how can you find the slope of a line and use it to
solve problems?


Answer 1


Step-by-step explanation:

1) Mark two points on the line in the graph.

2) Determine the rise and run. Rise ---> difference in y-coordinates. (y2-y1)

Run -----> difference in  x-coordinates (x2 - x1)

3) Plugin the values in the below mentioned formula.

[tex]Slope = \frac{y_{2}-y_{1}}{x_{2}-x_{1}}[/tex]

1.If slope = 0, then the line is parallel to x-axis.

2. If slope is undefined, then the line is parallel to y-axis.

3. If slope is +ve, then the line slant upwards and if slope = -ve, then the line slant downwards.

Related Questions

Can someone help me I need it.



C is the answer 3rd one...

which of the following is the x-coordinate of the solution to the system shown below

2x + y = 17
x - y = 4


(1) x = 5

(2) x = 2

(3) x = 7

(4) x = 12

thank you in advance to ANYONE who answers this question:)))


Answer is x = 7

if u plug in 7 in the second expression, we can get 7 - y = 4, isolate y and then we get 3.

Now, plug in 7 in the first equation to get 2(7) + y = 17. that results to 14 + y = 17. isolate y again and then thats also 3.

x = 7
y = 3


Step-by-step explanation:

Decrease £180 by 12.5%​



£ 157.5

Step-by-step explanation:

12.5  × 180 = 22.5


180 - 22.5 = 157.5

I hope this helps.

A line of best fit must pass through all data points of a graph.
True or False?


The answer to this question is false

Kristi finds a shirt for $27.99 at the store.
The sign says that it is 25% off the
original price. Kristi must also pay the 8.5%
sales tax. What is the cost of the shirt
after the sales tax?



Kristi will pay $22.77 for the shirt.

Step-by-step explanation:

First, determine the sales price of the shirt. If the full price is $27.99, a 25% reduction is $7. Subtract the discount from the full price to get a sales price of $20.99 for the shirt.

Next, determine the amount of tax Kristi will pay for the shirt. In her state, the sales tax is 8.5% (0.085). Multiply $20.99 by 0.085 and you will see that the sales tax is $1.78. Add the amount of the tax, $1.78, to the sales price of the shirt, $20.99, and you will get $22.77 as the cost of the shirt after the sales tax is added.

Calculate the next 3 terms and write the formula for the nth term for the following sequences. 24,11,-2



next 3 terms are -15, -28, -41. The formula would be n= (n-1)-13 to get the nth term

Step-by-step explanation:

Friends, i need help with this question.



Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is 4.

Once you add 4, you get:

x^2 -2x + 4 = 7.

The left side is factorable:

(x-2)^2 = 7.

There is your perfect square.

Find the missing length of the following trapezoid



1) The length of [tex]DC[/tex] is 20.

2) The length of [tex]PS[/tex] is 17.

Step-by-step explanation:

1) If [tex]DR = RE[/tex] and [tex]CS = SB[/tex], then we can use the following proportionality ratio:

[tex]\frac{DE}{DR} = \frac{32 - x}{26 - x}[/tex] (1)

Where [tex]x[/tex] is the length of segment [tex]\overline{CD}[/tex].

If [tex]DE = 2\cdot DR[/tex], then the value of [tex]x[/tex] is:

[tex]2 = \frac{32-x}{26-x}[/tex]

[tex]52 - 2\cdot x = 32 - x[/tex]

[tex]20 = x[/tex]

The length of [tex]DC[/tex] is 20.

2) If [tex]QV = VP[/tex] and [tex]RW = WS[/tex], then we can use the following proportionality ratio:

[tex]\frac{QP}{QV} = \frac{x-7}{12-7}[/tex] (2)

Where [tex]x[/tex] is the length of segment [tex]\overline{PS}[/tex].

If [tex]QP = 2\cdot QV[/tex], then the value of [tex]x[/tex] is:

[tex]2 = \frac{x-7}{5}[/tex]

[tex]10 = x-7[/tex]

[tex]x = 17[/tex]

The length of [tex]PS[/tex] is 17.

Find the center and radius of the circle with equation (x+3)^2+(3+ 1)^2= 9. Then graph the circle.



See graph

[tex](x +3)^{2}[/tex] + [tex](y + 1)^{2}[/tex] = 9

(-3 , -1) is the center.

[tex]\sqrt{9}[/tex] = 3 = radius

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex](x - h)^{2} + (y - k)^{2} = r^{2}[/tex]

center (h,k)

radius = r





Step-by-step explanation:

i am thinking of a number.l take away 5. the result is 14 . what number did i think​


Step-by-step explanation:

First sentence

Let the number be X

second sentence


Third sentence



The number is 19

Hi there!  

»»————- ★ ————-««

I believe your answer is:


»»————- ★ ————-««  

Here’s why:  


[tex]\text{"I am thinking of a number. l take away 5. The result is 14."}\\\\\text{5 taken away from 'said number' would be 14.}\\\\\boxed{n-5=14}\\\\\\\boxed{\text{Solving for 'n'...}} \\\\\rightarrow n - 5 + 5 = 14 + 5\\\\\rightarrow \boxed{n = 19}[/tex]


»»————- ★ ————-««  

Hope this helps you. I apologize if it’s incorrect.  

