How did Native Americans view "personal freedom"?


Answer 1


by not listening to the english government


Related Questions

What was the intended purpose of the First Continental Congress, and how did it seek to achieve its goals?



The First Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates from 12 of the 13 British colonies that became the United States. It met from September 5 to October 26, 1774, at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, after the British Navy instituted a blockade of Boston Harbor and Parliament passed the punitive Intolerable Acts in response to the December 1773 Boston Tea Party.

hope this will help u :)


See below


When, in 1774, the first Continental Congress scheduled the Second Continental Congress to meet the following spring. the purpose was to discuss how Britain had responded to their petitions and to see if any further action was needed. The First Congress had sent petitions to the King and Parliament and had encouraged states to adopt non-importation agreements in opposition to the Intolerable Acts. If Britain had not reformed its actions, the plan was to strengthen the non-importation agreements at the Second Congress.

By the time the Second Continental Congress had met, Britain had flat our rejected the petitions and was gearing up to send a much larger army to North America. War had already broken out at Lexington and Concord. American militia were besieging British-held Boston.

At that point the Second Congress had to change its purpose and decide how to manage the war that had been thrust upon it. It opted to create the Continental Army and to prepare for war with Britian.

whats the biggest sea in the world?


Answer: Philippine Sea


provide two reasons for why the Continental
Congress moved troops to Canada.



dual purpose of impeding possible strikes into their colonies and encouraging Canadians to support the rebellion.                                                    Explanation:

American forces carried political tracts as they marched into Canada in the fall of 1775 with the dual purpose of impeding possible strikes into their colonies and encouraging Canadians to support the rebellion.

Answer: -  To capture supplies and and ammunition from the British (C) from the lightly guarded fort at Fort Ticonderoga.

- purpose of impeding possible strikes into their colonies and encouraging Canadians to support the rebellion.


Why was this picture most likely taken?


Sorry you’ll need to show us the picture. Post your question again but remember to attach an image of the picture

The largest silver deposit in the US.





In 2015 Alaska was known as the nation's leading silver which means that Alaska's mines (both) were significant silver producers. Also, we know that the Greens Ceeek mine was literally owned by Hecla Mining that was produced or produced 8,452,153 troy ounces of silver.


fighting began in massachusetts when british troops…?



April 1775, It all started when the british confiscated the colonial weapons and then the British ran into an army militia.

Explanation: They took their weapons.


British troops began to occupy Boston to enforce the British laws.


This answer is based on an assumption that we are discussing the incidents that preceded the Revolutionary War. Due to the colonies' dissatisfaction with the increased taxes and other paraphernalia such as the Stamp Act. The colonists became indignant at the unfair treatment, especially having been guaranteed that they would maintain equal rights along with their compatriots overseas. Tensions built up to the point that skirmishes occurred more and more frequently, the highlight of which is the Boston Massacre.

where did Ga Adangme from the present day Ghana migrated​



They migrated from Ile-Ife in Nigeria.

Problema metafísico filosofía descripción



hope it's help you


Metafísica - Definición más larga: La metafísica es un tipo de filosofía o estudio que utiliza conceptos amplios para ayudar a definir la realidad y nuestra comprensión de ella. ... Como tal, se preocupa por explicar las características de la realidad que existen más allá del mundo físico y nuestros sentidos inmediatos

the us economy after ww1 relied in large part on


Answer: Inflation

Explanation: This was the major symptom that led the economy up to the Great Depression

I need help before 4 today


Me too unfortunately help cannot be given

How did women’s roles in the workface change during the World War 1


many women were recruited in large numbers to work in factories

Women's roles in the workforce changed during World War I by recruiting many to work outside of the house.

Many men, and even women, believed that a women's duty lied within the household. They should cook food, clean, take care of the children, and not seek jobs outside of the house. With World War I, a lot of the men were off to war and they desperately needed supplies like ammo, weapons, vehicles, medical supplies, and other war goods.

Since all of the men were off to war, many women took jobs in factories to pitch into the war effort. Many were seen making weapons and vehicles, going away from their traditional "stay at home" ethic.

24. What can you infer about the Southern economy based on this chart? (1 point)
The Southern Colonies' land was worth more because of the rich soil.
O The Middle Colonies grew more products than the Southern Colonies.
O The Southern Colonies' greatest export was tobacco.
The New England Colonies were wealthier than the Middle and Southern Colonies.



C :D


3. What sorts of labor systems were used in the
Restoration colonies?



What sorts of labor systems were used in the Restoration colonies? Since the proprietors of the Carolina colonies were absent, English planters from Barbados moved in and gained political power, establishing slave labor as the predominant form of labor.

Why did European diseases kill so many Native Americans?​



Native Americans had a weak immune system since they were never exposed to these diseases


please mark brainliest

since many of the diseases in Europe weren't in North America the native Americans immune systems hadn't experience the new diseases so they were killed off easily

How did both townspeople and monarchs benefit from their mutual support?

1. Townspeople achieved better business conditions, while monarchs widened their 1. support among nobles.

2. Townspeople achieved better business conditions, while monarchs widened their support in towns.

3. Townspeople organized their own court systems, while monarchs widened their support in towns.

4. Townspeople imposed peace and unity, while monarchs were able to save money by decreasing the size of their armies.





Townspeople benefit from better business circumstances while monarchs increase their popularity in towns, therefore both groups gain from their mutual support. Therefore, option (2) is the correct answer.

How did their joint support benefit both the citizens and the monarchs?

