How do fries, a fast-food restaurant salad, and a baked potato compare to each other?


Answer 1


there all gas


Answer 2

Hey !


The potato has much less fat than the fries have.


Potato is healthier than salad and salad is more healthier than French fries.

Related Questions

Fill in the blank with the appropriate word from below. ll porte une veste _____

A. Vert
B. Verts
C. Verte
D. Vertes



Hope this helped ♥︎


Il porte une veste "verte".

C. verte

Explication :

une veste = féminin/singulier

"verte" = féminin/singulier


A. vert = masculin/singulier (exemple = un pull vert)

B. verts = masculin/pluriel ( exemple :  des pulls verts)

D. vertes = féminin/pluriel (exemple : des vestes vertes)

Which pronoun you use when speaking to several friends ?





In French, "vous" is the formal you, but it's also the plural you. So, while "tu" is used for informal settings, like chatting with a friend or classmate, it is a singular pronoun.

Therefore, when you are addressing a group or multiple people, vous should be used.


Which pronoun you use when speaking to several friends ?



you (one adult who isn't family)

you (more than one person)

( someone "et toi" or someone "et vous")

usually uses it as plural unless it tells you that you are speaking to an adult

Which pronoun would you use if you do not want to get acquainted with someone ?




Which pronoun would you use if you do not want to get acquainted with someone ?


the answer is VOUS ( 1st person plural )

le, la, les, l' mean____in French.




THE =  'le/la'/les/l'


A/AN  = 'un/une'

a book = un livre

an apple =une pomme



the= le , la , les

some= certains

nothing= rien


Replace the capitalized word with the correct subject pronoun

Doctor Hearty , would YOU like some more tea ?




Replace the capitalized word with the correct subject pronoun

Doctor Hearty , would YOU like some more tea ?


"vous" = you (one adult who isn't family)


doctor Hearty , would YOU like some more tea ? = doctor Hearty, voulez-vous encore du thé?

YOU = VOUS ( 1st person plural)

nous savons que c est vous car en français au verbe  ( ici c est vouler) et la il prend un EZ / we know it's because in French in the verb (here it's want to ) and you need an EZ

quand il y a EZ = vous  

Nous finions nos devoirs correct sentence or not





It means : we finished our home work




Nous finissions nos devoirs

finissions = imparfait :

je finissais

tu finissais

il finissait

nous finissions

vous finissiez

ils finissaient

Review material in this lesson as needed and when you are ready, translate any ten of the following sixteen sentences into
1. Doesn't she cry a lot?
2. Not in the tower.
3. No, the princess isn't crying.
4. The king and the queen knew.
5. The princess used to sing.
6. He sang and she cried.
7. Were the king and queen crying?
8. She plays worse than the cat sings.
9. She plays well...more or less well
10. Don't they sing well?
11. Does he cry more than the dog?
12 Did the queen cry?
13. She knows and the dukes know.
14. The kings were in the tower.
15. Do the king and the princess sing?
16. Did the prince and the king sing better?​





1. Doesn't she cry a lot?

   Ne pleure-t-elle pas beaucoup?

2. Not in the tower.

   pas dans la tour

3. No, the princess isn't crying.

   Non, la princesse n'est pas en train de pleurer.

4. The king and the queen knew.

   Le roi et la reine le savaient.

5. The princess used to sing.

   La princesse avait l'habitude de chanter.

6. He sang and she cried.

   Il chantait and elle pleurait.

7. Were the king and queen crying?

   Est-ce que le roi et la reine pleuraient?

8. She plays worse than the cat sings.

   Elle joue pire que les chats chantent.

9. She plays well...more or less well

   Elle joue bien... plus ou moins bien.

10. Don't they sing well?

    Est-ce qu'ils jouent bien?

11. Does he cry more than the dog?

   Est-ce qu'il pleure plus que le chien?

12 Did the queen cry?

   Est-ce que la reine a pleuré?

13. She knows and the dukes know.

   Elle sait et les Ducs savent.

14. The kings were in the tower.

   Les rois étaient dans la tour.

15. Do the king and the princess sing?

   Est-ce que le roi et la princesse chantent?

16. Did the prince and the king sing better?​

   Est-ce que le prince et le roi chantaient mieux?

Hope this helps.

Do not hesitate if you need further explanation.

Thank you

The translation from English to French will be:

1. Doesn't she cry a lot?

Ne pleure t-elle pas beaucoup?

2. Not in the tower.

Pas dans la tour

What is translation?

It should be noted that translation simply means changing the form of a language to another form.

3. No, the princess isn't crying.

Non, la princesse n'est pas en train de pleurer.

4. The king and the queen knew.

Le roi et la reine le savaient.

5. The princess used to sing.

La princesse avait l'habitude de chanter.

6. He sang and she cried.

l chantait and elle pleurait.

