How did the Atlantic slave trade impact the Americas’ role in triangular trade?


Answer 1
implied hundreds of Africans were forcibly taken to American and forced to work as slaves. ... Thus, the Atlantic trade impacted the role of America in the triangular trade because "it increased the number of enslaved laborers forced to grow crops that were exported from the Americas to Europe".
Answer 2


It increased the number of enslaved laborers forced to grow crops that were exported from the Americas to Europe.



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Which is not one of the middle colonies?
A. New Jersey
B. Delaware
C. New York
D. Connecticut


Connecticut the rest are in the middle
I think in the midle

20 points pls help

what is the importance of a family tradition

Explain what this tradition consists of and why you think it has happened in your family from generation to generation


Family Traditions allow us to honor past families, and show us the value of family. To my family tradition is so that we never forget where we came from and how far we’ve come


Discuss the significant contributions of empires from East and West Africa.



You can take a look at these two websites about West and East African Empires here. Try to shorten the words and rephrase them.


West Africa

East Africa

The Soviet Union lost the Cold War because:

A. they lost the wars in Korea and Vietnam.

B. They couldn't keep up with U.S. spending on defense.

C.Communism became less popular with young people in the 1970s and 80s.
D. None of these choices are correct.








Why don't Americans get much information on the news about what is happening in other countries, unless it's a tragedy; yet everyone else in the world gets news updates about America constantly ?




Interesting question. You mean like Fox News?

I saw an ad the other day from a young lady living in Turkey. It was a plea really. She was asking that the powers that be would send planes to her homeland that we all live on this planet.

As far as I know, no one replied and Fox didn't care it.

WHAT IS the side that is against the debate topic


Yah the guy above me is right man ^^

help asap 9th grade ​



B Alexander the great


his governing organization was based on the satrapy administration of the persians

Select the sentence with the best nouns and verbs:

The bright bird soared into the air.

The sparrow flew into the sky and stole a berry.

The quick bright bird flew like a rocket.

The sparrow shot through the fog and speared a holly berry.



The sparrow flew into the sky and stole a berry


The sparrow flew into the sky and stole a berry.


It has the most verbs and nouns out of all the other statements

In which African region is settled agriculture difficult?
A. Equatorial
B. Savannah
C. Mediterranean
D. Southern Africa


The answer is Equatorial

Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.
The earliest successful attempts to explore outer space involved
moon missions
space stations





PLATO i just got it right





who is known as the father of our nation​



Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Prices for products became more affordable as a result of new forms of
, which got things to market faster and cheaper.


Answer: Prices for products became more affordable as a result of new forms of transportation , which got things to market faster and cheaper.


Prices for certain products became more affordable as a result of new forms of transportation, which helped in getting things to market faster and cheaper.

What is transportation?

Transportation can be defined as a process that involves the movement of humans, products, and other things from one geographical area to another, especially through various means (forms) such as:

Water (Ship)Land (Vehicle)Air (Airplane)Rail (Train)

This ultimately implies that, prices for certain products became more affordable as a result of new forms of transportation, which helped in getting things to market faster and cheaper.

Read more on transportation here:


What was the purpose of setting 4 time zones in the continental untied states



Four Standard Time Zones for the Continental U.S. Were Introduced. At first the railroad managers tried to address the problem by establishing 100 different railroad time zones. With so many time zones, different railroad lines were sometimes on different time systems, and scheduling remained confusing and uncertain.

Women's role in Plains Indian culture included all of the following except
a spiritual leaders
C. blanket making
b. basket weaving
d child care
Please select the best answer from the choices provided





I'm not too sure :)

Answer A spiritual leaders
Answer A

Which of the following paragraphs would not fit into the body of an essay with
the thesis below?
Thesis: Choosing where to attend college was a difficult
decision; I knew that my family needed me, but I also
desired to expand my own horizons of learning and
experience more of the world.
A. A paragraph about personal education goals during the college
B. A paragraph describing the athletic opportunities at a college out
of state
C. A paragraph comparing the benefits of colleges close to home and
colleges far away
D. A paragraph discussing the specific needs of the family


Answer: The answer would be D






Charles G. Finney (1792-1875), ordained by the Presbyterian Church in 1824, became the most prominent minister of the Second Great Awakening, leading religious revivals throughout the Northeast. Finney would become known as the "father of modern revivalism." True False





He led evangelist meetings throughout the Northeast. He also took a couple trips to England to preach. He became a top faculty member of Oberlin, teaching theology. His actions led to movements like temperance and antislavery. Historians still call him the father of modern revivalism to this day.

