How do things such as media and advertising impact our understanding of how we should act or behave in a culture or group?


Answer 1


It changes our views. And makes us decide of a certain way to act because of what's displayed on the media.


It makes us change our views. It makes us want to do things to "be cool" or to be "popular"

For example, keeping up with the trends and doing things you don't necessarily agree with. Wanting a "better" appearance, and plastic surgeries...all of this is caused by the influence the media has on some people. It can be damaging too.

Answer 2

The media and advertising can change our views about a particular thing.

It should be noted that the media and advertising impact our understanding of how we should act or behave in a culture or group.

Advertisement can be used by companies to make the customers buy a particular product. Also, the media can be used to change our views regarding certain situations.

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Related Questions

How can you keep yourself away from such social problems ?Mention any four aways answer.​



the best you can do is spread awareness.we can't change world but we can change ourselves.

the more clarity we get the better we become not just for ourselves but for also for people around us.

pay aur bills meet our obligations.

by geeting clarity our perception of things broadens and we can deal with issues holisticay addressing the causes not just the symptoms


by proper education and skills development

by involving in social organisations like clubs and welfare communities

by self-discipline

maintain good health practises


Discuss the assertion that non-formal institutions have no role to play at the processing stage of the systems theory is an empty rhetoric.



The assertion occurs when non normal institutions who want to work are unable to find work, which reduces economic productivity. However, Institutions still need care. High institutions levels are a sign of economic stress, but the lowest processing stage levels can be a sign of overheating. Unemployment can be classified as a structural or institutional cycle. Assertion data is collected and published by government agencies in various ways.


Which groups' main disagreement at the framing was over the basis of representation in Congress?
Group of answer choices

small states and large states

populists and elitists

states' rights advocates and advocates for strong national government

the North and the South



small states and large states


New Jersey wanted equal amounts (ended up as Senate), but Virginia wanted population-based representation (ended up as House). Connecticut or Great Compromise came up with the United States' current style of Congressional government, which incorporates elements from both plans. :)

e. Heat is transferred in liquids by________________________

plz i dont wanna get grounded



by convection


it happens when particles with a lot of heat energy in

liquids or gas move and take the place of particles

with less energy.

About Turkey, Israel and Iran, which of the following statement is true A. These countries are not members of Arab League B. These countries are not in the map of West Asia. C. Arabic is the native language of these countries D. None of the above​



c.Arabic is the native language of these countries

The answer is A. These countries are not members of the Arab League

Which of the following best describes most of the climate and geography of Egypt?
A. Mountainous
B. Barren
C. Rich
D. Plentiful



C. Barren


The climate of Egypt is scorching hot because of the desert, as it has dry summers and mild winters. The desert surrounding the ancient Egyptians is barren and hot.  The geography of the ancient Egyptians allowed Egyptians to live all along the Nile River. The places closer to the delta allowed them to irrigate and access water.

List some rights of children and explain each in brief.​



right to food . they also need food to survive.

right to education . if we don't read then we can't get any job.

right to information. if we don't say anything then we never get justice

right to justic. if we don't say anything then we can't get justice.

Are people in your country generally interested in studying , do you think?



people are all different so yes, some may be interested in studying while others don't.

people are in interested in studying but this could be on methods we learn in our daily lives, in term of academic performance and many other things one can think of

we must treat all our neighbor's ____




and help


because neighbor'after it will be and because treat our neighbour's and so and help treat means something like help

The best technique for obtaining information regarding student entry skills and readiness levels to be successful for a planned activity is Group of answer choices classroom observations. sociograms. administering a pretest. review of the cumulative folder.



administering a pretest.


Administering a pretest helps teachers learn where students stand in terms of their class and grade.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

The best technique is administering a pre-test.

A pre-tests is an assessment tool used in school to determine the pre-existing knowledge of a student.

The assessment tools helps to obtain information about the intelligence level of a students.

In conclusion, this technique is very effective because its helps to see the level of proficiency of a student(s) as well as readiness levels to be successful for a planned activity.

Learn more about Pre-test administering here

What type of government was established following the English Civil War?
A. Limited Monarchy
B. Constitutional Monarchy
C. Dictatorship
D. Absolute Monarchy



constitutional monarchy


The English revolution established a constitutional monarchy; it also inaugurated an age of aristocratic government, which lasted at least until 1832 and in many ways until 1914.