7. Were the king and queen crying?

Est-ce que le roi et la reine pleuraient?

8. She plays worse than the cat sings.

Elle joue pire que les cha chantent.

9. She plays well more or less well

Elle joue bien... plus ou moins bien.

10. Don't they sing well?

Est-ce qu'ils jouent bien?

11. Does he cry more than the dog?

Est-ce qu'il pleure plus que le chien?

12 Did the queen cry?

Est-ce que la reine a pleuré?

13. She knows.

Elle sait et les Ducs savent.

14. The kings were in the tower.

Les rois étaient dans la tour.

15. Do the king and the princess sing?

Est-ce que le roi et la princesse chantent?

16. Did the prince and the king sing better?

Est-ce que le prince et le roi chantaient mieux?

Learn more about translation on:


Julie au cinema tous les week-ends.




Julie va au cinéma tous les week-ends.



julie VA au cinéma tous les week-ends

julie = elle  

va = aller au présent simple


aller présent simple :

je vais

tu vas

il/elle va

nous allons

vous allez

ils/elles vont

How do I say “Something I don’t like is doing chores” in French


French translation :

Quelque chose que je n’aime pas faire des corvées.


Something I don’t like is doing chores = Quelque chose que je n'aime pas, c'est faire des tâches ménagères


If you were sad what might be your response to: ça va. (Check all that apply.)
A) Je suis content(e)
B) Très mal
C) Ça va mal
D) Ça ne va pas



B, C and D



"ça va" means "How is it going?"

If you were sad, you could reply...

... B) Très mal, meaning "very bad"

...C) ça va mal meaning "it is bad."

...D) ca ne va pas meaning "it is not ok"

Hope this helps.

Do not hesitate if you need further explanation.

Thank you


If you were sad what might be your response to:

-  ça va ? ("How is it going?")


B = very bad

C = it is bad

Or D = it is not ok

An essay about my mother in french​



un essai sur ma mère


no problem :)


Exemple :

Ma mère s'apelle Marie.

Elle a 36 ans. Elle a de longs cheveux blonds et des yeux bleus.

C'est une mère très dévouée, elle n'est pas sévère du tout.

Elle est avocate au tribunal.

Elle fait du surf et de la natation. Elle est dynamique. Elle aime aussi la peinture et le dessin.

Elle sait jouer de la guitare et du piano.

Nous partageons beaucoup de choses ensemble et nous adorons faire la cuisine.

Elle fait d'excellents gâteaux.

Ma mère est très belle.

Replace the capitalized word with the correct subject pronoun

Dad, are YOU strong ?




Dad, are YOU strong ?


"tu" = you (one person whom you know well)


DAD are you strong = papa tu es fort


you = tu ( 2 ème personne du singulier /  2nd person singular)

In Senegal, why is there a special celebration on the seventh day after a child is born?

This is the first day the mother is allowed to hold her child.
The infant is named on this day.
This is the first day the mother returns to her work.
The village is finally certain that the infant will live.



The infant is named on this day.



I guess you need the answer in French.

Le nom de cette cérémonie est le Nguenté, ce baptême est aussi connu comme la cérémonie d'imposition du nom.

J'espère t'avoir aidé.




The infant is named on this day.

Nous finions nos devoirs



We finished our homework



Nous finissions nos devoirs

finissions = imparfait :

je finissais

tu finissais

il finissait

nous finissions

vous finissiez

ils finissaient


we finishes our homewor = Nous finissions nos devoirs






1. Bonjour Monsieur le maire, comment allez-vous?

2. Salut, comment ça va?

3. Salut, ça roule?


+ Ca ne va pas bien, je viens de me casser le bras.

+ Ca ne va pas, je ne trouve pas mes clefs.

+ Ca va super bien, je viens de trouver 20 euros dans ma poche.

+ Ca va du tonnerre, je viens d'avoir un nouveau téléphone pour mon anniversaire.

+ Ca ne va pas bien, je me suis disputé avec mon meilleur ami.

+ Ca va on ne peut mieux, je n'ai pas école aujourd'hui.

+ Ca va, je viens juste de terminer in extremis un devoir que j'avais oublié.


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Questionnaires completed by departing guests revealed a problem of product quality.Focusing on this problem, Sharon improved the Inns pizza until blind tests judged it at least equal in quality to the products of the two major pizza delivery competitors in Augusta. Sales did not improve, convincing Sharon that the problem was a perceived mismatch between the hotels image and guests expectations of pizza makers. Guests simply did not seem to believe that the traditional steak and seafood restaurant at the Inn could make a high-quality, authentic pizza.Based on this conclusion, Sharon presented the following proposal to George:"Sales of room service pizza are stagnant due to guests misperception that our product is lower in quality than that of competitors. This misperception is based on the belief that until we disassociate our pizza from the Marigold Inn name. 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