How do our facial expressions influence our feelings? How has this been tested?


Answer 1
faces communicate both the emotional state and behavioral intentions of an individual. They also activate behavioral tendencies in the perceiver, namely approach or avoidance. studies from PMC have compared more automatic motor to more conscious rating responses to happy, sad, angry and disgusted faces in a healthy student sample. Happiness was associated with approach and anger with avoidance. However, behavioral tendencies in response to sadness and disgust were more complex. Sadness produced automatic approach but conscious withdrawal, probably influenced by interpersonal relations or personality. Disgust elicited withdrawal in the rating task whereas no significant tendency emerged in the joystick task, probably driven by expression style. Based on their results it was highly relevant to further explore actual reactions to emotional expressions and to differentiate between automatic and controlled processes since emotional faces are used in various kinds of studies. Moreover, results highlight the importance of gender of poser effects when applying emotional expressions as stimuli

Related Questions

Trey is preparing for the Boston Marathon. He is putting in many hours of training to prepare physically. List three things he should include or increase in his diet specific to this type of training and explain why these are important.



He should increase his cardiovascular health and endurance by running and doing other exercises.

He should eat a high calorie diet with lots of protein and lots of vitamins and minerals.

And he should shed any additional pounds he has yet to shed because this will be quite a marathon for Trey.


Simple question. I'm happy to help.



What is the difference between a complete and incomplete protein? Give examples of two vegetarian sources of protein that are either complete, or
could make a complete proteins


Complete protein : Complete proteins have all the essential amino acids our bodies need. Animal-based protein like meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, and cheese are considered complete proteins. Quinoa and soy are plant-based complete proteins. Incomplete protein: Incomplete proteins don't include all the essential amino acids.

Activity 1. List 4 undesirable behaviours observed in your community of the people travelling in vehicles. Complete the table below: Undesirable behaviour Ways to improve this behaviour.​



1) texting while driving

2)driving too slow/fast

3) cutting people off

4) eating while driving


Using Target Heart Rate during your workout is important because it

A. manages your reaction time
B. manages the safety and effectiveness of your workout
C. evaluates your breathing
D. evaluates your muscular strength


Answer: Manages the safety and effectiveness of your workout


I feel like it wouldn't necessarily be determining your reaction time. Your heart rate doesn't equal how well you're breathing, or at least I'd like to think. Your muscular strength isn't determined by that, at least not directly. That leaves me with B

Of the 20 amino acids utilized in the body, 11 are considered 1)___________ , which means that the body is able to produce enough to meet physiological needs and they therefore, do not need to be obtained from the diet. A conditionally essential amino acid is an amino acid that becomes 2)__________ as a result of certain disorders or illnesses, but is usually 3)_________ under normal healthy circumstances.



I am going to look up some things regarding this question.


Then I will get back to you.

Of the 20 amino acids utilized in the body, 11 are considered non-essential, which means that the body is able to produce enough to meet physiological needs.

A conditionally essential amino acid is an amino acid that becomes essential under pathophysiological conditions as a result of certain disorders or illnesses, but is usually non-essential under normal healthy circumstances.

An amino acid is a building block of proteins, which are fundamental biomolecules for life.

The nine (9) essential amino acids include methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, histidine, lysine,  tryptophan, valine isoleucine and leucine.

In conclusion, of the 20 amino acids utilized in the body, 11 are considered non-essential, which means that the body is able to produce enough to meet physiological needs.

Learn more in:

Identify three professional nursing organizations that interest you. Provide a brief summary of their purpose, requirements, and any differences in focus, population, scope, or intent. How do these organizations align to your goals and worldview?




There are several nursing organizations that are developed to help keep nurses current in evidence-based practice, issues that arise within the profession, and be a good resource for nurses in legal and regulatory issues. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is an organization that provides the various boards of nursing with resources and programs by collaborating with nursing educators to keep each state current with new requirements. The NCSBN also provides the boards withevidence-based practice material to guide in regulatory decisions (NCSBN, 2019). The mission statement for the NCSBN is “The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) provides education, service, and research through collaborative leadership to promote evidence-based regulatory excellence for patient safety and public protection” (NCSBN, 2019). The American Nurses Association (ANA) is an organization that was developed in 1896 with members in all 50 states. The ANA is claimed to be the largest voice of the nursing profession (ANA, n.d.). The ANA was designed to help nurses foster high standards of nursing practice, promote a safe and ethical work environment, bolster the health and wellness of nurses, and advocate for nurses when issues may arise (ANA, n.d.). The ANA helps nurses reach the highest level of potential that they can. They are there to support other nurses with any questions or concerns. The ANA also encourages nurses to join the organization to help be the face and voice of nursing and help spread awareness. The American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) is very similar to the ANA in the sense that it isdesigned to guide nurses, but the AANP is more specific to guiding nurse practitioners (NP). The AANP has over 95,000 throughout the United States. The AANP provides NPs with information, tools, and resources that they may need to help shape the NP community

why is population education included in school education ? explain ​


Answer:Population education in the schools. Formal population education is designed to teach children in school about basic population issues and, in many cases, to encourage them eventually to have smaller families. Some programs include specific units on human reproduction and family planning, while others do not.


