years old or younger.

Therefore, Option (c) is correct.

Learn more about Compensation, here;


how does food contribute to the development of different ways of life, inventions, and other advancements?



It provides energy to work.


Food contribute to the development of different ways of life, inventions, and other advancements because it provides energy to do work. Our body needs fuel for work which produce energy that is needed by our body and we know that the fuel on which our body works is the food. Good food boost the brain that enables the person to make new inventions and other advancements in different fields so we can say that food is very important for life and inventions.

The writers think that all people
To make their rights secure, citizens



the writers think that all people have rights

to make their rights secure,citizens form a government


The writers think that all people

✔ have rights

To make their rights secure, citizens

✔ form a government


who is the founder of this app?​



Michal Borkowski

Brainly was found in 2009 in Poland.


Which of the following was not provision of the Monroe doctrine? Please help me immediately ( no links ))



Dangerous Immigrants to America would be deported


Through the process of elimination, all other answers meet the requirements of the Monroe Doctrine.  Though deportation and nativism was strong at the time of its conception, it had little to do with the doctrine itself.  

The Monroe Doctrine was an American policy of keeping the North and South American continents as free of European influence and colonization at that current point in time; however, they would still recognize the current colonies.  It was a way of creating the United States sphere of influence and not interfering outside of it in any European conflicts as Washington had counseled.  

Philosopher Adam Smith is known as the

a. father of communism.
b. father of capitalism.
c. founder of socialism.
d. founder of utopianism.



Philosopher Adam Smith is known as the

father of capitalism

a student is examining a current map of the world. which question might the student ask about the map if she wants to focus on an economic historical theme?



D. What countries in Africa have successful manufacturing industries?

D I just took exam got 100%

10. How did the state governments develop after the colonies gained independence? O Each state developed its own government with its own Constitution. O The Second Continental Congress formed each government. O The Articles of Confederation established state governments. O The states shared one Constitution, which they interpreted differently. ​


The Articles of Confederation established state governments.

The Articles of Confederation were the first legal arrangement under which the United States of America was governed, under a confederate organization in which each state retained its rights of sovereignty and secession, and where the central government had no real power but rather it was merely a figurative institution.

This norm was replaced by the Constitution, when the Founding Fathers realized that the Confederate system was not being useful for the development of the nation, especially in the economic aspect.

Learn more in

french revolution comparison guillotine in front of Jeff Bezos'house



putting a guillotine in front of Jeff Bezos house is a reference to the french revolution


they may argue that Jeff Bezos is sucking money from the poor to inflate his wealth to unreasonable amounts, causing the desire to kill him and redistribute his wealth to the people or a better cause.



C is the correct answer thanks for the points

What was the impact of the civil war?


Helped abolish slavery

What did the Union Pacific and Central Pactific railroad companies do ?
a.) They built a railroad along the Pacific Coast
b.) They built a railroad between Texas and Mexico City
c.) They connected the East and the West with a rail line
d.) They connected the northwestern United states with Canada .


the answer is C. they connected the east and west
The answer is bbbbbbbbbbbbb

The American model of democracy challenges citizens in other nations to _____.
convict people of crimes only if they admit guilt
take an active role in their communities
provide free public education to all young people under 18
ensure that nobody is homeless or unemployed


Take an active role in their communities makes the most sense to me
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