How did Mussolini plan to increase Italy’s strength and power?


Answer 1


He planned to expand Italian territory and create an empire.

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Which of MacCurrie’s statements best summarizes his opinion of Prohibition?


Which of MacCurrie's statements best summarizes his opinion of Prohibition? "Accomplished nothin' and did a lot of harm."





A painting by Jacques-Louis David. Roman orator Horace receives allegiance from his three sons to protect Rome. What is the title of the piece above? a. Oath of Horatii b. Oath of Horatio c. Oath of Horus d. Oath of Homer Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D



A. Oath of the Horatii


The title of a painting by Jacques-Louis David, where Roman orator Horace receives allegiance from his three sons to protect Rome is known as "OATH OF THE HORATII"

The painting was made in the year 1784 with a Neoclassical painting style. The painting depicts the 7th century BC conflict between two Rome and Alba Longa cities. And it also reveals the sacrifices men undergo when defending their countries.


A: Oath of Horatii


Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.

Complete the sentences to identify changes in the structure of ancient Rome’s government.

Afraid that the---were forming a separate legislative group, the patricians altered the structure of the government. The changes led to the creation of a --- government.

blank one options
1 consuls
2 plebeians
3 senators

blank two options
1 bipartite
2 communist



senators and communist


its just the only answers in my view that make sense

After Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to

stand firm with isolationism.
institute a military draft.
declare war on Japan.
approve an embargo of Japan.



declare war on japan :)


DE qué manera la danza folkorica peruana me ayuda a revalorar nuestra identidad Cultural?


Can you type it in English some how

Who was the most influential political candidate proposing communist idealism in America during the progressive era?


Answer: Eugene V. Debs


The Progressive era of 1896 – 1916 saw Eugene Debs become the leader of the Socialist movement in the United States when he founded the Socialist Party of America in 1901.

He ran for President as a candidate of this party five different times with the highest percentage of votes he ever got being 6% in 1912. Mr. Debs was in and out of prison for perceived actions against the government with the last being when he spoke against the U.S. joining WW1.

Which best summarizes the outcome of the Battle of Guilford Courthouse?
Greene’s forces were weakened.
Greene’s forces ended the war.
Cornwallis’ army was greatly weakened.
Cornwallis’ army ended the war.


Answer: British lost 27 % of their solders



Cornwallis’ army was greatly weakened.


edge 21

¿Qué nuevo gran periodo de la historia universal, se inicia con la invención de la escritura hacia el 3.500 a.C.? AYUDA POR FAVOR



Answer to the following question is as follows;


The first of companions, Enmerkar as well as the Lord of Aratta, explains that writing led to the development of King Enmerkar's messenger having too much to remember while going right back and forward between him as well as the King of the city of Aratta, and therefore Enmerkar had the assignment to create his communications down; and thus writing was born.

Name a state that starts with K From USA


Two states start with the letter K, Kentucky and Kansas.

Kansas is a state that starts with K From the USA.

The American state of Kansas, which is a member of the union. Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Colorado form its northern, eastern, southern, and western borders, respectively. On January 29, 1861, Kansas, which is located in the midst of the Great Plains' westward-rising terrain, was admitted as the 34th state.

On the eastern side of the Great Plains, Kansas is a landlocked state in the Midwest of the USA that is roughly in the middle of the country. Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Colorado are the states that border the state on its northern, eastern, southern, and western sides, respectively.

Learn more about Kansas here:


Find an encyclopedia article about Helen Keller, read it and write down three facts to keep in mind as you read the excerpt from her autobiography.



I hope this will help you

if it really help you mark me as brinalist please

Answer: the top person is correct


Nero became the Roman emperor in 54 CE. Where
should this event be placed on the timeline?
after Julius Caesar's assassination
O between the Punic Wars and Julius Caesar's
O between Alexander the Great's conquest and the
beginning of the Punic Wars
O before Alexander the Great's conquest of Persia


Answer: After Julius Caesar's assassination


Nero becoming emperor of Rome can only be placed after Julius Caesar's assassination because Rome only became an empire after his son, Augustus, made it one, after Caesar's assassination even though it was Caesar who paved the way for the establishment of an empire.

The Punic wars were quite a number of years before Caesar was born and Alexander the Great existed even before that.

Review the chart and then read the four statements below the chart. Which
one of the four statements below the chart is NOT true.

A. Puerto Ricans cannot vote in presidential elections

B. Puerto Ricans pay u.s. taxes.

C. Puerto Ricans can serve in the u.s. military.

D. Puerto Ricans are United States citizens.



B. Puerto Ricans pay u.s. taxes.


All of the statements are entirely true except B. While Puerto Ricans must pay some federal taxes they are not required to pay any income taxes like listed on the chart. Puerto Ricans are considered US citizens, so they can serve in the military. However, since Puerto Rico is not a state it has no electoral colleges and therefore they cannot vote in the presidential election.