The villagers enforced their own judicial systems, better economic conditions, and peace and harmony. The kings also increased support from townspeople and nobility while reducing the size of their armies to save money.

By taking control over regions, especially by constructing armies, and by establishing royal courts and administrative structures, monarchs were able to exert authority over the church and nobility. They also started to rule over the Church and their nobles with royal authority.

A king could finance his army and maintain peace and security in his realm by collecting taxes from the cities that were a part of his domain. Local lords lost power and the loyalty of the populace as their ruler gained power.

Therefore, as a result, option (2): "townspeople achieved better business conditions, while monarchs widened their support in towns.," is the correct answer.

Check out the link below to learn about townspeople and Monarchs;


What are 3 reasons President Andrew
Jackson uses to convince Congress this
policy is best.



I don't have a answer but are there any answer questions?



Known as the "people's president," Jackson destroyed the Second Bank of the United States, founded the Democratic Party, supported individual liberty and instituted policies that resulted in the forced migration of Native Americans.


1 UNDERSTANDING CONTEXT Under what constitutional justification does Congress pass
this law?



So here is what I think it is.


The Equal Protection Clause is the first section of the 14th Amendment, which states "...nor shall any State ... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws..." Which essentially means that you cannot deny a person equal protection under the law. So the justification is that it is part of an amendment and therefore Congress has the right to pass said law if it follows the Constitution.

The Continental Congress offered what position to George Washington, which he
immediately turned down?
A King
B Senator
C President





They essentially wanted to make him a king, but he disliked and disagreed with the idea of a king, how so much power was in the hands of one person, so he turned them down. ( He did later become the president, tho, as we all know so well  )

why did people immigrate
to the United States during the Gilded Age


In the late 1800s, people in many parts of the world decided to leave their homes and immigrate to the United States. Fleeing crop failure, land and job shortages, rising taxes, and famine, many came to the U. S. because it was perceived as the land of economic opportunity.

Describe the catawba home?



The Catawba Indians lived in settled villages of homes and small farm plots. Catawba houses had wooden frames and bark walls. Here are some pictures of Native American dwellings like the ones Catawba Indians used.

What evidence do we have
that cultures existed in
Mesoamerica before the


The evidence that cultures existed in Mesoamerica before the Aztecs can be seen in what what was in existence there before the Aztecs came into the picture:

They had temples. This shows that there was a religious culture, They had canals, They built pyramids for their deities and also to bury their monarchs.

Mesoamerica is an area that includes south of New Mexico and some parts of North central America. The Mesoamerican cultures were Maya, Olmec, Izapa.

These regions were already around for a lot of years before they had contact with the Europeans.


the Constitution of the United can be


? i don't get it uhhhhh

What is Paul Revere warning people of?
O bad weather
O a battle
O the invasion of the British
O a phantom ship


The invasion of the British

Who Signed the English Bill of Rights



James Madison

Happy learning!



william III .and Marry II signed the english bill of rights

1. The biggest strengths of the Roman LEGAL system were.

2.The biggest weaknesses of the Roman LEGAL system were.

3.So what? Why should anybody care about this topic?



1. Strengths included a strong foundation, having been built off of the Roman Republic; the standardization across the empire of many aspects of life, such as language, law, and especially the extension of citizenship, which made the empire more easier to rule.

2. The Republic needed money to run

3. I Don't Know Im Just Trying To Help Here :|

How did the Shang dynasty help advance Chinese culture?



The sang dynast help advance chinese culture by helping them by their product . trading diffrerent feactures which were very advance at that time.

Answer:The invention of writing the development of a stratified government and the use of chariots during war


What were a few of the major hurdles that America had to overcome?​



The Great Depression, the stock market crash of October 1929.


If you need more just ask in the comments.

The Great Depression and The Civil War

Why should we eradicate social problems and evils from our society? Present your opinion in a sentence.


We should eradicate social problems and evils from our society because evil is contagoius to adults and little kids ecpecially, who learn even the littlest of things rapidly.

Why do the three branches sometimes come into conflict with one another?



Why do the three branches sometimes come into conflict with one another? Checks and Balances, political parties and the different kinds of power held by each branch are sources of conflict. A reasonable basis to believe a person or premises is linked to a crime.


Have good day

Balanced governance, ideological groups and the various types of force held by each branch are wellsprings of contention.

A sensible premise to accept an individual or premises is connected to a wrongdoing. The 3 parts of our governmant are the Legal, the Chief, and the Authoritative.The Legal branch comprised of the High Court and any little courts, the Administrative branch is comprised of the Place of Delegates and the Senate, and the Presidential branch is comprised of the President and laborers.

Balanced governance as a rule guarantee that nobody individual or division has outright command over choices, obviously characterize the doled out obligations, and power participation in following through with jobs. The term is most normally utilized with regards to government yet additionally alludes to restricting power in organizations and associations.

To learn about branches


The Southern Farmers Alliance allowed many non-farmers to join but excluded railroad officials, bankers, cotton buyers, real estate brokers and shopkeepers. Why?


The farmers alliance was an all white group. that allowed many non farmers to join but excluded

railroad officials, bankers, cotton buyers, real estate brokers and shopkeepers

They excluded some of these groups because they felt that most of the economic hardship that was suffered was because of the monopoly that the banks and railroads created.

The alliance was made up of male and female farmers and some other non farmers. These people depended on credit and other materials. But the monopoly that was in place caused increased rates of credit and high prices of goods that they purchased.


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