There are 5 more girls than boys in a class. The girls are 60 percent
a. How many pupils are in the class?​




Step-by-step explanation:

Let the number of pupils be x, then:

there are 0.6x girls and 0.4x boys.

From the given information:

0.6x - 0.4x = 5

0.2x = 5

x = 5/0.2

= 50/2

= 25.

What’s the answers ?


hope this helps! feel free to clarify if unsure

What the additional information fill in the blanks




Step-by-step explanation:

Please I need help who want to earn 13 points ..



Triangle ISK

Step-by-step explanation:


Triangle ISK

Step-by-step explanation:

if the angles and sides of one triangle are equal to the corresponding sides and angles of the other triangle, they are congruent.

∠Q = ∠I

∠R = ∠S

∠S = ∠K

What is tanA?
Triangle A B C. Angle C is 90 degrees. Hypotenuse A B is 17, adjacent A C is 8, opposite B C is 15.
StartFraction 15 Over 17 EndFraction
StartFraction 8 Over 15 EndFraction
StartFraction 8 Over 17 EndFraction
StartFraction 15 Over 8 EndFraction



D. [tex] \frac{15}{8} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:



Tan A = Opposite/Adjacent

Reference angle (θ) = A

Length of side Opposite to <A = 15

Length of Adjacent side = 8

Plug in the known values

[tex] Tan(A) = \frac{15}{8} [/tex]

Log5 =0,699 find log 0,5




Step-by-step explanation:

Correct Question :-

If log 2 = 0.301 , find log 0.5

Solution :-

We are here given that the value of log 5 is 0.699 . Here the base of log is 10 .

[tex]\rm\implies log_{10}2= 0.301 [/tex]

And we are supposed to find out the value of log 0.5 . We can write it as ,

[tex]\rm\implies log_{10}(0.5) = log _{10}\bigg( \dfrac{5}{10}\bigg)[/tex]

Simplify ,

[tex]\rm\implies log _{10}\bigg( \dfrac{1}{2}\bigg)[/tex]

This can be written as ,

[tex]\rm\implies log_{10} ( 2^{-1})[/tex]

Use property of log ,

[tex]\rm\implies -1 \times log_{10}2 [/tex]

Put the value of log 2 ,

[tex]\rm\implies -1 \times 0.301 =\boxed{\blue{-0.301}} [/tex]

Hence the value of log (0.5) is -0.301 .

*Note -

Here here there was no use of log 5 in the calculation .

In a survey of adults aged 57 through 85​ years, it was found that 86.6​% of them used at least one prescription medication. Complete parts​ (a) through​ (c) below.

a. How many of the 3149 subjects used at least one prescription​ medication?

​(Round to the nearest integer as​ needed.)

b. Construct a​ 90% confidence interval estimate of the percentage of adults aged 57 through 85 years who use at least one prescription medication.

​(Round to one decimal place as​ needed.)



a) 272 used at least one prescription​ medication.

b) The 90% confidence interval estimate of the percentage of adults aged 57 through 85 years who use at least one prescription medication is (85.6%, 87.6%).

Step-by-step explanation:

Question a:

86.6% out of 3149, so:

0.866*3149 = 2727.

272 used at least one prescription​ medication.

Question b:

In a sample with a number n of people surveyed with a probability of a success of [tex]\pi[/tex], and a confidence level of [tex]1-\alpha[/tex], we have the following confidence interval of proportions.

[tex]\pi \pm z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}}[/tex]

In which

z is the z-score that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{\alpha}{2}[/tex].

For this problem, we have that:

[tex]n = 3149, \pi = 0.866[/tex]

90% confidence level

So [tex]\alpha = 0.1[/tex], z is the value of Z that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{0.1}{2} = 0.95[/tex], so [tex]Z = 1.645[/tex].  

The lower limit of this interval is:

[tex]\pi - z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.866 - 1.645\sqrt{\frac{0.866*0.134}{3149}} = 0.856[/tex]

The upper limit of this interval is:

[tex]\pi + z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.866 + 1.645\sqrt{\frac{0.866*0.134}{3149}} = 0.876[/tex]

For the percentage:

0.856*100% = 85.6%

0.876*100% = 87.6%.

The 90% confidence interval estimate of the percentage of adults aged 57 through 85 years who use at least one prescription medication is (85.6%, 87.6%).

The number of subjects in the study who used at least one prescription medication is 2727 approx. The needed 90% confidence interval is:  [0.8560, 0.8758] or in percentage as: 85.6% to 87.58%

How to construct confidence interval for population proportion based on the sample proportion?