Formal population education is designed to teach children in school about basic population issues and, in many cases, to encourage them eventually to have smaller families. Some programs include specific units on human reproduction and family planning, while others do not. National population education programs began during the 1970s in about a dozen countries, mainly in Asia. These include Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Thailand, Egypt, Tunisia, and El Salvador. A strong case can be made for including an important contemporary issue like population in the school curriculum. Nevertheless, educational innovation is a difficult and long-term process. As a rule, it takes 5 to 10 years before new material can be fully incorporated in a school curriculum. Curriculum changes must be carefully planned, thousands of teachers trained, and appropriate materials prepared for classroom use. Moreover, differences of opinion over the need, acceptability, goals, content, methods, and other aspects of population education have held back programs in some countries. Where population education programs have been implemented, student knowledge of population issues increases, but it is not yet clear whether in-school education has a measurable impact on fertility-related attitudes or behavior.

Formal population education is designed to teach children in school about basic population issues and, in many cases, to encourage them eventually to have smaller families. Some programs include specific units on human reproduction and family planning, while others do not

Which of the following are proteins? (choose all that apply)



Eggs, salmon, steak

Explanation: All meats are good protein, eggs also have a slight amount of protein


steak - 26 grams per 3 oz

salmon -  79 grams per fillet

nuts - 7 grams per 1/4 cup (almonds)

eggs - 6.3 grams per large egg

how can one diminish the mild effects of ataxia or reduce it​



Using mobility aids such as canes and walkers may help compensate for the lack of muscle control.

Create a list of criteria you can use the select health products wisely



raw vegetables (salad)











May it helps you

Eggs. Nuts. Alomond milk. Water. Veggies. Fruits. Yogurt. Black coffee.

what is development? expalain with 4examples​



Development can be many sorts of things, but to put it simply, it is the advancement of something over time.

Developing things can be:

A baby developing into a toddlerA person with depression becoming healthy againA tadpole becoming an adult frogA poor village turning into a better area to live in.

Which of the following provides the best example of how health care can be impacted by community resources?

A. A fresh market with affordable, local produce is accessible by the public bus route.
B. Doctor's offices and clinics offer early evening and weekend hours for patient walk-ins.
C. Hiking trails, parks, and outdoor fitness areas are well-lit and patrolled for safety.
D. The local library offers access to computers, continuing education classes, and tutoring classes.​



The aswer is B


The best example of how health care can be impacted by community resources is the local library offers access to computers, continuing education classes, and tutoring classes. Therefore, option (D) is correct.

What is community health?

Community health places more emphasis on a broad geographic region than on common traits like age or illness. A city or an entire region might be included in the designated area, or it could be as tiny as a neighbourhood.

By studying health through the prism of societal structures including neighbourhood demographics and even political choices, experts assist communities in preventing illness and promoting healthy living. For instance, they can advocate for the usage of common outdoor areas to promote physical exercise and fostering a sense of community.

Learn more about community health, here:


A healthy environment ensure healthy life.Justify​



yes if you are in a healthy environment it is easier for you to have a healthier life



yes if you are in a healthy environment it is easier for you to have a healthier life


List the steps involved in developing a successful fitness program.



As you design your fitness program, keep these points in mind:

Consider your fitness goals. ...

Create a balanced routine. ...

Start low and progress slowly. ...

Build activity into your daily routine. ...

Plan to include different activities. ...

Try high-interval intensity training. ...

Allow time for recovery. ...

Put it on paper.


can I pls have a brainleast pls

Question 10 of 10
Which pathogen is killed by antibiotics?
A. Bacterium
B. Virus
C. Fungus
D. Protist



A- Bacterium


Bacterium is singular for bacteria which might be confusing. (for those who might have been confused)

Only bacterial infections can be killed with antibiotics. The common cold, flu, most coughs, some bronchitis infections, most sore throats, and the stomach flu are all caused by viruses. Antibiotics won't work to treat them.

Which of the following statements describes a person in anatomical position?


The options aren’t there

Birth control comes in two forms: hormonal methods that prevent the release of an egg, and barrier methods that prevent the sperm from
coming into contact with an egs.
True or False



This is a true startement


Do pushups make you get abs?



sit ups are better for that bc you have to push yourself up using your core muscles

but pushups work too

if a diver is 10 feet under water, how many feet does he need to move get to 5 feet above water


Answer: 15

Explanation: you are ten feet under the water, you would need to go up 10 feet to be surface level and the other five above.


He needs to move 15 feet.


If you are ten feet underneath the water then you have to move 10 feet to reach the surface.

After you reach the surface you are at 0ft above or below the water. You must move 5 more feet to reach the point 5 feet above the water.