Did the nazi ever win over 50 percent of there votes in election



the Nazis only tallied 43.9 percent of the vote, well short of a majority.


Which group called for the immediate end to slavery without compensation?
A. Radical Abolitionists
B. Colonizationists
C. New Abolitionists
D. Early Abolitionists


Early Abolitionist


this are the pupils or group which are called for the immediate end to slavery without any compensation

Which of the following statements from the speech best supports President Kennedy's focus on space exploration?

A. "An urban population explosion has overcrowded our schools, cluttered up our suburbs, and increased the squalor of our slums."

B. "A medical revolution has extended the life of our elder citizens without providing the dignity and security those later years deserve."

"C. I tell you the New Frontier is here, whether we seek it or not. Beyond that frontier are the uncharted areas of science and space..."

"D. A whole world looks to see what we will do. We cannot fail their trust, we cannot fail to try..."

How has population growth affected urban areas according to the President?

A. schools are overcrowded

B. crime has declined

C. civil rights equality has improved

D. fewer people need welfare to survive



"C. I tell you the New Frontier is here, whether we seek it or not. Beyond that frontier are the uncharted areas of science and space..."

Note the usage of "uncharted areas of.... space", assumingly meaning that beyond the world, or otherworldly, which implies outer space and beyond.

"A. schools are overcrowded..."

Note the quote:

"A urban population explosion has crowded our schools...", which implies that A is the correct answer.

Unit 5 Exam
In the early 1900's, the Boxers
were upset that the United States
had interfered with what country?
A. Cuba
B. china
C. Philippines
D. Spain


They were upset that the USA had interfered with China!

The answer is: China

A therapist should not combine subjective and objective measures during assessment ?
True or false





Objective data are the patients record, laboratory studies, and condition that the health professional observes by inspecting, percussing, palpating, and auscultating during the physical examination. The other responses reflect subjective data.

Explain a significant development in Europe by the 15th and 16th centuries that caused a surge in exploration .



In the 15th century, Europe sought to expand trade routes to find new sources of wealth and bring Christianity to the East and any newly found lands. This European Age of Discovery saw the rise of colonial empires on a global scale, building a commercial network that connected Europe, Asia, Africa, and the New World.


mark me a brainlist

Europe attempted to extend its trade networks by the fifteenth century throughout order to locate new income sources as well as spread Christianity towards the newly discovered countries.

Europe attempted to strengthen its trading paths throughout the fifteenth century to discover new healthful benefits, bringing the Christian community eastwards to all eventually discovered countries.Throughout this European enlightenment period, conquering armies have emerged worldwide, setting up a trade network between Europe, Asia as well as the New Frontier.

Learn more:

como esta imagen se conecta con algo que ya conoces


Donde está la foto no la veo

Put the following rulings in the debate over slavery in the correct chronological order.
A. Missouri Compromise, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Compromise of 1850
B. Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Missouri Compromise
C. Kansas-Nebraska Act, Compromise of 1850, Missouri Compromise
D. Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act



the answer is option (D). Missouri compromise, compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act


Answer choice D. Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act


Just did a quiz with a similar question and got this right! Hope this helps!! :D

a conflict and how you overcame it


I hope this information will help you a lot.


Whose presidency was referred to as "The Era of Good Feelings"?

Thomas Jefferson

James Madison

James Monroe

George Washington


It’s James Monroe your answer
C. James Monroe was the president during “The Era of Good Feelings”.

Need help please it’s for PF high school. Ty
2. Which of the following grew during the New Imperialism?
A. Forced labor
B. Wealth among European working classes
C. Women's rights
D. Local rule for indigenous people



B is answer

wealth among European working classes

1. What does Williams say was God's reason for giving mankind a "Nature fitted for... Society"


Williams believed that God gave mankind a societal nature in order for people to help each other.

In this sermon by Pastor Abraham Williams, he talks about how mankind has a nature that makes them prone to being societal in nature. This nature emanates from us having values such as:

CompassionJustice and,Natural affections and feelings

The Pastor believed that God gave humans this nature so that they can be able to unite and help each other against evil men and dangerous animals thereby ensuring the survival and general happiness of human beings.

In conclusion we can say that mankind believes in society because society protects mankind.

Find out more on about humans being social at

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition money invested in a business

Michael Faraday


James Watt

James Hargreaves





it is capital if i am right


I think it would be Capital







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