Constitutional Monarchy



A. Dictatorship

B. Constitutional Monarchy

C. Absolute Monarchy

D. Limited Monarchy

A group of preogressives that worked to coreect problems in American life were called



They were called muckrakers.

what is diplomatic relation in simple words.​


relationship between two countries in which they send diplomats to work in each other's country!

How are we best able to subject our ideas to the scrutiny of others?

Only by opening ourselves to information, insights, and critique from a variety
of different people

By eliciting insights and information relevant to understanding issues

By identifying, articulating, and applying reasoned responsive assessments of
issues, and take into account assumptions, facts, values, and perspectives of

Engaging in disagreement, questioning deliberatively, assessing the credibility
of information, and thinking critically


Your question can be efficiently answered with the following answer option: By identifying, articulating, and applying reasoned responsive assessments of issues, and take into account assumptions, facts, values, and perspectives of others

However, before answering this question, you need to know the meaning of the word "scrutiny." This word means "detailed thinking" and you can find that meaning in any dictionary or research platform. So we can understand that your question wants you to show how best to submit your ideas to people's detailed thinking.

The best way to present these ideas is presented in the answer option selected above. This is because this answer option shows that it is important that we identify our idea and that we work on it, before presenting it, that is, we must research our idea, structure it, evaluate issues that it can raise and how these issues can be resolved. All of this must be done with a strong foundation, which is achieved through well-produced research. This will allow people to understand our idea well and be able to evaluate it in depth, taking into account all the points we raised about this idea.

Not least, it is important that, after presenting our idea, we know how to consider and respect people's opinions about it. This avoids stress, unpleasant situations and can even enrich our ideas, because we can take those opinions and criticisms to improve the way we structure and present our idea to other people.

You can find more information in the following related question:

1/ Bằng kiến thức đã học trong tâm lý học; hãy lý giải và phân tích, tại sao trong bài thơ “Trăng của mỗi người” của tác giả Lê Hồng Thiện, mỗi người lại có một cảm nhận khác nhau về hình ảnh Trăng .
Trăng của mỗi người

Mẹ bảo trăng như lưỡi liềm
Ông rằng trăng tựa con tuyền cong mui
Bà nhìn như hạt cau phơi
Cháu cười quả chuối vàng tươi ngoài trời
Bố nhớ khi vượt Trường Sơn
Trăng như cánh vọng chợp chờn trong mây.

2/ So sánh quá trình tư duy và tưởng tượng. Cho ví dụ minh họa






Answer the following questions. (Short answer type questions) 1. What difficulties do we face if there is no means of transport? Mention any six difficulties. 2. What are the problems of transport in your district? Write some measures to solve them. the roads arenor black topped 3. Make a list of important highways of Nepal and name the places they lin stranim animals, causes several acara Explain about railways and rope ways in Nepal. ​



Lack of drainage and water course croossing damage to health and detriment to farming productivity from dust. Damage to road users and equipment from rough roads

What happens if cocoon is not boiled?



Boiling the cocoon helps to dissolve the adhesive that sticks the fibres together. If cocoon is not boiled, the fibres obtained will be brittle, and we will get fragments of the thread instead of a long continuous silk thread.


If cocoon is not boiled, the fibres obtained will be brittle, and we will get fragments of the thread instead of a long continuous silk thread.

could anybody answer me the facts on why "there should be an age limit for owning a gun"



An age limit to use a powerful weapon such as a gun should be constituted. Out of many reasons for this, one reason is that it would be an appropriate choice because people who are mature would know how to safely handle guns. Maturity is an important factor in this case because a gun-user needs to be responsible and reasonable, especially in times of chaos.

The children in our community and country should be safe and protected from terrible accidents like accidentally pulling the gun trigger out of curiosity, innocence, or lack of awareness. Changing the gun age limit would allow the holder of the gun to have more education on how and when to use it.

in the process of rotation of the earth the longitude and the keep of changing able to write​



Latitude and Longitude do NOT change they are set. They form a grid system which enables us to locate ANY position on the planet. Time is always on the move 24 hrs being one rotation of the planet. Every hour the earth will rotate 15 degrees of Longitude. Days begin and end on the International dateline which for the most part follows the 180 deg line of Longitude. If you are moving from west longitude heading into East Longitude (traveling West) You will move into tomorrow. If you are in the eastern hemisphere and travel into the western hemisphere (traveling East) then you will move into yesterday.