You add the ten feet to reach the surface and the five feet to reach the end point and you will get an answer of 15 feet.

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows.

Brandon and Richard are experiencing an intense conflict over a loan. Brandon tells many of his friends that Richard is greedy.

Based on mirror-image perceptions, how is Richard likely to describe Brandon?
as greedy
as clever
as evil
as rude



as greedy


According to the scenario, Brandon and Richard are experiencing an intense conflict over a loan. Brandon tells many of his friends that Richard is greedy.

Based on mirror-image perceptions, Richard is likely to describe Brandon as greedy.

This is because, mirror-image perceptions are simply the negative way we see ourselves that we project on to others.


As  greedy!


hope this helps!

Edge 2021-2022

Which of the following is true about "natural" steroids?

A) They are illegal to use in most sports

B) They are safe substitutes for anabolics

C)They do not work better than high protein foods

D)They will bulk up muscles just like anabolics


The truth related to the natural" steroids is option b. They are safe substitutes for anabolics.

What are natural" steroids?

It refers to the compound that is found in the plants, and herbs where it mimics the human hormones.

It is acted like the anabolic steroids. It should be developed and the muscles are repaired by increasing the testosterone population.

Therefore, the option b is correct.

Learn more about anabolic here:

what are the aspects of health



I will answer

physical health

mental health

social health

economic health


may be useful


There are five main aspects of personal health: physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual.

Describe the best approach to maintaining a healthy weight as your body grows.



fruits and veggies with cutting out dairy sugar and soda

Which governmental group is responsible for crating my plate?


The answer is: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Which of the following statements about abstinence is not true?

A. A person who practices sexual abstinence might still contract sexually transmitted infections.
B. A person who practices sexual abstinence does not have any kind of sex with anyone.
C. A person who practices sexual abstinence eliminates any risk of an unwanted pregnancy.
D. A person who practices sexual abstinence may have sexual feelings but still choose not to have sex.​



A. A person who practices sexual abstinence might still contract sexually transmitted infection

The statement that is not true from the above options about abstinence is that a person who practices abstinence might still contract close contact transmitted infections. That is option A.

What are the importance abstinence?

Abstinence is a practice that is undertaken by an individual that decides not to have close contact feeling in some certain time of their life.

Although the individual may have feelings but such still choose not to have close contact with another person.

Since abstinence is a practice that involves not having any type of close contact feeling with someone, the importance include the following:

It is a 100% effective way of preventing close contact transmitted infections.

It eliminates any risk of an unwanted pregnancy.

The person who abstains cannot contact such infections because there is no transfer of body fluids that can cause such infections.

Learn more about infections here:

What does it mean if someone has a predisposition for asthma?
That person has a natural immunity to asthma and will not develop it.
That person is guaranteed to develop asthma at some time in his or her life.
That person lives in an environment with polluted air, tobacco smoke, or animal dander.
That person is more likely than the average individual to develop asthma.



the last answer is the answer

That person is more likely than the average individual to develop asthma.


predisposition means a higher chance to have a condition. There is no guarantee that person will develop the condition.


That person is more likely than the average individual to develop asthma.


Has a family background of the disease.

Match each disease to the correct pathogen type Which goes with which

Fungus. Cold

Virus. Athletes foot

Protist. Giardia


Fungus goes with athletes foot virus goes with cold and protist goes with giardia.
Fungus — Athlete’s Foot
Virus — Cold
Protist — Giardia

Also you can look at the charts to see the physical differences and characteristics!

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Explain the components of blood cells by exploring in goggle?

​its biology



Plasma is the main component of blood and consists mostly of water, with proteins, ions, nutrients, and wastes mixed in. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide. Platelets are responsible for blood clotting. White blood cells are part of the immune system and function in immune response.


Karen has developed a friendship with Angela,who has a wonderful personality but does not always do her share in the family practice clinic where they work together. Dr Rabinowitz tells Karen that Angela is going to be terminated on Friday, an she asks Karen to take over some of Angela's duties until a replacement is found. How can Karen demonstrate loyalty to her employer in this situation? How can she demonstrate loyalty to her friend Angela?



To show loyalty to the employer, Karen must take on some of Angela's roles as he asked. To show loyalty to her friend, Karen can tell her that she will take on these roles because the employer asked, due to a possible cut in staff, which would result in layoffs.


Karen should show loyalty to her employer by not talking about company positions that she wasn't asked to reveal, but she should also be a friend and inform her friend that she will be fired, so she'll be prepared when that happens.

In this case, Karen must inform Angela, who she heard that there will be a possible cut in the staff and because of that, the employer asked her to take on some additional roles, including roles that were performed by Angela. In this way, she leaves her friend prepared for the possible dismissal, but does not interfere in her employer's decisions.

Which is a short-term effect of m0lestation?

low self-image
discomfort with intimacy
regressive behaviors
self-destructive behaviors



regressive behaviors


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