Suppose that we have:

n = sample size[tex]\hat{p}[/tex] = sample proportion[tex]\alpha[/tex] = level of significance = 1 - confidence interval  = 100 - confidence interval in percentage

Then, we get:

[tex]CI = \hat{p} \pm Z_{\alpha/2}\sqrt{\dfrac{\hat{p}(1-\hat{p})}{n}}[/tex]

where [tex]Z_{\alpha/2}[/tex] is the critical value of Z at specified level of significance and is obtainable from its critical value table(available online or in some books)

For this case, we have:

n = 3149confidence interval is of 90%[tex]\alpha[/tex] = level of significance  = 100 - 90% = 10% = 0..10[tex]\hat{p}[/tex] = sample proportion = ratio of 86.6% of n to n (at the least)

Part (a):

The number of subjects used at least one prescription​ medication is:

[tex]\dfrac{3149}{100} \times 86.6 \approx 2727[/tex]

Thus, the sample proportion we get is:

[tex]\hat{p} = \dfrac{2727}{3149} \approx 0.8659[/tex]

For level of significance 0.10, we get: [tex]Z_{\alpha/2} = 1.645[/tex]

Thus, the confidence interval needed is:

[tex]CI = \hat{p} \pm Z_{\alpha/2}\sqrt{\dfrac{\hat{p}(1-\hat{p})}{n}}\\CI \approx 0.8659\pm 1.645 \times \sqrt{\dfrac{0.8659(1-0.8659)}{3149}}\\\\\\CI \approx 0.8659 \pm 0.0099[/tex]

Thus, CI is [0.8659 - 0.0099, 0.8659 + 0.0099] = [0.8560, 0.8758]

Thus, the number of subjects in the study who used at least one prescription medication is 2727 approx. The needed 90% confidence interval is:  [0.8560, 0.8758] or in percentage as: 85.6% to 87.58%

Learn more about population proportion here:

What is the measure of ∠
A. 60°

B. 6°

C. 42°

D. 49°


If it’s solving for x it’s 6 but the angle is 49

1) 18,27 – 9,756 =
2) 6 – 2,407 =
3) 18 – 5,432 =
4) 10 – 7,602 =
5) 13,013 – 12,5 =
6) 972,5 – 247,451 =
7) 83,12 – 90,2 + 12,3 =
8) 46,75 – 60,13 + 32,50 =
9) 254,0187 – 29,34682 =
10)1.015,568 – 123,712 =
no entiendo me ayudan



1) -7929

2) -2401


4) -7592

5) 12888


7) 7287



10) 891856

A boardwalk game of chance costs 2 dollars to play. You have a 20% chance of winning 1 dollar, a 25% chance of winning back your entire 2 dollars, and a 35% chance to win 5 dollars. What is the expected value of playing the game if you lose your bet 20% of the time?



For a give event with outcomes:

{x₁, x₂, ..., xₙ}

Each with probabilities:

{p₁, p₂, ..., pₙ}

The expected value is:

Ev = x₁*p₁ + ... + xₙ*pₙ

Here we have the outcomes and probabilities:

win $1, with a probability 20%/100% = 0.2

win $2, with a probability 25%/100% = 0.25

win $5, with a probability of 35%/100% = 0.35

do not win, with a probability of 20%/100% = 0.2

Then the expected value of the game is:

Ev = $1*0.2 + $2*0.25 + $5*0.35 + $0*0.2 = $2.45

And if we know that the game costs $2, then the expected value is:

Ev = $2.45 - $2 = $0.45

The expected value is  $0.45

if -2 is a zero the polynomial 3x^2+2x+k, find the value of k​



value of K =16

I hope it's helps you

Find the circumference and area of a circle with a diameter of 12 cm. (Use the approximation of 3.14 for )


here u go look at the image for the answer and i hope this helps !!!!

Graph the first six terms of a sequence where a_1=4 and r=2


Step-by-step explanation:   The standard formula for geometric sequence is an = a1 * r^(n-1) where r is the geometric factor and n is an integer. In this problem, upon substitution, an = 4*2^(n-1).

Find the size of the angles marked by letters in the following diagram.​





Solution given:

a=132°[exterior angle of a cyclic quadrilateral is equal to the opposite interior angle]


In ∆ BCO is similar to ∆ BOE


b=20°[corresponding angle of similar triangle are equal]

Please help me anyone




Step-by-step explanation:

When x = -11, x^2 = 121. y = 121 - 6 = 115.

Hope this helped,




Step-by-step explanation:

y = x^2 - 6

Let x = -11

y = (-11)^2 - 6

y = (121) -6

   = 115

Anyone good at Ks3 math?



210 Km

Step-by-step explanation:

Distance travelled is calculated as

distance = speed × time ( time is in hours )

              = 90 × 2 [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex]

             = 90 × [tex]\frac{7}{3}[/tex]

            = 30 × 7

            = 210 Km

A motorist travels 90 miles at a rate of 20 miles per hour. If he returns the same distance at a rate of 40 miles per hour, what is the average speed for the entire trip, in miles per hour?



The answer is x = 1800

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope this helps :)

Have a nice day.

Tìm x,y thỏa mãn: x^2-2xy+3y-5x+7=0


I think there's an error with this question. Mind to check it back and tell me the detail?

Find the volume of the composite solid.
10 cm
12 cm
32 cm
10 cm


Your is answer would be choice C which is : 32 cm


Your is answer would be choice C which is : 32 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

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