Using the map, what fact can
be made about the relocation
of Japanese-American during
World War II?
A. There were multiple Relocation Centers
in California.
B. There were multiple Relocation Centers
in Montana.
C. There were multiple Relocation Centers
in Oregon.



A. There were multiple Relocation Centers

in California.


The first internment camp in operation was Manzanar, located in southern California. Between 1942 and 1945 a total of 10 camps were opened, holding approximately 120,000 Japanese Americans for varying periods of time in California, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and Arkansas


Answer: a


What impact did the caliphs have on the spread of Islam?



Terms in this set (14) What impact did the caliphs have on the spread of Islam? The caliphs' rule kept Islam limited to the Arabian Peninsula. The clans' conflict over the caliphs' control restricted the growth of Islam.

¿Por qué los nazcas reciben la influencia de los señores waris, que importantes eran estos para influenciar en los nazcas?



i dont know nga



Using the map, what fact can
be made about the relocation
of Japanese-American during
World War II?
A. There were no Relocation Centers east
of Texas.
B. Tule Lake was the only WRA Relocation
Center in California
C. Manzanar is a major WRA Relocation



C. Manzanar is a major WRA Relocation



The first internment camp in operation was Manzanar, located in southern California. Between 1942 and 1945 a total of 10 camps were opened, holding approximately 120,000 Japanese Americans for varying periods of time in California, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and Arkansas


When Americans moved west in the 1800s, they did this for many reasons. Which of the following reasons is an example of a pull factor that encouraged Americans to migrate? A. There was not enough land available in the eastern states. B. There was plenty of land and resources available out West. C. There were few jobs available in the East. D. There was unfair treatment in the eastern states.





A lot of the migration had to do with the fact there weren't as good job or living conditions in the East. Out West, they proposed better wages and living conditions.

Giving Brainliest Answer!!!
1. Knowing what you know about the topic, do you think that the “Cold War” is an appropriate name for the time period? Why? If you do not think it was appropriate, what do you think it should have been called?
2. To carry out the Truman Doctrine, the United States adopted the policy of containment. Do you think it was a good foreign policy? Why/why not?
3. Why would the United States want to help economically rebuild Europe? What's in it for us?
4. Do you think someone like Senator Joseph McCarthy could have considerable power today?



1. The name "Cold War" is appropriate as :

The Cold War got its name because both sides were afraid of fighting each other directly. In a "hot war," nuclear weapons might destroy everything. So, instead, both sides fought each other indirectly. They supported opposing sides in conflicts in different parts of the world. They also used words as weapons. They threatened and denounced each other. Or they tried to make each other look foolish.

2. Harry Truman was the first American president to fight the Cold War. He used several policies. One was the Truman Doctrine. This was a plan to give money and military aid to countries threatened by communism. Yes it was a good policy. The Truman Doctrine effectively stopped communists from taking control of Greece and Turkey.

3.The United States, as well as much of Europe, had allied with the Russians in order to defeat Hitler and the Germans. However, now they were worried about the Russians and the spread of communism. If Western Europe did not rebuild and grow strong quickly, it may soon fall to communism. Fortunately, the land of the United States had been free of war and devastation. The US economy was doing well, making the United States the richest country in the world. They wanted to help Europe and their allies recover from the war .The Marshall Plan In order to help Europe recover from the war, the United States came up with the Marshall Plan. It is named after Secretary of State George Marshall. The Marshall Plan offered help and finances to European countries in order to recover from World War II.

The goals of the United States were to rebuild war-torn regions, remove trade barriers, modernize industry, improve European prosperity, and prevent the spread of communism.

4 . No as many people are corrupt.

Republican Senator from Wisconsin- Had his own committee that looked into government corruption and alleged communist activity.

The United Nations was started after the devastation of World War II to help prevent further wars in complex three international cooperation today to you and is involved in a variety of missions and has created a number of programs in organizations that are used throughout the globe give an example of these two programs and explain how they are used worldwide and what impact might have


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Indeed, the United Nations was started after the devastation of World War II to help prevent further wars in complex three international cooperation today to you and is involved in a variety of missions and has created a number of programs in organizations that are used throughout the world

The two agencies that we can mention would be UNICEF and the IMF.

UNICEF stands for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Its main purpose is to improve the quality of education in every part of the globe, especially in developing countries. Another important function of UNICEF is to preserve archeological or historic sites around the planet.