Which of the following statements is most accurate about human brain modularity? System 1 uses heuristics, while system 2 is more calculating; most decisions are made by system 1. System 1 uses heuristics, while system 2 is more calculating; system 2 regularly overcomes system 1's heuristics to make decisions. Both systems regularly use both heuristics and conscious calculations; both are equally important in decision making. System 1 uses heuristics, while system 2 is more calculating; both are equally important in decision making.



System 1 uses heuristics, while system 2 is more calculating; most decisions are made by system 1.


Behavioral economists stated that the human brain is very  efficient but it is usually susceptible or prone to errors.  They believed that the human brain  uses evolutionary-developed heuristics to make most decisions.  The human brain often uses and employs heuristics as they  save energy and time in decision making.


This is often refered to as short passway or shortcuts that save time and energy in decision making.


This is simply known as particular organ or subsystem of the brain which is said to be genetically specified to perform a some special functions.

Modular brain function

This is known as a separate or different localized regions of the brain that are mostly specialized to perform specific functions.

.Increased knowledge, which enables teachers to be more effective with each child.


Although there are many different ways to teach effectively, good instructors have several qualities in common. ... They are prepared, set clear and fair expectations, have a positive attitude, are patient with students, and assess their teaching on a regular basis.

Cheating on one’s spouse is widely rejected in most societies. How might an egoist complete this statement? Cheating on your spouse is permissible if __________. a.) your spouse has also cheated on you b.) nothing bad happens to you as a result c.) you do it only one time and are sorry d.) you tell your spouse



b.) nothing bad happens to you as a result


Egoistic people are selfish, self-centered people who care about no one but themselves. Option a can't be the answer since an egoist person wouldn't want you cheating on them since they believe only they are capable of doing this. Option c goes against all the things an egoist believes in, and they would never feel sorry for what they did, let alone apologize. Lastly, option d can't be the answer because egoist would never tell their spouse that they're cheating because they don't think their spouse deserves to know because as mentioned before, they are selfish! The only care about their well-being so option B seems to be the most plausible here.

What are the reason behind the positive seen in the development ? ​




Telitha notices that a coworker always undercharges her friends when they make purchases at the shop. Telitha is worried that if she reports this coworker, everyone will think she's a snitch. This is an example of __________.


This question is incomplete because the options are missing. Here are the options.

A. Bullying

B. Workplace Harassment

C. The MUM effect

D. A hostile work environment

Telitha notices that a coworker always undercharges her friends when they make purchases at the shop. Telitha is worried that if she reports this coworker, everyone will think she's a snitch. This is an example of the MUM effect.

The MUM Effect (Minimizing Unpleasant Message) is a term to refer to the human tendency to avoid or hide the communication of negative information or unpleasant news. This trend is because people believe that communicating negative information will affect their public image. In addition, they are emotionally affected.

Therefore, Telitha is concerned about reporting to her partner because this can affect her social image, and she can be seen as a snitch. So the answer is C.

Also, this is not an example of hostility, bullying or harassment because this worker is not being attacked by others.

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ý nghĩa của công nghiệp hóa trong thời kỳ đổi mới



the meaning of industrialization in the doi moi period

When Henry's little brother accidentally locked himself inside his mother's car, Henry used his mother's car key to unlock the door. Henry's action could best be described as a



Henry's action could best be described as a(n):operant behavior


According to the American psychologist Frederic Skinner, operant conditioning occurs when an organism interacts with a system that provides rewards in response to a type of behavior. That is why we can say that operant conditioning is the learning process that is based on the fact that the probability of a given response depends on the expected consequences. In operant conditioning, behavior is controlled by discriminative stimuli present in the learning situation that convey information about the likely consequences of the response.

what are the central problems of an economy?​



what to produce

how to produce and for whom to produce


Who was most likely to support the emergence of absolute rulers due to the increased economic stability that emerged?
A. The nobility
B. The clergy
C. The middle class
D. The peasants



A. The nobility


The nobility supported the emergence of absolute rulers. Absolute monarchs sought to hold higher power over their countries without restriction from any laws and church. Absolute monarchs introduce the theory of divine rights of the king. Some of the countries to exercise absolute monarchs were France, Spain and Russia.

Name three types of rainfall experience in Ghana


Heavy light and medium

Which of the following statements best describes firms under monopolistic competition?
Group of answer choices

Profits will be positive in the long run.

Price always equals average variable cost.

In the long run, positive economic profit will be eliminated.

Marginal revenue equals the minimum average total cost in the short run.



Option C: In the long run, positive economic profit will be eliminated.


The statement that best describes firms under monopolistic competition is Option C, which is "in the long run, positive economic profit will be eliminated."

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

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