The other agency is IMF. IMF stands for the International Monetary Fund. Its main function is to promote better economic conditions in the nations of the world and the generation of better jobs, providing temporary monetary assistance when they are living financial issues. Specifically, the IMF loans money to help countries in need.

Which group experienced increased
discrimination after the bombing of
Pearl Harbor?
A. Irish-Americans
B. Japanese-Americans
C. Mexican-Americans





The Japanese bombed pearl harbor on December, 7 ,1942


The Japanese were harshly discriminated against due to native Americans believing they were at fault for there home country wrong doings.

On Edg: In 1933, Hitler took action against Jewish people in Germany by
A. building death camps in German cities.
B. building ghettos for Jewish people in many cities.
C. boycotting Jewish-owned businesses.
D. encouraging mob attacks on Jewish communities.


Encouraging mod attacks on Jewish community.

The early Christians worshipped God in the:

all of the above


Christians worship in temples called


Hope This Helps :)


The early Christians worshipped god in the synagogue


Which statement is the best comparison of the two paintings?


which two statements

For this assignment, you'll be creating a document or project. After the Boston Tea act, you learned the colonists reacted by throwing large amounts of tea into the Boston Harbor. The king was furious and responded with the Coercive Acts (nicknamed the Intolerable Acts by the colonists). A group of representatives gathered at the First Continental Congress and drafted a Petition to King George III listing their concerns and asking for help from him. Read through the petition and then think how you might have reacted as a colonist.
Your assignment is to take on the role of a colonist and write a letter to the king explaining your concerns. Your letter should include the following items:

appropriate language to be addressing a king including the salutation
reason for writing the letter
response to the Tea Act
explanation of the Tea Party
reaction to the Coercive Acts
alternative solution to the Coercive Acts


Reason for writing the letter

How did Athens and Rome develop new ideas about the role of citizens in their government?


Answer: Athens developed a form or direct democracy, perhaps the oldest democracy in the world. In this democracy, a few citizen, mainly land-owning men, met in a central place: the agora, to discuss important matters about the city and take political decisions.

Rome developed The Republican form of government. The two main social classes of Roman society, the Plebeians and the Patricians, send representative to the Roman deliverative body: the Senate, where the main discussion and political decision were taken.

¿Cuál es el nombre del movimiento creado por los animales de la granja? de el libro rebelión el la granja?


Personaje en la obra Personaje real
El cerdo Napoleón Iósif Stalin
El cerdo Snowball León Trotski
El cerdo Squealer Propaganda de la URSS: periódico Pravda
El caballo Bóxer Dos interpretaciones: Minero Alekséi Stajánov​ Trabajadores del campo y de las fábricas de la Unión Soviética​

What type of evidence would give a historian first hand account of what occurred in the past



A textual source such as a journal would give the historian a first hand account of the daily life of the writer.


A) Written documents because they are usually the most clear and are accounts of what exactly happened.


ancient egypt quien es el criminal



Los crímenes en el antiguo Egipto tendían a dividirse en dos categorías: crímenes contra el Estado y crímenes contra personas. La deserción, la traición y la difamación del faraón cayeron en el primero, mientras que actos como homicidio, lesiones, robo y hurto cayeron en el segundo.


The Anasazi built mud brick rooms many were in the sides of cliffs what do you think this says about their society?



They weren't nomadic.

Their society was advanced and structured.


A lot of Native American tribes were partly nomadic and moved from place to place in search of food. This was not the case for the Anasazi as they had permanent structures that were built into the sides of cliffs.

This shows that they were not nomadic because a lot of effort was made to build those structures. They must have also had a very structured society that allowed for permanent settlement.

How did propaganda encourage more Americans to support Prohibition in the early 1900s?
The Anti-Saloon League lobbied Congress to encourage its representatives to support Prohibition.
Prohibition organizations spread false rumors that drinking small amounts of alcohol could be poisonous.
The Anti-Saloon League spread the idea that drinking beer produced in Germany was treasonous.
Prohibition organizations wrote articles about families destroyed by the evils of alcoholism.


The Anti-Saloon League spread the idea that drinking beer produced in Germany was treasonous propaganda to encourage more Americans to support Prohibition in the early 1900s. The correct option is C.

Why did some Americans support prohibition?

Temperance activists were attempting to mitigate the negative social effects of rapid industrialization in a variety of ways. Saloons and the boozing culture they cultivated were associated with immigrants and working-class people and were viewed as harmful to the values of a Christian society.

Prohibitionists attempted to outlaw the sale of alcoholic beverages for the first time in the nineteenth century. In the United States, prohibition was a policy that aimed to reduce drinking by closing down businesses that produced, distributed, and sold alcoholic beverages.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about prohibition here:


C. The anti-saloon league spread the idea that drinking beer produced in Germany was treasonous


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